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I Can't Believe This Actually Exists

Mar 25, 2024
I live in San Francisco and I have a map of humans around the city so I don't go on it, what does it mean, like open your eyes like you don't need to, like a GPS radar, just walk with your eyes open unless which are like disguising it by putting leaves on it I guess like a booby trap but I can't imagine it's a real thing you can look it up on a real radar you're not okay I'll look it up I don't know what to write on the San Francisco poop UAV, like what am I looking for on the San Francisco poop map, no chance, what and here, let's take a look here, okay, if you're in the San Francisco area and you want to get out of Buena.
i can t believe this actually exists
Vista Park as soon as possible, let me tell you what that place is, a land that a land mine is waiting to explode, so


is updated in real time so that someone sees it on the street and reports it to the poop, the map of San Francisco poop, yes. real stool epidemiologists Chase Center is doing pretty well, it seems like there's just one load, zoom in oh no,


isn't this, it's like human beings walking around, I'm sure, oh no, no chance, let me see how deep can I go, can I see Google Street View live?
i can t believe this actually exists

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i can t believe this actually exists...

Let me inspect the poop for myself, maybe it's mislabeled. This is a bit wild. How accurate is this? Do we have boots on the ground in Clinton Park? You can tell me? if there's a mountain here off the road they're in buildings they count as toilets that don't flush this is a parking lot oh okay man Clinton Park is good Clinton Park is getting hit hard right now someone came with the damn drone strike here, poop Ed them, I tried, it didn't do anything, oh nevermind, oh my god, they haven't


marked it as a wild animal, human or animal waste. 269 ​​Clinton Park, whose supervisor eight feels like an SCP.
i can t believe this actually exists
Yesterday was Taco Tuesday, oh right, yeah, we're doing well in the thick of it, ah, deal. See at the bottom, okay, I probably can't show that on the stream, but I want to see what makes you a level one monster. Show level one Denny and the resub Ethan and thank you there let's see there is no way there is no way there is poop here no, this is fine, this shows the actual view of the street where it is, so if you go here you will see poop on the street, I guess. Well this looks like a real toilet, there's a bit of a gross area in there, okay this is a hot spot right now for the public.
i can t believe this actually exists
I guess the poop stream, let's go, yeah, I'll have to take a trip there if you click the URL. shows you the URL let me take a look more info oh my gosh okay that's awesome the map looks accurate I guess but maybe it's a giant scam so based on the URL the piece of poop that's right Next to it it looks like a port-a-potty. but I didn't see any port-a-potties on Street View, so let's go back to Street View and see if I can locate the Genesis. It said USS. Oh, it will be here, it will be here, yes, 100, wait, let me turn. the corner, yes, I know the street view is old.
I'm just trying to locate it like where the antenna was and I think it was here, yeah, there, it was right here, wait, can I come in? I can enter? parking lot can you let me in oh Jesus wait? I see it's not a port-a-potty, it was right there. I don't think you can show actual pieces of poop on the broadcast, but they took a turn right there and someone took the photo correctly. and I put it on the San Francisco poop mapper it's a dog they said it could be human or animal but regardless of the dog the owner still has to pick it up so bad owner oh yeah you're right this is a place of pet food.
I didn't even read that, okay let's see what else has been mapped and plotted for Clinton Park to have been invaded. It seems like a lost cause, let's go somewhere else. San Francisco fans, what's your favorite place to visit? Let me see if I can find any collectible maps nearby. Golden Gate Park, that's not fair, that's cheating, we know Golden Gate Park is going to be a damn hot spot. In no way are you telling me that Golden Gate Park has less poop than a single street on Clinton Clinton Road, which is consumed, oh right, yeah. they could be eating it I guess so, I guess, oh, what is this?
Sir, this place has been bombed. uh, let's go to, let's go to Clayton. Is there anything that says simply human where there is no guesswork? This is definitely a human, let's see. there's no doubt about it an animal couldn't leave this behind let's chip in yeah it'll be the new r slash place you'll just make art out of san francisco poop map it seems like it will always say human cut waste let's go to this one let me take a look oh this one doesn't have a url either this one this could be a fake report okay this one yeah oh boy oh boy oh that one was criticized okay let's see if I can match the area here so someone took this front door and the smeared all the way down, so let's see if we can find that door before we shit right now, let's get on someone's door.
I think this is a lounge, okay, not here, it was a big black double door. building I think let me check again I think they were double doors, yes, double doors, gold locks and an exit handle, 5 presents, Subs Bliss and the rest of James, the monkey, Josh, the Purgatory cats and the main one, right, okay, let's see, keep your eyes peeled for two black people. Doors with golden handles The perpetrator could be anywhere he is at large Can I go this way? Jesus Christ, please. I can't go anywhere on this street. Did the Google truck just say it's too gross?
I'm turning around, what are we going to go this way? it's like geo-guessing but yeah, oh we're getting close because here are the double doors, now you're just looking at two black double doors, the gold locks were probably refinished, bro, they're getting stained. I don't think it's been renovated too to be Well, one of the doors is held up by a piece of wood like this, but it's not this place, although I guess it could be, maybe there's poop in here right now. The windows are boarded up with wood, the locks are gold, there are two black doors and there is a photo. frames on the sides and there are stains on the door that won't be in the street view, I don't think so, but we should be able to get a good idea of ​​where it's based, like there's a bunch of pictures going up to the door and I really think who is on this street can you draw us a sketch of the police oh black door golden handle golden luck but these are not double doors and there is no room for picture frames but we are close this could even have been the person who I think we are close God , I'll feel like a real detective When I


find the place I was waiting for a minute, wait just a moment of Patty freaking out about this, uh no, I thought it was a black door, it's not, there's no door there's a blue pill in the better spaghetti yes, I don't know what that means either Brad I don't know what the supervisor thing means, is it a theater?
It sounds like you're describing the front of a movie theater, not picture frames. I mean it doesn't have pictures but printed essays, it looks like what's hanging has permits and they're in little frames that lead to the door, honestly they could be black double doors because this street view. It's from 2014. while poop is 20 22, I think it might have changed over time. I really think this could be it, let me check the file. Okay, maybe so, I'm reviewing the evidence, just give me a second. There is so much poop in here that every time I try to cut it there is more poop smeared on this door.
I mean, I can show it like this, but I don't think it's going to be very useful in our mission here. Do it anyway, but I don't think you'll succeed. I don't think you're getting too much. Well, down here where it's cut out, there's just a mountain of, but yeah, these are the doors we're looking for. around and around there are photo frames with permits, I think, framed there, but yeah, the more I look at this, the more I realize that it's not the same door, there's a glass door and I don't think they would have completely replaced anything else .
I noticed that it leads to the door, you couldn't see it, but it also had black tiles, so not only does it have concrete here, but it transitions to black tiles, so that should give us a clue like what they did here. See how it becomes a rug instead of a rug. They are black tiles. Are you trying to guess the city? No man. I'm trying to find where this man took. No. I know this is San Francisco. That's why we are here. someone said San Francisco is really nice and another guy said bro I literally have a map on how to avoid poop in San Francisco and I didn't


him and it turns out he was telling the truth, there's a whole map of live poop updates. with images, URLs and street views, but why does poop happen here?
What is the history? I do not know, man. I guess San Francisco is kind of gross because this map has photos of everything in public everywhere. I don't think we will. Although we will find this place, I think Street View took us too far, but if I had to guess, it would be like one of these residential areas, like the steps leading up to the door or maybe even outside the garage, maybe, but yeah, we won. I can't find it. I don't think it's a live map or all the poop people have found. I think it's a live map, so if we go down here to go down here, this looks amazing, this is really attractive.
Damn, they're building buildings out of poop around here, so if we come here and click on them, they tell us the date. I think it's okay, so it looks like there are a couple of logs right next to the street in front. of a telephone pole, let's see if we can find that telephone pole, okay, we're on that telephone pole here. I want to see if it's the same graffiti too because this is a street view from June 2021 so the graffiti is probably the same no. this one oh I actually checked the evidence so there should be a blue stripe on the front of the telephone pole with black text that says T something but this is so faded I can't tell and then on the telephone pole there were two Stripes yellow ones that had a lady's name on them I can't say if this is it even though we checked another telephone pole but it looks like it could be the one but I feel like all the telephone poles will have something similar here, they don't. one, the graffiti is too good, we have definitely found the right sidewalk, although the yellow on the side here in the picture I thought it was a lady's name, but I don't think it is yet, there are a lot of rights in front of this that was recently documented, oh come on, we finally located one, so if you're in the area, avoid this particular telephone pole on Osage Street, well that was nice.
I can't wait to visit San Francisco. I'll buy it. have a drink and we can go see that sounds like a plan we'll just start documenting all the feces everywhere 233 Osage Street another one by a pole we have a neighborhood watch here just looking now grab a flashlight and call the police

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