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ATRÉVETE A SER DIFERENTE | Jeshua a través de Pamela Kribbe

Apr 04, 2024
Dear friends, I am Yeshua, your brother and equal, and he has lived as a human being among humans. I am with you, although not physically, but in and through your heart. You are connected to me as a bearer of the energy of Christ. The Christ energy is an energy of connection of Christ. be one on a level outside of time and space I am not the individual I was on earth that Incarnation of Jesus or Yeshua I am in you And who you are speaks through me I speak from a level of unity that is outside of earthly time and space Beyond the physical the corporeal therefore do not look at me as a master guru or guide I am one of you in fact I am one with you when I am here and I speak through someone at the same time I am In you I feel what you need in that moment to incarnate more deeply to express your light the flame of your soul your unique divinity and establish it on earth doing that is the only thing that will make you feel fulfilled all of you have come this far in the development of your consciousness that you no longer care about worldly images of success Victory power or prestige if those images still affect you not so much your real achievement success or power so that you can become recognized or famous but sometimes you long to participate belong and feel a connection with the people around you however those images of success and achievement affect you deeply during your childhood And as you grow up Those are the times in your life when you are very sensitive to belonging or feeling different belonging to a group It is very important for people especially for children because humans are by nature a social animal a part of being human is that you want to connect with others Or at least be among them but it is when you are in connection with the world and people around you or even with another person you receive information that does not really coincide with the impulses of your soul your natural state and then you get confused that often happens to you when you are young you get wrong information So to speak that is not consistent with your being and As a result, you become confused.
atre vete a ser diferente jeshua a trave s de pamela kribbe
You want to be part of the community and be loved first by your parents and later by your friends and peers. You want to experience social success. But because of the confusion you harbor within you, you separate yourself. To some extent, you do not. You can continually live outside yourself without taking into account your inner self because that will eventually lead you to an inner division and living a false life and that is when things start to go wrong that inner division is expressed through your emotions as dissatisfaction uncertainty. fear self-doubt lack of creativity over time you become depressed and lifeless This division can also manifest itself on a physical level because your emotions have a direct influence on your body the rupture that arises in you as you grow is experienced by almost everyone and it is very painful because your true purpose of being here is to pay attention to your soul your unique light you are not here to adapt but to shape a new world so you are almost destined to be different from others and not to being aligned with external expectations I want to ask you to feel how you are different go back in time and discover how when you were a child you experienced that something was not right that you could not fit into this or that that you could not agree with the existing standards or ideas of what is good exciting and worthwhile feel that childish hesitation see if there are moments from the past that are now bubbling up inside you moments when you looked at the world at the people around you and thought something is wrong I feel different other people They seem to know what is happening and what is going to happen but I don't experience that.
atre vete a ser diferente jeshua a trave s de pamela kribbe

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atre vete a ser diferente jeshua a trave s de pamela kribbe...

Try to bring as much Clarity as You Can to that nonsense that you can't join the world around you to the feeling that you are different But that you don't know how. nor why however if you are very aware that you think and feel differently feel your originality in that knowledge for a long time you have been trying to push that part of yourself away because you wanted to connect with other people to be loved Have compassion for that part of yourself that longs to connect AND be seen and appreciated by others Have compassion for it but Step away from it too and feel how you have repressed ignored and denied who you really are by trying too hard to adapt to help you see that part more clearly suppressed that is so original I ask you to imagine the following you are on a large empty plain in open nature and just enough you can see the wide sky above you wherever you are you feel the earthly elements a desert a beach a field of grass there there are no people no there is a trace of human society you are in nature and you feel at home you feel that you are part of the Earth and nature touches the ground with your hands and feels the firmness of the earth feel the wind the plants around you now disappear a animal or maybe several there is an animal that belongs to you And it wants to come to you it has come to be by your side or to lie down and it is not afraid of you that animal feels completely at home with its original natural energy because it is at home in nature it sees If you can see or feel that animal and look into its eyes, see the beauty of that animal, so pure and virgin, it is not interested in images of success, of conforming to how one should be, of having to give the best of itself, that animal is very free and independent, there is no point in social depression or the social boxes or cages in which you lock yourself up.
atre vete a ser diferente jeshua a trave s de pamela kribbe
Now you see, if you can name that animal, give it a name that suits it, that animal represents your original self. The part of you that doesn't. fits feel its fierceness and pride because an animal has a natural pride and dignity it does not suffer from all human concepts so it does not go crazy trying to fit into them now think about an everyday situation in your life a situation at home in work or with people where you often feel uncomfortable because you feel pressured or you feel small or you are forced to conform imagine that you are in that situation being that animal that you get into the skin of that animal and contemplate the situation from its gaze Do not be afraid of what you will see an animal is sharp in its perception and does not respond to illusions Look through things to change this world and that is part of the task or mission of your soul you need this animal Dare to be different Dare to recognize your original self again and take good care of yourself Trying to adapt and absorb too much of the images of the world goes against taking good care of yourself.
atre vete a ser diferente jeshua a trave s de pamela kribbe
Taking care of oneself means establishing and protecting one's own space with naturalness and certainty also means leaving. If something does not nourish or inspire you, say no. When someone intrudes on your space, protect yourself in obvious and natural ways. However, doing so is a challenge for you because you are filled with images of how things should be and all that erasing those images requires. an effort which for an animal is very natural and does not cost it any. Essentially doing that is very simple but the problem is that it is difficult for you to do it because you are afraid of being criticized or because you even believe that doing it is dangerous, however that It is not the case now and it is especially the case in this time because there is a great need for people who do not conform who are different and original and who have something to say from their originality such opportunities in a way unique at this time there have been moments where it has barely been possible to raise your voice and be different and there are still places on earth where that would be very difficult but a turning point has been reached.
Now there is a flow for a reversal by doing the voices of the original of the The natural desires of people's souls can be seen and heard more and more. There is a need for originality in humanity especially in the younger generation and that is why it is important for adults to take the initiative to ensure that everyone's voice is heard. In order to break the old structures, the guidance of adults is necessary because many children are already being influenced by those images, structures and judgments of the past and they are too sensitive to adapt even just a little, which is why leaders are needed, spiritually mature people who understand the importance of breaking with all those images and compulsive norms that dare to show their originality first of all for themselves but also to prepare the way for the new generations who are bringing something new, preparing the way is necessary because the new It can only grow if it relapses into a fertile environment, so I ask you to take it seriously and in a very conscious way to feel how you are different.
Keep in mind that this will not break your connection with other people, especially in these times, it is very important. being yourself as it is called by that I mean being your original self through which you will be able to overthrow things that have been considered sacrosanct at this time doing that is not only possible but also desperately needed because a wave of New energy is entering the earth and that energy can only do Through individuals it will never happen through organizations or through political institutions or hierarchical structures something like that can only be done from the bottom up and that means it has to be through a large number of individuals your individual path is important to you of course but through your individual path you simultaneously transfer a spark to the collective consciousness and all those sparks from all the individuals together produce something new a wave of New energy embraces the animal that there is within you and that you have just seen that is a creative key and with it you can use your imagination to pave the way for the energy of your own soul Thank you very much for your attention I am with you you are not alone there is an energy field Here and now on earth and elevates you it is already so strong that you can easily connect with it and you can tune into it to make your daily decisions Thank you very much for being who you are with love yeshua

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