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We Found a BMW in the River Magnet Fishing! (Cops show up with a Crane!)

Mar 29, 2024
Oh my gosh, here we go, let's see if they make it. Check it. The scooter is still here from yesterday. We have returned today. My


is stuck. I stupidly threw away my


after we got it out and we were exhausted and my rope. It's still stuck down there, my magnet is stuck, so we need the police because my magnet won't come off. We have to get it out and hopefully Ramon can make a cool piece of art with it. What did you order? Did you order the? military police or something we have special treatment, special treatment today, okay, the ship is coming that way, let me get closer, I think it's below, ramon, that's the police ship, I hope it has a


on board, look at it .
we found a bmw in the river magnet fishing cops show up with a crane
We have this big truck coming here with a tow truck and then we have the other car behind it, I don't know what it's going to get, and then we have a boat over here. It's Sunday, so. you know it's pretty quiet in Amsterdam today look at this Sunday morning man


day two if you haven't seen the first day look at that one where we


this we had to go back I think the people on the balconies are starting to wonder what's going on disturbing their Sunday in the morning up there, so I have this gopro, let's put it on the stick and take a look down, there we go, those are the magnets attached to the rope, there you are. wrong, I hope it's strong enough, yeah, oh, they're going to come out of the rope, I think it's okay, oh, they're going to come out of the rope itself.
we found a bmw in the river magnet fishing cops show up with a crane

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we found a bmw in the river magnet fishing cops show up with a crane...

I didn't realize that magnet thing, oh God. God, here we go, let's see if they get it, here we go, how strong is this magnet, here it comes, look at that, oh my God, that's crazy, how amazing is that, yeah, a proper bike, ramone, look at his size, it's huge, that magnet still. It's still there, so somehow, oh my God, this is crazy. They are lifting the motorcycle. Look at the size of that thing. The magnet must be wrapped around it in some way. That's why I never removed that magnet on any BMW. Wow, that's crazy. bmw bike wow man wow that's crazy look at the size of this thing here oh man amazing hey ramon we could have lifted that the split wave still on it oh the license plate is still on it what does that mean look well how Great, Ramon, now we have You have to clean the license plate to see if it is a stolen motorcycle.
we found a bmw in the river magnet fishing cops show up with a crane
I guess it's true, I don't know, but he's got some barnacles here and he's got another fish in his mouth, oh. there's another one there's two of them there's three there's a crab oh my god this one we have a fish here it's literally eating another fish, let's bring it back to the water it's still alive here we go, come on buddy, let's go so you can be okay again hey, You say bye mom, okay, bye, there you go, yeah, can you read that last bit from me? m mb tl four seven and we're going to find out if it's stolen or if it's a bb f says five minutes a bmw a bmw 650 motorcycle that we just


remodeled is stolen from what I can see I can't see it here yet but how long does it take before Does it appear stolen or lost or something like that? it's from April 20, 2000 2000 model, I would love to know if there was a crime report on it, how long ago so we can know how long it's been on the channel because it seems like it's been there for a long time. look at all those barnacles everywhere they're not stolen no not from our system not so reported by us that's crazy so it's not reported as stolen can we take it home?
we found a bmw in the river magnet fishing cops show up with a crane
Yes, I can call you if you're done. Alright. Yes, I'll tell you because he. He Ramón makes works of art with scrap, yes, if we finish and it's still good, then we can't take it away. Yeah, I don't think I know what. Yeah, come on, Ramón, who wants to see Ramón do something like Pirates of? the Caribbean bike coming out of that thing, give a thumbs up if you want, I know, that would be cool, look at it, wow, I can't believe no one reported the bike stolen, that's crazy, they just lost a bike in the channel. and oh, okay, no problem, oh, but it makes sense that they changed the license plate number there because if it was stolen, you would definitely report it stolen.
See you later, thanks for the push, what a start. amazing day let's see yeah thank you so much for the help appreciated until next time maybe we'll call you in a few minutes when we find another one eh and I'll check out your channel oh great awesome have a nice day thank you so much new, there's probably It loads down here, so it would be interesting to see it on the underwater camera. Leave a comment if you see something below. I think, oh no, we could find another bike down here. I'm not even kidding, Ramon, oh, Ramon, you're not.
I'm going to believe it, buddy, oh look, this is another scooter frame, oh, look at that, oh my god, did you see we just bought another motorcycle? It's a scooter frame, come on, take a look at it, let's put it on the pile, wow. I can't believe I'm afraid to throw it away again now because we'll probably get another one no it's not too late I don't think we'll just get a bike here ramon another one we're just getting started man yeah. This is a bike, I just have to get on the frame a little better, there we go, we got it, now let's go, yeah, check it out, let's see it here.
Wow, that's been down there for a long time, Ramon, I wonder how many bikes we have. I'm going to find here this is crazy look at that thing, okay, you want a hand, we'll put it with the rest of them, yeah, okay, oh my God, look at that pile, it's getting bigger and bigger. I made a cast and got another let's move on maybe we'll be stuck here all day ramon a lot more stuff down here it's crazy I'm going to keep going until we get it all right let's try the magnet in the canal again and see what else we find non stop I think I have another bike down here bro, there it is, here we go, it has so many barnacles that the magnet can't, you want to get the grappling hook, okay, let's see if we do it right, I have something different I think man, oh no, let's see, here we have the bike, here we go, okay, got it, yeah, another one, this is getting ridiculous now, ramon, this is getting crazy, it's like a bike dump, safe down here, okay, we should load it up again , OK? get the front wheel, okay you got it, this pile keeps growing every time I throw it, I buy a new bike, it's crazy, okay ramon, let's go back and see how many more things there are, it seems like in every cast I have something Here, Vermont, it's okay, oh. could be it could be a safe in the back could be a safe in a bag again oh my god it's going to get dirty I think it's all the parts of the bike to open it but not too much in case Let them be bicycle parts, then I'm going to open it just by lifting this magnet, wait, oh, look at it all, they're like stolen bicycle parts.
Do you know how I'm going to dump it here? Let's get all the water out of there. Yes, I wonder what. more is there, man, oh, there's a vacuum cleaner there, there's a bag there, look at the bike, it's a bike handle, a bike lock, another bike chain, someone's had a field day, another bike lock , it's a charger, let's take a look there, oh, look at this. bicycle lights another bicycle light another bicycle light wow this is crazy every time I throw we just get more things blowers flowers there for you there you go yeah okay let's throw that in the trash hey it's just amazing all the things What we keep finding is like everyone gathered around and took a look, it's crazy, though it's like it doesn't stop, every time we throw the magnet we'll get more and more stuff, okay Ramon, we got the motorcycle, that's the beginning of the day, I had to leave.
I put my magnet up overnight so we could get back to the police, I was really stuck in it and luckily the police came with the tow truck. We crossed our fingers that he would do it because otherwise I would have lost my magnet, but we got it out. I do not do it. I can't stand it, it's too big, ramon doesn't want to take it to the workshop, yes, I think if you leave a comment below, like yes, if you think you should, or no, if you think you shouldn't, if you win esses. I make a little smile, he will, he will, yeah, so what do you think?
Leave a comment if you want to take it to Bonnie's house. No, I'm not the artist. You know you're the guy who makes channel art. no, you are too generous, I like you, I want to have this motorcycle on your wall, yes, so what do you think is better to find Ramon, how cool is that, yes, he is really an amazing man, there is no way we could have lifted that. We pulled him out ourselves, so it was cool that the police came and pulled him out of the water because he was leaking. You can see all the oil over here, he was just dripping oil and that's going to drip oil, so we're cleaning out the channels.
Taking out trash and sometimes it's just absolutely huge trash like this, a crazy BMW 650 motorcycle and you can see how long it's been down here with all this stuff, all this growth everywhere, this takes years to grow and look at all this weird stuff. crazy down here too okay ramon i think it's another magnet


adventure how cool we found this motorcycle so crazy im so excited we pulled it out of the water the police came and helped and you know i got my magnet At the end of the day I left him overnight, so he was a little scared.
I was pulling your rope. Yes, they picked up a very strong rope, but I think we should leave this. I'm going to kick, because otherwise. maybe following the kids or something yeah give it a kick that way it's a little safer and probably no one will push it into the gutter now so thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed that one that was awesome excited until the next magnet fishing or treasure hunting adventure. Adventure, see you, so take it easy guys, oh look Ramon just made a surprise.

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