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WHY are there so MANY Coins in the River? Found Old Coins Everywhere!

Jul 02, 2024
I have a complete shoe. Buckle. It has the tongue, the shape and everything that goes into it. I


two of them. That is incredible. I like this place. I like this place, there are a lot of big rocks down here, it's a little hard to dig when I'm here in deeper water, but it's worth it, it's amazing, I've been digging a lot of big targets like that and then bam! comes to the party which is amazing complete shoe Fasten the tongue and chap the Chap is a little broken one of the tips of the tongue is also broken a little but they usually don't come out this complete with the gills


times Sometimes the guts They are made of iron so they rust and corrode, but this all looks like brass, why are they glued together?
why are there so many coins in the river found old coins everywhere
It is so impressive that it is nice to see a fine colonial leaving this place. It's been a load of rubbish yeah.that's definitely Sil Sil silver salt shaker silver salt shaker at least that's what he calls it it's silver you think it's silver it's ringing 90 oh wow yeah that's cool especially if it's silver I mean , it's black like it has weight yeah, that's cool, you have other things in your pocket, you have this cute flash lid, that's cool, it just broke, it's a shot glass, yeah, probably a don't know what in the world, that's lead, didn't you find a coin or something I made, how about this lead spoon bowl, that's right?
why are there so many coins in the river found old coins everywhere

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why are there so many coins in the river found old coins everywhere...

Surprise, I'm not the rat tail on that one, I don't know what in the world that is. I'm getting too much of this, I don't know. What the heck are older but undesirable trash items? Do you remember where you're putting all this stuff? Whatever that flat thing is, it looks the size of a Farthing. I thought it looked a bit like a coin. Yes, unfortunately, that was a coin. It's not even worth approaching right, oh man, and you have a thick Indian here somewhere that could have been the one you had in your hand, yeah, that's a little fat to find things in, there's a lot of Target here, Don't forget all these things here.
why are there so many coins in the river found old coins everywhere
Mark's salt shaker lid thinks it's silver he said it definitely sounded like silver. I'm sure they made them out of silver. I hope this is one of them and it's not just lead. It's definitely heavy. Definitely great. It's definitely not new. I like it more. your alarm clock really yeah someone hated that thing 19 sign oh I have a whole bottle but that's a small bottle Bros eler the bottle yeah BR my salesman hell yeah this is what your piece of your bottle was yeah they're not very weird seler i have to find my metal sign downstairs oh i have a doorknob okay doorknob and a bottle from 1920 oh there it is oh cool it's one of those fish knives so the handle is crooked how do you eat fish with that and there's old pottery too that looks kind of old right there, oh, a broken teacup and a fish knife, a fish knife, yeah, that's got the handles bent like that, it's taking the bones out of a fish fillet or a whole fish, let's see if I can straighten this out. part, uh, scary, uh, straighten it out, we'll do a close up sew, definitely some nice early pottery here, but this is cool, I think it's called a fish knife, it's twisted like this so you can peel the meat off the bones when I'm eating whole fish, I think so.
why are there so many coins in the river found old coins everywhere
Mark likes that it's just a butter knife. I'm pretty sure they call it a fish knife and it's made of gold, solid gold, and brass. It's really cool, though I like it. Yeah, it's a fucking deer slug. The insect just flew in. my nose something else over here this thing you want to see a no example needed I want to see a no example needed yes no no no example needed oh my gosh, probably my best coin in about a year and a half, holy cow pretty coper uh yeah, there's Dae and everything yeah 30 something 173 something this is the same coin he dug before but this one looks like new Dro brand new oh my god, you're like, what do you like to get


out of the water?
They all see each other. like shit, that's not something that looks like shit, that's why we make it awesome, it's beautiful, holy shit, yeah, look at that thing, that thing was minted, brought across the pond and then lost, the beautiful King George , the second Early Head, as I said, the same coin he dug. earlier, but in much better condition, even when the date can't really be deciphered, the last digit looks like 1731 or 1734 either way, an absolutely beautiful 1730 copper coin while it's drying, look at that thing making the day for sure 131 14 still looking for a button today and there is a button yes I finally have a button it's been so long of course there's nothing on it it has a little D handle sweet little 2021 down here how about it's a good thing?
I think I have so


signs here that it's hard to say I can't. I don't have my SL in my hand. My hand has small sounds. It's tiny. Damn, it's the smallest button ever! Oh my god, that's the smallest thing ever. It has an eagle. What the hell is that? It looks like that too. the smallest war button ever. I'm serious, yeah, I don't know what the hell that was, maybe it was because of a docking link or something. A little eagle, it doesn't sting you like it's in the water for so long, what are you?
It stings, look, how small this thing is, look, it's on a finger. That's how small this thing is. Put it away, it's so small. I have no idea what it was. It's a little. You know, it looks like a Civil War aerial navy. button Eagle sitting on an anchor but it's a small thing I love it there is my other button you have a lot of big things about things what is that thing? Yes, this is a colonial nipple from a baby bottle, how do you like it? a hard bag of yeah, they drank a lot too, what's on your shirt, turn around, let's see it there, it's, oh yeah, old Smiley with the smiling shirt, what, what's under here, oh, there, okay , we decided to call it, we were all beat Dead Tired, you know, save some for next time, uh, great day on the water, we tried some new places and some of them definitely worked, quick look at the board, there's so much overflow, You know, looking at the trash can, the typical L suspects fishing sinkers. and aluminum, among other garbage, all this is overflow, all this is overflow marks, much of this will end up in the garbage can.
This is an interesting piece, it almost looks like maybe it went through a belt loop, maybe it was holding a flag. I do not do it. I don't know, that's what Mark was saying, I had to do some research on it, but you know, a lot of stuff overflowed, there's my RMA Selzer bottle that made a loud noise, a lot of this big stuff came out of the last place on the one we were in. You know, alarm clock pieces and twisted wire, a lot of junk, some ceramic, a lot of glass, but look at the good stuff.
Mark, you have a spoon, an old spoon, and a little salt shaker that's probably lead and not silver, but he's going to try. to prove me wrong later, the spoon is definitely the main companion, um, you got a lot of talking money, all these wheats, four weeds, three, four, wheedies, they're all indians, apparently, he's calling those indians , you have a cue button and another little button there, it has a couple of buttons. There aren't many buttons today, but he did get a little silver dime from Rosie. She's probably been there too long. You now have a pair of copper


, both King George II and the one below is absolutely phenomenal.
Same as that coin, but you can see how some of them hold up much better in the water than others. Hey Smiley, what you have here has a harmonica. It could be the top of a black powder vial. More alarm clock parts you got. uh the clay pipe stem you got on some buttons is a wedi, yeah wedi and whatever that thing was when I saw it is a ra. I don't think so, but here are all my things, I have a ruler and a sash. Buckle has the crele. Bell, whatever that is, a couple of umbrella slides, a bunch of lead, some cue money, a weird diamond shaped piece of lead, a button, I only have one button today, I have Camel Joe in the


, uh, one wedi, they get this beautiful shoe.
Buckle in the uh, 39th regiment cross cannon pin, that thing is amazing, it was my day maker. I got a cleaned copper, this copper here with a little bit of side light. I can see a little, uh, little hair bow there. I think it's a Williams and Mary that's from 1690 and I have. That little Eagle thing, I don't know what it was about. I doubt it was a button and I got a little C in half roale Spanish where it doesn't show up very well, that's the obverse, but yeah, why did we find that? Lots of coins in the


because that's where people lost them.
To answer that question until next week. Thank you all for watching as always and helping clean the floor. Dig everything up and take the trash away. Why do all the holes matter? That's right, what are you doing? laughing thanks for the information cther obviously good let people ask you know it was a good day it was definitely a good day. I love that we


some interesting things and will be back next week. See you and then we'll try to put the heat on Mark's camera it's hot the heat is trying to ruin my day ruin your day yeah you're trying to ruin you're ruining my dig no no you said you're gonna dig a dime silver, so I'm going to come see I was a lion, maybe a lion, a tiger, a bear, which one are you?, oh, we'll see, you're a lion, a tiger bear, you got it.
It was 81 when I came here, well maybe it didn't sound better than that. It definitely sounded better than that when I started looking into it. Because? If you mess it up, you could tip it over its edge. Why don't you put it in the scoop I'm trying? Maybe it sounds like you. You're crying for me. I'm, this is going to the bug coil, come on, man, what are you doing? Do you want to run out of battery? Get it out. I don't hear it anymore, although please, no, we're 2 minutes away here 2. minutes my life I'm never coming back did you understand it or not I don't doubt it I don't hear anything you don't doubt it you can't find things like this isn't it amazing right? okay I'm going

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