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Winning With *EVERY* Season 3 BOSS in Fortnite!

Jun 27, 2024
a car, we both have cars, we want to make this monkey. in mono, come on, oh, I'm going to explode, seriously, this car can't have that much health, right, mmm, hit it with your fists, powerful fists, fists are too good not to use, that's what they are too good. not use it, that's why I say fist away and the bonus here is I lost my car, his car is still intact, we're big and scary, look at all this stuff here, all this debris, oh shoot, you like Fortnite, do you like it? Fortnite? I like Fortnite. do you like


let me eat a piece of apple let me eat a piece of apple now a piece of apple expires now there are only 10 people left do you like the new


winning with every season 3 boss in fortnite
In fact, I really like the new


, it's completely different from


. you know and I love it, but I love that they took such a risk. I love that they took so many risks this season to do something totally different than what they've done before and I commend them for that, it's like when you have something that works, it's hard to do something different, so the fact that they actually did it It's actually amazing, it's such a different game, it's so chaotic and it's only going to get more chaotic. I think they will weaken some things 100%, they will weaken some things, but I hope.
winning with every season 3 boss in fortnite

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winning with every season 3 boss in fortnite...

They keep it crazy like this thing definitely deserves a Nerf, that's for sure, this guy is on the run, he's a fugitive, what happened to him, he disappeared on my screen, dude, he just flew away, we'll never know what happened, it happened, oh there's a guy right down there, huh? I'm going in, no he took my car, that's not good, my God,


one has a




one has


cars. It's definitely going to make this game difficult. What's up brother? I'm in my god, did I have the oh no? He had the normal Nitro fist.
winning with every season 3 boss in fortnite
The Medallion, although I think I have all three medallions. I got the mythic shotgun, but I don't want to. Gotta be careful here cause there's a guy upstairs oh brother is this your car? Oh, that has to feel really bad, that has to feel really bad. I got in his car, I damaged it, I stole his car and then I took him out with his car I'm going to take Oscar frenzy yeah that guy uh he's definitely not a fan of the season omg some have more food adorable, yes vehicles are so powerful, they get inside my head, that's how I am outside the car.
winning with every season 3 boss in fortnite
I'm out of the car, give me that car, son, yeah, I know I'm out of the car again, stop, oh no, for him, that was the guy that stole my car, I'm out of the car, I'm driving it. with my butt I'm literally driving the car with my butt brother my character is going crazy breaking this whole house down there let's go everything falls apart three people left the car like 2 Hp oh I feel bad, I feel bad being in this car brother, OK? I'm not going to use the car for the last guy, holy smokes, well, I don't even swim anymore, my character is such a bug, what the hell what do you mean?
I am a water. I'm running on water. just that guy, man, no one can stop me from running around the map with these fists, oh he's there, what, what just happened. I'm so confused that they abandoned the game, what happened to the last player, I'm so confused, should we find out? What happened? Oh, they're healing at the campfire. Okay, oh wait. I eliminated them elated. I am so confused. I think I deleted them. He said he eliminated himself. How did that? Oh, did he have one of those missions you think of every time he picks something? up, takes 10 damage oh, I guess I don't know, do you think he was okay?
I'm going to land where this guy's placement is usually brutal. Beach Head, but he's driving around the map doing his thing. Someone said there are no cars. Try it, it flies easily, I have, that's it, there is only one Brer, there is a guy nearby, oh, oh, reliable, 78, he just had a body, does it explode if he hits it? I think he does, he's crazy, he's crazy explosive, okay, there's like a barrel around the little stage here. They might be having a fashion show, nonsense, and oh my God, I thought it was like a fireman's pole you could slide down.
We need a little revival of the nape sugar bomb. Cola consumed in a match, okay. I need a shotgun there. a guard wait maybe not someone right above me this place has been horrible for loot for me guard down ooh chest right at the tip of the ship i have the worst shotgun wow okay okay i have no mobility so this is a kind of bad, at least I need nitrus, let's hit this. Nitro can tell me I can't find anything like that, oh my god, it has to be like an NPC. That Nitro fist, well, sell me.
Nitro's fists give me something. I asked for something. There is a T.V. Here's what's down here NOTHING I'm just a farce. It should have landed in Megalodon's shockwaves. That works for now. I need a more consistent source of mobility. They are strengthening Medallion's action against Medallion. What did you shoot at me? It's crazy, even the SUVs. they've exploded oh here we go we've got our fists we're getting cold now take the car take it I'm trying to like try to take this guy out drive this car very very far now that hurts that counts is using a car I feel like I'm trying to take out the guy from the car, that doesn't count, that was a necessary step to get the guy out, sh br, give me a bouncer, touch the water, crush it, take that Midas, there's someone here, oh, there it is, bro, right?
Kidding, he changed seats on me, literally an uphill battle, wait, I'm driving, I'm driving, bro, are you kidding me? Give me that, Medallion, it's, it's the unlimited ammo, one gets the crown, okay, we're big, scary, yeah, I mean, so what? I have a rare swag and I'm not like driving cars. I dropped it there, a big jar. I'm going to break this floor. What we have, oh, two big boats. I'm going to take two big Bots over the gold combat of Minis. Not really. I think it's better than a blue hammer, but I digress, there's a guy up here, I doubt it, oh, it's a mistake, wait, oh, he's leaving.
I thought: how did it not hit him? I'm coming for you, he's in the hole, een meie miny. mo, he's not here, how come he's not here? He's wild, well the weird part is or the cool part. I guess I can modify my weapons, let's modify this, we'll put a drum magazine in the muzzle of the laser and then I can. I don't modify the myths, although I can modify the shotgun, so let's go ahead and put a laser on it and do it. I guess the mouth breaks, okay, let's move. I have the bow and everything ready to go.
I'm ready to tip even four damage. that's a lot of damage oh shoot going up there's a deagle there Mythic deagle get out of here confused how do I get these four hits of damage but smash them give me that Mythic give me all the medallions and this shotgun and this ar oh my god he did it I just collect everything, wait, I really think so. I saw Tony the Tiger, uh, Mythical or not, I pulled out a crazy load, so we got the Mythical Hand Cannon, uh, here, oh, shoot, I'm chillin', we're moving, going to the top of the tippy. mountain One V a situation we have Megalodon and I decided not to use cars.
I can jump on cars, hit people of course, but I don't like using them, okay, I'm really creepy, oh my god, oh my god, it's time for me to level up. we're basing heaven, wait what the hell does this do? Take rocket ammo, oh, shoot, oh, we build, where is it? I think I see him, I see him, he's right in the way, oh my God, go on, don't look up, no, oh God. Oh my god, holy smokes, that was crazy, that was crazy, oh my god, oh my god, I was too close. I almost didn't switch to my gauntlets in time.
I got closer than I should have been. There you go, there are no cars, right? Happy, happy, I told you I can win without cars, you didn't believe me, super red versus blue, remember guys, if you want big XP this season, what do you do? Take the license plate search on the left and type super s p r for super red. versus blue we're adding all the new elements to the game right now as we speak so make sure you check out this super red versus blue you know it's the favorite I love it that's what I'm saying baby.

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