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Has JWST shown the Universe is TWICE as old as we think?!

Apr 25, 2024
Is the



as old as we


? Well, that's exactly what this research paper published this month by Gupta, the University of Ottawa, claims, which estimates an age of 26.7 billion years, almost double the currently accepted value of 13.8 billion years. years. The motivation for studying it was something I've talked a lot about on this channel before it all comes back to the James Webb Space Telescope, which has found galaxies at enormous distances that we're seeing as they were 13.5 billion years ago. ago, which means that those galaxies existed when the


we believe was only 300 million years old, but when we calculate how heavy they are, how much mass they have in the stars, they are too big, there hasn't been enough time for them to have formed. so many stars If the universe is really 300 million years old at the time we're looking at them, then Gupta's solution was to look at different models of the universe that might fit the latest data better, essentially making the universe older and also making it older.
has jwst shown the universe is twice as old as we think
The light from these distant galaxies has been traveling for much longer before reaching us, so in this video we'll delve into this and first look at what these different models are, including this tired light hypothesis. What other problems in cosmology does this solve, including the impact on the crisis in cosmology, three, what data doesn't fit this model and, to be honest, why I'm a little skeptical about this result and what else could explain these galaxies which


e has detected are apparently too big, so let's start with the big models of the universe so that our current best model of the universe that we have can fit the observations and in simulations change the fluctuations of the early universe that we see in print. in the cosmic microwave background in the distribution of galaxies that we see today, that model is called Lambda CDM CDM stands for cold Dark Matter, so it is Dark Matter, so we can't see because it doesn't interact with light at all and generates the formation. of galaxies grouping together, which can be done because it's cold and those groups then merge into larger structures over time, then you have Lambda for the expansion of the universe, which explains the redshift of light from distant galaxies as that light travels through them.
has jwst shown the universe is twice as old as we think

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has jwst shown the universe is twice as old as we think...

In the expanding Universe, the wavelength of light is stretched to longer, redder wavelengths, therefore the Lambda CDM redshift is also the model that gives us that famous breakdown of where the entire budget of energy of the universe was reduced to five percent in the normal matter that makes up us and planets and stars 27 in dark matter and then 68 in what we call Dark Energy, the name for whatever is causing the accelerated expansion of the universe , and it does all this assuming that Einstein's theory of general relativity is also the correct theory of gravity, but while Lambda CDM fits many observations of our Universe, there are some problems that I have talked about before on this channel , including the so-called crisis in cosmology, where our two main methods we have for calculating the age of the universe. are giving answers that have started to diverge from each other, so if you take Lambda CDM and make all the adjustments to the cosmic microwave background, you get a value of 13.8 billion years, but if you measure the expansion rate of the universe, that gives you how long the universe has existed, using the distances to nearby galaxies, you get a value that is more like 13.3 billion years.
has jwst shown the universe is twice as old as we think
Now the currently accepted value for the age of the universe and the one that you will always hear from astrophysicists like a parrot is 13.8. billion years that comes from the Lambda CDM fits the cosmic microwave background and the assumption is that we are not measuring the distances to nearby galaxies precisely enough for that estimate of 13.3 billion years to be quite correct and that's something that we hope


will be able to resolve the observation bias that we currently have in those measurements and again, I've talked about that on this channel before. I'll link that video in the description if you want to watch it. with 13.8 billion years as the accepted measurement and we are the measure of the expansion rate of the universe, then you can calculate well if the light I receive from an object has been redshifted by a certain factor, you can calibrate the amount of redshift with how long that light has been traveling and therefore how old the universe was when the light from the object you are looking at actually departed and began its journey towards Earth, where we then detected it, so if the light was redshifted by a factor of 10 by the expansion of the universe, so we always use the letter Z to represent redshift, so light has been traveling for 13.3 billion years and was admitted when the universe was around 500 million years old and what this new article by Gupta says.
has jwst shown the universe is twice as old as we think
Basically what they're saying is what happens if that red calibration is slightly off and the idea that they've put forward is that it might not just be the expansion of the universe that can cause this stretching of a wavelength of light, this shift to the red, they said. It could also be something else happening at the same time as the expansion, something that was proposed a hundred years ago and has since become known as tired light, where light travels through the universe and collides with other particles, whether you know the normal matter. or if it is other light photon particles, then in those collisions it loses a little energy, like a cue ball in a game of billiards or snooker, or it transfers energy to the colored balls and loses energy in the collision , and if the photon has less energy, it has a longer wavelength of light, fewer waves arrive every second, it is almost like a lazier wave compared to a very high energy wave where many waves arrive in a second and that is a much higher frequency and therefore a much shorter wavelength now, this idea was first proposed by Swiss astronomer Fritz Wiki in 1929, just after Edwin Hobble first recorded how the shift The red light of a galaxy correlated with its distance from us and although it might seem really obvious to us now because the idea of ​​an expanding universe is so ingrained in our minds and is such a fundamental part of astrophysics.
Back then there was this new observation that no one had expected or seen before and a lot of different ideas were put forward about what it could be. causing this correlation between redshift and distance and one of them was the idea of ​​tired light in a static, non-expanding universe. Now the expanding Universe model is what ultimately won because it fit our observations best and also fit all the mats reviewed. So one particular piece of evidence is that in an expanding Universe the surface brightness of a galaxy, so the amount of light you get per unit area decreases with distance and also distant objects actually appear larger. than they should because they used to be closer when the light was first emitted, whereas in a static universe that is not expanding with tired light causing a redshift, the surface brightness should be constant because the galaxies distant ones will be fainter but they will also appear smaller to us and move further away, so the relationship between brightness and area remains the same, that is not what we see in our observations of the distant Universe, although our observations fit the model of the Universe expanding and that was what was accepted and tired light has not really been considered as a serious hypothesis since the mid-20th century. three, maybe and every time someone raised it, it tended to be on the fringes of the astrophysics type of community to put it politely, but the interesting thing about this research by Gupta is that they don't claim that there is no expansion of the universe, but that the displacement The red light from distant objects could be caused by both expansion and tired light, so they created a hybrid model of the two and when they combine them, they find that at least with some adjustments in Lambda CDM, where all physical constants are known. like the force of gravity G and the speed of light C are allowed to vary somewhat in society, just small fluctuations, but those fluctuations also combine if they do that, then this hybrid model of expansion and tired light fits the exact data. the best thing, as they have


here on this graph with the blue line, the blue data points here are JB with t data, which means that you have two processes that cause the red shift, so if you have a red shift measured red of a galaxy, then the expansion rate has to be lower to explain that redshift and if the expansion rate is lower, then to reach the current size of the universe, the universe has to have existed longer, which is how you end up concluding that the universe is older than us.
Thinking about 26.7 billion years, as I said, it essentially changes that calibration between the redshift and the time the light has been traveling, instead of a redshift of 10, which means the light has been traveling for 13.3 billion years after being emitted by the universe was only 500 million years old in this hybrid model of expansion and tired light that came to present a redshift of a factor of 10, which means that the Light has been traveling for 21 billion years and was emitted when the universe was 5.8 billion years old now. It not only solves the problem of the apparently two massive galaxies, but also the problem of how you can get supermassive black holes in the early Universe.
The only way we know to create a black hole is a supernova and that creates one black hole out of five. to a hundred times the mass of the Sun, but going from that insignificant mass to millions or even billions of times the mass of the Sun, these supermassive black holes that we see in just a few hundred million years of the life of the universe. It means that those black holes would have to grow well above the physical limit of a black hole's growth rate, which if you didn't know that there was a physical limit on how fast black holes could grow back.
I've talked about it on this channel before and I'll link the video in the description below, so if the universe existed it would definitely help solve the problem of how long do black holes have to get that big as well as creating the crisis . in cosmology, where those two methods of measuring the expansion rate and age of the universe don't quite match up is arguable, but while that story sounds cool and like that hypothesis, it's just wrapped up in a nice little bow to solve all our problems . The research conveniently ignores some observations of the universe, or simply doesn't mention them at all or hasn't been proven yet, which, you know, it actually has to name in its conclusions, like the cosmic microwave background or Big Bang nucleosynthesis. that is having the right ratio of hydrogen, helium and lithium in the early universe and baryon acoustic oscillations, as well as fluctuations in the early universe that have led to large-scale structures in the distribution of galaxies that we see today, but this article can talk ridiculously. ignores some of the other observations that put limits on the age of the universe that have nothing to do with these large cosmological models, such as the age of the oldest stars and more specifically of star clusters that we can measure with much less uncertainty than a single star, the oldest of which is estimated to be between 13 and 14 billion years old, so I'm a little skeptical, as I should be, of any scientific idea, as intriguing as this kind of hybrid model may seem. , will not last decades in total.
On the contrary, it's worth investigating unless you have a lot more evidence in your favor, so I take this article and any I know of as news stories about it with a pinch of salt, but then how else Is the excess explained? jdbusters massive galaxies detected at high redshift or at very large distances. Well, first of all, I really doubt that the redshift they are said to have in the decay function we use is a marker for calculating redshift and is really easy to detect. a spectrum of light, so a trace of how much lighter each wavelength gets, but these high redshift candidates are like redshift 15.
They have been first identified in images that let through large ranges of wavelengths. of light wave, so the redshift ends up being calculated with much greater uncertainty and in fact this was demonstrated earlier this year by the jwst TCS team that followed a candidate galaxy at redshift 16 that was identified for the first time in genus T images and then took a spectrum with jwst and discovered that it was actually a redshift 4.9 galaxy. imitating the shine of howI would see a higher redshift galaxy in the images, but I not only doubt the distances, the high redshifts of these galaxies, but also the calculation of these incredibly high masses.
I've made a whole video on this before or if you want to check it out, but essentially you have to convert how bright a galaxy is to how much star mass there is, assuming you know how many stars of each size and type there are in that galaxy. By emitting a certain amount of light each, we assume that the dispersion of the type and size of stars is the same as what we see in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, but that could be a really bad assumption of what it actually was. the primitive Universe. And it turns out that if you just modify that spread of stars slightly to have a few more, you know, bigger, more massive stars that give off a little more light, then the galaxies are no longer too massive and the whole problem goes away, which was all. kind of motivation for this research by Gupta in the first place, but despite my skepticism towards this article, I really loved reading it because it cemented in my mind how we are going through an era of change in enastrophysics thanks to jwst, you know, it reminds me a lot of the fact that I would love to have been present at the time of the Hubble observations, you know, redshift is correlated but distance and no one can necessarily explain yet what it was and the arguments between tired light versus the expansion of the universe and You know, while it may not be on the same level of paradigm shift as that, I still


future astronomers will do the same thing and look back and say, man, I wish that.
I was there and lived through those first few years after Janu St was released before I hit the bugs. I must say a big thank you to YouTube, brilliant for sponsoring this video. Do you want a free and easy way to learn more about cosmology? Then you need bright. a website and app that is the best way to learn new concepts in mathematics and computer science interactively with thousands of lessons and new ones added every month, including a complete course on astrophysics with a section on cosmology which I think is great, but a lot of You also talk to me about how you know you'd love to do more astrophysics or study it in the future, but you're worried about how good your math skills are.
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I'm going to sit on the cushion because I'm old and my bones hurt and sitting on the floor cross-legged is a little painful now, so while that story sounds cool and that hypothesis is just wrapped in a nice little blue and blue wrapped with a nice and tidy little world there is an ice cream man outside. I'd rather go to trouble to buy an ice cream shop than know that a motorcycle is roaring by. I think so, the children are happy that the ice cream man comes. a lot of Summer's noise but the paper strikingly visibly I will arrive eventually space is difficult the most difficult words

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