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MR. MEESEEKS ARMY! - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Gameplay - VR HTC Vive Pro

Mar 06, 2024
Oh gosh, Rick, so it looks like I've already played this game, that's right Morty, but there's so much in this game that you probably missed a lot and it's been a year, so we thought we'd play it again, have some fun, Oh, it's okay, Morty. this guy sure is terrible with impressions, oh I'll never have to agree with you, there's time to sing my famous line. I'm little Rick Rick, yeah, turn that on. I'm so big, everything is so small. I'm serious, but yes, let's go for a tasty slice. right now rearrange the entire garage, pay attention to me.
mr meeseeks army   rick and morty virtual rick ality gameplay   vr htc vive pro
I need you to take these clothes and put them in the washing machine and if the instructions are too confusing for you, you know there's a big grass drawn on it. I don't think this will love our good, just beating people wobbly in




, you made a morning Rick no, I made a clone of Morty Morty, what do you say about that? You say crazy Morty, huh, I think you're a tough guy, huh, I think it's really hard, some work, body work, body work, face, yeah, Morty, geez, Rick, I mean, he's got uh , I don't think it's taking him long, he drew, yeah, the clothes in the washing machine and then he turns it on, you know, you're hungry, take rocket science, even in the, we water the.
mr meeseeks army   rick and morty virtual rick ality gameplay   vr htc vive pro

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mr meeseeks army rick and morty virtual rick ality gameplay vr htc vive pro...

Morty with laundry detergent we give Rick dirty clothes just what you wanted this is what you wanted right now okay, okay, we'll do the laundry, I'm not pulling Mortium, get into this, okay, it's my first day in alive, look, we're fine, we're fine Rick. Insert path was not yet under Oh Oh, what are you doing here? Underwear, can I talk to you, how are you? Simple portal, it's full of anxiety and tell me better, it just went off, you're bothering me man, let's go this way male clone listen, I had to bring you back for some really important things that I can't get into right now because I and But you have to go, oh, come on, okay, listen, I made a teleportation system for you, all you have to do.
mr meeseeks army   rick and morty virtual rick ality gameplay   vr htc vive pro
Know? Look in the direction you want to go in the room and then click the trackpad button under your thumb, just press the down button and you can teleport to any part of the room where, oh, sorry, the clone Sting Morty is watching over there. on the shelves I'm going to need you to take the watch and put it on your wrist you can call me using the watch this is very important okay bald clone come on Rick we have to hurry okay clone Morty we have to go to watch any of my stuff while we're gone, I probably will, hey, I can't rub my hands together, they're both too far apart, I don't taste a piece, oh yeah, very difficult answer, but I can do it, how long can I play? this until what?
mr meeseeks army   rick and morty virtual rick ality gameplay   vr htc vive pro
I already clicked on the video, oh my god, how annoying. Do you think the last time I played this like I played with all the stuff on the shelf? That is incredible. Something a little rude. I need a bulb replacement. That which is universal. here, there are light bulbs around here, there has to be a lipo somewhere, there is Apple, um Biss, okay, I need a light bulb, no, no, no, light bulbs in this garage, like there really should be something, whatever, have another


, we gotta go there, yeah, there we go, yeah. and you know, I'm not close enough and I have to six let it go oh, it's back there, you're kidding, it's okay, we'll work together, you'll throw it to you, you'll throw it to me, ah, thank you. music, how many pieces am I going to have, one, I'm going to line them up there, one, two,


, three, me, look, here we go, we have a trio, we will have it in the shadow for meeseeks, oh, you can only have four at a time time, ding it, hello, my baby.
Hello my ragtime no, I never understand it, so Laurie, let's go over here and what are you paying attention to? Oh, we have to ask for a part that's okay, okay. Oh pop-ups. Oh two brothers, huh, oh God, what's going on there? I don't think so. I want to know, okay, floor squad, oh man, I love floor squad, oh, he broke the computer that's right in the eyeball, okay, I start in the cabinet, make up this cabinet, okay, close them, what do we do? oh, we have to get the crystal. I see glass there, so we need some RAM to put in here.
Okay, we need the glass and a fuse. Don't forget that it has RAM. Okay, oh, that's right, oh, this guy wants food. He wants a metal apple or a carrot hammer. remember this, let's make a carrot hammer, so let's take a carrot, Rick's refrigerator, okay, we drop it here so this machine will combine everything we put on it, so if we put like we have a gun, well, Can I just threaten the monster? there's security oh dear oh now he has a gun oh we could use that to escape okay, let's combine a carrot oh no, some wine, carrot, classic wine or is it just a metal carrot oh, it's a glass carrot, I break it, that It's amazing, cool, okay, we have a hammer carrot well, why does he want a kara hammer?
I don't understand, give me some Bram, come on, come on, but you guys ended up screwed. Ram means which is a very technical term, it means raccoons that eat mangoes. Door, hey everyone, put the tools back. oh okay, I guess we can't use too many tools and we need an apple a day, it's a medical form and I guess this is metal. Oh well, first we have an empty sprite, we don't want to waste all that sprite. Okay, see more to get it. drunk, he really shouldn't be able to handle it, handle his liquor at such a young age that you have in this endless bottle of wine, okay, I guess you can, metal apple, there you go, come on, give me that.
Bram woohoo got it. Fantastic pop, there you are ready, so now we have to get the crystal, is it the right crystal? Yeah, we can just nail it, let's see, can we combine like a pill and let's see a pill and oh no, let's just go. cookies filling some cookies can we open this? No, see what we have, what I just said, what I would look like, oh, I've never seen my own face before. I'm beautiful, okay, net fucked, let's start fucking around with this some more. looks like a ghost trap ghostbusters time travel stuff we open this not bad for me eating into alien eyeballs no no not okay I guess I'm okay what is this thing?
We crush it no, I see the skin, do some things here, okay? let's try to grab this can okay music and actually this is what we're going to do we're trying to grow something from one meeseeks to the other and make the other one catch it right it's the meeseeks olympics so We got it, oh dear. he dropped it oh, okay, so we have the can, we're going to have to throw the can and then catch it with this hand, okay, that's close, but it seems pretty difficult, okay, we have this, throw it and, oh, Come on, it's so close that I continue.
Turning on the washing machine, okay, oh, come on, look, get out of here, make a circuit, oh, poor Yo


, so you can open this or something, let's see where that hammer is, okay, oh, poor Yo


, okay? what do we have here? you know, texts and




stuff and you, is it the future or just a trick for dumb idiots. It's definitely a trick for dumb idiots if I'm playing it. Oh, there aren't as cute pictures and an instruction guide as usual, but I obviously know that. how to use a plum once, okay, let's get screwed, use a teleport wall, so we have to go pass a fuse through the computer, okay, where should I throw it?
I'm thinking I'm from there, but I live there now, let's see. I'm going to infer there and yeah, oh I was a horrible pitch trying to aim for a Tucson Arizona, no, it's too high again, yeah, no, that's right on the edge, don't you have the last chance? Come on, let's aim for Chicago right there, oh oh oh. Watch out Canada, you're in for a bit of an awakening, ah, I'd be like North Dakota or something. I'm not okay, I have the panel, oh my, the pieces everywhere, can I drink the alcohol with this? Come here, come here.
I gotta drink alcohol no no no yeah damn Rick oh I'm this open with the drums oh come back no Rick now that's the drums damn oh moose I know there's this one the only fan there is, oh well that's not good, I wish there was a battery. here, let's look at your battery here, okay, this part always sucked, so we have to charge the batteries in a microburst, look for tiny now, okay, oh no, I got out of eight, get back there, okay, uh , let's start, how do we start? oh, there we go, okay, I have this boom, there we are good, so we are creating a microscopic universe to charge the battery in an easy way, what the Israelites laugh, whatever it is, up, down, it's working, up, down or pouring water over it, yes, water is important if I'm just starting out, I guess down, up, left, down, up, left, down, right, oh boy, okay, I'm starting to lose control.
Well, how much more is fine, it's almost loaded. Oh, oh, look at that, I mean a little beginning or a little planet. I guess we are making a planet because the people on the planet produce energy for us. I've got it right, we've got the battery, let's get out of here, let's go back this way, open the port wall, let's go back there, yeah, okay, let's open the fuses, yeah. Aha, take that satellite, moron, NASA is going to push, okay, pop, that in there, put out that future equipment somewhere, who cares? Why am I doing this?
What is my life? Become a cut, stop playing with your lower back with a screwdriver, come on. knowing what to do at a concert is Zaun or not quite easy if you buy that packaging check the delivery area beautiful okay god is shaking okay we have to take this new part I'm not going to spoil it but it's a very important mission I'm mentally prepared for these things quite a bit fucking good, beat that record, yeah, make sure you don't hit my wall, yeah, oh I was close, Amy six, stay there, we're going to a new location and we're in the bathroom.
Oh, good morning. nice teeth replying hey we kill you you know dental hygiene is a very important part of life guys very necessary aspect. Okay, the plungers are ready to go. You can wash your mouth with soap, it's okay, it's a good thing Ricky's okay, he's busted, oh God, I remember this time about laxatives, I'll eat that Morty, I don't have a body so I don't know what he did, this is the little poop , we can take? Okay, come back here, let's take the poop. What should we combine poop with? How about ooh like an apple?
I'll call a poop-hungry pebble. Bar to reduce sugar. Oh, mmm, tasty. I'm a little embarrassed. what just happened what meeseeks do is lazy meeseeks probably escaped well how do we fix the toilet? I don't like filling the back oh wait here's clogging gel you fill that there we go that's working this thing is just Claudia's bottomless gel That's got to be good come on do it. Now I'm a hiker again, here we go, oh dear, oh, you don't want to know where this has been. That's going to be more fucked up today, guys, if you liked it, tell Morty when you leave.
I like it, I want to see more. I know you played the game, but there are still things I haven't found in the game and I'm sure a lot of people have never seen it, so we'll let you enjoy it. I'll see you next time

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