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Russia Calls US "Enemy" & is Sending Ships to the Caribbean for Drills | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Jun 09, 2024
Now let's look at America, they have a new problem on their hands. Russia has now officially called the United States an


nation. This came from Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Pesco, let me read the translation of what he said and we are an


. country to them very similar to what they are to us again, that was the person who spoke in the Kremlin and this is the first time he said enemy because it is not something that should be said lightly, now you know that Washington and Moscow never meet They have seen eye to eye, been on opposite sides in a series of conflicts, most recently in Ukraine, but during two years of the Ukraine war, Moscow did everything it could to avoid calling the US an enemy state. just look at Pesov again just 3 months ago he said that the US was not The enemy said that Russia did not have any anti-American sentiments, but that has changed now.
russia calls us enemy is sending ships to the caribbean for drills vantage with palki sharma
Why perhaps because of last week's escalation, the United States gave Ukraine the green light to attack Russian territory using American weapons? Ukraine has already started doing it, so they are using American weapons to attack inside Russia and Russia is furious Putin says that Ukraine is attacking Russian territory with the help of Western specialists the missile attacks against Russia are carried out by Western specialists we do not we have illusions about it, what should we do in response first of all we will improve our air defense systems to destroy the missiles; Secondly, we think that if someone believes that it is possible to supply such weapons to a combat zone to attack our territory and create problems for us, why don't we have the right to supply our weapons? of the same kind to those regions of the world where there will be attacks on sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against Russia, you heard what he said basically Putin has threatened to change the situation and send Russian weapons to long-range Western enemies. weapons that could attack sensitive facilities in the West and this means that Western enemies could have the ability to attack them at will.
russia calls us enemy is sending ships to the caribbean for drills vantage with palki sharma

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russia calls us enemy is sending ships to the caribbean for drills vantage with palki sharma...

It would be a security nightmare for the Western nations that are ultimately helping Ukraine if we see these countries engaging in a war against us. What they are doing directly involves them in a war against the Russian Federation. We reserve the right to act in any way. The same way generally leads to some serious problems, that was Putin's threat, but he is not only happy with that, also looking for a show of force Russia is




to the Caribbean Sea, on America's doorstep. Russia will participate in naval exercises in the Caribbean along with Cuba and possibly Venezuela.
russia calls us enemy is sending ships to the caribbean for drills vantage with palki sharma
Russian aircraft may also be deployed to the region and they will not stop there. That's what U.S. officials have said, and I quote, we anticipate that Russia will conduct increased naval and air activity near the United States this summer. These actions will culminate in a global Russian naval exercise. In this way, Russia now regularly conducts exercises in the United States' backyard, but this time they are expected to intensify, in quotes, and the


will continue for weeks, if not months, this is clearly a show of force. Russia wants to show that even while it is occupied with Ukraine it has plenty of firepower and can hurt any enemy.
russia calls us enemy is sending ships to the caribbean for drills vantage with palki sharma
Anywhere in the world, all of these posturing are reminiscent of a different era of the Cold War, when Russia and the United States were constantly on the brink of war and the rest hoped not to get caught in the nuclear fallout that the world does not need. go back to the Cold War era Russia and the West need to reduce tension and let cooler heads prevail first later reports from the world's second largest continent hi I'm Alison MCR a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we bring you the news and Africa's newsmakers, from elections to climate change, innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts, we report from Africa, the heart of the global South, join me every weekday live on the first post.

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