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The BEST Fish For Every Aquarium Size

Apr 18, 2024
Hey, I know something that's going to be fun, let's talk about all the common



s and what the



are to fit in each of those


s, starting with a 5 gallon one, but to be honest, it's a female sized tank, so I'm going to let Lisa handle that. You just saw that transition and thought: Wait a minute. Lisa is not going to talk about how a betta is the



for a 5 gallon


. Alright? I assure you that I am fine. Just thought I'd mix things up a little to keep you on your toes.
the best fish for every aquarium size
I have 5 gallons on the old fish house table that is heavily planted with six Ras boras chiles and what started out as eight cherries. shrimp, but now they are like a trillion million. I have to tell you this is one of the easiest aquariums in my collection if not the easiest, the fish are small so they don't produce a ton of waste and even with the waste all the shrimp produce. It is kept in check with the plants. I pretty much leave the tank alone. I don't have to do almost anything. I take a little water here and there and a little more trimming of the plants from time to time, but it's very easy.
the best fish for every aquarium size

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the best fish for every aquarium size...

For me, this is the best type of aquarium where none of the fish fight with each other. It looks very natural with all the plants and it's very entertaining to watch because there are so many little lives there doing their thing, there are so many little ones. fish that can fit in a 5 gallon aquarium, but I love rasboras peppers and shrimp. I think they are super cute and adorable and yes also betas like Lisa said we are trying to give you ideas of fish you could I'm not hoping to give you ideas on other things to think about and when we talk about a 10 gon aquarium to me that screams zebra Danos yes it's true I am a total fan of Danos and there is one reason and one reason only, yes they are attractive little fish but the reason I love them is the amount of energy they have.
the best fish for every aquarium size
I honestly don't know any other fish in the hobby with the energy of Danos and it's not just zebras, all Danos are like this, in fact if you see a Dano that is still and that should set off alarm bells. Bells because these are fish that are always constantly moving, never stop, not only are they super active but they also stay nice and small so buy a dozen of them for 10 gallons. It will be perfect, that may seem like a lot for such a small tank, but they will only be a little over an inch or so, even when fully grown it won't feel like it's too full, they are full too. super sturdy so you won't have to be fussy about the tank just give them good filtration and plenty of open space to do their thing sit back and watch the show and as far as tank mates I wouldn't put anything with zebra Danos and no It's because the zebras are going to be so aggressive and mean or cause trouble or something, it's just that the zebras are going to cause a lot of activity and they're going to create a lot of interest and they're going to get your attention so much, anything else you have there will be lost. .
the best fish for every aquarium size
You'll notice a theme here with all the things I suggest. Tiny fish. Cute little tank buddies. Very planted aquarium. It's kind of like what I do. I've been over the last few years when we jump to 20 gon we have a lot more options for fish but for mine I'm going to go with Silver Tip silver tetras and mystery snails again in a very full tank this is almost like the scenario I had for the 5 gallons, except that both silvertips and snails are much larger than peppers and shrimp. Silvertips are really active little fish that do great in groups, but when you look at them you think, um.
Okay, it's just a silver fish, but when you see the dorsal fence and the tail then you say M. Okay, I see it. They have a very distinctive feature on their tail and fins. Anyway, they have silver tips. Yes, it should be obvious. Why are they called silver tips? I guess my husband, who writes our scripts, has run out of ideas for clever things to say about them. Yes, they have a very distinctive silver tip on their fins, which takes them away from just being an old silver fish and makes them. They stand out from across the room, plus they are not at all aggressive or difficult to keep, they just look pretty, especially when they are in a tank with a bunch of plants and they fit perfectly on a 20 gon and then we get to the mystery snails , my newest.
Obsession, these snails actually get much larger than the silvertips and will help you keep things like algae and uneaten food and check that the silvertips are not as active as Danos, but they will give you a lot of movement. in your aquarium and they look amazing compared to plants and snails, they are amazing fish for your 29g aquarium. I'm going to suggest you get what I got when I set up my first 29g aquarium: a fish that is constantly active, beautiful, and will make you the talk of the town. I promise, I'm talking about silver arowanas.
I'm joking, of course, but I really did it, it was a long time ago, in 1993. and I was okay, I was very stupid. If you want to hear the full story of all that, click here. Check out the new Tank Talk podcast I'm doing with my friend Jason Adams of Prime Time Aquatics. It is also available in audio. I'll have links for that in the description, it's a fun ride and hey, if you listen to that one that's one of our origin stories, you'll also get to hear Jason's origin story, so that's a lot of fun, check it out.
I know what you're thinking, but back to reality, no, I'm not going to recommend that you get silver arowanas for your 29g tank. I'm going to recommend mollies. Mollies are one of those fish that many people consider beginner fish. only kids or people who don't take this seriously stay and I think it's sad because these are some amazing live bears that not only come out babies like rabbits but they are incredibly colorful there are so many different colors of mollies available and some of They are truly amazing, particularly the Dalmatians. The pictures you are seeing now of a Dalmatian Molly were taken about 5 years ago at Pets Mart and I have used them several times in videos if you go back and look at the comments on those videos.
You'll always see people ask what that absolutely beautiful fish was in the two minutes. Mark, well this is the fish they always ask about and it makes sense because Dalmatians are just amazing, what more do I need to say? However, with a 29 gallon you are starting to get into larger aquariums and you are going to think you could put a lot in there. I'm going to recommend that you start with four to six, why? Because these fish are will reproduce quickly, those four to six will soon become 12 and then 18 and then 24 and before you know it,


time you look in the tank it will be like there is a new baby, look mollies.
They are amazing and look great in a 29g aquarium. You'll have to trust me. Wait, you skipped breeder 40. No we didn't, we covered it in our bonus video for channel members if you want to watch it. along with two other tank sizes, click the join button below, that's where you'll find it, well here's the lowdown. I'm going to tell you a little secret. John was originally going to take rumy's nose to put a 29 gon. aquarium but I said no mm- I want the Ry nose, they are going to go in the 55 gon with the angels and I get what I want angelfish and rynos tits are one of my favorite combinations in an aquarium, you have the slow moving Angeles just sitting there looking cute while the rumi nose is hanging around


where is perfect, you might be thinking that angels don't need to be in such a big tank, right? um, yeah, yeah, they get a lot bigger than you.
I think if you had no other choice you could fit them in a 29 gallon container, but like I said, they get bigger than you think, so why not give them the space to really show you what a real angel can look like and, like I always say? bigger is always come on, say it bigger is always better that's what she said that's what she said that's what she said that's what she said okay, let's go back to being adults please R no the tits with angels It's something I just did together on one of my 125s and I have to tell you, they are a really good combination, while everyone else will want to do cardinal tetras with angels.
We opted for rumynose because they are amazing fish that get much larger than cardinals and are more active. and you could argue that they are even prettier, like I said you get the rumi nose activity and the beauty of the angels and they are perfect for a 55 gallon aquarium, they will thrive and have plenty of room to grow, okay we're getting Getting serious now, we are talking about aquariums that are so large that they dominate any size room they are in and that is why you can also get dominant size fish, but my recommendation is a 75 gon aquarium.
It may surprise you, a fancy goldfish, yes I said it, while everyone else puts them in a 20 gallon container with nothing else, you can do the right thing and give these fish what they deserve, a great home in the that they can absolutely prosper. I have to be a little. Be careful when talking about goldfish in a 75 gallon tank because I say you might be thinking about kites, which are generally the type of fish that are seen as feeders, while I would rather see kites in a 75 gallon tank than some cichlids. Oscar or Jaguar. The bellies of these fish can be over a foot long, so for a 75 gallon aquarium I'm going to recommend Fancy Tails, Arandas, ranchu things like that.
I talk a lot about my hatred of feeder fish, but I don't talk about them much. my love for all the other goldfish, okay, wait a second, that didn't turn out well. I love all goldfish, in fact I have 24 comet goldfish that I rescued from an abandoned pond in my new pond in my backyard. I love it. all goldfish, but I'm talking mainly about those fish. I don't talk much about fancy goldfish. Fancy goldfish like Fantales and Arandas are big, goofy fish that should be talked about in the same way as Oscars for being water puppies, they have puppy-like personalities and are so adorable to watch them move around their tanks if they like them.
You give them enough room like a gon 75, they will have all kinds of room for maneuver and will put on a show for you all day long, plus they are not the most demanding fish. and hey, you don't even need a heater, it saves you a few bucks. I remember a salesman at one of those who had the most incredible 75 gallon aquarium full of amazing colorful fish, there were like 40 of them in there, which is a lot. Too many for a 75g tank, but these were there for sale at the show, oh man, I wish I had pictures of it anyway.
I put my money where my mouth is and put fancy goldfish in a 75 gal tank and you know what you should do too and if you're worried about what your friends will say just tell them to come talk to me I promise I'll make it right for you , I have to be honest, I have kind of a love-hate relationship with Discus, but it doesn't matter. the way I feel about them, there is nothing more beautiful than 125 gallons full of them. I have kept discus for years and some of my best memories of this hobby are with these fish, unfortunately they are also the source of some of my biggest nightmares.
The most recent nightmare scenario was when we moved here to North Carolina. I had 12 on my 125 and they were doing well I guess for about a year and then they weren't, they were acting strange so I started taking extra special care of them. medicating them when necessary and taking care of them as much as possible no matter what I did, they just started to fall off and one by one I kept losing them until they were all gone. I haven't really talked about this on the channel because if I'm honest, it's something that completely broke my heart, but I had to talk about it now.
The only thing I can guess is that they just couldn't handle the water down here. Everything else worked well, they thrived, but the record just didn't. But I still think discus are one of the most amazing fish in the Hobby and there is nothing better than seeing them in 125 gallons with some cardinal tetras, Cory cats and snails and even bristly nosed plecos. Honestly, what I just described might be one of my favorites. combinations especially in 125g aquariums but I will say this is definitely not a beginner's fish, they can be tricky and to be honest if things don't work out it can be completely devastating believe me.
I know if this is the first video. What you've seen on this channel you're probably wondering what I'm going to suggest for 150 gallons, but if you're a channel veteran you automatically think I'm going to say Oscar and guess what, but I'm not. I have a better idea for a 150 for me, it would be the best use of all those gallons. I'm going to suggest you put 50 Cory Doras in a 150 gallon tank, what do you think of that? In all honesty, I hate it, no. I'm going to suggest the Oscars, of course I'm going to suggest the Oscars, listen, the Oscars and the 150 gallon aquarium go together like peas and carrots or Jenny and Forest, it just works, this is a big enough tank to allow them to reach their maximum potential and be thosehuge bug-eyed goofballs that we all love because I'm a big supporter of the Oscars.
I am regularly asked what the best aquarium size is for him and normally I would say 125 gallons, but for the second time in this video. Lisa stole my tank I wanted to talk about and took the 125 for her disco, so here we are, I suggest the Oscars in a 150 and trust me, if you put them in a 150, give them all that space. You will see its full potential and you will not regret it. So there you have it, now you have ideas of fish that you can put in all the common Siiz aquariums that exist and don't forget, as Lisa said before, if you want to see what we would put in a 40 gallons, 90 gallons or 240 gon.
Click the join button below and get access to that bonus video. Also, if you're looking for a great way to support the channel, check out our website. Keep Fishkeeping tocom. We have everything you need for your aquarium. buying anyway, so you might as well buy them from us and help us continue to bring you these videos and all that. You know what I'm talking about, thank you so much for watching and I can't wait to see you again. see you week

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