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I Asked 1000 Older People for Advice and Learned...

Apr 13, 2024
This video is sponsored by Shopify we all have an expiration date, everything has an expiration date and I don't let that stop me. I am 59 years old. Wow, and every day you have to learn something. You can't just stay in bed and eat cookies. You have to do it. get up and get going I've traveled to over 15 countries this year and interviewed nearly a thousand strangers on the streets of each of them and today I'm going to share with you the best interviews I've recorded throughout this year featuring the Best


on love life, health, and career from some of the oldest, wisest, and most diverse


you'll find on this planet.
i asked 1000 older people for advice and learned
If you could go back in time and relive any era in your life, is there one in particular you would go to? back to no oh 30 to 40 that's when I got married I traveled a lot my wife and I had our kids it was a good time we had a nice house I had a good job uh it was good what's something we tend to Prioritize a lot of things when we're younger, But as we get


we realize that it is not important. We worry about what everyone else thinks of us and how we look, our cosmetics, our hair, our face and our clothes.
i asked 1000 older people for advice and learned

More Interesting Facts About,

i asked 1000 older people for advice and learned...

I don't have to worry about it so much, but we women are encouraged to spend a lot of money on it, it's a waste of time, like the new car, the big house, the fancy clothes, you know, those things come and go. They come, I don't. Don't know. I think everyone settles too quickly. You think you need to have a home. You think you need to have a family. Once you do it, you're in it. You must do a lot of things first. Money is a means to pursue your goals. passions, what is important is, really, your health, if you are not in good health you are not going to enjoy life.
i asked 1000 older people for advice and learned
I think you need to invest more time in your family and your friends and make sure you keep them because that's the other thing is that as you get


you lose those friends, they start to have cancer problems, they develop dementia and before you know Mind you, you're left with a few, so this all started in my hometown of Montreal, Canada at the beginning of the year. I started interviewing


. Every weekend I ask strangers to take 2-3 minutes max to talk to me and share some of their best life


. If you could give any advice to someone younger than you, what would you tell them if you had an idea?
i asked 1000 older people for advice and learned
What do you want to do? I wouldn't postpone it. You know the golden years aren't so golden. People say you can do all this to be tired, but you never know what's going to happen to you as long as you're healthy. You should go do things. Meet people. Travel the world. Yes. that's what you want to do be brave but be true to yourself and be kind get up get out look around you put a little effort yes, every day you have to grow and every day you have to learn something you can't just stay in bed and eat cookies you have to get up and go after Montreal my next stop was New York City New York City has some of the most diverse and interesting characters on this planet and one thing that Throughout the year, I


that Going to a city where most people have dealt with something like the people in New York make the interviews much more interesting for me.
What I regret most is that I wanted to be an actor that was My dream since I was in elementary school, I was in all the school plays and I had a modicum of success, like when I was a teenager, when I was 20 years old, I was in a few television shows and I was almost at the top. I guess I got scared and it was like you know I need to work. I need to support myself. He was obviously the quintessential hungry artist. I was sleeping on the Friends couches. He was a waiter. He was a waiter, he did what he had to do.
I can go to auditions during the day and I kind of gave up on that dream and got the typical 9 to 5 corporate job and that's the thing I regret the most in my life because I was like 20, let's say 22. I really should have kept it. I tried and I kept at it because all I ever wanted to do was be an actor and now I have a boring corporate job and it's like yeah, I can pay the rent and whatever live, but what's the point at the end of the day? You recognize that time is so short, that's the only thing you can't get back.
I am very aware of that. Now you know. When you're 22, you think you're going to live forever. I have my whole life ahead of me. no you have to do it and then try to fail, there's nothing to be ashamed of failing, just learn from it and then move on and try a bunch of different things. That would be my biggest advice to a young person if you could give one piece. What advice would you give to someone younger than you? What would you say? We both love to travel and I think we waited until we thought, "We can afford it; it would have been a lot more fun to travel when we were younger to less nice places, so we did it." We didn't start traveling until we were about 50 years old.
Yes, yes, we can afford nicer places to go, but it would have been a lot more fun to have done some things with the backpack. Make sure you do what you like. No, don't just get a job. you have passion for what you are doing at the beginning of the year. I went to Japan with my best friend, also conveniently named. We traveled to Asia for 4 months. We spent most of our time in Japan and that was one of the most eye-opening experiences. for interviews because Japan, whether they know it or not, doesn't have that many people who speak English.
I don't speak Japanese now, so for the first time I had to turn to you and use my audience mainly from YouTube and Instagram. As a result, Tik Tok will be my translator, although I didn't understand most of them while they were being filmed, when I looked back I realized they were quite valuable, so here are some of the best ones from my time in Japan. What's something that when we're younger we tend to give a lot of priority to, but as we get older we realize it's really not that important? For mm two mhm three three, if you could give some advice to someone younger than What you tell them is that your wife is watching right there.
One thing I've


and something that has intensified over the last year is how many people are really unhappy with their careers. I grew up in Canada, where your career basically makes Most of us agree to work a job we don't enjoy, but there are some Westerners who think differently and decide that their corporate existence in North America is not worth their time, their money, or their unhappiness and So they move to different parts of the world and one of those places that a lot of them actually move to is Bangkok. How old are you? You can't ask those questions to an old person like me.
I am 51 years old. m 59 wow 59 what are you waiting for, how did you get that? How did I get it? What do you do for a living? I retired to move here and then I got a little bored with being retired and started a YouTube channel. What is it? It was called plug it ah retired working for you check it out man why did you move to Bangkok ah man? I've been dreaming about it all my life. I first came here in '94 and fell in love with the place and kept coming back year after year on vacation and finally decided to make it happen.
It's a long story, I've probably been working in the film and television industry for over 20 years. I originally moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams when I had. I was a young teenager and eventually ended up getting a job at Netflix to run their post-production department and help start their studio for all original content in Asia. That brought me to Asia and then I decided that after leaving my job it was time to come to Thailand, why did you leave your job? I would say mainly because it was time to try something new every four or five years.
I'm starting to get a little itchy to live life a little differently. I think I spent a lot of time, especially during the pandemic, sitting in a room in front of a computer. I had spent maybe 3 years almost doing that and I thought I wasn't going to live life anymore and I needed to try something different and get out of this. a sort of monotonous routine you act and look much younger there are things you do that you think make you feel younger we have lived in a world where we have been programmed to follow directives since we were children, once we are separated from all those past beliefs, then we free ourselves and are able to follow our instincts and once we start exercising following our instincts, we tend to go in a different direction, you start walking slowly and then you start jumping a little bit and the next thing you know, that you are running because you realize that what you were doing before or what you were experiencing before was a lie.
I mentioned earlier in this video how many of us are unhappy with our lives specifically. We are unhappy with our careers now, regardless of whether it is your career or another part of your life, most of us are unhappy for three reasons: one, we don't know who we are, two, we don't know what we want and three, even if We know those first two things, we have no idea how we plan to make that happen. I wake up in the morning, I will go for a walk and I will just say: you know what I am going to talk with my journal about what I feel or what I have experienced and that allows me to free myself from the thoughts of what I should be doing a few years ago I decided to create a product based on my personal experiences which is a series of answers to the questions most of us face when we go on a journey to set big goals for ourselves and actually achieve them, that product is our 365 day workbook, a journal fully guided that is designed to help you develop the tools and mindset systems to fully complete. change your life this year now to sell this product we use a Shopify store Shopify offers an easy-to-use all-in-one commerce platform for anyone regardless of your technical ability and experience to start growing and running a business like me Shopify is Canadian but they power millions of companies in more than 175 different countries.
I started building my website using their key offering. I was super frugal on the website using one of their free templates until recently when I decided to reinvest in the business and purchase one of their custom templates. Then I played with the templates, changed the colors, changed the font, changed the style to suit my brand and that really helped me improve the sales of my product now, if you are an aspiring SL entrepreneur, the future side of Hustler and want to start your business then visit sprout to get a free trial today and if you are interested in changing your life this year and also take a look at what one of the Shopify websites looks like then visit our website Using click the link in the description to get a limited edition of one of our 365 Day Workbooks before the new year begins.
People love to focus on the end goal and the big dream of what they could be and that's amazing and that's a key part, but I think what I've learned is that the difference between success and failure is often just taking the next step, even though it may seem a little boring, it may seem a little routine, but I just have to take baby steps to get to that ultimate dream or else you'll never get there after spending those four months in Asia. I came back to Canada with a different way of interviewing while I was in Asia and I was talking to more people who didn't speak the same language as me, I had to be more strategic so I again turned to you to message you on Instagram and ask if anyone is in Tokyo, for example, and if they wanted to take 15 to 20 minutes to Talk to me, hang out with me and do an interview, so most of my interviews ended up in parks where there was no time limit and I felt more comfortable talking for 10, 15, 20, even 30 minutes at a time, and so on once you do it. which is really hard to go back to a 1-3 minute interview, so the first video I shot with this new style of Mac in Canada was on a topic that really interests a lot of us, everyone wants it and needs it and that it is love.
What is love to you? For me, love was always the feeling of finding someone who brings out the best in you. Having a sense of commitment to the other person, for better or worse, caring for each other, accepting each other for whatever flaws they may have. We're honest, we tell each other everything and um without that I don't think love exists, you know, because that leads to caring for someone, except when you go and buy a new watch, you didn't tell me what I'm buying. you too, so love is feeling fulfilled. Love is feeling calm when being seen and that is really in any relationship and we have to work on all of our relationships, not just what we consider important.
He could be picky to death. I choose not to. That's because it doesn't expand the relationship. I was someone who, you know, always looked for approval outside, whether from my parents, my teachers and especially from my boyfriends and then my first husband and uh after my divorce I lived alone for 8 years in a small apartment,but they were the best growing years of my life, how would you recommend to someone young in today's dating world to find love, true love, not on the internet, not by sliding right into your circles, into your gym, into your yoga studio what? you're focused on what you're interested in is where other like-minded people are you're always looking for that piece of the puzzle to complete yourself yeah when you should be complete to begin with so don't rush into getting married you know and a lot of kids do it because it's important to be in a couple.
Good situation, but no need to rush. I have interviewed many people from many cultures and of many ages this year. What I've learned is that the older you are, the richer your experiences will be and the more advice you have to share, but I was really looking to interview more people over 90. That's when the idea occurred to me that in Montreal there is a park surrounded by retirement homes. We quickly went to that park during a weekend and found. some of the oldest, healthiest, wisest people you will ever meet. Walking through what it feels like to be 95 and 89 years old, we don't feel our age at all times, everyone has certain problems, but we are lucky to be able to do it.
Being out walking and in the sun on a day like today, we're doing the best we can, we have a lot of friends that have passed away and a lot of friends that are sick and we're fine, so we're. lucky and we are lucky that we have been married together for 67 years we have a lovely family and a lot to be grateful for so it is one thing that when you were younger you gave a lot of priority to and when you got older you realized which wasn't. what important things chachkas you know how now I have a house full of beautiful plates and vases and things and my children don't want them they have small houses it's not important to have the best of everything don't look at other people what It's one thing that when you were When you were younger you gave it a lot of priority and when you grew up you realized that it was not so important.
I don't have time to think about those things. I'm just pretty happy with it, but he wakes up in the morning and looks and says, Oh, are you still here? If you could give advice to someone younger than you, what would you say? Just enjoy life and if there is something unpleasant, get away from it first of all. It's one thing to stay in school get all the education you can make yourself valuable but make sure you are the best you can be today's children do the best you can that is my advice and then your life will be fine lead a clean life mhm don't do things you are not supposed to do and try to be as positive as you can yes of course because tomorrow will be a day better unless you make it worse.
If I have learned anything this year from interviewing nearly a thousand people around the world, it is to have a more open mind when having a conversation with everyone. Of the people I interviewed are not superstars, they are not famous, they are normal people who live their lives walking the streets, the same streets as you, but they have a lot of wisdom to impart, so my advice from my learnings is to search. tip, head to the park closest to you, find someone sitting on a park bench, start a conversation and ask them what advice they would give to a stranger, that's probably how you'll get the most out of life, thanks.
Lots to see, we have a lot planned for 2024, so be sure to subscribe if you haven't already. I will do it and as always, it's a mentality, see you next time.

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