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Every Creature Rescue Part 10 | Protecting The Earth's Wildlife | New Compilation | Wild Kratts

May 31, 2024
okay, I'll take you, but here's the deal, when we get to the trees, you have to take me uh-oh Jaguar, she hasn't seen us yet, don't move, okay, now she's seeing us changing plans back to the River, oh no. I forgot spider monkeys don't swim, she doesn't have to, oh yeah, cute




, bro, woohoo wa no, Mar, what's up with the hair?, oh yeah, that's how she likes it, come on, Let's go to the trees before the Jaguar finds us. Guys, the spider monkey power is ready with super long arms, long hook fingers, ERS, hyper-rotating shoulder joints, feet, grip and a prehensile tail coming towards you, activate the spider monkey power, let's get to the trees before for the Jaguar to return, uh-oh, uh-oh. let's pick up the pace bro yeah we don't want to get stuck with spider monkey powers on the ground yeah yeah woohoo woohoo wow these hook heads work the branches effortlessly and these long arms give you maximum reach on the branches shoulder joints and rotate in any direction.
every creature rescue part 10 protecting the earth s wildlife new compilation wild kratts
The spider monkey's powers are amazing, we're brachiating bro, oh even spider monkeys have to watch where they're going yeah, but prehensile tails are also insurance for spider monkeys in case they ever fall, hey, that's Grab's family, but they're drifting away, let's take our upload, oh yeah, and put these spider monkey powers on their page. It's, oh, this is one of the highlights of my climbing career, okay grabsy, there's your mom and the rest of the group, it's been great. Swing with you, friend, yes, you and your kind are. the most amazing climbers and your priation, well you are an inspiration to kids swinging on monkey bars


where and don't worry I will come back sometime and visit you soon but right now I think your mom is looking for you , well,


every creature rescue part 10 protecting the earth s wildlife new compilation wild kratts

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every creature rescue part 10 protecting the earth s wildlife new compilation wild kratts...

The consummate grabsy is back with her family swinging freely and in the


, okay guys you're both ready, let's hope the thick web works, there she goes, come on Chris, come on, go ahead Aviva, check this out, a spider orb weaver floating in an extra. light Dr. flag line this is how they travel when they are babies wow, they use their network for so many things. I have to try this maybe I can catch Denita good luck guys okay orbit I hope my aim is as good as yours when you spin the first thread of your web yes wow please please wait yes the web is amazing yes my spider silk really is as strong and resilient as a real spider Doo, shall we stop moving those


every creature rescue part 10 protecting the earth s wildlife new compilation wild kratts
Well, nothing my Jets' built-in Taylor kit can't. drive oh no she's free if she goes out over the Atlantic Ocean we'll never be able to stop her wait a second I'm picking something up it's Chris he's in front of the jet Chris what are you doing making a giant net yeah? Those golden orb weavers can catch birds in their nets and then we can catch a jet plane in our bigger nets. The frames are now ready for the sticky


. Well, you better hurry because she's coming down the valley. Now you need an extra spinet, let's do it brother, cheat. stand here little bird right here oh my god the ocean those wild cats will never catch us now yeah that's spider power thanks for showing us how to do orbit what is this dobio get my jet out of this thing it's coming now Denita stay while we


To those Spiders here you have to disable the pose beam control, there you are free now, let's take the spiders home.
every creature rescue part 10 protecting the earth s wildlife new compilation wild kratts
Those spiders shouldn't be making your dresses. Denita, they deserve to live free and in nature without working for you. Hey, come on, bro. uhoh saach Jed is going to take off, we have to get on that plane to rescue the creatures, okay, show me the kitten, uh, this is it, okay, it's black, I'll give it to you, but is it as big as it gets? Oh, so it is. so I'm a puppy, but I can't make public this puny how long does it take to reach a full, impressive size? 2 years oh, I can't wait that long.
I'm launching my new spy Poots in 2 hours, well, I guess I could inject him with some growth serum or something. The zachbots give me 10 g of sodium boride, a pound of magnesium sulfate, and a large box of pancake mix. I always wanted to invent a growth serum, but I have always had many others. Great ideas to do first, plus I've had too many interruptions from those annoying shit brothers, but not this time. I'll combine my ingredients into a growth acceleration formula and then turn you into my awesome radio model for Zack's spy. Bots Shadow Edition, okay Shadow, now we have you.
How did this get here? Where is my black jaguar? back to where he belongs live friend with his mom live friend in the shadows live friend in nature there what are we waiting for let's get in there now let's see here now spray or mojo mojo or spray how about you drip and spray? into something else besides those eggs, yeah, like cake or ice cream or something normal, you two, dare you come into my kitchen in fly suits, oh come on, not FL fly suits, these are hummingbird powers and we've come to rescue those hummingbird eggs, oh, I see.
Well, in that case, the hummingbird's powers are the easiest way to deal with Gourmand. We get so caught up in the wonder of the hummingbird's powers that we forget about its only weakness: its high energy burn and need to refuel with sugar


10 minutes, yes. We're empty, we need to find some nectar to get the power suits back to full hummingbird power. Now it should, yes, our power levels are back up to 3/10. uh-oh, tense flying dumplings are no match for the hummingbird. Really good powers. How about your source of sugary energy? Oh no, we don't have enough energy to dodge Gourmand and return the eggs to the hummingbird nest.
Follow me okay, okay, go get more flowers, but by the time you get back, I'll have dipped those little ones. little eggs in my special chocolate sauce and I will have devoured them eh hello gourmont did you know that chocolate sauce is my favorite sugary liquid thanks for turning us on we go back to the full hummingbird Powers I have the eggs that I have G Hey, hey, you let me go on autopilot It would activate a safe trip and the creature's mission to return home would be fulfilled with the hummingbird's powers. They are so cute.
We only had to wait 39 days to see the baby hummingbirds' eggs hatch, ready to fly, but it was worth it. I like how mom feeds them sugar water, hey, and look, they're testing their wings, taking a figure eight beating and soon they'll be off to find some flowers flying free and in the wild, hey, what's that ? What a strange look. giraffe with a very lumpy neck hey, that's my power suit and your deactivation module and the plans, it's the answer to all our problems, follow that pretty giraffe, run brother at 56 km per hour and use that neck as a counterweight oh No, she's going into that thicket. she's here somewhere PE necklace necklace yeah, she must like necklaces, I mean, the giraffe was really shiny, okay, okay, we have to keep our eyes peeled, even though giraffes are big, they can disappear into tickets speckled like this, looking like a necklace over a tree trunk.
There you go oh hello tie uh you know his easy tie we're just trying to get our stuff back look at the necklace our team has oh uh look I think what we have here is a genuine misunderstanding oh oh that's a good shot neck tie come on look we have our things Martin transforms Back To Human you leave with the necklace everyone is happy oh oh you are definitely tougher than me friend I give you I give you win Martin you did it you helped Neti attract the necklace showing his strength oh great, I just can't reach too high Martin, wake up, now is our only chance, wake up, wake up brother, we need your height power to reach our team before it's too late, hurry up, wait, come back, yeah, yeah, yeah, woohoo, our things we have. our stuff back good job bro good job I'll have this kill module installed in no time Martin oh thanks finally and while she's doing that who was right about the giraffe's neck Chris well we definitely found out that giraffes use their necks to reach for food that no other animal can reach it and we definitely found out that long necks are important and how giraffes fight until scientists learn more.
It's a tie, you both win in a head-to-head ending, everything is ready there, Martin, you are free to change again. to normal court thanks saiva but I will do it later. Hey, it's time for the first annual giraffe soccer tournament. Ready, Chris, ready, let the games begin. Headrest, that's another thing a giraffe's neck is good for. Hey, someone's stealing the metals, okay? make the necklace come Aviva w

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