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i tried 10 of the MOST VIRAL tiktok DIY'S

May 30, 2024
Hello guys, welcome to my channel. I'm really happy that you're here today because we're actually doing a DIY tic tac and we're going to make 10 of them, a couple of them are like hacks but a lot of them are DIY. some of them are makeup lifestyle fashion. I have a really big mix, so we could do all the random ticking DIYs that came up every time I typed DIY without further ado. Make sure you hit that subscribe button before you leave and let's go. Let's go ahead and jump into our first DIY, we are going to make our own bb cream.
i tried 10 of the most viral tiktok diy s
I'm going to go ahead and roll the tik tok, let's make a bb cream at home, so first you're going to take your favorite moisturizer and then mix it with a little bit of your favorite foundation to make sure everything is nice and blended nice and smooth . This is a great way to make another makeup product from ones you probably already have on your makeup vanity. This one is pretty simple I'm going to use this plate because I can't find my mixing tray I can't find anything guys I'm supposed to be organized what's wrong with me? okay, let's grab our favorite moisturizer.
i tried 10 of the most viral tiktok diy s

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i tried 10 of the most viral tiktok diy s...

Can you see that? Can you see it running across the plate and then I'm going to grab the Armani Luminous Silk Foundation? So it's like a medium coverage foundation, it can be full coverage and I'm just going to drop a little bit on there. al


sold out please ok now I'm going to mix them together and this is supposed to dilute your foundation where it's supposed to be diluted and more of a bb cream super simple DIY but I think this one could be extremely useful as well let us see. Youthful or useful saying? I wonder if it will clarify it.
i tried 10 of the most viral tiktok diy s
Well, I put it on my face and now we are going to blend it with our yellow beauty sponge. Wow, look at that, that was a bb cream, right? Guys look how it blended and blended like this, it looks like I put a little bit of light tint on my skin so I put a little bit more here, look at this, it definitely diluted it to where it's like a bb cream, a little bit of coverage. some heavy dye in the humidity which worked like a charm. I'm okay, I actually love this how-to or DIY hack.
i tried 10 of the most viral tiktok diy s
I guess we did our own makeup guys, we have more DIY makeups coming soon, but this one just took. It stood out every time I mixed it with a sponge which I think is the trick here it was like magic it immediately turned into a bb cream like it looked so good on the skin yeah the first one was easy and it's a victory for our next DIY. We are going to make our own cream highlighter with Vaseline and powder highlighter. Go ahead and roll up that tik top. This one is really easy and you can prepare it however you want by mixing shades and whatnot, so I'm going to mix it up. some of this here I'm just going to use my little tweezers and scoop out a big amount okay I feel like we have enough in our bowl so next I'm going to grab my polish highlighter palette and I really want to put a little bit of these two shades on and make our own color, okay, I have a third hand, okay, baby, we gotta put some highlighter in there, so I'm going to scrape it off, oh oh, I'm going to stop, what are we going to do? doing yeah, we're pulling, we're doing a dumping motion, okay, here we go, I'm pulling it, I'm scraping a bunch of highlights, I'm glad she did this with a whole new palette, stop doing that.
It doesn't come out so there you have it and now let's mix well we're mixing we're mixing well now it's mixing but the thing is I don't have enough Vaseline I have too much powder I need a there's a lot more Vaseline in there okay let's try it now sorry wants to use my hand, oh but I have nails, I want to put Vaseline on my face, I don't know, I think you just have to have a decent proportion of the product, but this one looks great, it actually looks like a beautiful champagne color golden. I'm going to go ahead and show it in my hand.
Oh my god, are you kidding me? What a nice highlighter. Wow, now we have to try it on our face. take just a little bit on my finger here and apply it to my cheek oh my gosh this is such an intense highlight but I'll say it like it blends like butter I think it's absolutely beautiful I think we have a winner baby. you have a winner, are you kidding me? You could even do your collarbones, your shoulders with this, your nose, it's beautiful and all the cream products are so trendy right now, so instead of buying them, you could make your own amazing 10 out of 10, do it yourself. cream featured question, how are you going to store it?
I feel like you could put this in a ziploc bag or if you could get technical, the girl had an empty compact, she scratched it off and put it in her little empty compact, which would be really cute if she had the following trick that we asked thredup for. If you guys don't know what thread is, I'm about to let you know. Thanks to thredup for sponsoring a portion of today's video. Throwing it is the biggest. online thrift store is so amazing it's sustainable shopping they have endless brands endless options you can literally type in al


any brand and find what you're looking for there guys before we start I'm about to open up all my Thredup stuff because I ordered this dress and I wanted it so much, it's so cute and it was a size medium and I'm normally petite but I found this DIY on how to specifically transform your satin dress but first I want to go into the items I got from thredup and do a little tour to Let you show them what I got.
They also gave me a Laura Lee discount code for thirty percent off plus free shipping, so that's an extra thirty percent off plus free shipping. and use the code laura lee. I'll link it below, but let's go ahead and see what we got from my yarn orders. They always come in the infamous polka dot bag and I always especially like how everything is wrapped up so nicely. like it came from a designer store i have ordered much more expensive things that have arrived and much less quality so i think it's surprising that thredup has time to place their orders quite ooh so the first thing i bought you guys have so much . things from zara that I love and I bought these pants from zara, they are these really cute khaki pants.
I'm going to try them on, don't worry I'll add the test here so you can see what they look like on but they are super cute I just love them and guess what they are new with the tags he put on there. They originally cost 49.50. I bought them for 31.99, a great option for a new pair of pants from Zara. Next thing I do is I got these absolutely beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, these are satin pants from Banana Republic and I thought this amber color was literally the epitome of fall weather so I bought these, they are cute drawstring wide leg pants , really absolutely adorable, so these ones I bought are Originally 85, are you kidding me?
I bought these for 27.99. I thought it was an amazing photo and I love them. This fiery amber color just screams fall time, perfect for fall. Here is my next package. Oh, and look, this is the dress. it's from joa this is the dress that we are going to make and perfect a little because I think it will be a little loose on me so it's perfect for our next DIY how beautiful is this long baby pink satin dress this joa The dress was originally 95. And I bought it for 27.99, so it's still there, it's crazy, that's all, it's like a little Barbie dream and I can't wait to use it, but first let's do it yourself.
Well, guys, I'm going to put on the dress. now inside out and let's try this trick okay guys for this trick I have a metal bracelet that I think is exactly what she was wearing and she put it on the dress and then she just grabbed the fabric and tied the band elastic so I just have this elastic that I hope looks like it will fit and then I think she tightened it and now I think we can turn the dress inside out and see how it fits guys I did the trick I turned the dress inside out dress and this is what it looks like now it was really loose over here so I really feel like it tightened it up and it worked and let me show you the back it looks really cute so I actually made mine further down here because I kind of It was tighter in this area, which is where it needed to be tighter, but you can always lift it up if you want to tighten it down here more, but it looks really good back there.
I think this trick really worked. This is the dress before adding the ring to the back. how I look on it it's still very pretty I love how it looks it's just looser and I feel like with the ring because I made it low it was tighter like that with the ring um but of course I took the ring It took off so you could see how it looks go without it, either way, it's a pretty dress, but the ring trick really worked wonders and it looked beautiful in the back, 10 out of 10. Then, I bought this adorable crop top that's like one. manga i thought it would be cute for fall it's from zara and guess what new with the tags originally 1990 i bought it for 12.99 a new zara top new with the tags what an amazing deal and i also think this is the cutest and most fashionable top I ever said yes please I have a ton of stuff like this there, then I bought this cardigan from app nine, it fits nine for 15.99, retail value $39, so this again screams fall time , I thought it would wear me out a lot. about this I love the plaid look it's in perfect condition it looks new and I like how long it is what a great piece I have a ton of cardigans there I have a box more of you guys I always go crazy when I'm still there because the shopping is really endless.
I was recently watching an interview with the CEO of thredup and he was talking about how Gen Z and Millennials alike have taken back sustainable shopping and the interviewer asked: Why do you think that is? Look, how cute, why? I think it's that Gen Z and millennials are bringing it back and he was talking about how we care about our environment and not only is it fun, it's fun to buy clothes, it's so much fun to find treasure and I can't agree. More clearly guys, when I go in there I just type in zara and the entire Zara store is there for half or less than a fraction of the price, so these big, chunky, adorable Zara sweaters I bought there again seem to be on perfect state. condition I bought it for 27.99 estimated retail value was 49 dollars this is to die for for winter and fall I love the colors it's perfect I have another piece I bought this faux fur jacket originally 96 I bought it for 46.99 and how cute is this I want Wear this in Montana and be in the fall leaves right away.
I found some major gems this time around, so I found some vintage pieces that you really can't find anywhere. Plus, shopping with yarn is better for the planet and your wallet. So don't forget to use my discount code laura lee to get an extra 30 off your first order plus free shipping. I'll have that link right below so be sure to check out miss thread up, we love it, we love it and I hope Thread Up is around for a long time. They are doing amazing things and I am so happy to partner with them for our fourth DIY.
Let's highlight the body. I'm trying to make this body shine. I'm just using it as a body oil and then I put this old highlighter on it. Okay, I put a little bit in there. I may have put in too much. I removed the label. It is literally so beautiful that one looked more incredible than I had ever seen. I bought the exact products or I had the highlighter but I bought the exact oh to try this one so she just took the cap off it looks like it's going to be a mess and then we just spray the healthy highlighter and It's a good thing it's in a dropper because you can drip a little.
I spilled it everywhere. I predicted it would be a disaster. I just spilled everything everywhere. Alright guys, first let's clean up the spill. I don't know if I will. did you ever get this sometimes diys can get messy here we go we got it sticky let's pop it a little oh look at it wow oh that was fun look at that guys I'm having too much fun so the color that I'm going to have a small pink one, this one is called roses on the walls. I feel like I should use a lot because there's a lot of oil here and we're going to try it.
I'll shake it and see. If I need to add more holy molybdenum, look at that, it looks so cool, guys, this looks really nice, I think I have a good amount in there now, we'll try it on the arm, don't look at my casual shorts. I'm using well here we have the arm that looks like oh wait let's see let's let it sit there it smells good it smells like cocoa I can't even tell maybe I need to add more highlights eh but it looks. nice it's like I don't know if I can see the highlights let's add more this is a learning experience you can never have too much brightness now let's give it a mix and see it was open it's still everywhere This is all messed up I mean , I feel like we are super super shiny from the oil.
I'm sure there has to be a little bit of glitter because look how much there is in here, like the whole bottle is pink, but I think most of it. for the most part it's justshiny overall it's shiny not shiny yeah not that shiny okay guys I see a little bit of glitter happening like I actually see it I think it's a little bit of the highlight peeking out but either way I want to say that it's nice. You know, it's really nice, I just don't know what I mean. I feel like I use half the bottle of my highlighter, which looks super highlighted there, but I don't know how much was in here, we don't know.
I know I'm going to give that one eight out of ten, our next trick is trick number five and it's random, but we're going to make the cutest bunny in the world with this dry Clorox wipe. You could use a paper towel or whatever, but I think this is what they use. in the tik tok we're going to go ahead and roll that tick tock, so first we'll roll it up. I'm not really sure what you're going to do with your bunny when you're done with it, but if you have kids this could be really cute, oh I don't know if my roll was even, it has to be that we're even going to fold it in half this way, there we have it, fold it in half, okay?
It looks good here, now we have to fold it again and then I have my elastic band ready, so they folded it like this. Oh, okay, I see the bunny forming and now I'm going to tie the bunny. It's okay, it's so cute. It just so happened that we have a bunny here, we'll just judge him a little and now we'll make him an official bunny. Well, here's my bunny, they drew the face here on the bunny, so I'll try to draw the exact same face. Why do they make everything look so easy? There is a little eye.
There is a little eye. The eyes are not even going to make a little nose. Okay, we have a big rabbit nose. This marker, isn't it, darling? I'm going to do an eyeliner. for the mouth, okay, I feel like this eyeliner is really going to save the day. This bunny looks scary. Okay, my bunny looks a little hideous, but let's add the pink, which I really feel highlights it and this eyeliner worked much better. than the marker, okay guys, I'm going to take some of my blush, I chose a very pink one and we're going to go ahead and apply it to the ears, go in and color the little ears pink, okay, these are pretty pink.
I feel like it takes practice. Well, next I'm going to do the little cheeks with a brush and this is my bunny and he likes the perfect version, but overall this is a cute little project to do and I don't hate it. The bunny is actually very cute, tell him that's not what my bunny looks like. He seems to hate this money. It's so cute it may not be identical, but I'm pretty sure that person had made that bunny like a million times. This was my first attempt. Don't think it turned out that bad now that our next DIY number six has 20 million views, it's kind of a gimmick, but we're about to test this theory and see if it really works.
I can't believe there are 20 million views. It almost has a million likes, so it's a DIY trick on how to get everything out of your tubular product, so you're supposed to be able to cut the top of any product into a tube and push the lid on. I'm going to go ahead and roll that 20 million view ticker right now, so let's dive in and do it. Let's go ahead and cut off the top of this sunscreen that's almost gone. There's a little bit left in there, but not much, okay guys, I'm supposed to be able to remove this lid.
It fits and you're supposed to be able to just press it. It worked like a glove. It looks like it's completely scraped off. of product out of this tube and they pressed it all the way in guys look how much came out of this tube and the tube was practically empty that's why that video has 20 million views how wild it literally couldn't have worked any better. easy, first time trying it, I'm impressed, 10 out of 10. For our sixth trick, we're going to make our own lip scrub with a little sugar, a little oil, and a little food coloring.
Alright guys, I added a little bit of sugar to my bowl, then you need to add a little bit of oil, so I'm just going to add a little bit of our handy dandy palmer's everything with highlighter with highlighter and then I'm going to add a couple drops of food coloring. food we have pink, it looks a little red, okay, this looks like a nightmare, but ooh, I bet it will be great to mix or mix it. Should I try this now? Here we go, we'll try it on my lips. Test it. my lips, okay guys here I go, you know what a really nice scrub is?
It's great, it will only stain my teeth. You know what? I think we don't need the food coloring. I feel like food coloring is nice and fun, but how does it taste delicious? It tastes like canned coconut candy, but I don't think we need the food coloring. I feel like that's where things are going to get tricky, but let me show you how great the food coloring will make my lipstick and teeth, let's say. you just like rubbing sugar right on your teeth yeah my teeth are going to rot now ok leave some dye honestly this is a little tricky but I've never used a no mess scrub so our washcloth makeup remover is safe for Teeth aren't bad, I mean, listen, if you want a little stain left, be careful with your teeth, but I think this one is cute.
I think it's very cute. I think it's a fun DIY to do at home. I'll give this one an eight. out of ten it's also a really nice natural lip scrub for our next DIY number seven, we're going to make a cream lip product with cream blush and a little bit of Vaseline and a little bit of crushed blush, let's jump right in, oh, We're also going to roll the tik tok here, we have our plate first, as you saw before, we'll add a nice dollop of Vaseline on the plate, maybe right there, then I'll squish one of my favorite drugstore blushes, it's that pretty. bright pink and this is what we have, so we're going to blend it just like we did with our highlighter and we're going to try it on our cheeks and then we're going to try it on our lips.
You really have to get it. the mix goes, today I'm going with a whole chunk of Vaseline, baby, a face full of Vaseline is where it's at, it's the beauty trends of 2022, okay guys, this is what it looks like. I chose a really good color because it looks that pretty. It has a shimmery shine to it and I think it would be perfect so I'm going to put a little bit on my finger and try it here it's so pretty oh my gosh where can I buy it? Wow, wow, wow, he's very impressed. I'm a little nervous about clogging my pores by putting Vaseline all over my cheek, but it's for youtube so I'm doing it anyway, okay let's blend this out, it fades more like a blush you see.
Sure it's like a blush, but it fades more and I'm a little hesitant to use that much Vaseline on my cheek to get breakouts, but overall it definitely adds a really nice little flush to the cheek. I think I like it mainly for the lips. It's great for the lips, it's so pretty and you can literally do with any blush, any color of blush, mixing blushes, your own lip product and really your own cheek product, you might want to be careful with that but 10 out of 10 like this. definitely works for our trick number eight, it's really easy but so cute, this also had millions and millions of views.
Let's hot glue a plate and bowl together, roll the tic tac, baby, our arts and crafts desk is getting dirty, but I. I'm just going to add a good amount of glue to this bowl and they also use ego glue so you can use that or hot glue so place it here evenly and press down until it dries because I used hot glue and it dried very fast. I could still use your bowl, I guess, but you have this nice pedestal to put your soaps, sponges, and whatever next to the sink so that water doesn't go over the sink and ruin your countertop.
No need to spend money. I feel like I have a patchy hair on this, but it's pretty close and you can use any plates and bowls you have, so this one is very, very simple, very cute and really practical. This is a great DIY, 10 out of 10. And for our final DIY, this one goes. To be very fun, but requires a little more time, so I left it for last. Let's make our own modern plaid bowl. These plaid bowls are very expensive at Urban Outfitters and other stores, but you can make your own. some painter's tape find your favorite bowl or object you'll need a marker and some paint pretty simple right, oh and scissors get ready to be sick of me get ready right now to be sick of me I went ahead and chose this bowl and the last one The night I started going ahead and checking it out I discovered that my chips didn't end up perfectly even and that's because this bowl isn't perfectly even so if you find something that's a little more uniform it might work better and the bowl will narrow, so it leaves you having to get wider pieces of plaid tape or square tape towards the top because it gets wider and they won't connect anymore if you keep making the same size small, so it was a little strange for me, like a learning curve through this. but I think painting this will still look very nice.
I just want to show you real quick if you're making a bowl that goes up and down and doesn't like to taper, which will be easier for everyone. Well, what I would do is I would line up my tape measure with the actual tape and mark it on every inch and it didn't have to be exactly perfect, but pretty close, that way when I took it off. I know where to cut the square and now I would cut the pieces right on the mark to get that perfect little square and then I take my bowl and I would just add them where they would need to go so the pieces are needed. a lot, I'm not going to lie, it says this takes a long time to get perfectly straight and get the pieces to connect perfectly, so you're going to have to be a little patient with this project, but I'm going to keep cutting my pieces and then adding them to my bowl like this and yeah again, so I chose a very rigid, rickety bowl to create different shapes for my ribbon, but we're going to go ahead and make the whole bowl and then we'll paint it together, okay?
Guys, jumping into painting now that we have the entire bowl checkered and taped together. I'm using a sponge brush which I found actually makes it easier to reach all the grooves, especially if they are using a textured bowl. I'm going to turn it around. I finish when it dries and I paint the whole top edge red so I don't worry if I put a little bit of tape on it if I put a little bit of paint on that but yeah basically we can just paint with Tranquilo and once that's done bad boy dry, we will have the pleasure of removing the tape and watching the reveal.
Here is the finished project. I was going to show me removing the stickers, but Ty went ahead and did it, he didn't know what. film that part, but it's okay, it was very nice of them to help me because I had nails and the stickers were very or the squares were hard to take off because I painted on them a lot, so this is my advice, don't do this. on something that's not a flat surface because I had to go in and touch up all these squares. I'm going to show you what he looked like in the back when he took them out.
Are you ready for trauma? Oh, that's how Mal, guys, I will say that these give a good guide, so I was able to go with a brush and connect all the lines and we made it look this good, but this is my own downfall. I should have used the thicker tape. I thought I bought the thicker one, I thought I was using a thicker one, but looking back it wasn't and I should have done something with a flat surface so we are learning lessons here so if you do this DIY I mean you could definitely clean it. above if you really wanted to do something with a grittier edge, but this could be you if I'd done it correctly.
I can't take points off, I mean, it still turned out really good, so I'll get it, I'll give it. an 8 out of 10. Well guys, that's it for today's video. Thank you all so much for joining me with these 10 tick tock DIYs, comment below if you want to try any of these and don't forget to check out thredup for sustainability. shopping, they are the largest online thrift store and use my discount code laura lee for an extra 30 off plus free shipping. I'll link it in the description box below, subscribe before you leave and I'll see you in the next video, bye guys.

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