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The Smile Tapes Took A TWIST I Never Expected! (Analog Horror)

May 17, 2024
It was quite a revelation because these seemingly unstoppable Varians come and behold they could burn up, yeah fools, how did you not think that at some point people, man? Well, come on, the investigators, yeah, guys, we tried everything, we did everything we thought we could. Hammer, axe, shooting, gun, even things like dropping an anvil on your head, you know, we really tried everything, hm, it's just that everything, literally everything is water. i tried spraying water Spritz and water on it Super Soaker Water Balloon all water variations all water variations okay that's really interesting we were inspired by the signs from the movie Signs Chon yes yes there is this did you see that recent movie that came out? it was like uh Elemental or something where there's a bunch of different elements, no I didn't get it, it was cool, oh man that's really interesting, there was this like this, like a cool character, not like a cloud, a cloud, clouds, air, we try, air, air, no. work blowing air no, I mean, you know, guns there, the ground, the ground too, right.
the smile tapes took a twist i never expected analog horror
Sledgehammer tried to shovel the Earth in its general direction H I think that's it clouds of dirt Earth clots generally got nothing sound waves tried sound waves oh man I wish that kind of NPC existed In the back it was like it didn't even exist I didn't even know how to describe it, but it was like orange, if only there was something else we could have. done, oh God, something else that tends to destroy things, yeah, the last thing wasn't going to be oh, I didn't tell you about my thing This morning, I was heating up some eggs on the stove and I burned myself, oh I must have.
the smile tapes took a twist i never expected analog horror

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the smile tapes took a twist i never expected analog horror...

It hurts, yeah, really bad, yeah, it stinks anyway, you burned your tongue, uh, yeah, a little bit, when that happens, you know, the gas hit my finger a little bit, but that's neither here nor there , come back to this indestructible thing, you know it's impossible, God, me. I wish we had another idea, if only what is ravaging our cities right now, these tall flames could somehow be redirected towards the spores that are affecting people. Only if it was what we needed because we realized it. we could fight back with these, they could fight back, I mean those creatures could lift cars and survive buets, they were really scary because they don't even look like humans anymore, so when it was finally over, you know, I decided to move to San Francisco to always because initially I was too traumatized to stay in that city of San Francisco after a violent outbreak and since then, you know, I've had a peaceful life, I got married, I had a child, but you know that whole outbreak feels like it just ended. finish. yesterday it's hard to believe it was 20 years ago oh so hard to believe that's what the ending is not okay get H okay okay I have ideas but I guess there will be something here at the end.
the smile tapes took a twist i never expected analog horror
It hasn't been updated in 2 years, this could be the end, the end, just saying, I have mula, mula, they are up there, it's new, what is it, it's a different series two years ago, the whole first part, so this is a completely new series, here, let's do it. mule just because it's the end this was a year ago so it's been a while yet and now it's the start of season 2 or it's just piling on things it feels so much better to call Sol right now better to call the blank intro and black uhoh don Don't open it, don't, it's probably something evil inside, probably the virus, the four microbes, the dinosaur, uh-oh, it's a bag of evidence, it's very artistic, like piano music, is it ingesting any substance at this time?
the smile tapes took a twist i never expected analog horror
Is it a dangerous substance? There's definitely some dangerous substance going on here, he's dating Lucy in diamond heaven. Is this supposed to be the spores? Are you connected? Okay, going through the mental escape. Imagine this: a mental escape full of shapes and colors. that's cool 12 days later just use the spongebob meme okay hello uhoh I want to know how I got these scars you're just attacking me one day you're delivering tomatoes for Hunt's Ketchup the next day you're terrorizing people in your apartment build with a knife or get scars on one of them, well, there you have it, so


I think it's like what I was referring to before. I think it's really interesting, this idea of ​​the


that you consume and the


that is generated is very thoughtful. Of the fears at the time and much of the post-2020 horror, the things that were done in the immediate aftermath were exactly the right things around viruses, pandemics, and invisible things that attack you. I mean, you're also looking at a different situation. subset of that with fears of AI in FNAF and stuff like that. I know Civil War just came out in theaters a while ago and it's about the division of America and the concerns about that, so it's really educational to see these stories emerge and experience a new life, right, I think after of covid you obviously saw The Last of Us, which largely inspired this, but also caused the miniseries to appear on television.
It makes you wonder if that miniseries would have happened before the pandemic, like before everything. I wonder if it would have worked as well because now all of a sudden you don't have this kind of embedded fear of contamination and infection that that story is so much about and really building on that in the public consciousness. It's really fascinating how media and world events intertwine and how something made in one era may not be successful, but could be the biggest viral sensation you know, viral sensation that exists only for the moment it was released and when it was released. did, so this was interesting. uh,




from an


horror point of view are not my favorite.
I think it's playing with a lot of interesting ideas. The concern I have is narrowing them down, so this was a year ago when the full series was released, so yes there is more to come. In the future, I would just make sure that the story is more simplified and that you really understand what this is, how it works, where it works, because it seemed like it was throwing a lot of things at you very quickly. a wall and it was a microbe it was a virus it was a fungus it was an alien you know, it was a lot of different things um so I refer to that a little bit um a little more I think you can spend more time with something like the horror of seeing yourself yourself or your loved ones transform into a smiling monster or this idea of ​​you know this is something that forces me to be happy or to smile when and inside I'm literally like dying and being eaten alive, you know, there's a lot of horror just focusing on the concept of not having to go into pandemics and riots and kill a bunch of people and this and that you don't need all that, I think just the horror of what's happening inside your body with this infection is disturbing in itself. and then, in layers, there is this idea of ​​you, you hallucinate, this, this entity, this creature, this man, right, and that mystery to me, that is the mystery that really What I want to learn more is what that force is and What's going on in your brain to cause this, so I think in many cases, if you're a young Creator or whatever, there's a lot of that, there's a drive to make it bigger and grander and take advantage of things like the end. in the world, but some of the most effective horrors are the things that are really relatable and really real within a single person or within a single house, in a bottle episode or things like that and then you have these more astral things at play, you don't have to go big so that's what I would be curious to see if this continues to move forward but who knows you know it hasn't been updated in a year.
I don't know if it'll come back, but it's obviously inspired a lot of things since, but this was one that you all recommended to us. Thanks for the recommendation. I think it was really interesting and really cool. Analysis of


horror and interesting to see something 2 years after its release with new sensibilities and see how analog horror has grown and evolved and changed after this, so thank you all so much for watching. Shout one more time. to Ash's favorite musician, Kyle Smith, Kyle Smith, Kyle Smith, who actually plays and as always my friends I'll see you in the next episode so remember my friends it wasn't a live stream but it was a video, a video for you. see you

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