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The $1,000,000 OMEGA Upgrade! | Choose YOUR Upgrade Update!

Jun 09, 2024
The Improved Monkey is officially back with its biggest


yet, the Improved Monkey instead of having a normal 555


path allows you to


one of three random upgrades ranging in rarity, from Common to Rare, Epic, Legendary, exotic, divine and now with the most recent


that adds a new Rarity, the Omega Rarity that will spawn Elite bosses that will fight on


side to destroy the Bloons, even to get this Rarity, you must first purchase this $125,000 upgrade and then purchase another $1 million improvement. So today we are going to get the strongest upgrade monkey the world has ever seen and if you like the upgrade monkey make sure to hit the like button.
the 1 000 000 omega upgrade choose your upgrade update
A big shout out to mod Creator latty who is an absolute beast for creating this mod and continually updating it if he hasn't already. I highly recommend going and getting the amazing Mr Beast bundle that is in the btd6 store because time is running out, there are currently 83 days left at the time of filming this video and it actually gives you so much stuff for just $10 that you get 10,000 monkeys. T5 money stuff and some pretty awesome limited edition artwork that's really awesome and if you do make sure to use the toti Tew TIY creator code to help support the channel, the modders, the editors, all good, you know, it's a good day when we have


mono here let's go ahead and throw it in and so wa wa so a new update is you can actually


a starting weapon for free okay that's really cool ooh what do we choose?
the 1 000 000 omega upgrade choose your upgrade update

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the 1 000 000 omega upgrade choose your upgrade update...

I think it's Zely, the right leader and the camouflage detection right away. the bat, yes please, so you get a free update from the start, which is pretty awesome. Now let's go to the additional panel, probably and you can change the skin. That's really cool, wait, so let's have a little extra luck, ooh, that's a little expensive. Two things: I will buy it because the next update, oh the skill is 7500, but a new weapon is only 325, so can you change the appearance to be a banana farm? Wait, oh my god, it's a banana farm, that's cool, okay?
the 1 000 000 omega upgrade choose your upgrade update
Spike Factory sniper monkey a banana farm ice monkey ninja Monkey Village ooh, a ninja monkey 04 that's so cool you can change it oh, that actually looks, it looks cool just having the Alchemist, okay, let's go for one new weapon here, why did I do it? just get three legendaries to wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what the hell is going on, why am I getting Ray of Dooms, man, I'm the luckiest guy in the world , I think we broke the game, let's try that. again without luck being super crazy I mean I probably should have just kept it because it would have been a lot of fun but it would have been a little overpowered oh oh no we lost oh look how bad all these starting weapons are uh I guess that we'll start with the sniper and then we'll buy some luck and then we can change the skin, oh we can get a drood, okay, I like the drud, so let's get a new weapon, okay, this seems a little more. reasonable now this seems a little more like Regular eh we had a good start although we had a zeely we were like we were sailing but in the end it ended up not working out for us but we can move on and get something. luckier, the luckier we have the better overall, we don't need to spend a ton of money on it from the start, it's probably better to just invest to make sure we can get new weapons if the skill price changed I think. the skill is actually more expensive it's $11,000 more expensive it used to be only $2,000 then it went up to $6,500 and now it's $7,500 for a skill that's crazy but also understandable uh let's move on let's get a new weapon ooh monkey , a sniper or Boomerang, I think Sniper is just great because now we have tons of snipers that we need over a million dollars, we need about $2 million to do the things that we need to do well to unlock the new Rarities, the Omega Rarity. it's going to I'm so excited I'm so excited ok new oh good shot come on oh man it feels so good upgrade monkey it feels so good like upgrade monkey it just feels so fun to use really likes everything it's just exciting like getting a new one weapon, give an extra weapon, let's roll, oh, I guess we can manage alright, I guess we have a keen back, so that's not so bad.
the 1 000 000 omega upgrade choose your upgrade update
I definitely want to save up to try to get a new skill, but if so. It's nothing good, I'm just in trouble, so maybe I think let's wait to get skills until we can be in a really solid place, let's move on. Heart Of Thunder Heart Of Thunder is pretty good, yeah, look at that. and we have the dro. I love that they added so you can change how it looks, oh a sniper 5, oh that looks so cool with the beam coming out of it. Okay, that's really cool. I like that this is the skin for the upgraded monkey.
I love that, you can just change the cosmetics and how it looks. I mean, we could save up and try to get a skill. Now you know, I feel like we're doing pretty good camouflage detections, a little clumsy, although actually maybe we can. Come on, maybe let's put some money on luck. I always say there won't be any more luck, but the luck is pretty good, the luck is really good, so it seems like the purple ones are giving us a problem and the camouflages are giving us a problem, so we definitely don't want to wait. wait, look at how he looks at the lightning, look at how he looks at the lightning range, why does he make the lightning have a sniper range? be so good, okay, okay, that can hit the purple ones that can hit camo wires, okay, we're cooking and a full automatic rifle, we're ready, we're like ready, we're probably good until round 50, maybe time I love that We're getting the sniper upgrades and we just have them on this sniper let's see let's change it let's see change the skin engineer monkey oh that's cool he's got like a gun and he's like the strongest engineer the gunner of glue, oh, that looks really good. that's actually a little lit that we just have this glue Gunner going crazy with them let's see monkey Buccaneer what is monkey?
Okay, that's just cursed. I don't like that at all. That's weird. Banana Farm. The Alchemist. We have $112,000. Alright. New skill. Come on, Monkey's economy or something that makes money. Firestorm, that's not what he wanted at all. Well, we can go ahead and get another ability because we're just hoping to make some decent money from this if we get Benjamin. Ben Ender vs Cash Elite Sniper or mono nomic ah well everything is very expensive now and maybe we'll just focus on trying to get some new weapons maybe we can get some cash generation oh my god Sentinel Champion I can't believe that we have a legendary.
Sentinel champion and still some issues with cloak detection so we have to figure out how to get something that can work with that pretty cool mid-air burst starter, probably the best of all those ooh, Hydra rocket pods, yeah I'll get a pretty cool looking hydraulic rocket robot. to deal with any of those shenanigans, we can go ahead with crossbow, more camouflage detection, can't go wrong with that, it's always very good to have another weapon, the Dark Knight, okay, the Dark Knight is pretty good, so far we're getting something really solid. upgrades like really solid upgrades, hot range quad darts ooh, probably more hot shot.
I think Hot Shot is one of my favorite upgrades, not hot shot, grape shot. I guess it's pretty much the same, but I love those upgrades, they're so fun to use. We are making so much money right now that I think we can take some time to try to get new skills and hope that we can get something good which is definitely not what we want, but I think we should keep working until we can get some kind of money, it's definitely a big gamble but if we can get something we'll be fine and then we'll have to save up and get the first $125,000 upgrade which will allow us to get Paragons increases our luck and makes everything much better for us wab hex uh things are They are getting so expensive that they are all getting very expensive I mean, I would love to buy a new weapon and see if it gives us like we know the banana research center, okay, it's not going to give us a banana research center, I'm just going to get Super Monkey, which seems really good, in fact, I think we're really good until round 90, now it makes me wish I just kept the luck I originally had at the beginning, uh, another one, now we have two spike mats, okay, that's really good.
I also remember we got the Ice Circle at the beginning, but look at this boom, all good, the BFB just died. If I don't have the ability to make money on this, maybe we have to save the $125,000, maybe we have to send it in full and see if something can happen there around '63. No, we have nothing to worry about. I haven't made any money, which is, oh my God, four Spike storms, we have four Spike storms, okay, look at all these Spike storms, that's so many Spike storms. I think we just need to save up and get the $125,000 because everything else just isn't really that good right now, it gives us another skill slot and makes skills cheaper and gives us more luck so it's like a win-win situation in every way in the tactical shooter Monkey Sub Alchemist 0.5, okay, we have, we have to stay. this guy, we're right, we have to keep our Master Alchemist balloon like the upgraded monkey that looks so good, we have to save up to $100,000 it definitely feels a little bad and makes me want to buy a bunch of skills, but we have to Save anyway because we need to get the million dollars so we're definitely a little behind but as soon as we can get the monkey economy I think it will speed up the process exponentially.
We're already at $80,000, but Round 90 is right around the corner and we haven't purchased an upgrade in probably 30 or 40 rounds. I think we'll be able to get the $125,000 before DDT starts showing up, at least I hope we can or else we're in super duper, big deal, we'll barely make it, I think we'll barely make it, here we go, we're at 24,000, we just need $500 and we can get the upgrade, okay, let's finally get the upgrade we've been waiting for. long $125,000 yeah let's get the upgrade okay? Look, now everything changed color. Okay, then we can buy a new skill.
Oh, psionic scream. Okay, definitely, psionic scream. That's really good. Our luck hasn't improved in a long time. our luck is still $4,000 to improve luck, uhoh, around 90 here, okay, we were able to deal with the ddgs, but not quite right, so we're still like we're still in a bit of a pickle, we have a psionic scream which is very nice to have ok mono nomic oh my god we finally got it we have mono nomic ok one more let's buy another Perma Phoenix ability yeah ok ddts are on around the corner. we need to get a new Dark Knight, really good, let's get another ooh, higher production or another Dark Knight, probably another Dark Knight.
I love the color scheme. I love how we have these new ones. I don't know, it just looks so good, oh. Thank goodness the new monkey economy is fine, blizzard, now that this is more expensive, I really just want to save another $100,000 more. I know, oh wait, I shouldn't have used all those skills because if I save $100,000 it will allow me to get another skill slot and I think getting another skill slot is going to be super crucial. Well, we should be able to deal with 95 now that we have a great setup here, so I think we should be fine, as soon as the DDT starts showing up. up, get ready, okay, let's use all of these that clarified amount, oh wait, what do we do?
This is easy, oh that was easy, we had nothing to worry about, oh wait, these are just the two fortified Z Gs. I can do this, I just can. use it and just exploit them. I don't know why he exploits them, but he does and I love it. I love it. Can we defeat evil? I don't know, that could be a little problematic. Well, look at all these balloons. like see how see how we're completely overrun right now and then we can do this and it just completely wipes them out psionic stream extra ops panel new skill slot okay okay so now we have three abilities to choose from ooh , overclock is probably the best one to have here, okay, we're faced with the bad, a little creepy, but we can just overclock it, oh wait, nevermind, we're like sailing, okay, that's around 100, okay , we still look at this, we need $1. millionsand a new XP system that will be really good oh MIB okay that's good MIB is really good what would be really good is just making more money we are getting none of that money which hurts my soul um , Oh my God.
How can we not get this? We continue to receive Spike carpet, thank you, we have another monkey economy. Okay, here we go, now we make money twice as fast. We can also start getting new weapons. Oh my gosh, wait, we're actually kind of like that. I'm starting to have some problems here, like defend, okay, another skill, uh, Tech Terror, another skill, spike carpet, we haven't seen any money made, this has probably been one of the worst races of all time, okay , plasma accelerator, that's good, new weapons. trade more money whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whea whoa whoa whoa good thanks new weapons and double shot, I guess another dark knight bomb, another sentinel champion, I'm glad we got that sentinel champion at the beginning because we would have been a problem without that banana plantation we probably just want to get all the money making stuff we can get because that just helps oh my gosh we need to make more money without that we're in so much trouble like literally so much trouble yeah okay that's a third economy of monkeys, there are three monkey economies, now we have about 108, so probably and remember we can start getting divine upgrades, also slow everything down, okay, new skill, no, how the hell would I love it? a curved end of the round, like two Moab hexes, well I guess they'll take overclock because the Moab hex is broken right now, another cyonic scream because the psionic scream seems to blow up anything and everything that gets in its way , which is very, very nice, okay?
Let's work to be lucky, let's put all that into luck, our luck is more than half or currently half, so now what we can do is I'll get a. I'll leave one of our monkeys to help. get money from this, okay, a new gun, a fully automatic rifle, not bad, another banana plantation, not bad either, we're starting to like each other, we have some problems, another plasma accelerator, the legend of the night, I might have to get some banana farms here, in fact I might We have to be forced to buy some banana farms if this keeps up because it costs 1 million and we still don't have hell rank which is a really nice new skill, there's no way to see how many we have and have not obtained.
With just one Ben at the end of the cash round, we've won $284,000, which isn't bad, but man, isn't it great. Two more skills. Ben at the end of the cash round finally and mono nomics, oh my gosh, okay, that's so good, that's so good that we. We are able to get that amount of money, so that will help us and now let's focus on trying to get some new weapons. How much does luck cost? $144,000 Woo boy Woo dude okay new gun okay favorite trades. Avatar of the sun, angry, right now. it should be a type of cuisine we should be a type of cuisine I think what I need to do is get some banana farms.
It makes me very sad that we have to get banana farms. Normally we like them, we don't have to do that at all, but we're out of luck, it's usually possible without this, but if you're unlucky and that's it with the upgrade monkey, what makes it so fun is that in You really have no idea what is going to happen, you never know what. you're going to end up getting, you could get something good or something completely atrocious. I think skills have done us so wrong, okay, skills, okay. Flying Fortress. I think if we can get a model, all we need I think is like a certain Paragon because we, oh there we go, Shadow ascended by God, okay, now we have a model.
I think we're actually in a good place to try to save the million dollars, so that's where I'm going to start. What we are doing is saving up to a million dollars, okay we are back it's about 19 dollars and we have 1.1 million dollars my friends okay we have a lot of money and now it's time for us to get the final $1 million upgrade we need. I've been waiting for a new Rarity. Luck increased a lot. Removed rare Rarity. Stronger weapon and the cost of the new weapon increased. The cost of the new skill increased. A new XP system and keep everything. $1 million boom. upgrade this a few times more luck and now let's see so we can buy new skills let's see oh you get three skills so it doesn't give you a new skill oh look at this look how wild my luck is. this has no money, okay, a monkey, okay, Ben ends up with cash, okay, here we go, more monkey economy, okay, we finally have something, but things are starting to work out, we only have one Ascended shadow, we need to start improving. updates here so new weapon the biggest one very good and look you get one up to free weapons so now I get two weapons for free this is how it works I hope so let's see so do this with Arcane Spike and look at this, so a level.
Weapon so we get a free weapon. Grandmas chosen Ninja, for sure. uh Moab looks pretty good. Sky Shredder. Very good banana plantation. I'll take more money. I guess banana plantation and another free gun. I love that you get free weapons now. That's great. spiked mines oh my god things are getting oh Apex plasma Master we have yet to see the final Rarity though that's what we're trying to get. We have 10 of these, how much does it sell for? I'd be very interested look at how much that sale is going for, okay oh my god it's starting to get late okay new weapon Banana Central okay another Banana Central which is two central bananas or Dragon's Breath ew It's a good thing you can't get rares anymore, so you're guaranteed. at least get an epic upgrade bomb Blitz ooh balloon Crush we've made a lot of money we've made a lot of money okay another ascended shadow Arch Mage is pretty good okay we can literally keep using this ability we still have I haven't seen Perma yet Brew, yes, Perma Brew is that good.
You should also boost this guy because when you boost him he makes even more money because Banana Central has a lot of money, look at this, it's only $10,000 for new skills, how? How much does it go up, but only $500, but no, this could be the worst. Well, I haven't made any money, literally, I haven't made any money and I still made $1.4 million, which is a pretty crazy new weapon, another, oh, Goliath, doom, which it is. Too bad we have to get it, we still have to get a new weapon, maybe we just need to be luckier, let's max out our luck stat, so let's get the master time and skip a couple rounds because that's oh my goodness. now we have like $400,000, okay, it's time my friends, it's time for an extra panel, let's let Max get lucky, and also get the new weapon slot.
I forgot about that because this gives us another weapon slot so it gives us a higher chance of being able to get it and with maximum luck I feel pretty good even though it cost like $660,000 to get this new upgraded weapon, nothing but we should get a free one after this too, so Moab is a not bad model. 10 upgrades to a free weapon and it's 66,000, we're almost at Round 200 right now which is unreal, okay another doom ship Goliath, oh there we go, we've got an Omega, we've got the phase boss, look, Wait, that's the I don't know. it's a little hard to see wait wait let's lower the accessibility maybe that will help us see boss phas yeah you can see boss phas is orbiting around him like the doom ship goliath okay that's legendary , there it is, oh, here we go, the Omega dread. balloon wait look at that wait Dread balloon is flying around the screen popping balloons now look oh wait we were literally kinda struggling but now we're blowing everything up so easily and then we get another God it's over. literally over we can't lose now and we have Lich we have three of the elite bosses now oh wait look at this he just stands there and attacks okay it's time guys it's time we face the round 200.
Okay, here we can also get some stronger weapons, which would be very cool, legendary, okay, let's see what are all the models and the new Omega upgrades, we don't even have all the Omega upgrades, because they are all the elite bosses you can get. let's see about 200 oh my god it's destroying it we blew it up so fast if you want to see another video where we get every Omega update on the update monkey hit the like button subscribe turn on notification see you tomorrow.

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