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I Did The Wim Hof Method Everyday For 30 Days And This is What Happened

May 12, 2024
I cold-dipped for 30












, but other than that I have experienced some changes. Wim hof told me that after 10


it starts to alter your psyche and you start to feel the benefits. I love Wim. hof there is a link in the description to the wim hof app wim hof he is the man these techniques that I learned from him one the breathing when he does it man sometimes he does it like a viking even that gives me a little excitement I do it like this okay with your mind follow your breathing continue come up fill your belly your chest everything you have full here letting go completely letting go and the cold technique if you don't take a cold bath you can take a cold bath because I recognize that everyone has a cold plunger it's a type of bath you just fill a bath with cold water some people are super tough they get a refrigerator freezer like one of those you would see in a supermarket they fill it with water so it's on the verge of freezing all the time and understanding that is basically just a totally immersive cold water bath.
i did the wim hof method everyday for 30 days and this is what happened
I find it easier than a cold shower because a cold shower hits you, isn't it intermittent and covers you incrementally? I need to be completely submerged, so you don't feel the kind of thing that sometimes my wife cold dives in, she gets in there very slowly, one toe and then another, slowly going in. I think that's the worst way to do it. I want it to end because once you're completely immersed. It's better, I feel different, the benefits are said to include increasing metabolism, it is said that it will obviously also reduce the type of swelling and inflammation.
i did the wim hof method everyday for 30 days and this is what happened

More Interesting Facts About,

i did the wim hof method everyday for 30 days and this is what happened...

Wim hof says that comes down almost to a sort of molecular level, decreasing inflammation, which helps your immune system. Which has been scientifically proven by Wim Hof ​​and the people who studied it. There is much evidence of this. You can Google it yourself. It's that he healed himself and taught 10 other people how to heal themselves from a bacterial infection, which suggests that there are positive benefits on the immune system not just exposure to cold but breathing techniques as a whole and that's what i have been doing exposing myself to the cold and doing these breathing techniques, let's see what wim hof has to say about it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. the cold is your warm friend I'm not going to use this voice the cold is your warm friend and one of the three pillars of the wim hof


proper exposure to cold starts a cascade of health benefits that includes the accumulation of brown adipose tissue Ah , and I don't like the idea of ​​brown adipose tissue because a brown tissue causes a very strong and unpleasant image and the resulting fat loss reduces inflammation, which facilitates a strengthened immune system, ah, who doesn't need that balance?
i did the wim hof method everyday for 30 days and this is what happened
Hormonal levels improved sleep quality and the production of endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in the brain that naturally elevate your mood. Why don't we promote these


s, like breathing techniques, other yogic techniques, exercise meditation, things that promote general health benefits instead of saying you? I know how to do these pharmaceutically beneficial things to be well or not, no one. I find this just a good way to stay fit and healthy. The main barrier that I have somehow overcome is mental resistance to doing anything new that makes the body uncomfortable. no one wants to feel cold tony robbins before wim hof was the first person i heard about uh cold burying and he said "i tell myself you're getting into that cold" and i say could you do the same ? going into that cold is not going to be very pleasant, I like to gently convince myself that that being said, the faster you are under it, the better how I actually feel, you know, at first because I do mine at the beginning of the day and maybe I know some people who burst right into the day with a radiant face, eyes wide open, like the morning, I feel like oh God, one day I wake up, life goes on, I can't stand this and the sooner I soak myself in cold water it works as a reset, i do it because it's safe to do it in the bathroom, which i'm doing in two rounds of the 30 breaths, you know, now wim hof doesn't suggest doing that in case you pass out. that bath and you could drown me.
i did the wim hof method everyday for 30 days and this is what happened
I can't drown because I'm kind of stuck in the space I'm in, but know that you have to make adjustments that are appropriate to the situation you're in. I don't want to I suggest an exercise that ends your life, but Wim hof you may know, he discovered these techniques and refined them after the loss of his wife to suicide, so I feel that the trauma and pain itself opens new neurological spaces in you, new new hormonal spaces. biochemical spaces like when you're grieving or heartbroken or in pain, parts of your stomach and your heart come to life that you couldn't feel before, parts of your face engage in a process like this kind of pushes you through that towards new places you can't avoid pain in life can you feel pain? guy then you are using that pain that suffering to alter the shape of your psyche to alter your consciousness to alter your being the first few days I found it difficult day off because I got used to it now I find it natural and ordinary doing it for me is a necessary part of my routine If you are going to do a 30 day cold bath challenge with a cold shower, here are some things I would recommend, find other people to do it with.
I started this off well because I have the privilege of having a friendship with Wim Hof, so when I saw that guy breathing like that I thought, man, he said that guy is a yogic thunder lord, so I have to be like that, look even at his energy. , even when a personification makes my The dog move and as one of my mentors also did and is doing it, he has also been doing it every day. It's nice to know that other people are doing it with you, so even if they're not literally in the cold bath. or shower with you, it's good to know that they are doing it symbolically with you, you can communicate with each other, so that's a technique, set a small goal for how long you want to stay there.
I do a couple rounds of the respite and then stay there as long as I can. You know, how you hold your breath with wim hof. The breath does 30 internal exhalations as I have demonstrated and then on the final exhalation you hold it and just let it go. until you can't take it anymore, then inhale deeply and hold for 15, which is one round of wim hof breathing. This is all described in the wim hof app and in other parts of wim hof's work, so I think I'll stick around. there for five or six minutes so that's what I would suggest doing and that's what I would suggest you do also now, like 30 days, it seems normal to me just before I came here I took my dog ​​for a walk near the river and I was right in that River Thames and I swam for a while there, it's nothing to me now, the cold that I remember when I started doing cold water stuff I was actually like no, no, oh my God, I'm right there now.
It's one of the few situations in life where I look tough when I had wim hof on my podcast under the mask available on luminary, you can get it from Apple. I have a brilliant guest every week, the wim hof episode is on there and actually that's somewhere else on youtube you can watch it there, but the luminary podcast is fantastic, he and I step into that cold water, swim along with my dog, we hung out, we had a good talk, we played music, what I think about whim as a man and This method by association is that it is a way of creating the feeling that we associate with the countercultural movements of the 60s, which it gives you a kind of ability to think critically, that is, to analyze things from a position of consciousness that gives you a life force a libido a sense of power possibility hope optimism but that is not necessarily based on individual achievement and individual gain There are still many reasons for healthy people to shower in cold water or swim outdoors in cold water, it gives the feeling that you are alive it certainly does it is invigorating I suggest you make this part of your fitness regimen it is part of the mine I also do yoga I do Brazilian jiu jitsu when appropriate I do exercise bike stuff I run I try to get a lot of exercise I think it's vital and this is a really critical component in my well-being.
Why don't you tell me in the comments below about your own experiences with cold dipping or how it made you feel now that I've done it for 30 days? I'm going to do it forever I have no plans to stop I'm going to continue I'm going to learn more about this tell me what you think in the comments subscribe to this channel waking up because there are always new things things about how you can improve your life and improve your consciousness and if you want to go deeper with meditation for me with me not for me with me go to the luminary where you can get under the skin and also above the noise my guided meditation podcast one a week also subscribe to my mailing list at and yes You want to see me do a live special of our little lives, me doing monologues and Shakespeare, can you imagine?
There is a link in the description to that like well, keep exposing yourself to the cold, keep breathing, you literally have to do it otherwise you will die, but breathe properly to raise your consciousness and change your life, that's what has happened to me over the years. last 30 days.

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