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He's The Strongest SS-Rank Prisoner But Hides It So He Can Be Lazy | Anime Recap

Jul 04, 2024


begins with Haime Sugoku giving us an introduction to Nama Prison, a supposedly impregnable prison floating in a remote part of the ocean with cutting-edge technology and elite guards recruited from all over the world. Overall, she can be considered number one. prison in the world, as no one has successfully escaped from it, however, the introduction is cut short when the emergency alarm sounds because it turns out that some


s from Building 13 are trying to escape. They are inmate 11, inmate 25, inmate 69, and inmate. 15, also known as Uno Nik Rock and Juo, have the ability to escape from every prison they have been locked up in.
he s the strongest ss rank prisoner but hides it so he can be lazy anime recap
Haime watches them closely from a surveillance room with Sedar Rout Tanabata, a Building 13 guard, as the four inmates face various obstacles. and traps as they try to escape Uno uses a card to reveal a laser trap which Rock and Nico try to avoid, but Jugo had already disarmed the trap without informing them, this triggers another trap which causes the walls to approach them thinking quickly. Standing, they manage to avoid being crushed to death by climbing the closing walls and entering a vent as Haime watches in frustration, unfortunately for them, the vent is being pumped with sleeping gas, so they find themselves in danger again. , our group of uniques.
he s the strongest ss rank prisoner but hides it so he can be lazy anime recap

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he s the strongest ss rank prisoner but hides it so he can be lazy anime recap...

The convicts quickly try to get out of the vent while they are still conscious. They later meet Yamato Godai, the training fanatic. Deputy Overseer in a Ma trap, while Haime is confident that the inmates will get lost and captured. Yamato gets lost, frustrating Haime. The inmates manage to get out of the Labyrinth. and encounters a barrage of guards and watchdogs. Niko shoots Jugo and apparently dies in his arms, but quickly awakens due to his special body constitution and his apparent immunity to drugs. When they reach the prison exit, they confront Haime, who easily defeats them and they are dragged back to their cell some time later, Jugo informs his friends about a girl he saw in the visiting room, which prompting them to escape once again, however, they soon discover that the girl is Haim's cross-dressing younger brother, meanwhile, Mamoko Hayak Kashiki, the director of Namba Prison. she arrives at the prison and demands to speak to Haime about cell 13 whom she describes as hardened convicts and escaped veterans.
he s the strongest ss rank prisoner but hides it so he can be lazy anime recap
He strongly warns Jugo who plans to fight the man with a scar on his neck who put him in shackles in an old prison believing that Nama Prison is the last place he can search for this man. Mamoko, the director had assigned Haime to supervise Building 13 because she respects his ability and strength. She asks why the four Uno inmates Nik Rock and Jugo haven't tried to escape like in the other prisons. but Haim remains silent, she asks again if there was any problem while she was away and Haim lies that everything was fine. The salmon warns Haim to tell the truth by threatening him with consequences if he lies, but an angry Hajime grabs the salmon by the neck and warns him to watch his words.
he s the strongest ss rank prisoner but hides it so he can be lazy anime recap
Hajime promises to provide the four inmates' files later and Mamoko dismisses him before leaving. She comments that the four inmates are not evil but simply a group of punks. Moko calls Hajime but thinks Haime is cool and is happy for him. She called her by her last name because she secretly has a crush on him. Hajim takes roll call for the four inmates and Jugo is missing. Haime hears snoring from the night guard room and discovers Jugo sleeping there. Jugo explains that he couldn't sleep because of his snoring cellmate, he grinds his teeth and laughs, so he went to the quietest place he could find.
Haime suspects that Yamato was responsible for letting Joo into the room, but Yamato denies this and claims that he was working out in the cafeteria. Rock enjoys his meal and Shiro brings a cake for dessert then Jugo asks for a Rubik's cube and Uno explains the objective of the game to him Zugo solves it quickly and Uno challenges him to solve a new puzzle shortly after Haime returns to Moko and then After a long journey and 50 security questions to verify his identity he gives Moko the files on his infamous


s, as well as a quick introduction to each of them as they briefly touch hands as they hand the papers to Moko.
In silence, the girls hang over Haime and blush at being touched by their Crush, however, Salmon intervenes by giving Haime a punch in the stomach for supposedly being rude to the warden. Nico was arrested on drug charges and then escaped because He hated getting injections and taking medicine but now he enjoys the tasty medicines in Nama Rock. He was arrested for starting a Riot gang and then escaped from prison because he hated food but now loves Japanese food in Nama Uno. He was arrested for gambling in underground casinos. and then he ran away because he had a date with a woman, but now he's being docile because he doesn't have dates.
Jugo was arrested on robbery charges but escaped easily. The next day of the four he can be considered the veteran with the most experience in escaping from prisons. Apparently he likes to escape because it is his hobby but Haime thinks that at the moment he has no desire to escape although secretly he is the most suspicious of him since he does not know their motives and motivations as the four inmates who have developed a strong friendship reminisce about a man Elish silently watches his cell and smiles eerily Moko is preparing for the arrival of an infamous new inmate at the prison with another record. to escape while Saru Tanabata approaches Haime Sugoku sobbing and complaining about being continually bullied by the inmates of Cell 13.
Heim May suggests that Sedaru should resort to violence to make them obedient, however, when Sedaru is bullied again in his Next turn, he runs away sobbing and begs for help once again Haime scolds him and advises him how to manipulate the inmates based on his personal weaknesses saying that if the needs of the three main troublemakers are met then the fourth inmate Jugo will also be obedient in his Office Mamoko informs Haime about the new inmate she wants placed in car 13 to test whether the inmates will remain quiet under her influence given her history of captures and escapes.
Haime brings Sukumo, the new inmate and an apparent ninja, to the cell and they plan an escape contest for the rest. of the day rejecting Sar's offers of friendship, however, Tsukumo's attempts to attack Hajime with his ninjitsu techniques fail and he is eventually trapped after spreading his macabich around him. Sukumo is then transferred to cell 11 and the supervisors discuss the New Year's celebration tournament. Inmates in the cell. 13 discusses the events of the previous year and decides to escape to usher in the New Year, meanwhile Mamoko abuses her power as director to enter Cell 13 of Building 13 into the tournament while the convicts in question prepare to make a New Year. .
Mamoko from Year's jailbreak makes the announcement that the traditional New Year's tournament at Namba Prison has begun, as the inmates look on in awe at this beautiful warden. The four prisoners in cell 13 are initially surprised, but become enthusiastic and energetic to participate after learning of the winners. of the tournament they get an item of their choice Salmon approaches Hajime in an attempt to mock him as he believes that Hajim already lost the competition due to the inmates he is participating with, this leads to an argument between the four kiji kiru supervisors salmon and Hajime while Rock niik and Jugo observe the colorful personalities of the supervisor, Mitsuru hio announces the rules of the tournament.
The first event is a calligraphy competition in which Jugo fails due to his inability to write. Yamato and Haime win the competition with their beautiful handwriting securing the first victory. For cell 13, the second event is a mix between macai hitting and DaRuMa knockdown, where a guard and an inmate must finish hitting their machai without letting their DaRuMa be knocked down and his ball fall to the ground, and Yamato is Chosen due to his strength and stamina, however, Liang, a former cellmate of Rocks from Building Five, also participates seeking revenge against Rock after previously being defeated by him, disarming Rock and taunting him for being greedy. and cowardly Rock gets angry and fights back, eventually knocking out Langang with one punch.
Seeing the outcome of the fight, he is inspired and takes a more aggressive approach and defeats Inori with a single punch, as well as securing a victory for himself and Rock. Building 13 is declared the current leader of the tournament and the next event is a high acuity game and Sedaru and Uno are nominated to represent cell 13 in the game against the supervisor Kidi and the inmates twah and honey when the game begins, Sato surprisingly he instantly wins each round by taking all the cards, leaving Overseer Kiji dumbfounded by how quickly he lost the round while Uno fights and can.
He fails to win a single card while Honey mocks him. Tuah then switches places with Honey and continues trying to mock Uno by thinking that he can only cheat to win games. One surprises Tuah by winning some cards despite being behind in the game. Honey tries to take his away. place but he also loses and Nuno reveals that he actually read Honey's body language to figure out which card he was going to choose. Honey accuses Uno of cheating, causing Twah to trade places with him to avoid further conflict, however, Uno manages to take the cards from her.
Also reading his body language and noticing his habits, meanwhile Nik encounters someone who appears to be floating while he retrieves his medicine, he panics and runs towards the others leaving his medicine behind. Uno continues to dominate the game as he can now predict every move or action taken that leads to Uno winning the game now back in the arena the announcer mitsuru announces the rules for the third event of the New Year's tournament a bayblade style spinning top battle except with super siiz tops, supervisor salmon and inmates Yupa and Kai enter the arena for a team.
Niik then recognizes Yupa as the person he saw floating. He tries to show the inmate Hajime by pushing him into the sand. This leads the announcer to assume that Haim and Nik are the ones participating, leaving Haim with no choice but to do so, the match begins with Sammon ordering Yupa and Kai to attack Hajime, but Nik prevents them from doing so. Yupa wants him and Kai to quickly defeat Nik, but Kai abandons the fight because he's not the fighting type and would rather take a nap. Yupa then attacks Nico and Niik begs him to teach him how to float.
Yupa insists that NCO is too weak. to show him his Kong and attacks him again. Salmon and Hajim engage in battle while Mamoko watches from The Stance. Hajime tries to refuse to fight the salmon. and goes after the top, instead, Yupa aims a powerful Kong attack at Haime, who looks suspiciously like the Kami hamiha, but this excites Nico even more, he begs him to teach him an attack that perfectly imitates the movements of Liang from his previous fight with Rock. Jugo Rock and Uno argue. how easily influenced Nico is and Kai suggests that he make Nico his disciple yupe reveals that his request was to be a disciple for him to teach NCO reveals that he wants a video game console yupa mocks him and attacks him again but he agrees to consider becoming on his master, if he defeats him, the salmon continues to fight Haim, accusing him of lying to mamoko about his inmates, however, Haim is unfazed and defeats the salmon by throwing the giant top at him.
He gets HOA to attack Nico again, but Nik copies his technique and defeats him, winning. the round for Building 13 at the same time, the winner of the battle against Kiji and Kiniro is decided with Kiru as the victor, meaning that the last round will be building 13 against building four. Mitsuru enters Moko's office and playfully taunts her before they both head out. Back to the arena to discuss the progress of buildings 4 and 13 in the final round. Moko predicts that her fight will show the guards' power to the inmates, which leads to more taunting from Mitsuru in another part of the prison.
Salmon and Inori discussed their losses against Building 13 with Anori mentioning the homemade medicine he received from Kai to heal quickly. Salmon reminds her that Kai's actions resulted in her imprisonment. Salmon also reveals that Kai used a numbing agent against Haim and Niik in their match, but it didn't work. Meanwhile, Haime complains about being tired in a separate part of the prison, back at the arena, Mitsuru announces the final match between buildings 4 and 13. Mamoko explains the rules of the upcoming event. A sake barrel opening contest. Jugo's cellmates volunteer him to participate while Kiru expresses. His desire to fight Haime after some back and forth, the match begins with Kenu fighting Hajim and Musashi targeting Jugo.
Musashi proves to be too powerful for Jugo, while Hajim May and Kenu fight using a variety of weapons. Musashi demands that Jugo chain up and starts a spontaneous fight. Human combustion technique that reveals his control over fire. Juice, driven by yourDesiring answers, he transforms his arms into swords and attacks Musashi. However, Mitsuru suggests shifting the focus of the tournament to what has been happening outside of it. This suggested question bothers Nik Uno and rock in the meantime. At the prison, Yamato takes Sukumo to the visiting room to meet someone who has come to see him. Sukumo is surprised but becomes antagonistic when he recognizes the visitor.
Hatori Hanzu Hatori convinces Sukumo to stay and praises him for his dedication as an actor. Sukumo asks Hatori how. He found him and Hatori reveals that he pretended that Sukumo had disappeared and now believes that he will become more popular when he returns. Sukumo refuses to return and they begin to argue. Jugo listens to them as he attempts another escape. Sukumo reveals that he discovered the truth and accuses Hatori. and his co-workers kidnap him and lie to him. Hatori reveals nothing instead of reprimanding Tukumo for insulting his own mother, but Sukumo admits that he knew she wasn't his real mother in the first place in a flashback that a film director seeks.
A real Shinobi who will star in her movie discovers a young man training sukumo with mabishi, she convinces him to let her be his real mother and promises to turn him into a Shinobi warrior. Years later, Sukumo has become a famous child actor under the guidance of the director, but he feels that he does not know who he really is and eventually runs away. and ends up in prison Zugo tells Sukumo that his work is admirable and encourages him to be himself during the New Year's tournament Jugo attacks Musashi with his swords causing destruction in the stands and panic among the crowd Mitsu orders the inmates to evacuate and stops all cameras and audio images luno Nico and Rock survive the explosion with the help of Y Yamato.
Jugo continues attacking Musashi, who retaliates with his flames. OKO orders Kiru and Hajime to capture the inmates for interrogation. Nashi attacks them with fire, creating a ring of fire to keep the guards away. Musashi and Jugo continue their battle while Kiru tries to separate them. Salmon and Kiji slow down Musashi's fire and he is eventually captured. Haime confronts Jugo, but Uno Rock and Niko intervene. Jugo turns on his friends and finally Haime beats him almost to death. Haim is later reprimanded. by his fellow supervisors for his actions, but still achieved a victory for Building 13 at the end of the tournament.
Mitsuru gives Haim the Letter that suspends him for 3 days and Mamoko regrets having to punish him after his 3-day suspension. Haime returns to Nama. and Sedaru informs him that cell 13 was quiet during his absence, he meets Kiru on his way to Cjo, who tells him that Musashi is being held in an underground cell in building 4 and will not speak until he sees that Jugo Hajime They give a walkie-talkie to allow Jugo and mhi to communicate. Hajim visits Jugo, who is conscious but in a depressed state and lacks the motivation to free himself from his chains. Hajime helps Jugo communicate with mhi, who reveals that he is looking for the scar man and asks Jugo.
If he knows anything about him, Musashi reveals that he needs Joo's shackles to kill the scarred guard, explaining that the scarred guard had increased his powers allowing him to completely control the flame, which made him feel like a monster. Musashi with which he tried to attack the guard. he fired but was unsuccessful. Jugo is surprised to learn that there are two sets of shackles. Hajim says Jugo is empty as he has no desire or motivation for anything. Jugo admits that he didn't want or enjoy anything even as a child and only felt a sense of purpose when he received the shackles from him, he confesses to being envious of his cellmates for having needs and desires.
Haime offers Jugo the chance to choose his prize for winning the New Year's tournament, but he has a hard time thinking about anything Hajime will throw at him. Nameplate allowing him to return to Cell 13. Jugo breaks his chains and takes the badge, vowing to face his problems head-on at the beginning of Hajime's suspension. Kiru informs the inmates of cell 13 that he will take over the supervision of him that Mamoko had previously instructed. Kiru Kiji and Salmon will take turns supervising the building to minimize any risk during Haim's suspension. Kiru takes Niik for a medical exam, but becomes upset when Uno and Rock accompany him, however, Kiru then reveals that Jugo is in intensive medical warfare at headquarters and not.
In fact, in the infirmary in the infirmary, Tuah and Honey are being treated for minor injuries from the tournament by order of Kidi, the head of the drct. Aina wants to examine Nico for any effects of the tournament before prescribing him medication because he can mimic the movements of those around him, which can damage her body while Uno and Rock search for Nico's medicine and eventually find Kagu 8 with it. . The boys surround Kagu 8 and some behave in a very inappropriate manner much to Kiru's displeasure. Hajime continues working despite his suspension and Hitoshi is worried about him.
On the second day, Kiji tries to distract the inmates from his sadness at Joo's absence by teaching them about the layout of the prison, however, an argument breaks out over who is the most handsome and Sedaru fails to break up the relationship. On the third day, Sedaru escorts Salmon to Cell 13 to investigate Haim's honesty, Sammon loses his temper when he finds the inmate still in bed and Yamato attacks to make the inmates flee and hide. Salmon eventually finds them and they reluctantly participate in the yato's training with the help of sukumo, meanwhile, Haime volunteers at a construction site. site to avoid boredom eventually Haime brings Jugo back to cell 13 and explains that Musashi probably wants Jugo to fight the scarred man.
Haime apologizes for his past actions and Jugo forgives him. Moko ponders how to greet Haime when he returns and Mitsuru mocks her. until she knocks him unconscious, causing Haim to flee from an intimidation while he sleeps. Rock has a nightmare about his past and we have a flashback to the first time he was arrested. Ed, after fighting with his father, storms out and gets into a street fight. that he wins easily but is arrested in the process disdaining the food in that prison. He rebels and supposedly escapes from prison for the first time. He wakes up in a cold sweat and Jugo asks him if he's okay, but Rock tells Jugo that he's fine. he receives his wish today the stone oven that he wanted all this time meanwhile in the five liang building the training is interrupted when the guard Inori arrives and informs him that Rock requested his presence in Building 13 although confused he agrees to come and see what it is all about. this fuss.
Right now, at number 13 of the building, Canen Rock offers you to try the first slice of the first pizza ever made with the legendary stone oven. At first he refuses, but Jugo tells him to at least try it, which he then does and she can't help but agree how good he is. The pizza is actually Shirou, the chef, then hands her some peach rolls that he made while everyone enjoys the delicious food. Rock says that he prefers food to fighting, since he only makes enemies when he fights while eating, it always makes him feel satisfied and happy when he hears this. at Rock for calling his dream ridiculous.
Funny Juice comments on how much Rock has calmed down since they met. Rock can't help but agree stating that part of this is because of the delicious food he eats every day, but the other reason is that he met Jugo, now we get another flashback to when Rock met Jugo after the guards beat him up. and they starved Rock to death for not following orders. Jugo offers him some bread and sees how Rock refuses to eat the plain bread. Jugo decided to escape and get roxom. hamburgers from a fast food joint in the present Rock thanks Jugo for helping him change from being the indiscriminately loaded rifle he used to be.
Jugo is a little confused since he doesn't remember doing anything special, but then Rock mocks him by saying that's not the case. something he would remember Uno then asks Shirou for some peach buns for Nico and now we cut to him after the medical examination of him while he is in the hospital bed. Nico can't help but feel alone and depressed, especially after all the trauma he experienced in the past. and similar rooms, Dr. Aina and his android assistant, Kaguya, assure him that they will be finished soon and that he will be able to leave soon.
Uno Jugo and Rock visit him and bring him the sandwich that Shiro made for him. Aina tells the inmates not to take him. NCO also became emotional since he has yet to recover, causing Uno to comment that the doctor is grumpier than usual. Rock even comments that having an unhappy wife means having an unhappy life and Doc Oina actually agrees that his wife has been nastier than usual, but before he can. finishes his sentence his wife, the chief scientist kazari, knocks down a wall with a rocket launcher saying she can show him what nasty really means, soon enough the two start arguing One intervenes telling kaguya to say the line they practice together, kaguya then does just that and the two resolve their argument as they agree not to fight in front of his daughter Kazari, they then inform Nico that his prize for winning the tournament, the game console is ready, they then move to a test room where everyone They can try the games available on the game console.
Inmate Kai was then taken to the game room at Nico's request so they could play together, as the teacher and student Kai refuse at first, but after being challenged, he agrees to play in a claw machine and wins. a stuffed animal in the process. Kazari returns with Nico's advanced super. and a compact console that can play any game ever made, then we have a flashback to when Jugo and NCO first met after breaking up and Jugo introduced him to the NCO manga and then he thanks Jugo for turning his Wilt back on alive. Although a little embarrassed, Jugo asks Nik to teach him. to play video games which Nik instantly agrees to while playing Uno sees Musashi with Kiru, then calls out to the man getting everyone's attention and insists that he use his common sense to apologize to Jugo after Musashi sincerely apologizes Uno invites him to the game room that won.
As a reward, although he is happy to be invited, Musashi knows that he cannot go, however, Kiru agrees to let Musashi go on the condition that he reveals more about his past. Musashi agrees to reveal his past to Kiru in exchange for spending time with the other inmates. Nashi remembers how when he was born, even as a baby, he had a higher body temperature than normal, which made him believe that he was special since his mother told him that he had the heat of the sun. Unfortunately, it was not long after that the heat became too much. for the Musashi boy to handle, causing him tremendous pain as his entire body burned alive every night.
He also suffered from chronic nightmares in which he literally burst into flames one day while at school, his entire body bursting and actually starting to burn. his entire body suffered severe burns, the doctor who treated him revealed the phenomenon as spontaneous human combustion and noted that even his survival is a miracle, he was soon bullied and excluded by his peers due to his condition, later he would have caused a fire in college and When his house burned down and his parents died in the fire, the elf who had disguised himself as a student blamed him by calling him an arsonist as he fought off the officers who wanted to arrest him, Musashi burst into flames once again, automatically taking the blame for the crime he committed. did not commit, which ultimately led to his arrest and imprisonment, while in a prison in Germany he ends up meeting the man with the following scar, who was responsible for transforming him into the monster he now is, the man who offered to cure him. of his condition, but instead, he tricked Musashi by amplifying his condition and giving him the ability to control flames just so he could advance his research at the cost of Musashi's sanity and torture when he faced the scarred man and the elf.
They told him that he should be grateful for having By giving him so much power and making him Superior to all Humanity, in a fit of rage at being taken advantage of, he attacks the duo, but surprisingly the scarred man uses a sword arm just like Jugo and He easily repels his attack, the man then says that after gathering all the data he needed it became useless to him so he attacks by cutting his face and giving him the permanent scar he now has on his face. Musashi says that although the story is true he has no way to prove it since there is no evidence left so no.
However, one did once believe him, although he agrees that his story seems implausible and fabricated. Ken Shiru believes that Musashi after seeing the power of him injo of him and having heard about inmates used for human experiments, we discovered that he was investigating these claims all along and while he was. Unable to convince anyone that the claims are true, he continued to file reports, but his superiors continued to reject his findings, so he realized something was at stake, but Shady vows to expose the culprits while Uno invites the inmates. from building three to your game room,but since he didn't finish furnishing it, he reveals that he actually wants everyone to contribute and make the room together, since he wants to make sure everyone enjoys their game room.
Haim Satero and Yamato arrive with the furniture that Uno ordered and soon the rest of the inmates also arrive and the rest of the items are brought after Musashi appears as well, they begin to furnish the room together and play shortly after, Haime tells them that They only have 1 hour of free time and that now is the time to return to their cells, although they initially rebel after a quick beating, they obediently return to their cells at night. Jugo can't sleep, so Uno joins him and they discuss today's events and Uno encourages Jugo to enjoy his life in prison despite his many flaws, which Jugo makes sure is conscious.
He still ends up saying that they still have a lot to learn together and that they should take things slow and enjoy life one day at a time. Jugo then leaves the cell to take a breather from the cool chair on the roof of Building 13 as he admires the night. sky and reflecting on Uno's words on the roof of Building 13 Jugo encounters the creepy elf and taunts Jugo by telling him to make him laugh. Jugo is confused and scared by the elf's appearance without recognizing him. Jugo gets angry, but the elf apparently teleports into the water.
The funny tank elf says that they used to play all the time in the past while Jugo tries to think of who the elf is and how he got here. The elf teleports in front of Jugo again and then seemingly stabs him, however Jugo recoils in panic trying to put pressure on his wound and stop the bleeding, it turns out to be some kind of illusion and Jugo finds no wound. The elf continues teleporting and asks Jugo if he remembers the man he risked everything to free and protect. Jugo is still confused and can't remember the events he's talking about, so he lashes out angrily telling Elf to stop beating around the bush and tell him who he's talking about.
Elf continues to taunt without revealing who this supposed savior of Jugo is. Elf goes on to claim that Jugo was given some amazing things, but in reality he has to use the weapons to gather more data. She then asks Jugo several questions about his sword shackles, referring to it as specimen 15 lenoy. Jugo curses the elf that he refuses to hurt people with the weapons they imposed on him after they revealed his connection to the scarred man. Jugo tells Elf to point him at his sworn enemy or to leave without saying anything. The elf runs towards Jugo and instantly pins him to the ground, sticks a knife in his hand and tells him to shut up. mouth and not insult his teacher while Al says that he should have killed him back then.
Jugo has a flashback with a memory he had hidden deep in his mind of the time a man gave his life to help him escape and told him Elfo says he hates seeing J go happy to the point where he is willing to kill. to everyone around him, but he says his mission is to get his brain back and that he doesn't need the rest of his body. He also doesn't want to take his entire head with him, so with a marker he draws a line of dots on Joo's face horizontally, threatening to cross the line and take his brain while Jugo desperately struggles to escape.
Elf pulls out a bone saw and tries to split Saw Joo's head in half to the breaking point. Jugo unties his arm from his sword, but this time he manages to control his power and only uses one arm, breaking the elf's weapon and manages to free himself from his restraints while Jugo checks his wounds, it turns out that all the damage is Juice. What he received was an illusion again, he still can't believe what is happening since he felt all the wounds he received after having gathered the data he needed. The elf says that it is time for him to leave, but tells Jugo to use his swords more often since they want to do so. he sees what Jugo is capable of and then asks what his plan is with him and mhi, but elf refutes him by saying that he doesn't know of any Musashi specimen before leaving, elf tells Jugo that he is also here to take another body and threatens to use it. joo's friends as Lab Rats and then proceeds to jump off the roof saying that he will visit Jugo again after this encounter.
Jugo can't help but fear for the friends he made in them who suffer at the hands of the scarred man the next day. Rock notices how Jugo is acting strange without having said a single word, but Jugo assures them that he is fine for the night determined to avoid endangering Uno NCO and Rock. Jugo decides to escape Nama once and for all as he gets up to leave the trio. Too excited to go out and have fun together again, the prison alarm soon rings and Namba locks itself again after reaching the last door. Jugo opens it easily and they find Haime waiting for them outside the doors.
Yugo is determined to leave and not take risks. putting his friends in danger so he goes out and touches a hidden button that blocks unoo and swings inside while he confronts haime only surprised by his action the trio interrogates him but Jugo casually says goodbye, fortunately haime will not allow him to escape and soon they begin. fighting seriously Jugo lets go of his sword arms while Haime fights back just as fiercely without backing down or stopping before the battle comes to a tragic conclusion. Sato arrives and opens the door, after which Uno and Rock get between Haime and Jugo and manage to stop them. fighting, they then restrain Jugo telling him that they have made many promises together that they must keep and return to his cell while Jugo accepts that his house is in prison along with his only friends and promises to protect them and not run away.
Once again, with the traditional introduction of the prison somewhere across the ocean, in a place known only to the country's top officials, lies a prison considered impregnable. The prison is equipped with cutting-edge technology and guards recruited from around the world with the overall impression of being the number one prison. In the world no one has managed to escape successfully, although now it is not entirely true because an inmate who has the ability to escape from prison has sidelined security several times. Jugo, the emergency alarm rings on haime, followed by sedaru rushes towards cell 13 for the inmate most likely to try to escape number 15 Jugo Haim finds Jugo acting asleep in his cell and breaks his head over the trouble.
Later, Joo's fellow prisoners, NCO Rock and Uno, laugh at him for his tireless efforts to get caught and take haime's beating in his office. Warden Mamoko ponders how to stop Jugo from trying to break the prison. occasionally mitsuru annoys the warden when she pretends to be haime and tries to flirt with the warden and she crushes mitsuru on the ground in anger later haima trembles to catch the warden stained with mitsuru's blood on the other hand sedaru is happy to buy a cozy-looking cleaning robot with her annual bonus, but Haime crushes the robot into Wrath as soon as it crashes with her boot into building five.
Kai and Yupa argue. about the cactus that yupa's family brought for her Kai is a pharmaceutical chemist with all eyes on the cactus and begs yupa to let him touch the cactus in the playroom. Honey reveals that Sukumo is the famous ninja action character Kamakazi. Jugo shows up with her help because Sukumo doesn't want the inmates to know that the famous character of the country whom they consider Invincible is locked up in prison with them in the guard's room. Kiji gets angry at Hajime Salmon and Yamato for not following prison regulations, then Haim enters. He goes to the office and notices a shadow with bright yellow eyes behind him, but it turns out to be his pet, a cat who has a higher


than Saro, at least the salmon produces his weekly report to the warden.
Kiru yells at the salmon from behind about her growing closeness to the warden. because Kiru sees the director as his Crush Musashi makes fun of Kiru and convinces him to get attached to the director at the hospital. Dr. Okina declares that Jugo is fit after the cat incident, while Honey and Twah flirt with Kaguya, Oka's beautiful assistant, the entire prison suddenly appears. on their heads when they contract hair color syndrome that causes their hair to change from Jugo to niik, from Warden to HRH, everyone is baffled by the transformation of their hair, except Haime, as he is the only bald person in the prison, the training of new guards. completes as the warden spares them the necessary instructions for their duty in building 13.
Hajime chases after inmate 13. He can smell that Jugo is up to something. Haime warns him to return, but once Jugo doesn't pay attention to orders, Haim crushes him in the cell. Mitsuru approaches Haim and makes a shocking revelation. A new guard is appointed in the cell with him. Mitzu kept this as a surprise to him. The inmates are also excited about the new guard. To his surprise, the guard is Haim's younger brother, Hitoshi, who dresses up. like a beautiful young girl hello the inmates discussed their reservations about the saguro brothers closed on the other hand hajim is not happy with his brother's new role o Jugo enters the guard room with the Amato followed by the other inmates Hitoshi is considerably surprised when See Joo emerges from the cell effortlessly, however the fellow guard Yato seems quite overwhelmed by Hitoshi's arrival, the inmates maintain that they are here to confirm his doubts about the relationship between Wood Stone as Haime and C Hoshi, the inmates One and Rock make fun of Haim for his appearance. and challenge him to catch them as the tension rises, the inmates begin to run while Hitoshi chases after them.
Sedar, curious, asks Nico not to run like his friends in his race against Haime. One is jealous of how someone ruthless and transported, Haim, can have a kind and considerate brother. As Hitoshi, however, it is too difficult for Hitoshi to chase the fast One and Rock, who do not seem to be within sight of him. Haime, on the other hand, looks at Hitoshi's brother and asks him to return home since this job requires more strength. and the agility that a fragile Hitoshi can never have. Luno locates the secret button that Jugo once dug up. Haime tries to stop him, but Uno tries to push him away out of curiosity.
Surprisingly, what looked like a fire sprinkler turns out to be liquid nitrogen that has frozen Haime completely. Burning with anger, Haime breaks the ice sheet and begins the chase even more fiercely as things begin to escalate. Haime throws his younger brother, Hitoshi, at the prisoner, applying all of his power, but the prisoners dodge him on the other side while looking for his friends. Hajime Jugo ends up in Building 13 due to Yamato's poor navigation skills in the surveillance room. Mitsuru has secretly passed instructions to an anonymous Helper to manage Building 13 when Target rushes to him for the Code Red emergency in Building 13.
Mitsuru is unbothered and calls it a false alarm. In the turn of events Mitsuru reveals that Hitoshi has been deployed to building 4, not building 133. It was Hitoshi's request to spend his first day with his brother. Hajime Hitoshi is happy with how his day went in building 13. Itoshi expresses that he has learned a lot and Hajime is lucky to have people like that nearby, on the other hand, after the all-day fight. Jugo and Yamato somehow make it back to the guard room while Hoshi takes over duties in building four on his visit to building 3, honey and tuah.
Hoshi all mistakes him for a beautiful lady, but they soon turn around when Hitoshi reveals that he is actually a guy. Later at night, the guards enjoy their party in person, unaware of the horror lurking beneath the facility. Rock initially challenges Supervisor Salmon to a salmon fight. He avoids the fight due to his previous commitment to Yupa, but Yupa withdraws from the fight to make room for Rock. Leang instigates Salmon as he mentions Hajime and Salmon accepts the challenge. Rock is quite confident in his abilities and can easily defeat Salmon. Having successfully created a fight to enjoy in the first round, Salmon decides to use only his finger to counter Rock, who seems ready to attack him at any moment while Inmate 99 keeps a close eye on the development of the fight.
Rock does his best to swing like a salmon. He uses his fists to the maximum of his abilities, but Salmon manages to dodge all of his attacks even with his eyes closed. Salmon still gets the better of Rock without even looking at him as he makes Rock bite the dust by simply using his finger as the second round begins. He launches a series of fierce kicks and punches at the salmon, but none of his attacks hit their mark by the end of the fight. Salmon warns Rock that he has good reflexes, but loses his senses in anger and makes silly mistakes, and also only trusts him.
Due to his size, he must combine his mind and body in the fight on the balcony. Prisoner 99 and Yamato appreciate Salmon's fighting skills. Yamato has also faced the salmon several times, but even he couldn't beat the salmon. They wonder how Simon lost to Haime and what made him hold back. against haime Inori informs salimon about the meeting called by the director whileBoth Inori and the new Huki guard will observe the inmates. The warden explains that he has called the meeting to discuss the commissioner's urgent call for a meeting. The agenda of the meeting as well as the during are kept hidden from his Kiru comments that something must be developing in the police department against the prisoner, in addition to that the warden is asked to bring confidential data of two prisoners number 15 and 634 MIT probes who will assume his duties in his absence and the warden expresses his confidence in the supervisors to keep the prison in order during his absence after the warden's departure.
The deputy supervising cat investigates the salmon. She blames Salmon Building Five as the only reason the police department is behind the prison. other prisons are still pointing out the unfortunate incident that took place in building 5 cat it doesn't stop here she blames salmon for using his connections to gain a spot as a supervisor she calls him unworthy and nepotism got him here in the past brother Sammon iny murdered an inmate and injured his fellow guards cat thinks that Sammon is indifferent to his brother he is equally vulnerable salmon pushes her angrily and leaves the room kiji slaps the deputy supervisor cat for his unjustified resentment against Sammon lost in Thoughts of her rebellious brother Salmon is informed of a visitor, Noro Huz Zuki's older sister, Noriki, inquires about his well-being and expresses her desire to see Inki.
Sam replies that Inki is away for a while and that he is the acting supervisor on his behalf, however, Nori reveals that Huki is her younger brother. who made a great effort to earn a place as a guard and asks salmon to take care of his brother in prison on the other hand huki offers tea and snacks to Yamato and rock as a gesture of friendship and they happily accept the offer. In the guard room, Sedaru tells Haime that something is wrong with inmate 15, as he has been acting a little off since his fake escape attempt, meanwhile, Sujo meets Rock in the Sujo building and asks him about the reason for his presence, but Rock seems different. than usual Rock walks coldly towards his son and hits him with Wrath, on the other hand Yamato is also wreaking havoc in the guard room.
I don't think this has anything to do with the tea offered by huki haime successfully defends the blows and crushes Yamato. On the ground, what's wrong with this man? and he crashes into the rock of the building, drags Jugo towards the cell and smashes him against the wall. Jugo tries to stand his ground with blood stains all over his body. Yamato stands up and crushes Sedaru, who asks anxiously. about his well-being in the cell Jugo cons feels that something is not right with Rock Jugo reminds Rock about their friendship and apologizes if he has unknowingly upset him but Rock does not respond Rock looks coldly at the cell and his friends inside Jugo feel that rock Now he heads to hurt Uno and Niik in the cell and positions himself before his Rock friends crush him in the cell.
Jugo can't stop the blood from pouring out of his mouth, but he stands firmly between Rock and the others inside the cell. Uno yells at Jugo to let him help, but Jugo refuses to let them out suddenly when everything seems to be over for Jugo, Sukumo comes to rescue him. Sukumo was also in building five and Sukumo realized that something was going wrong with Rock and Yamato and followed them to Building 13. Jugo fears that the ongoing incidents between Rock and Yamato are related to him. He has something to do with his past. When he tried to escape from prison, Jugo was warned to chase him and his friends. tears plundering his eyes Jugo trembles with fear that what he feared has come true sukumo calms down Jugo he doesn't know much about Joo's past but he saw Jugo put himself between danger and his friends also when Rock was hitting him Jugo didn't fight back because he didn't want his friend to hurt him because of tukumo Jugo is very loyal to his friends, suddenly Uno points out the sinister talisman tied around Rock's neck when Suk Kumo tries to take out the talisman.
Rock responds quickly and slams him to the floor. Rock advances towards Jugo to eliminate him but Sukumo reacts in time and removes the Talisman and just when the Talisman is removed Rock collapses Sukumo thinks he knows the Talisman and so does Haime Who removed it from Yamato's neck in the hospital Dr. Oki advises him Jugo let him rest for a couple of days sukumo is also present at his side while both Yamato and rock have been in the ICU sukumo reveals that building five developed the talismans to keep the chi Masters like yupa in control plus he was with Yamato and rock everything, but did not notice when the Talisman passed over their necks to control them when the inmates of Cell 13 request to accompany Hajime in his investigation in Building 13.
Haim blatantly rejects their request. Luno convinces Hajim that they can be useful in the investigation. Furthermore, even if they don't accept them, they will continue to do so. find a way to build five and Haim will be punished for the outbreak. Haim is short on resources, so he has no choice but to accept his offer as they enter building five. Haime finds himself caught in a trap set by Anori. The inmates of building 13 fall into the same cell where Langang are imprisoned and Yupa Langang asks about the purpose of their visit. One reports that Rock had been acting strangely because of the Talisman chip on his neck, they came here to investigate the matter and Unfortunately they were trapped in the cell and Yupa asks them to remain silent while the surveillance doll passes by Uno Jugo and Nik have no idea what is happening in this building.
Leang maintains that they have been caught in serious trouble, on the other hand, Haime is locked in the cell opposite Salmon. Hajim thinks Sammon is behind all this. but he surprisingly finds Salmon imprisoned in the opposite cell. Ruka and Inori stand in front of the sinister man and tell him about his progress. It turns out that the smiling man and the Shadows are Inky Salmon's older brother in the cell. Lang informs the inmates about the recent Escape. from iny, the former supervisor of building 5, who was his supervisor in the Chinese prison, Thinky is a cold-hearted supervisor for whom inmates are nothing more than training dummies, so he's basically related to my ex, they got it and They were relieved to learn of his transfer to Namba. but his brutality did not stop there either as Inki was imprisoned on the charge of murdering an inmate.
Theang Anda thinks they are dead. These cells are built in such a way to stop their Chi power and iny will kill them sooner or later. Surprisingly, Jugo manages. to unlock the prison that was considered invincible to Yupa and bowed a while ago Salmon is busy searching for the missing talisman when an injured guard caught up with him, the guard tells him about his brother Iny's escape and Ruka Salmon is sure that his brother can't escape. From the physically impossible cell without any outside help, Simon berates the guard for not informing him in time, but the guard reveals that his communication system has been sidelined by the internal revolt.
The guard stops Sammon from going after him alone, but Sammon heads to the spillway exit to settle down. his past resentments Sammon runs into his brother Inky, who knocks him to the ground with a punch Sammon gets up to defend himself Cuu reminds him how he couldn't counter his brother in the past and Haim stepped up for the fight and He earned the


of supervisor for his bravery. Not much has changed for the salmon, who is still hesitant to fight his older brother. Inori also approaches the site and the salmon because of their misunderstanding of the issues going on.
Inori considers Salmon unworthy of the rank of supervisor since Anori had been working with Inky from the beginning. However, the self-centered salmon could not anticipate the coming dangers, they lock up the salmon and continue with the plan of Inky, who aims to hide something behind the salmon's understanding. Currently, both supervisors are taunting each other trapped in opposite cells. Haim blames the salmon for acting naively against Inky. Haim believes that Salmon is still afraid to oppose his brother and simply acts to be against him while he paces the basement cells. Jugo finds Haim's name tag. They are sure that Haim must be close to them.
One dismisses Liang's proposal to go out alone if they are caught, Enki will execute them and if they escape the building, they will still be considered Jailbreakers. It's a loss either way for them. He proposes to first locate the supervisors and use them as guards to exit this building. They meet Honey and Twah. who reveals that Kiji is also locked in the building too tilted he sneaks past a surveillance doll and eliminates it with a single hit youup explains that there is a manufacturing flaw in the dolls if they are hit on the head they can be knocked down easily wait just taking some notes for when I see my ex again luno makes a plan to escape from the five levels of the building without realizing the fact that a doll is pulling him behind luno is scared to death once he turns towards the group of dolls Yes, they fly, they run for their lives while a horde of surveillance dolls chase them.
Fortunately, the inmates find the administration room. The dolls are programmed to stay away from the administration room, making it a perfect hiding place for them. EA describes the place as the forbidden file room once Meanwhile, in Inky's office, Nico's current health does not seem encouraging. He needs to find her medicine soon, but unfortunately they don't find anything inside besides searching for Nico's medicines. Jugo comes across the inmate's board and finds a sinister looking suit underneath his unlock skill. him at hand as he easily opens the suit but the documents inside the suit shake. Jugo above his head is a study on Jugo, a product of human experimentation.
Jugo realizes that the flashbacks he considered dreams are a reality from the past, on the other hand, Inori. he tells Inky that they captured the inmate they had been looking for in the past during their previous encounter. Eny faced a drastically transformed Jugo with flaming red eyes and long, glowing swords. Jugo seemed more like a being from another realm than a simple human. In Iny's eyes, the revelation of certain documents has now turned Juo's world upside down. It becomes evident that Jugo himself is a stranger to his own body and the prison administration has a deeper understanding of him than he has of himself as they continue their journey in search of a hope of escape.
Ruku interrupts them. He carries a creepy black talisman that clearly indicates that he is playing into Inki's hands. Ruku quickly unleashes his swords and launches a series of C blows towards Leang despite Liang's best efforts to evade the attack. Ruku manages to land a few blows coming to Liang's aid. Yupa intervenes emphasizing that Leang should not worry about Liang's considerations. his opponents during the fight, Yupa instead advises Liang to maintain an unwavering focus on countering and defending against the opponent's attacks in the turn. of the events langang and yupa decide to let others find a way out and stay behind to fight for their building leang claims that others can stop them and they can all end up dying if they stay together leang puts all his faith in Jugo he believes Jugo is capable enough like to free the supervisors because he opened the very strong handcuffs without effort and with a heavy heart.
Jugo One, baby, and TWA continue on their journey, unsure of the terrors that await them as Opa investigates the reason for his faith in Jugo Lang. narrates the conversation he once had with rock about Jugo Rock describes how dedicated Jugo can be to his friends Jugo, the one who granted Leang a deep understanding of true Freedom when he freed Leang from the handcuffs, now Leang has full trust to use their maximum ability and do what they couldn't do before, which is to protect their master, they meet their old master hatchan in yupa and leang prison, which brings hatchan here, hatchan says that he has the task to counteract troublemakers like them, he can't forget what they did to him and hatchan.
He wants them to leave. It takes his utmost concentration and breaks Ru's sword in half. Tuwa appreciates Joo's ability to open the lock. He has never seen a skill like this in his life. Both Yupa and Leang also have resentments from the past and want to repay Hathan for his atrocities. Uno and Jugo look everywhere but can't find niik around, it turns out that Nik decided to stay behind, get up and support himself to help them in their fight. Jes, the Fierce Pig, stands up to defend himself. Langang reacts timely and saves. Yupa and Nik attack Hatchan's deadly attacks, in return, Hatchan hints at his old trick and fires the toxic gas at Yupa and Liang.
They cannot understand how Hatman managed to acquire the gases in this prison in the past. Hatchan offered Kai a job. In exchange for a large amount of money, Kai has no choice but to accept Hatch's offers and save himself later in the laboratory. Lang asks about Kai's purpose in sighing with Hachiman. Kai thinks that he issimply a chemist who is creating the tools to stay alive even though Kai realizes that Leang doesn't belong here. Investigate Yupa for the reason he took Leang here. EA explains that Leang was recruited by his teacher to save the lives of hundreds of other students.
Kai then rejects Hachiman's offer to make poisonous chemicals for him. He wants to make a lot of money selling life-threatening poisons, but Kai doesn't want to be a murderer. Hathan threatens Kai with serious consequences like Leang if he refuses to cooperate. Kai looks at Leang hanging in Hachiman's hands covered in blood. The site is petrified. Kai dies and ends up accepting his offer when both Yupa and Leang seem to fail against Hachiman. The noncommissioned officer jumps in to rescue them. Nico stops Hachiman's attacks and tries to counterattack him. Hathan fires the poison syringes and toxic gases at Nik but it does not hit.
Niik for a second, even Hatchan thought that Nico might be threatening him, but his attacks reveal that he is harmless to Hatchan. Leang anticipates a detonating attack towards Nico and Heson to save him, however, Leang cannot anticipate the next attack coming from Roku, who surprisingly is Using Chi's powers, Leang ends up taking a huge hit to his body, although Roku is only exerting the chi magic due to the Talisman and uses the powers even more, he may end up taking his own life, but Hathan doesn't care at all about Roku because he is prone to using others for his benefit, on the other hand, yupa doge attacks of hachiman one after another, but in the end he fails to defend himself and suffers a serious beating at the hands of hatchan, it seems as if up and down they are completely losing against his former boss Nico uses the minimum energy he has left and fights for his friends, but soon he begins to feel the need for medicines, the color begins to pale and his senses begin to weaken with each passing moment and in the end NCO collapses, however, niik has done so. a dual personality disorder and his collapse only brings out the other personality that resides in him hello Luno and Jugo are worried about their friend Nico, they know very well his dual personality disorder and if NCO does not receive his medications he is prone to hurting himself One expresses Since Nik is a product of human experimentation, his nervous control is not as strong as that of a normal being, meaning he is bound to hurt himself and others when his other personality takes over the fight.
Nik now attacks Hashan like never before. Hashan asks ru for help, but surprisingly, Nik is able to control and redirect the chi gong powers as he redirects the chi back to hachiman. Hatchan needs help to fight the uncontrollable Nico Hatchan seeks help, but Yupa and Leang free LCA from the talisman. Nico jumps towards Hatchan but manages to stop him. and smashes it against the wall. Hatchan believes that he has taken the best of Nicoo, on the other hand, the miseries, resentments and atrocities of the past burn the transformed Nico into Revenge while he rises up unche and even a ferocious account of attacks on Hatchan.
Hatchan realizes that Niik is too strong for him to handle, he is not able to anticipate Nico at this rate, sensing the right moment to take revenge. Kai also enters the fight. Kai reminds Hathan of the poisons he forced Kai to make for him and Nico's current situation is a true demonstration of his deadly products Kai has seen Niko's exhausted state and takes it upon himself to bring Niik back to the census Nik he smells his medicines and bites Cen in despair. Ken Jack hits Niik with the medicine and Nico collapses from the dose. Hatchan takes a breath of relief that he can now shift his entire focus back to his disciples, however, Hathan fails to anticipate Niik's intentions.
Kai when Kai injects him with the poison. Kai states that Hathan has always been a cold-hearted person who can go beyond limits to exhaust others to their capacity for his benefit. Hathan failed. to realize his true intentions and this allowed Kai to take revenge on Hathan in the laboratory. Kai's supervisor removes Yupa's kidney for further experimentation on him. The supervisor maintains that Yupa is a legend. The legend AR Chong Warrior and his body parts can be sold for good money. by hatchan since that day Kai wanted to take revenge on hatchan for using others in the current fight, both leang and yupa made a collective effort, they jumped in the air one after another and finally managed to deal substantial blows to hatchan, however, yupa is not there happy with kaihe had been working for iny but didnt bother to tell them.
Kai replies that this could have caused Yupa and Ling in considerable trouble, since he kept it hidden, however, Yupa does not seem to trust Kai's explanations and berates Kai for his selfishness, although in his past . In life, it was Kai who helped Yupa with her dialysis treatment when all hopes of Yupa surviving were diminishing, meanwhile Hatan recovers ready to attack them at any moment. Three of them have grudges against Hatan. Hatan appears so busy fighting Yupa and Leyang that he fails to intercept Kai's trap for him. Haime struggles to continue the fight, but the dose of poison is too strong for him to handle.
Hatan begins to feel suffocation and loses consciousness. Eventually, Hatan surrenders to the medicine and collapses in the midst of his victory over Hatan. Yupa doesn't seem convinced. Heop Pines that the Talisman that Yupa removed from Ruk's face was unfamiliar to him. Yupa seems certain that this Talisman does not belong to Inky. He wants to look for answers very quickly, but Ruko is not in his right mind at all, even though Leang and Yupa have closed the only entrance. Along the way, Kai decides to take them through the hidden passage. He knows that Nico looks extremely Fred about the dangers that await them.
His teacher encourages Nico to continue the journey with his head held high. Yupa and bow decide to save building five to the salmon. returns, Sammon is the one who took care of Yupa in the days when Yupa was taken to Nanbaka after his organization collapsed. Sammon informed Yupa's family about his existence and helped them contact Yupa. Sammon is different from Yupa's common supervisors, he has the respect of Yupa and now Yupa. He thinks it's his turn to represent the salmon at the hospital. Suomo now looks well recovered and wonders what happened to Rock and Yamato. He hopes they are okay.
Suomo remembers the incidents of that particular day and ponders if Building 5 Huki's new guard has anything to do with it. with his condition but does not find any trace of incidents to support him to blame him on the other side of the curtain. Dr. Oki stands before the unconscious Noro. Oki normally doesn't treat civilians but is taking care of Noro due to the urgency as well as the relief of him. The deputy supervisor's cat is also alone on the second basement level. One decides not to hold back and go after Nico, the others stop him from making such a childish mistake.
Theop Pine Niko must be safe with Leang and Yupa Baduno doesn't pay attention to him. As he surmises, a sudden stream of water rushing toward them petrifies them all, but it's too fast for them to react. Finally, Jugo, being the weakest of all, drowns in the water. A hesitant Honey provides immediate CPR and saves Jugo, meanwhile discovering a hidden room and Jugo. He opens the entrance, it is the surveillance tools warehouse. One trembles in fear as Twah seems very curious about the construction and design of the dolls, darling, wonders why they haven't been caught or chased until now and suddenly Raju appears before them agonizing over his pranks.
Upon their appearance, Ruka Gaju orders his two subordinates to chase them and they start running for their lives through the building, but the guards chasing them have the power of Chom, which helps them run super fast in the chase in the cell. Ki yells at Ruka Gaju to leave him. Ruka gaju mocks kiji and when kiji asks about the screams, Ruka gaju smiles at him and replies that the terrible screams are from his inmates running for their lives. Kil lures Ruka to ask for the makeup kit if she lets him out. Ruka gaju appears to be a victim of his offer, as well as wanting Kidi's products to improve his appearance on the other side, he surprises the inmates as he kills the guards with a shot from his rocket launcher that he just built with a piece of dolls. , the inmates dust themselves off and begin their journey towards the three levels, but their search is interrupted when Ruka Gaju appears out of nowhere and grabs Jugo, who is their key to the exit.
Honey hits Ruka in the head and they run off, TW shouts, reaching the next floor once they leave the The guard behind Honey turns to Jugo. Honey proposes that Jugo is the weak link on his team and that they shouldn't take him any further. She intervenes saying that Jugo is the only reason for her escape, but fails to convince Honey, who is already furious. Jugo is selfish most of the time and his face looks like Jugo is planning something. Uno intervenes and reprimands Honey for belittling Jugo. Jugo asks Uno if he thinks the same. about him Uno clarifies that they have had enough time to trust each other and has full faith in Jugo Uno understands that Jugo comes with an incredible past and his behavior is understandable, however, sometimes Joo's expressions make him wonder if He knows Jugo Uno's hopes that one day Jugo will gather up the courage and tell him what happened on the night of the game, however, Jugo is unnecessarily carrying the weight of an incident that weighs on him.
Jugo decides to open his mouth about the match night incident, but before he says anything, they hear an explosion, the guards coming towards them again. Ruka orders her guards to take out Jugo first and her guard opens a series of punches on Joo's face. One tries hard to defend his friend, but it's nothing compared to Ruka Gaju and his men, Honey, begin to leave the scene. He believes that Jugo and Uno are weak and have gotten into trouble because of their vulnerability. He decides to eliminate him with his dagger. Ruka points the dagger at UNO, but Honey breaks her dagger into pieces.
Surprised, Ruk looks at Honey in disbelief. Honey's attack begins to prove lethal for Ruka and her men. Her unique invisible wire attached to the cartridge defeats Ruka. Tua evaluates the tiles and states that they are walking on the tiles mounted in the pool of water. That's why Ruka appears outside of the tiles because she is using the water under the tiles. Both Honey and Twah plan to take down Ruka Honey who she has secretly tied up. he picks up Ruka with his cables and upon realizing that Ruka cuts some of the cables, but it turns out that he was only able to cut the decoy, the actual set of cables tied around his body was totally out of his sight, both friends open a recount of attacks on Ruka. and their guards stupefy them one after another, honey and twah seem to overpower Ruka and eventually strangle Ruka in a tile cage created by Honey's pulling of the tiles.
TW, a bunch of bombs on Ruka aim to burn them down, but unfortunately their attacks still prove insufficient as Ruka rises from the water looking more menacing than ever, the building shakes with their intensified battle and even Kidi is surprised in her cell burning in revenge. Ruka opens attacks unlike before, her strong wind attacks shaking the surface beneath his feet. Ruka wants to end this fight with his corpses, honey, protect his companions against Ruka, but he can't hold out for long. Tuah says that his abilities are not compatible and cannot withstand Ruka's attacks, therefore, Uno must escape with Jugo, honey and tuah. able to save themselves here but unable to fight ruk gaju while protecting Jugo and Uno just as Jugo and Uno hesitantly begin to back away.
Ruka doubles the intensity of her attack and breaks Honey's defenses, honey and twah fight with the little energy they have. although Jugo and Uno have escaped the scene, Jugo is still asleep, he doesn't want to leave others behind with no plans to escape and no options, it seems that both Honey and twah are stuck in a dead end to his surprise, Jugo arrives at his The rescue of the sight before Ruka's eyes is surprising but terrifying for Ruka Gaju Joo. Ruka Gaju Joo's appearance is completely shocking to all of them. The flaming red aura and stealthy swords recall the description of the monster Inky once faced.
Ruka thinks it's her chance to prove herself to Inky. and defeat the monster he always talks about Ruka gaju fires his wind blows at Jugo shocking Jugo He maneuvers his winds and returns them to Ruka gaju eventually Jugo drives away Ruka gaju for the first time Jugo can see a spark of recognition for his powers and skills in the eyes of his fellow prisoners, however, Ruka, gutted by beatings, is persistent not to lose against Jugal. Ruka gaju fights back with even more ferocious attacks, but trembles in fear when Jugo assumes that her wind energy amplifies it and then directs it back to ruk. aaju with even more brute force, on the other hand, Inky senses movement in the basement and asks Inori about the control of the basement.
Inori explains that Ruka is in the basement and that she is capable enough to take matters under her control, however, Inky fears if the move concerns the monster she believes that Ruka will not stand a chance against the monster. . The guards that were once under the control of talismans are now accessible, butsurprisingly they turn against the inmates. One tries to explain the events but they don't seem to. believing his outlandish story with no choice, honey and twah, they confront the guards while Uno and Jugo continue their search for salmon. Jugo begins to open the locks as Ruker attacks and entangles Uno in the chains.
One sacrifices himself for Jugo and Ruka drags him away. One and yells at Jugo to get on with his thing until he discovers that the salmon guards are shocked to see their former inmate Jugo standing in front of them. It is now that they begin to believe Uno's story, but Ruka threatens them with the consequences and Fred's guards join Ruka tuah. and Honey Rescue One Twah is confident that Kiji is imprisoned somewhere nearby because he can smell Kidi's perfume on this same level, one after another. Jugo destroys the doll into pieces while continuing to comb for haime and salmon, on the other hand, Seni can feel the demon heading towards him, getting closer little by little every moment.
Mitsero realizes that Ruka has tricked him and that building five's surveillance system has been compromised. Kiru stops Mitsuru from informing the authorities he believes in. There must be some reasons for his outbreak and they must wait. the guards on the other side follow the three inmates Uno, honey and tuah shocking twah executes Uno's plan, jumps into the water to challenge Ruka in her domain Ruka Falls for her plan and ends up losing the keys to the children's cell, all the room is stained with blood sujo continues combing building after building and continues cutting every threatening doll that approaches him enky is now sure of suj Jo's presence and follows his instinct in hunting for sojo kiji hears footsteps approaching his cell, looks outside and surprisingly finds his inmates being chased by the guards. who jump in the way to prevent the inmates from reaching Kiji, however, Honey hints at his trick and helps Kiji escape from the guards.
They tremble in fear when they find Overseer Kiji staring at them. Kiji forgives the inmates for the mess they have caused and also scares away the guards. Ruka also appears out of the water to fight Kiji, who easily manages to handle Ruka. Kiji advises him to judge what is right for him and what is not. Ruka bursts into tears and falls to her knees before Kiji Kiji fears the results if Jugo powers up the level. Beyond his understanding, as the report says its results can surely be threatening to the prison, the inmates are delighted to see themselves unharmed.
Kidi has a bigger challenge ahead of him, hundreds of dolls have flooded the exit and he has to fight them to make his way to Haim and the salmon in the fifth level Jugo comes to rescue Haim and helps Haim get out of the bars effortlessly. Jugo states that he is ready to embrace his power and begin a new chapter of his life in Nanbaka. Haime wants to leave. his salmon rival in the cell, but Jugo insists on helping him too. Salmon's head shakes when he knows that Jugo can escape from any cell or handcuffs in seconds.
Salmon whips Jugo to stop him, but Haim refrains from harming him. Their inmate tension is enveloping building five, where Haim Salmon and Jugo come after Enky, who seems well prepared for the challenge ahead, Mitsuru is closely following the developments and Kiru also seems suspicious and with that both seasons They are over. know what your thoughts are Z

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