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Jun 07, 2021
Hey guys, today we're going to take a look at the seven


of taking a


shower, so let's jump into the dreaded


shower, even though we had to enjoy it at some point in our lives, maybe you'll be the last one. shower and all the hot water was gone or maybe you were even enjoying a nice hot shower but then someone turned on the hot water tap in the kitchen and you were in for a cold surprise either way, although I'm sure this experience It sucked at the time. We're actually doing you a favor because cold


have numerous


for the body and mind, so let's take a look at what they are.
7 benefits of cold showers
Increases alertness. Hot


are nice, but the drop in body temperature when you finish the shower puts you in danger. a sleepy mood, cold showers, on the other hand, increase your alertness. Try standing under a cold shower and feeling drowsy as soon as the cold water hits you, you will probably take a deep breath and continue this deep breathing while your body is in shock. So why does your body force you to breathe this way? Your body is increasing its oxygen consumption to help keep warm. Our heart rate will also skyrocket, which cheers us up and gives us a boost of energy.
7 benefits of cold showers

More Interesting Facts About,

7 benefits of cold showers...

Not a bad way to start the day off right, number two. Healthy Hair and Skin Hot showers strip hair and skin of healthy natural oils that can make us feel dry and itchy. Cold showers make your skin look healthier because they close your pores, which prevents them from breaking out. Cold showers are also great for your hair, they make your hair shinier, stronger and healthier because the cold flattens the hair follicles and improves the hair's ability to grip the scalp, so if you have great skin and healthy hair that doesn't fall out, change your shower from hot to cold.
7 benefits of cold showers
Number Three Increases Testosterone in Men Studies have shown that cold showers increase testosterone in men Increase your sperm count Increase fertility Think about it for a second why do men have their testicles hanging outside their body? It is to keep them cool because I need you to have an average temperature that is lower than your body, this is also the reason why your eggs tighten when they are too cold, they are trying to get closer to your body heat, so Taking hot showers warms up your old testicles, which reduces testosterone, but cold showers cancel them out and increase your testosterone, so be brave with your balls and take the plunge.
7 benefits of cold showers
The number four stimulates weight loss. Are you ready for some oversimplified science? Great, we have two types of fat in our body, brown fat and white fat. Fat is bad, we get white fat when we eat more calories than our body needs so we don't end up burning this fat for energy. This type of fat usually accumulates in certain areas of our body, in the case of men, it usually results in On the other hand, a brown fat with a belly is good fat, it generates heat to keep our bodies warm. The cold temperature of a cold shower activates brown fat to keep the body warm, which uses energy and stimulates not too much weight loss.
Number 5 Speeds Increase Muscle Recovery We hear about professional athletes taking ice baths to speed recovery, but cold showers can have a similar benefit to having had a great workout and going to bed feeling like a champion because you're not It hurts not even a little bit, but the next. Tomorrow, you are a broken man. This is called delayed onset muscle soreness. Do EMS. It is the soreness and stiffness you feel in your muscles 24 to 48 hours after training. Taking a cold shower relieves late-onset muscle soreness so you can get back to running. No time, the number 6 reduces stress and relieves depression.
Jumping into a cold shower is not easy, it is stressful, but if you constantly have hours of culture, you will develop a tolerance to stress. Distress tolerance will spill over into other areas of your life such as your body. you get used to dealing with stressful stimuli. Cold showers have also been shown to increase levels of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant. This antioxidant reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a known precursor to diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Cold showers also relieve depression. If you have taken a cold shower, you know that your body has this great emotion.
This is because your skin has receptors and when cold water touches your skin these receptors become ballistic and your brain is flooded with an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses and this has an antidepressant effect if you hadn't heard of dr. Then Rhonda Patrick consulted her, she's brilliant and she wrote a report called cold body shock in this report dr. Patrick starts by talking about stress. Most of us think that stress can only be bad, like when you are distressed, but stress can also be good. The term for this is U stress. This beneficial stress is usually a short-term stress that, in the right dose, can trigger a response in your body that results in a net gain.
A good stress on your body is cold shock therapy. increases the release of the hormone norepinephrine also known as noradrenaline the release of this hormone has a positive influence on your concentration and your mood and Lastly, number 7, develop great willpower, soaking in a cold shower is not a walk in the park, it takes willpower, but you will discover that in life there is often a benefit and doing the things we least want to do. I recently listened to Tony. Robbins talks about this: He uses a cold water plunge pool every morning and he wakes up every morning and wants to jump in that pool.
He is not human. Tony Robbins is still human, but he has trained himself not to negotiate with his mind. Your mind will always have an Excuse me, but you have the choice to listen to it or not, so don't think about it, don't even choose it, just get up and do it and you will start to enjoy the benefits of this practice, and that's it for me. Guys, I hope you found it interesting. Below I will put a link to dr. Rhonda Patrick's website and YouTube videos of her appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience are very enjoyable.
I will also link to the page on Tony Robbins' website that talks about the power of cold water. Thanks for watching. See you. Next time

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