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Newfoundland dogs are basically just Black Bears

May 31, 2024
Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel. If you are new here, welcome. My name is Vanessa and with the help of my viewers I am able to provide free pet sitting services for my clients. Today I am grooming an eight year old boy who weighs 160 pounds. A little Newfoundland dog named Sadie and this is the first time I'm grooming her, stay tuned until the end of this video if you want to see how I break my back while grooming this big beast, it's currently 10 in the morning and I'm thinking I should cancel my dinner plans tonight because I don't think I'll be able to make it.
newfoundland dogs are basically just black bears
Today I don't have the help of the Caravan. I'm doing this dog alone on my own. He weighs 160 pounds. It's very compacted something tells me that she's not going to handle this arrangement today and I think I'll be here for a minimum of five hours, you stink, this water is not going to penetrate and I'll probably have to use the watering can again, right? Big beast, the great thing about the Newfoundland is that I don't have to worry that this dog is going to be aggressive at any moment, even if it doesn't like something, because I have literally never met a Newfoundland that was aggressive in any way.
newfoundland dogs are basically just black bears

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newfoundland dogs are basically just black bears...

Even if you force them to do things they don't want to do, they are still so sweet and gentle that I can be nice and close, make her stand up and not have to worry about her turning around and eating her face. Oh, you're definitely not going to stand this is going to be fun. I get a lot of comments on my videos about how I get ready for free. Yes, I grow the boyfriend for free. Yes, today I'm fixing Sadie for free. Come here and I can do it. That's because the people who watch my videos, the views I get, help me make a living on social media so I can provide my services for free, okay since she's not wet at all, come on to take out the beautiful foreign watering can.
newfoundland dogs are basically just black bears
Some people have asked me why the shower makes them wetter. I'm not so sure. I think it's because the volume of water is thicker, but I don't really know that there are four bottles of shampoo, so we start with the bottle number. one You're a hairy beast oh oh good girl, okay, let's stand up, okay, come up, up, up, okay, stay standing, please stay, okay, we'll turn the other way and you'll stay standing Stand up, don't sit down. No, don't, thank you, so I'm going to get another bottle of shampoo and I'm going to turn on the setting here for squirt, not squirt.
newfoundland dogs are basically just black bears
I'm actually going to change it to Center which is kind of like a squirt hoping I can get the shampoo into the skin, don't shake it stay, it's always hard to lather up your ears and under your ears because it's very thick and greasy and then it becomes difficult to try to wash it off, okay? Last but not least, lots of shiny


shampoo. Okay, let's put it there. Oh well, at least you're finally wet. It is exciting. I know many of you are curious. Come here. They can see how Ace is doing after his surgery.
I know from watching his video a lot of people were worried and he is fine he lost all his teeth he is now a toothless wonder sorry to push you but I have to but he recovered very well from the surgery he did very well , I'm very happy. I'm actually excited that they removed all of his teeth because now it's not something I have to worry about because he won't let me brush them and he won't chew both, so I can't get him to clean them himself. I will do my best to have the


stand on their own.
I won't make her stand up. I'll


have to rinse her off as best she can without forcing her to stand up and the reason for this is because I don't want to hurt her. I myself am trying to force a 160 pound dog to stand up to rinse himself off as best he can and that's how it will have to be thanks, in total the bath took 35 minutes not including towel drying and you're not very drooling, that's nice to see what happens during drying I sprayed her with dog material when she was on the floor because it was easier now I'm going to give her her happy hoodie I have a big fluffy head now I'm I'm going to put the mosquito net to keep hair out of my eyes because it is shedding a lot.
It's down on the grooming table in case it slips. I hope he doesn't. I'll have to use my belly band at some point, but I'm going to let her sit for a while, okay, oh stranger, thanks stranger, okay, so we're done on one side. Now I have turned it over. I'm going to let her lie on the side because she's very tired. I'll have to force her to stand up at some point, but now I'll dry as much as I can with her lying down, so I managed to dry her with her lying down and I think she was pretty excited about that.
I'm going to go over it a little bit with the mat divider, although she doesn't have a lot of mats


to make it a little easier to brush. I know you're old and tired of all the tools I use. Personal grooming use can be found on my website girlwiththe


.com along with shampoos and sprays if you want to check it out it's all there for you including this matte divider now because Sadie has never shaved before her coat doesn't damage, what it does. It's much easier for me to fix it now. I'm going to go through it with my curl brush Chris Christensen, you have really beautiful hair girl, you really do it, it's very compacted and this spot on the back of it, on the other side, I tried that too.
I got it with the dryer but I couldn't, so we have to brush it well. She's not going to like it. No, no, no, and thank you very much, thank you very much for that. I know this brush in my store is very expensive, it costs 120 dollars. It's a really expensive tool for a reason: it's because it's the best flashing brush you can buy, especially for jobs like this, if you have a long-haired dog, a doodle, a poodle, it doesn't matter, a Pomeranian, this brush is simply great for that. many different types of breeds it does an amazing job and really keeps you from killing your arms, wrists and hands when you brush too much because it does most of the work for you.
Honestly, I can't live without it. Stranger, she has some. she mat under her groin. I'm going to shave her with a 10 blade and her owners told me they like her belly shaved, so I'm going to shave under her with a 7 blade while she's lying down. I'm going to do her nails, good girl, shave the foreign paws, you know, this isn't very easy to do in this position, it's just easier to do it when she's lying down. I can't really see what I'm doing correctly and whether or not it seems like even stay good let's do the front ones you're a good girl Sadie foreigner don't walk away foreigner what the hell girl surprisingly this giant dog just It took me a total of three and a half hours to groom him on my own.
That's a record time when it comes to a dog of this magnitude. Her fur was in excellent condition, which made this job much easier than it could have been. On Sunday I have a not-so-happy feline whose room I actually couldn't. complete I'd be lying if I said the attempted murder of him wasn't a bit comical, it's not often that an animal beats me at my own game, but unfortunately it happens sometimes. Thank you all so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed. awesome sadie

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