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Shaquille O'Neal's Mom Talks About Her Hall-of-Fame Son & Cooks His Favorite Meal, Lil Shaq Easy Mac

Jun 28, 2024
Nineteen years, four championships, you have kids wearing your son's jersey, does he ever do it? Thinking, "Blessed, just say, blessed, thank you for the blessing, God, thank you for the blessing, so that's what it really is." Hello everyone, it's time to chat with someone else. one of my


moms, okay I'll give you a hint, she is a mother of four children, one of her children in particular played for the NBA for 19 years and let's say he is very tall, you want to guess, yes I am talking with Shaquille O'Neal's mother, Lucille Shakeel, said in an interview that your mother once told him this and I'm sure you've heard this quote many times.
shaquille o neal s mom talks about her hall of fame son cooks his favorite meal lil shaq easy mac
She said when he was born, this one is special, be careful with this one, this one will be. world famous, everyone will know this guy's name when he was talking about Shaquille, remember that moment when I do it? She said there was something special about that one and I didn't really know what she meant at the time because you know I'm just a A young mother was trying to make sure he was taken care of but she said there was something special about him and I think the reason was because , being young and single, you have nothing to do with a child, but when God allows you to bring him.
shaquille o neal s mom talks about her hall of fame son cooks his favorite meal lil shaq easy mac

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shaquille o neal s mom talks about her hall of fame son cooks his favorite meal lil shaq easy mac...

In the world the pieces begin to come together. There's something special about that and we grew up together. Shaquille and me. Many people when they have children at a young age think that everything is over or that they don't know what they are going to do. but i guess you're proof that it can be okay 17 you don't know at all what you're doing so you do the best you can so you have to work with common sense a little help if you have that support and then just take a day out of time tell me how many children you have there agents Shaquille is the oldest and he is 47 years old Latifah is 41 and then Aisha is 40 and Jamal is 39 she killed she was the one who helped me with them I called him to help her and now we call him the eldest wants to be known as the eldest he has a mind that he knows he can see he gives orders he orders them and you know we all love him he takes good care of the family so he's setting a standard for the rest of them and he always has. , so take me back to when you were in the thick of it all.
shaquille o neal s mom talks about her hall of fame son cooks his favorite meal lil shaq easy mac
I haven't talked to any moms yet who have used the word


, that's what you want to call it. in the thick of everything because she was always in the thick of everything. I'm telling you the truth about that, but when they were younger it was a lot harder because, you know, we were trying to make it and the budget was low and we didn't have transportation. We didn't have enough, uh, we didn't have enough food, we didn't have enough clothes, so we were always missing something, so it was very difficult, but what helped us the most was when we came together as a family. strict I'm not organized and I'm not disciplined I'm affectionate it's okay like a mother's hand come on baby I have you for Shaquille specifically when you saw Talent it took me a long time but she kills them playing ball since then he was six years old, there hadn't been a moment when you said "okay", the American game McDonald's and world television and I said we could do something with this because the opportunity was starting to present itself for him to go to university, how are you? with all kids there are no academic grades no passing, no playing, no passing, no playing, no extracurricular activities if you don't get your grades, all my kids are athletes, they are athletes to the bone and I think they have those gifts. but I think when we see the gift in our children our job is to nurture the gift you know how to know when to encourage them and when to keep pushing them and when to let them control Shaquille said for a long time one of these days I'm going to be a professional basketball player so that we said okay, we'll do what we can to help you get there, student athlete, go to college, maybe get drafted by the NBA, but first you have to do this and then after you complete that, first you have to do that , so it's a process and now one of the best in the NBA and that number 50 practiced a lot, you perfected your game to be able to be in those rankings, how long did he play? before he was drafted by the NBA and what that decision was.
shaquille o neal s mom talks about her hall of fame son cooks his favorite meal lil shaq easy mac
I know you wanted him to graduate right then or you wanted him to stay in school and finish. He played three years in college. They beat him so badly that he said mommy. It's time for me to go I have to take it to the next level I remember this argument and then I said no just wait just wait he said mommy I have to do it now the time is now he said I make you a promise he said I promise I will come back and finish and he did that when I was playing ball and he was, you know, the rock star that he is, what would you like as a mom?
Did you go to the games? We are in the game because when I was little everyone was little when you are a parent and you go to your son's game they want to be able to look at the stands and know that you are there they want to see you they don't have to say anything, they know that you nod there or I He used to wink at me and she jokes, he could see that far, so I winked at him and smiled at him and he was playing his game, but when we got to the NBA, we had a ritual: I gave him gum and then I kissed him and I tell him to play his game even like a grown man, but remember, now she killed once in the league early, he was 19 and I was.
He traveled with him for the first year. When did you decide to move on, cut the cord and let him go? When he said mommy, I have this. Have you ever gotten nervous and wanted to run out onto the court? Of course, they were hitting me. Outside of it, yeah, you've made no secret of the fact that you turned to alcohol for a while and then I read in an article that said, you know what? In the end he thought there's so much attention on us you know I'm not ashamed and I want to do the right thing tell me about that heart it was hard at first because I was selfish I don't care about any of those people I don't care about any of that but my son worked very hard to get to the position that he was in and I couldn't, I couldn't embarrass him, I needed to help him, so I started working with him instead of working against him, do you have any


moments, favorite games, favorite memories, Bolivia, you know, Do I have to sit and think about it?
They were all special, I mean, very special, but I remember this is a funny story because Shaquille was having trouble with free throws, so someone gave me a sign that said bend your knees, so I held this particular game for magic art He was on a free kick. line and took the sign I stood up bend your knees bend your knees the crowd got on their big knees he said please don't do that so I had to throw that sign in the trash I had almost all of the ella mata shirts from every team who played with you, you recognize that if you look at just this photo, I mean, you can look at every corner of this office and find history, but this is history and I know the magic, so that makes it special too and he took Shaquille . under his wing when I come out of this dove he said: let me start holding you now, keep the tradition, keep everything you taught me.
What's up with that? The West is a first championship. Were you there? Yes, what was it like? Oh, electric. I was. crying because I was happy for him, okay, so I couldn't leave without trying your famous macaroni and cheese, okay, you call it Shaquille, we say Shaq, but you say she kills, right, dude, did you ever call it shot? No, she's just a stage name, okay, she. For me, Shaquille has always loved it so I got a recipe and I called it little shacks


man because it's literally macaroni and cheese okay well what I put in it is just some extra ingredients but I have to make sure I have than put cheese on it with milk and then I use eggs and I put a little bit of flour on it just to give it consistency okay keep it together okay and then I top it off with breadcrumbs and then more cheese more cheese so I have some ready to go you once a stick you really ask me if I want to try it I ask you that's why I'm here wait I don't want to spoil this we won't spoil it let's eat it okay?
Wait, go ahead, okay, help yourself, are you serious? look at this, uh, this way. I like Hattin Raymond's cuteness, right, and like cream and cheese. I can eat all this stuff we used to eat there alone, oh, are you kidding me, of course, a big plate of it's like the cold - what does this shack smell like? What are the little huts called? easy man where did you get a little hut? okay, what are you feeling? It's joy it's gratitude, what's all that because? Look, I know the journey we went on and I tell people that our then is definitely not now, so we are grateful for the journey, we learned so much to get to this point and it hasn't always been easy, but now it's rewarding, right ?
Have you ever cried happy tears all the time and when you cry the other day - I'm ugly, you're ugly? The audience's favorite moment of this wild journey that you have been together as a family when you retired your jersey in Los Angeles with the purple and gold of LSU and having a purple and gold of the Lakers, all those dreams that you had and they manifest in front of your eyes, they are so special that it shows everyone whatever you want to do, just do it, you know, the opportunity and life, only we own this path. once if you don't make the best of it it depends on you that's good that's good she is good you

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