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Skyrim: 5 Secret Choices You Didn’t Know You Had in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

May 16, 2024
Hey, how are you guys doing? It is close here and Stormcloaks or the Empire to banish or save partner abilities, join or destroy the dark brotherhood, it does not matter. Skyrim is a game that offers players the opportunity to make many important


and decisions that often arise. With major in-game consequences, the amount of influence you can exert over many of the game's quests and stories is dramatic, but are you really aware of how much weight you have in the world of Elder Scrolls 5? Skype missions have alternate methods of completion or hidden side objectives that are simply not revealed to the player and can result in noticeable changes to the world around you, and I'm not just talking about the obvious judgment calls we're told to make.
skyrim 5 secret choices you didn t know you had in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim
I'd like to side with Barb Us or Clavicus Vile on Dangerous Best Friend or helping Ban or FanDuel win Camilla Valerius is tough, but instead I'd explore the options we have that Bethesda doesn't really tell us through dialogue or objective markers, so today. We'll take a look at five


options you




you had in Elder Scrolls v Skyrim. To start, you can skip Freghar in Entombed for those of you who don't


that Entombed is a side quest. The player can continue with more thaw after talking to the yarol show of this city. Informing the dragon warned that before arriving, a house in the city was burned to the ground and in the fire, unfortunately, a woman and a child died, which the family said strangely. husband and father, a man named Kroger survived a tragic event well, many had begun to suspect Pro gar, as after the incident he almost immediately moved on with another woman named Alva who some suspected he was having an affair with before swords.
skyrim 5 secret choices you didn t know you had in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim

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skyrim 5 secret choices you didn t know you had in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim...

The fear of foul play is great, your Egret will task you with investigating this matter and proving if Crow Gar and Alva had something to do with the death of their family or if there are only two people who got together at one time. From an inappropriate moment now, leaving out some of the details, you will eventually learn that Alva once again considers that her current lover who many people suspect may actually be a vampire and will be tasked with breaking into her house and retrieving her to prove it now. when you do this and first enter his house Kroger will already be there waiting for you and will immediately turn hostile saying I won't let you hurt Alva, effectively forcing you to kill him, usually Alva will be there too and you will have to kill her too up to killing her as well, once that's taken care of you'll be able to locate the alpha's diary which will confirm that she is/was in fact a vampire, but Freghar apparently wasn't as a vampire.
skyrim 5 secret choices you didn t know you had in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim
Alba was wearing some kind of shade. mind control magic to effectively turn Rogar into a slave and once he fell under her spell, she made him get rid of her family so he could spend more time serving Alva. The diary also reveals that Alva was working for someone more superior. The master vampire named Mo Vars is in his lair near the city whom he left to go kill and complete the quest, but it becomes clear that Probar was actually a terrible and downright unwilling victim. In this matter, he would never have hurt his loved ones if he had done so.
skyrim 5 secret choices you didn t know you had in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim
You have not been placed under Alva's spell if when you first break into the house and are attacked by Kroger instead of defending yourself, you choose to use a calming spell or the Emperor's voice ability, which will cause him to use the weapon of Shiva and become passive and then proceeded to steal the diary and clean out the vampires' lair to complete the quest when he returns to more Thal Rogar will still be alive and well now free of Elvis's influence and will have a unique dialogue thanking the player for their Actions. Listen, thank you. You for saving me from Alva.
She was completely under her evil spell. I will never forgive myself for what happened to Helgi and my wife. Next on our list, the quest lost in action will be given to the dragon used by the


ly jewelry seller White Run. Lia Greymane, who sends the player to the Thalmor fortress and prison, North Watch, maintains to rescue her son Thorald, who she believes has been


ly held there since his mysterious disappearance years ago, as if buried missing in action, It may be quite a long quest, but most importantly you find evidence that Thorold is actually being held in prison in the form of a letter in the hands of a battle-born high official, chief of the North.
Watch as you open a can of whoops on the Thalmor Thorald and bring him home safely, although what the game doesn't tell you is that there is a completely non-violent approach to this quest that the player can undertake, which will result in him Thalmor peacefully surrender Thorald and no blood has to be shed if the player joins. with the Imperial Legion, after receiving this quest, you can go directly to General Tullius and to the castle tower, an informant that you need a prisoner released from Thalmor custody in the Northern Guard, while he will be extremely dissatisfied and will give you an order addressed to the guards of the Northern Guard. to free the world immediately, the Thalmor, do you have any idea what you're asking for?
I can only imagine the headaches this will cause here, take this, assuming they respect it, you should be able to get your prisoner out and direct him to the fortress. just show the order to the first thalmor guard, you will see what Wow, this appears to be, in order, follow me and then they will peacefully and respectfully lead you to Thorold, unchain him and let you two go on your way completing the quests. all without a drop of blood being spilled, coming in at number three, Dragonborn has the ability to be banned from Skyrim's most prominent factions, which you see if the player is ever caught attacking or robbing a member of the Thieves Guild. of the dark brotherhood or college of winterhold while you are an active member of one of those guilds, you will be expelled from them and will not be able to continue with any of their quests, so let's say you are in the Dark Brotherhood and Astrid catches you trying to pick her pocket .
They will literally kick you out of the faction. This will unlock a unique and rather angry dialogue on behalf of the people in the guild you got kicked out of, you idiot. It may not have many rules, but that doesn't give you free rein. to do what you want you want to resume your duties go talk to Nazir I don't worry we all like to break the rules sometimes just see the zere and pay the fine it seems like I do it at least once a month now don't be afraid because the Las Consequences are not permanent, as immediately after you have been kicked out of any faction, a new quest will automatically be added to your journal that will simply tell you to meet up with a member of the faction and pay them a large sum of gold to return. to join this. will allow you to resume their questline and return all faction members to a positive disposition with the player.
You disrespected the Brotherhood and it will cost you. You want to return to the family. You pay the price of 500 gold and all is forgiven. Okay I will. Spread the word that you have made repairs now, let's forget the past and get back to business now. Please note that only the Dark Brotherhood of the Thieves Guild and the University of Winterhold are capable of expelling the player from their faction, so you do not need to do so. Worry about General Tulio firing you for accidentally hitting an Imperial soldier or something, just make sure you're aware of this the next time you're thinking about stealing that cool amulet a college professor is wearing, they'll make you pay for it. .
Fourth, the Forsaken Conspiracy quest is among the most complex side quests you will receive in the game. It begins shortly after entering the city of Markarth, where on your first visit you will witness a man named Whelan attack and kill a young girl. named Margaret screaming the reach belongs to the renounced now fun fact, you can actually save Margaret, but that's at the point after this attack concludes and neither you nor the guards have killed Whelan, a Breton knight named the trous se He will approach you and hand the player a Note requesting that you secretly meet him at the local Talos shrine.
Once you reach the Ultras, you'll be briefed on the city's current tumultuous political situation thanks to a secret bandit-like organization called the Forsaken, who have been terrorizing the reach since the Great War carries out a series of assassinations, including that of El Traces. The Breton man is now looking for answers and will ask you to investigate Margaret's recent attack and promises to reward him handsomely if he finds anything. He will be waiting in the sanctuary until he returns safely. Your investigation of this matter will lead you down a rabbit hole when you discover in Margaret's diaries that she is an imperial spy or she was an imperial spy and you will be led to a rich man named phone our silver blood who will lead you to a guy. called Nepos, it's quite a racket, but once you're done tracking down clues, you'll be given a quest objective to return to Talos' sanctuary and tell El Trous what you've learned.
The problem is that when you get there, you will find him, but his dead courts along with three corrupt guards who will announce that you know too much and their intentions to arrest and frame you by force justify action. This will be the end of the mission and once you have been arrested, a new mission called nobody. The Sydenham Mine Escape will begin, although that's for another video. What you may not know is that you can periodically return to Ellis while collecting clues and evidence to earn a small reward every time you steal a new journal or learn something important to you.
You can return to the Talos Shrine, where the ultras will give you a level amount of coins, give you new additional information and context to help you understand everything, and thank you for helping him get closer to solving the death of his father so that the clues point . to the Treasury house then that makes sense although NARS is involved in every facet of the city here is the gold I promised follow the trail and there will be more for you Nepos Thanos has been in Markarth forever he is highly respected among the natives of good work , here is your gold.
I have the feeling that the post takes his own orders, although if you find out, I will have more for you. Bethesda, of course, doesn't really tell you that you can do this, there are no mission markers telling you to report. Back with the Breton or something like that, you can continue giving him information until you gather the final clue and are ready to return to the sanctuary where of course he will be dead and you will be arrested, but at least you can make sure that he. die knowing who the renunciants really are and get a little richer in the process now before we get to our final point we have an honorable mention that I would like to share it's really cool but we've covered it before so it's a Honorable mention, did you know that you can flee the Battle of Whiterun during the Skyrim Civil War, whether you're supposed to fight for the Imperials or the Stormcloaks, if you simply quickly move away from the city during the fight instead of fight well in the mission? will complete automatically and your next objective will be to report to General Tullius or Alpha X Stormcloak depending on which side you were representing.
Any of the leaders will scold you harshly for your cowardice, but you will learn that wherever you were fighting, they did in the end. Win anyway and the questline will continue as normal from there listen, maybe the Stormcloaks will soon be discouraged by this little rebellion of theirs once and for all, however I'm disappointed to hear that you've fled the battlefield. Do not reward cowardice in the Legion. I expect better from you and finally the last one on our list. When you approach Marquart's Hall of the Dead for the first time, you will find the main entrance closed and the local priests of Arc, a Bareilles brother, standing.
In front of him he will tell you that he can't let you in and that someone has been desecrating the bodies recently. However, if you are a little persuasive, you can convince him to let you in and inspect the situation for yourself. This will start the Daedric. Seek a taste of death as you enter the catacombs, you will hear a strange voice calling you before a woman named Yola emerges from the shadows. She will confess that she is actually a cannibal and will try to convince you that If you are one too, she will ask you to meet her in the Reach Cliff cave to prepare for a feast she and some friends are preparing once in the cave. , you and she will clear some of the cliffs in Reach, Trogir and Iola will tell you. going to find RK's priests and bring him back to the cave once you complete the quest will reach its climax as it becomes obvious that Eola and her cannibal friends wish to eat the poor thing and ultimately you will be forced Choose to let this innocent priest become dinner or take on these twisted cannibals and take them all down.
It's a very difficult decision, on the one hand, you let an innocent manlose your life, on the other hand, cannibals give you some interesting things, but there is actually a way to avoid it all. of this nonsense and effectively finishing the quest as it begins when you initially meet Yola after she reveals herself in Marquart's hall of the dead for the first time, she will not be registered as essential, meaning that as soon as she appears, she will simply you can kill her. before she starts talking, this will instantly fail the quest and save you from having to make that difficult decision later, plus you will be able to reach Brother Bareilles and a new dialogue option will be available that will allow you to explain to him that there was a cannibal inside of his grave that you took care of, he will only give you a small reward and ask you to spare him the details.
I don't need to know the details. Blessings from RK to you.your help here, take my amulet as a reward if you try to tell them that there is a cannibal inside all the Dead with the taste of death still active and a living Yolo, the game simply won't let you and you can't leave it. I know that a major benefit of going this route is that if you choose to side with brother/olace later in the mission, just as the cannibals are preparing their banquet, you will have to kill all of the cannibals, which unfortunately includes many of them. the most notable of Marquart. merchants who will not be replaced after they die, so doing this will allow brother fer olace to keep his life and you will not lose any merchants in the city.
It's a win-win and he said the quest features a really cool Daedric ring if you decide to side with the cannibals, so you have to weigh your options, but with that we're going to summarize five secret decisions you


't know you had in Elder Scrolls v Skyrim, which of the ones on this list did you find? to be the coolest or most fascinating, what alternative approaches to quests and quests that affect the outcome, you know what I didn't cover in this video? Leave a comment below. I would definitely love to do a sequel, as always, ratings are very much appreciated, thank you, stop by everyone and I hope to see you all in my next video, peace to all.

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