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100 Myths Mojang is HIDING From You!

Apr 20, 2024
Chances of this working are one in 100, but I'm willing to do it for the content and die, we knew it was going to happen, we knew it but we didn't want to believe it. Hing dirt allows you to open chests when dirt is placed on top of it, we're saying like that okay? Okay, yeah, we can't open the chest, so if I whip it, the haircut only allows you to open the chest to be fair, you can make a little secret chest like this and then you can open it from the bottom. hire our diamonds here, this is the best place to hide diamonds, tell me two new armor settings in Minecraft, okay, what armor settings are we thinking about?
100 myths mojang is hiding from you
Dude, flux armor, wait, this sounds sick. I'm thinking I'm thinking about this maybe Diamond, let's see, let's see what the diamond looks like, oh wait, that's sick, wait, that's sick, okay, what about this one? Let's see how it looks with the diamonds first, wait, this one is better. Honestly, I think lightning bolt looks better, but what about amethyst? Oh wait, Deep Purple again, this is the flow, okay, pretty clean. I'm not going to lie, but what about lightning? Uh oh, this is it dude, this is hard, which one looks better? flow or bolt, let me know in the comments.
100 myths mojang is hiding from you

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100 myths mojang is hiding from you...

I lean towards the flow. Enderman will stay in water unharmed if it's in a cauldron, the cube, the Enderman, oh look at it, it likes it, it's definitely in water, but then if you put it in normal water, it doesn't like it, why would they? Do you like the water of the Cauldron? I think they're secretly just cats. I'm going to be honest, little pigs can use an immortality totem, as if we needed another reason for little pigs to be more scary and annoying, okay, are you ready to be even more annoying than you normally are? okay, you're cold, this is like Axel, you're so cold, oh, now you're warmer, warmer, warmer, warmer, oo, but can he use it?, oh no, you know what we have to do here, let's do mace.
100 myths mojang is hiding from you
Yes friend? This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, boom, oh, that's freaking scary, as it really captures this guy's entire gaze. a fucking speed demon now i can't let you live you're a danger to society never give a baby pig an immortality totem there's a secret tab hidden in the creative menu so the only thing i'm looking at right now is there a strange looking gap right here? Okay, now the creative menu has lost a tooth or is there a way to enable this tab. Okay, no, there are no controls, oh, operator elements tab, what is an operator elements tab? the Lord said let there be light oh you can make snow Le if you use powdered snow oh my god man I hate snow okay this is idiotic I'm literally dying can't you thank you okay like this that you just got to water logum uh well that didn't work because you can put water on the leaves, you can't do this, this is Cap, ladies and gentlemen, you know, what's crazy, is that you might like there to be snowy leaves on Bedrock, but in Java they can't do it.
100 myths mojang is hiding from you
I don't understand why it's Bedrock. much better than Java oh wait you can make an infinite water fountain with a bucket of water cool ok but to make this I have algae ok so algae is weird can I do it? I can't even put the seaweed under the seaweed, okay, well. That's definitely not, oh, that's, oh, because it retains water. Wait a second. Wait. You can do this? Would you get an infinite water fountain like this? Oh aha, you only need one Kel to do it. Throwing an XP bottle gives you more XP. okay, let's start with 10 less, what are we going to get?
Oh okay, about 5 and a half, almost on point, okay, but if this works, it's going to be crazy, uh, oh, I got six, maybe it was a fluke, let me try again. go try this again, oh look, we almost got six there and that was down, okay, let's go up again. I don't know, man, this is a disaster. I feel like this is Cap, it's all RNG, baby. Coal blocks last longer than nine coals in a kiln, you know this would make sense, but the thing is, it's a block that's compacted into one, you know, oh wow, the coal is already dying while the coal block he is becoming crazy. flame we can also talk about how Mojang took the fire logo, which is my logo, why do you take fire merch, you can't take the Mojang fire logo, it's okay dude, it lasted a lot longer, that's almost it , this is, this is 25 this Meanwhile, the cold block has not even lost a singular flame for spring.
We've launched the largest fire merch collection ever created with over seven new designs only available on firem Link in description. I'm going to leave it. These cook and we'll check back later to see if the rooster wins. There is a new variant of villager in the deep darkness. How's this deep darkness villager thing? Or you look normal. Maybe it's okay, buddy, I wouldn't go in that direction. You, um, are going to summon the big guy you know as the big guy. I wonder if I'm in the wrong area, maybe we spawn it in the skull, no, okay, what about the portal area?
Maybe there isn't a damn bust. like I want a new villager variant, Mojang, okay, this is going to be crazy if this works, so the trigger slides down here, boom Minecart with TNT, you know, we like it, we like it a couple more, yeah , okay, then lightning, okay, we have to wait, the damn weather. Dude, get it, put the Trident in its place, freaking out, dude, oh, it's sparkling, look at it, look, sparkling, look at it, look at it, let's put it right on the tip, right, oh my God, now that's crazy, do you do you realize what?
You could do with this like you realize the chaos, what if I'm freaking out here and I'm just going for a damn schnip, damn schn, the pig, why are you getting in my way, the pig getting in my way , friend? serves you well pork chop SN that's crazy that's fucking crazy cool the dinner bone name tag doesn't work on the breeze, which honestly is fair I could see this I could see that the dinner bone doesn't work in this bad boy okay, sir, I mean, because what would a breeze look like in reverse, come here, oh, wait, wait, it works.
Why does the breeze look better upside down than upright? Can someone tell me this like it would look so much better if it were him? normally, it actually looks better upside down, okay, now you guys are just bullying me, really damn air. Benders sunflowers don't actually face the sun, are you telling me right now that they aren't even a sun? This is why the server set the time tonight, they are moonflowers, ladies and gentlemen, sunflowers are actually moonflowers, you can't 360, no scope, epic player moment, MLG water bucket, clutch on the sheets, sorry, I got carried away on this, sign the server, yes, you did it, server. so you're telling me right now that I can't search this bad boy with a bucket of water, that's a little sad, honestly I want to see if we can, how about we crouch down while we do it?
Maybe don't put water on the leaves, maybe, maybe, maybe. come on scoble, oh you can't, so don't land where there are leaves, oh, if you smelt a wet sponge with a bucket of lava, you'll get a bucket of water back. I get a what in return. I'm going to retrieve a bucket of water. Because I would do? we have a, I mean, I guess I don't know, but what could you cut the goat horns to get the horn, okay guys, it's time to trim, let me see the horns, well, I don't think you can try. Are waiting?
It's missing one ew oh oh I don't like a horn goats but you can't trim them you can't trim their horns you're not no there's no way to do that ladies and gentlemen is there a way to get another goat horn? than killing goats, you know? Please let me know. You get a Withered Skeleton Skull every time you kill a Wither with a mace, let's look at that. That was the No No, check it out, friend, we have three coals left in the oven. And now that? on the coal block not a single flame has diminished this is confirmed ooh there is a secret variant of the wolf at the end oh tell me it's real tell me it's real he's normal I wanted it to be real oh you don't need to defeat the Ender Dragon to go to the islands at the end of the elytra, you can make a bridge there, would you like it?
Can you just make a bridge there? Do you know how much bridge you would need? You would need a lot of bridge. I had the Speed ​​Bridge, it's not terrible at this point. Actually, I'm kind. cooking, but honestly I'm looking at the camera and I haven't failed the speed bridge yet, hey, hey, tell me that's not impressive, okay, gentlemen, we've come quite a distance, oh, wait, there's a wait, like this What, can I fly here? Wow, you can really reach the final islands. Not to say I don't guarantee you'll find a final city, but you can get to the islands just by building there.
I'll be fine, thank you for seeing those busts and ladies, ladies and gentlemen, yes. If you want to see more, click on any of these videos and have a great day. If you're not having a great day, it's because you didn't click on any of these videos.

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