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We Found Something ENORMOUS at the Bottom of the Ocean...

May 14, 2024
So by now I'm pretty sure many of you know that I love weird and wonderful facts about places on Earth, even in space and stuff like that, but there's one place I've never delved into, sorry for the pun, it's the deep


. I've seen a few things here and there, but never really delved into them. I did it recently and was absolutely hooked. I'm sure most of you know that right now there is a place on our earth called Mariana. Trench, but here are some things you may not know. The deepest part of our


is called Challenger Deep, named after HMS Challenger, whose crew first plumbed the depths of the trench in 1875.
we found something enormous at the bottom of the ocean
It is now located beneath the western Pacific Ocean at the southern end of the Trench. the Marianas Challenger Deep is about are you ready for this 10,935 m or are you not really sure how that works? 35.8 76 feet deep on March 26, 2012 James Cameron reached the


of the Challenger Deep And if you don't know who he is, he's the director of Avatar and the amazing Terminator movies and aliens and many more, and his trip was the Mann's first expedition to the trenches since 1960 and actually not just one either. There's more to an expedition led by retired naval officer Victor Vescovo, who piloted his submarine to 10.927 M, which is about 35.8 49 feet deep below the Earth's surface, making it the deepest dive. ever recorded where a human being has been.
we found something enormous at the bottom of the ocean

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we found something enormous at the bottom of the ocean...

Those depths, this place is deeper than the highest mountain, so if I'm not mistaken, I think Everest is still the highest peak. I know things change and move all the time. I saw


I don't know. exact signs behind this, but I have some notes here that say Everest is around 29,000 and some change feet high, the Mariana Trench once again is 35,800 feet deep, just think about that now, even though of the lack of light and somewhat hostile conditions, they actually live. In fact, there are over 200 known microorganisms and smaller creatures living there and more and more discoveries are being made.
we found something enormous at the bottom of the ocean
I don't really know if you guys are interested in this stuff, but I was doing a little bit. of research and then my mouth got wider and wider and I kept reading more and more. The most impressive to me is this one from January 23, 1960, US Navy Lt. Don Walsh and Swiss oceanographer. I think I'm going to say this wrong, but I'm going to try. Jackz Picard descended 35,000,814 feet to the lowest known point on Earth 60 years ago. Well, if it was 1960, it was 64 years ago. That blows my mind even more now with that, guys, welcome everyone to the trenches.
we found something enormous at the bottom of the ocean
Recent seismic activity in the Atlantic Ocean has uncovered a trench currently speculated to be one of the deepest points on Earth. Oding Corp, a major research corporation, sent a team aboard a Neptune to investigate the trench and report any findings by 17:20 EST. Contact was lost with the Neptune crew. It is presumed that there was an accident and the crew did not survive. A salvage mission was planned and Pandora and an advanced recovery ship were dispatched to gather data on the wreckage and investigate the cause of the accident. I think that's what we're okay, let's do this, okay, we're on look our little ship, Pandora, is heading into the unknown.
All this business. Warning. Be careful when handling it, so the model for this is that all systems are. working properly, okay, I saw that interaction button, I thought we could open


, lights, terminal, engine, okay, let's get to it, Neptune could use our help, oh, let's keep this a bit brief, although I wonder what you guys got passed and I. I wonder how we're going to find them if they're so far down. I mean, the ocean is huge, even if it's an isolated area. Think about the Mariana Trench. Odin. Oh, welcome rescue and recovery ship Pandora.
This boat is designed for rescue. and Recovery Missions All Odin research ships emit signals, making it easy to locate stranded ships or to assist in data recovery. Parts as a safety measure in case of accident. The ship is equipped with a mechanical arm that functions as a recovery tool. The arrow in. The console indicates the rotation of the ship. Align the arrow with the signal icon to find the target location. On the right side a rough estimate of the target depths will appear. All parts of a signal emitter also activate a sound that you will hear as you approach to view the ship's controls.
You can always click on the controls tab to see the status of the ship. You can click the status tab or click Next on this screen. Okay, I'm Hammerhead Mission Control. He speaks checking the communications operator. This mission is complicated. I have uploaded all the information to your console, follow every signal and recover all the pieces of the Neptune. Orin cor wants to recover all available data and investigate the cause of the accident. She tries to return safely. Good luck, that's not what you want. listen before you go on a trip like this try to come back in one piece okay so we've got a little heads up display we've got the RS Pandora we've got a little readout we've got our depth target out of range so I guess this is what we need to find and investigate, that's when we will enter its range and it will tell us that the signal detected a potential range of 700 to 1100 M and we need to keep it aimed, is this signal?
Yeah, I guess it's this one, okay, I saw it now and I saw then that they just mentioned the arm. This thing I need to know, we can't move, oh that's scary, so while this is coming out like it's trying to grab, I don't know if it's going. be like parts of Neptune or something else, the signal emitters they were talking about while this is available, I can't move so we are completely stranded at the mercy of whatever is around us, oh, it's too slow, it's okay, grab oh no, wait, ah, there we are. Go and make sure you retract that so we can move, okay, so the first signal is between 700 and 1100.
Is this it? Wait, how did we like the change? Ah, there we go, so it's this one here, I got it, it's so strange like being able to do it freely. moving with the mouse like this and interacting with the screen it will take me a second to get used to going up so we can go down with this okay, I'm understanding this our little Pandora, it may not be the biggest ship but hopefully we'll find out what happened to it Neptune. I would love to do something like this. I've said it before and I know many of you have heard me say this, but if there was a chance to get out. and do a crazy adventure like this if the possibility of returning was astronomically High High because things have been tested.
I know there's always the eventuality of something you haven't run into the unknown and stuff like that, but that would be cool, okay? Where are we then, so 450 M? Wow, we've got a ways to go, okay, let's start going down then and there's no other screens around here where I can see the back of Pandora, so, oh, that lets us, oh, there. It's right there, so we're right below it, let's wait, let's go up if we get too close. I'm waiting for this to change or if it will change. Oh, there we go, target in range.
Oh, it's really like I'm going to. Be specific, okay, let's move forward this way and now I have no Pandora controls other than the arm, that's all, so come on, let's do this quickly, here we go and it lit up green, so grab it good and come back and retract. his own data recovered by analyzing the audio log


playing now this is Captain Collins with the crew of Neptune we are the first to explore this trench as part of an Odin Corporation effort we are glad to have the opportunity to see this before anyone else yet We wonder why Odin only sent a group to investigate?
So far we have descended 400 m. The trench appears extremely deep, but it is unknown how an earthquake in a supposedly non-seismic region could have created this interesting and very well done, we got all the data from that part. keep looking for the other parts on your console, sure, come on, we have to be okay, here we go, we come back to this so we can see, our next signal is between 1000 and 1200 and we have to turn it so that we are. Combining this is great, though it's a really cool way to retrace Neptune's steps and find out what happened to them.
I'm sure it'll get creepy at some point when you hear Neptune screaming or something. whale, that's a whale, oh look how cool, that's not entirely sure what kind of whale it is, I mean, oh, that's a dead giveaway, okay, so it's a humpback whale, then, right? They are? oh no, do you know what I really saw? the other day oh no, I don't remember their name, is it a beaked whale? I think it's called a beaked whale. Oh I'm going to be wrong about that and I know you guys are going to hit me in the comments but I think I'm pretty sure it's called a beaked whale that can descend into O crazy deaths every time there's an audio change it scares me , okay, oh, it's 2000, okay, no, no, we have to go back up.
Way ahead of me I wasn't keeping an eye on that let's go back up so between 1200 so yeah we're past it my eyes are on here too in case we see something moving so yeah we want to slow it down . down, come on, keep going, I want to get to that 1200 mark and start slowing down, is it going to be around here? Oh, I see it, it's there. I just saw it flashing right when I moved the mouse. Okay, let's go there and then. I'm going to try to be smart about this and stay close to the side of the rock so I can see what's going on on this side.
It's much harder than it seems. I promise, come on, wait, I've lost it, oh, it's there, yeah, let's turn. over here so we can see everything that's coming what's that one that's totally different still out of reach ah there we go that was right there that's the sweet spot ok that's really awkward activating the arm and then going down a little bit I don't know how are these things still flying towards the front of Pandora and it's really a little more distracting this way wait, can we see what's going on there? We are going to take the recovered data by analyzing the audio record that is playing now we are about to reach 800 we


some schools of fish and some sharks, but what baffles the crew is their behavior, they seem erratic, as if they were fleeing Of something.
Dr. Ramirez believes it is related to the seismic movement, but we are not completely sure that we will continue to report. All findings have been uploaded, both batches of data there is still no conclusive data on the cause of the accident, keep watching. Wow, that could have been so bad. I was about to take a drink of water and I'm not kidding. My hand almost cramped and then I dropped the bottle out of fear because of that stupid shark that was also a great white shark, it was a big boy, okay, let's go in this direction and get the state back, okay, so we want to rotate from this way and now we have 1,600 for , 1800 so again we're not far off with this oh look at this, did you hear what they just said too?
It seems that the animals were running away from something that is never good, that is, yes, that is the whale carcass with a small octopus on top. I'm saying little there too, that thing we just collected was huge so maybe it's actually much bigger yes, that's huge. I won't go near you. I know what you're going to do, no, don't do it, please, no. Don't do it right, come on, no, no, no, I can't move. I'm like this. I think I can see it. It's right above this section. There you go. Come on, easy, the first time.
Come on, smooth movements. Yes, it is much bigger. It looked like, there you go, that's what we want to activate, um, okay, these fish are getting a lot bigger than I think they should be, come on, come on, come down, oh please turn green, here we go, we take recovered data, analyze the audio log, it was found playing, now we are. At 1500 M several new species of fish and seop pods have been identified. I hope we can name some of them. Dr. Roswell will be very happy with these results, that's really cool, so they are taking note of everything they find.
What we're also seeing is these guys that they're talking about, maybe okay, let's back up a little bit and we'll turn it around. Can you imagine what you would find in these depths of the ocean? I mean, in terms of how far things go, this isn't even that deep, but I mean, for humans it is, but I'm sure what we're about to experience, so 21 to 2600. Actually , I'm not sure how far away you need to be. I guess it's here. Now then what 20 2000 M? I guess before the light stops penetrating deep into the ocean, that's when it gets real, that's when it turns into nightmare mode, so 21 between 1 21 and 26, okay, let's not go back, let's go up a little bit.
Oh, I'm so. I'm afraid to move on because that's completely dark, yeah let's tryget 24, oh there we go, that's what we're not supposed to find anything to see here, oh wait I think we might have some Neptune, what's that? Oh no. I don't see it, but it definitely came into frame and then down here we go, this is really stressful, although the fact that you have to be so precise to make that arm work and then you're still when this arm is in plays like it can't move now gotta get this quick let's go down that's good there let's grab let's find out what caused this whale graveyard there recovered by analyzing the audio log found playing now around the 3,000 M mark We lost contact with Mission Control, now We are just sailing with our instruments without any data from mission control, our options seem very limited, but since this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
We will continue to go down as much as we can, we are having problems, yes, there it is, so are we effectively alone? Now it looks like the radio is off so the signal was detected so the next one will be 32 to 3400 and this is it. just within the range where Neptune reported problems with its communications, what is that? Wait, no, is there another button you can use for that? I think there is because every time I press the space bar it activates, yeah, there we go, okay, we can use. that one, I think it's the same thing, it's that an aperture there is not right, try to get back on target with the uh, the signal, oh, you have to soften this thing so hard, okay, let me, I'm just getting close to this from a different angle there we go there we go aim in the range activate the arm oh it really makes you nervous because you're outdoors anything could be watching us now down down down down down please turn green no, higher up is that capture green yeah data recovered by analyzing the audio log found playing now we are at 5,000m and we have oh my god the sunlight is no longer hitting us we are in complete darkness our sonar has detected a potential deeper cave system what the hell was it that? something hit the submarine, we're not really sure what hit us at that time, if you have ejection pods or if you can reach the surface, go, don't wait, okay, let's see our depth, so 3300, he said 5000.
So that will be the next one, to the right, let's turn it. Did you see the size of the thing that passed from right to left in front of us? So I couldn't make out what it was, but it looked like a giant mouth. Okay, we're in front of where the next sign is and come on, this is so heartbreaking that you're just listening to what happened to Neptune and suddenly something happens right where you're okay, pay attention 44 to 48 ooh things. changing colors again and I imagine this is what it would be too like just oh reboot the system from the control panel on the back of the ship this I think we hit something we interact there we're going to move everything okay turn on the main lights that we made that there we go, oh my god, I knew those things were huge, I knew it, I absolutely knew it.
I understood it from the beginning when we saw it near the bones, so did we just hit something or did it just catch us at 4,300 M in total? Okay, we move on, so hold on a second, let's just calm that heart rate down, a second big breath and move on, we are the recovery vessel, someone might need our help, this goes against everything, I'm fighting everything right now, what I would do. I would go straight to the surface, but since we need to know what happened to Neptune, let's continue. Here we go? B, maybe it's, oh, I don't know if I just heard a ping, so that's 47. 48, let's go this way, yeah, it's turning around a little bit, so let's face it again, we can move up, come on, give us that ping, come on, please, come on, I feel like we're right on top of it, yeah, come on, it's you. you just have to baby, the controls until you're right in the area, oh, okay, come on, we gently activate the arm I don't even know what that thing is, it's also been different every time these things that we're collecting.
Data from the signal emitters was recovered by analyzing the audio log. There's no way anyone is alive playing right now. Even our support systems are starting to fail. Did you know this? We have to pay for this mission. We're starting our climb, oh my god, what was that? sound, we're starting our climb, just go, don't hang around, just go, okay, next one is 48 to 52, come on, let's try to connect a little, here we go, right 48, whatever that is, that thing It is in my life and we know it is. Like I'm not even going to dance because it sounds huge, whatever we saw before.
Slide past the front of Pandora, it was huge. Wait, no, no, put your arm back in, oh no, what if I don't have it? I broke everything. and put it back together I think we're having electrical problems with Pandora at this depth, okay, let's back up, so I think we're in line with it, but we have to go up please, because I'm not doing it. I want to go for 52 right now, the higher we go, I think the safer we will be. I wasn't even going to say, I'm saying that, but whatever happened in front of us, nice, come on, target within range, come on, we activate the arm. like a giant SD card, come on, upload this ASAP.
Good grip, we got it back. The data was recovered by analyzing the audio record. It was found reproducing. Now Ramírez is gone. The last impact killed him. We suffered serious damage. I am very afraid. I don't want to. die here please let our families know we love them we know Odin will try to cover this up we're still trying to shock and that's it Neptune is gone so we have to find the wreck so maybe 58 to 62 wow that's so very down, okay, come on, right now we're at 51. I can't imagine what that's like, as well as knowing that there's no escape.
I mean, obviously, you'd just say, "Oh my God, what is it? Yeah, this is what we saw before, how?" I got here, oh, so Pandora took a place like there's no survival kit or something, okay, actually we're going out, so I mean that doesn't seem high tech. I'm not sure what I want it to look like but okay let's look around then ooh something just glowed did you see the size of that thing? I'm pretty sure it was, but we also got a glimpse earlier of what that is, the bones of one, oh, that's from Neptune.
It's like one of its turbines or something. This is where the Neptune ended up. It's this part of it. I don't really know. I really care to investigate. Right now I need to survive. I don't know where this has taken me. But what is it? I mean, a whale. There are some. strange noises and many skeletons, where is this place? oh, it's the creature's feeding place, isn't it its nest? oh, just ribs and a bunch of stuff scattered everywhere it's been cleaning up, this thing has just been living off whales, sharks and stupid humans that venture too deep, oh there we go, we've got something there.
The only thing I'll say because I know I criticize it all the time is that the latest data is part of Neptune, okay? let's go and find that at least our torch shines what is that is that one dead oh they look like scales this part of the shipwreck Neptune there it is that's huge oh them plus one something is happening we are aborting the mission oh God, he is alive, thanks for playing The Trench is a gaming experience created by a programmer father, game designer, and his son. I have as much fun playing as we did and we are grateful for the support I have to say for a short game.
So, those kinds of games where you have to, I guess, all you have to do is investigate and then learn about a devastating tragedy or something like that for a team and then even said that they're trying to cover. this so you know that we are expendable in that moment and we have awakened something that is about to break everything we knew in half and I love that, so exaggerated, it's great, I actually realized it too. that when we saw that eye I thought wait a minute, that's huge and then the other thing we had been seeing on the way down was behind us the whole time, that's what I glimpsed when they took us to that cave or wherever.
It was like feeding rounds, but it was really cool and kind of filled my fascination with the things I want to find, which I know is such a stupid thing to say, but it was so much fun. I really enjoyed it if you guys want. To see more stuff like this on the channel, like it below, subscribe if you're new, and as always, I'll see you all in the next one.

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