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Easy Tips From Legendary Pros That Will TRANSFORM YOUR MAKEUP!

Jul 03, 2024
hello everyone welcome to today's video if this is


first time here my name is Risa and I have been working as a


artist since 1996 and I have had the privilege of working with some of the best


artists in the industry who really had their heyday. '90s, early '90s, was the beginning of a massive influx of makeup artist brands. I uploaded a video about a week ago where the topic was 10 things or 10 products that I think are non-negotiable to help you look younger now. I understand that not everyone is looking to look younger, but obviously that video was for people who do and I mentioned in that video something that I learned from Bobby Brown years and years ago and I apologize if you've seen that video, but I'm going to Quickly repeat what I said there, which is that Bobby always wanted a client to try lipstick on without any other makeup.
easy tips from legendary pros that will transform your makeup
He wanted that woman to apply lipstick and automatically feel some luminosity, shine or color returning to her face. She wanted that. For a woman to get past that lipstick, maybe she puts on a little tinted moisturizer, a little cream blush, a little mascara, does her eyebrows and walks out the door, so after posting that video I saw a couple of comments thanking me for mentioning that. That tip I learned from Bobby got me thinking: what if I shared all the


I've learned in the past from these iconic makeup artists? So I sat down and started brainstorming and writing down all the


I remembered and as I remembered all these techniques I started thinking why aren't these techniques still taught now?
easy tips from legendary pros that will transform your makeup

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easy tips from legendary pros that will transform your makeup...

I know that times change and we all get older. He was 23 years old at the time. Obviously I'm not 23 anymore. My skin is very different, but I still can. I do all those techniques and follow those tips and make them still work for me today. I may have moved away from those techniques over the years, like many of us, we heard something new, we followed something new, but when I really took the time to think about it, I really felt that these techniques are still valid today. and they would be of great help to many people, so I want to start with some advice from Laura.
easy tips from legendary pros that will transform your makeup
Laura Mercier was the first brand I worked for in 1996. The brand had just launched, it was my first job in cosmetics. I walked into the department store looking to get a job at Clinique or Lancome Reste Lauder and the manager said, Well, we have this new brand coming called Laura Mercier. I know nothing. about it, but if you want the position, it's


s, you would be the main makeup artist at the counter and maybe in the future you can hire a part-time worker. I was very excited and immediately said yes because of course I knew exactly who Laura Mercier was. was very popular at the time, you couldn't open a Vogue magazine or a Harper Bazar magazine and not see Laura Mercier's name in the credits as the makeup artist on many of the covers and that job not only gave me the opportunity to work. directly with Laura when she came to do training for events, but also to receive training in her techniques from her assistant whose name is matin.
easy tips from legendary pros that will transform your makeup
What set the Laura Mercier brand apart at the time was their Flawless Face system. Laura had two different foundations, a dewy foundation and then an oil-free matte foundation, she also had something called secret camouflage which I think is still around today and then if I remember correctly she just had a face foundation and then, of course, their still extremely popular and award-winning translucent loose setting powder, so those were the four things we weren't required to do, but we were encouraged to sell everyone on the Flawless Face system, and then a whiff too. I'm going to share with you why the puff was so important to the technique.
For a moment, let's first talk about primers. Honestly, it was nothing back then, if I remember correctly, because keep in mind we go back a long time. I don't think any other brand had primers, maybe Smashbox did. I think they may have been the first to leave. a primer Nowadays there is a lot of disagreement about whether primers are really necessary or not. You can talk to a makeup artist who


tell you that they are completely unnecessary. You just need to prep your skin properly with moisturizers and serums, and then there are others. like me who still thinks that primers can be very necessary and are part of skin preparation.
I don't really feel that if you have dry skin you necessarily need to use a primer, but if you have oily skin or large pores or dull or redness primers can be really beneficial and over the years Laura has expanded her range of primers, many of them have been reformulated. Now, I'm personally a big fan of her blending primer. I feel like this one does a great job of blurring my pores and maintaining that blurred effect as much as I like this one, there are great primers available at the drugstore, for example the L'Oreal Pro matte Shine Control primer and the Revlon hold primer, so the bottom line is if you have been using a primer and I feel like it has given you a benefit, don't stop using it because someone else said it's not necessary, but if you feel like your foundation, your makeup looks great, it lasts all the time. day without foundation, so yeah, you don't feel like you need it.
To wear one, I think I


always be a professional makeup artist because of how it was ingrained in my head when I worked for Laura. Now I'll come back to some more tips from Laura Mercier as she does my full face of makeup. application after working for Laura Mercier for about a year, then Trish McAvoy's stepsister Romy bought me out. Now, if you've been in the retail world you know what "purchased" means, if you haven't you probably don't know what that basically means. It means that someone comes in as a secret shopper and does it to inform the brand or does it to inform a different brand that might want to hire you and poach you from your current position. and that's exactly what happened.
I helped this woman. I had no idea who she was. She really liked what I did. A couple days later I received a phone call at the store I spoke with. This woman introduced herself and said she was Trish Mao. sister and that they had an opening at sax with Avenue for their makeup counter, that I would get a lot of training, that they were the number one counter at the time, making a million dollars plus a year, which was unheard of in most Clinique cosmetics departments. is number one or Estee Lauder is number one or Lancome is number one, but at this particular department store, Sachs, at that particular time in 1997, I think it was at that time that they were the number one counter and receiving that call and finding out that they wanted to come audition was very exciting for someone who was just starting her career, don't get me wrong, I loved working for Laura Mercier and I really appreciated being able to meet her work with her on faces when I would have events for her told me that he thought my work was beautiful.
Working with Trish Maoy was going to make more money. The location was much closer to where I lived and I couldn't stop working on the sax. I would say probably. I learned the most working for Trish Maoy and that's simply because I was one of eight resident makeup artists and the women I worked with on that counter were incredibly talented and of course every now and then Trish would come in and do training. He also took us all to New York to train at Henry Bendal or Bendel's, which no longer exists, but was extremely popular again at the time, a really nice Posh department store in New York City, so he took us all there to do training, so I learned. a lot of Trish, so the first thing Trish taught me is Trish's triangle of light.
Now, how many of you have seen videos, including probably one of mine a few years ago saying to stop using concealer like a YouTuber because we were seeing it everywhere? they would take their concealers and just make a huge triangle under their eyes that was completely filled in and we would all see that, especially those of us over 40, and we would think, oh my god, that's so much concealer it would look horrible on me, so we made videos . saying not to do that and people listened, so they didn't apply concealer that way anymore. Most people just put a couple dots under their eyes or maybe a little here and here and here.
I've shown techniques that I get a little into. The back of my hand I dip my brush into it and then I place it on my face. There are many different ways to apply concealer, but I once again tried Trisha's circle of light, not the circular triangle of light where I didn't fill in the center. I actually thought it looked really beautiful. Now the concealer you use is going to be very important. You don't want to use something too heavy and super high coverage like a pie-shaped headband. You want to use something like this. from Nars, this is the radiant cream.
I love Natasha Denona's concealer. I love Cy's concealer. As long as your eyes are properly prepared and you use the right tools, you will get this wonderfully illuminated and lifted look. your face and it won't look heavy and it won't look pasty and there's no chance that you're going to have these upside down raccoon eyes where they're too light under the eyes because you've blended them down and out, either with your brush or backward. with a sponge and just patting it to make it perfect since I'm on the topic of skin. I have talked about using a foundation.
I've talked about Trish's triangle of light, so now let's go back to Laura Mercier's Flawless. facial technique and something that was really a GameChanger for me at the time and that I still do. I mentioned Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Powder earlier in the video, at least I think I did and we all know how iconic this powder is on all


. makeup artist kit at that time. I admit I don't use this one often. If you watch my videos regularly, you'll know that some of my favorites are Huda Beauty Easy Bake Loose Setting Powder, Goni Prism Liber Powder, Jason Woo Mattifying Powder. but today, since I'm talking about Laura Marcier and her tips and tricks, and I happen to have this, I thought I'd use it today.
Earlier in the video I mentioned the Powder Puff, they taught us how to take the Powder Puff and fold it in half. Our cue-like finger presses the powder and then presses and rolls it into our skin to really work the powder into the skin into the pores. Now I was 23 at the time, so even though my skin was very, very oily, I didn't have the texture issues that I have now, the fine lines that I have now, so some of you might be watching this and thinking, God. Mine, I'm 60 or 70 or whatever age you're thinking, I could never use that much powder.
I could never use a powder period because my skin is very dry or whatever the reason is, if you use the right powder like maybe xoni or even drugstore. I really like the photo of Wet n Wild. Focus, the technique will still work, which means that you will still look good and do your makeup or help your makeup look absolutely flawless, even if you have dry and mature skin, you just want to use the right powder and the right amount again. , but you still will. the same method of picking up the powder and simply applying it to the skin so it doesn't sit on top of the skin and if you are oily like me this will be a game changer it really helps prevent shine from going on for as long as possible and gives them that filtered finish, now I want to move on to the eyes because I think these next two techniques are going to be the most um or have the biggest aha moment for a lot of you, maybe you've done this in the past and you've moved away from doing it like a lot of us. , we just watch other videos and see new techniques, tricks and tips and it's all there everywhere you look. take a detour and start trying new things, which is great.
I always talk about the importance of experimenting when it comes to applying makeup and trying different colors, textures, and formulas, but it also never hurts to go back to something that's already tried and true to one method. that's kind of like a no fail never lets you down you're never dissatisfied with the results it's time to share with you Trish macavoy's press and move technique Trish macavoy made a brush that looks like this one from Sigma a small flat top A pair from years later, it came out with an angled brush which I think makes it a little bit easier to get to this inner corner here, but you're going to take one of your brushes, either straight or angled, and a super pigmented eye shadow. whether it's brown, black, navy blue, have it in front of you and your brush and then you're going to need a hand mirror back then, I didn't need a hand mirror with magnification, now I need one that actually has magnification, so no I do.
I currently do not have a handheld magnifying mirror. I did this demo with this portable mirror that I bought from Amazon that opens like this and then has the regular mirror on one side and then the magnifying mirror on the other side, although now that I think about it, I could have used the mirror that comes out of my ilos light for this technique. What you are going to do is lift your chin, have the mirror under your chin and then look down in the mirror. without lowering thehead I can't tell you how many times I had someone sit in my chair and I gave them the hand mirror and told them to lift their chin up and then as soon as I told them to look in the mirror their whole head would go back down, this It happened eight out of 10 times so you want to lift your chin and then just with your eyes look down in the mirror that way you can see the entire space of your eyelid and you want to do this before curling your eyelashes before applying mascara you're going you're going to do your eye shadow but then you're going to take your brush, your flat or angled brush, you dip it into your powder eyeliner or your eye shadow and then you're going to hold the brush, you push down your lashes and You press and move right at the base of your eyelashes.
You can start anywhere you want. A lot of people like to start on the outside corner and work on the inside corner and I love this little BK Bey 208 angled brush to get right there on the inside corner, it makes it so


and you can see here that just by doing that, By simply emphasizing the lash line, my eyes look bigger. My lashes look more defined even without mascara. It's a very small thing, but it has a big impact, especially if you're someone who wants a no-makeup look and just wants to enhance your features. This is the perfect way to do it, so after.
You have applied the eyeliner to your upper lash line. You want to do the opposite on your lower lash line. For that you are going to lower your chin. Make yourself a nice double chin or triple chin and place the mirror with your chin down. higher up so you can do the same thing which is go right under the lashes and press and move right at the base so that, again, instead of having the look of a really harsh dark eyeliner, you get more of the look of an improved lash line. Darker, fuller lashes, if you want the line to be a little softer, a little more blended, just take a small brush.
I love this one from ruer, it's 03 and just smudge it, you can also smudge the top lash. Outline too if you want, but it's not 100% necessary, so that's the press and move technique. Trish used to sell round pans of triple-pigmented eyeshadow that was meant to be used as eyeliner. Laura Mercier also had pastel eyeliner and Laura Mercier was the first artist who taught me how to do tight lines. Many people think they know how to make tight lines, but they are doing it incorrectly. What many people do is put the pencil over the entire part of the meat. of the eye and when they close their eyes or blink or just do their regular movements, the black or brown pencil or whatever pencil they used is transferred to the lower lash lines.
I may not be describing it very well but I think you all already know what I mean, it's a little annoying when you squeeze the line and then 2 seconds later you look in the mirror and the black has transferred to the line of the lower lashes, unless you want that look, but many people don't, they just want it again. that look of an enhanced lash line, so you want to make sure you're using a long-lasting pencil first. Please don't try to draw a tight line with a smudged charcoal pencil. You need something that is waterproof or long lasting lately. using this pencil from rare Beauty and I just lift my eyelid and make little dots or little spots right at the root of my lashes, not on the skin, but right at that root, trying my best to reach those spaces between my lashes now , Laura.
Mercier's technique was to use a small brush and hers was to use pastel-shaped eyeliner, which you'd have to mix with a little water these days. You don't have to do that. I do not do that. I'm just going to use the same thing again. Mario Master Matts makeup and my BK Beauty brush just gently press that powder right on your lash line once you've applied the eyeliner to your upper lash lines and possibly your lower lash line if that It's the look you like, you don't have to do it up and down and also a tight line, you'll notice an impact right away.
Okay, we haven't talked about Bobby Brown yet. Before I got the job working with Laura Marcier, I went to the Bobby Brown counter at the Nean brand Marcus Bobby. I was also very popular at the time, Bobby and Trish were very evenly matched in terms of popularity at the time, so when I decided I wanted to do makeup I thought, let's start from the top, let's go straight to Bobby Brown. counter and see if they can hire me and they said no, they said I needed to have at least 5 years of makeup experience before I could work for them so that's what I did.
I don't think it was 5 years before I started working for them maybe three or four but I finally got the job. I freelanced for Bobby Brown, meaning I went to different counters around town and once again had the privilege of being coached many times by Bobby herself and one of the things that has always stuck with me about listening talking to Bobby is something I'm now told she has changed her mind about. I don't know, but I stand firm. I believe what she said at the time, which is that there are no rules when it comes to makeup.
I've said that phrase and quoted it several times in my videos over the years because I guess I don't believe there are rules. I'm a big proponent of wearing what you like. without age restrictions without any restrictions if there is something that you are wearing that you like and that you feel good and confident in I always tell you to do it of course I have made videos where I have expressed my In my opinion, maybe I have I mentioned that maybe one shouldn't wear so much darkness under the eyes or maybe applying very dark eyebrows isn't the best look, but I will never tell someone with my full chest not to do something if they like it. but back to something else that stood out to me from what I learned from Bobby, just like what I said about foundations, you'll find a lot of conflicting opinions on blush placement, where someone should apply their blush.
I've seen it and I'm sure you have countless beauty influencers. Beauty enthusiast makeup artists talk about applying blush up here, especially on mature skin to give a more elevated look. Sometimes I watch videos in split screen or not necessarily split screen, but the person will show the blush higher up and then they'll show it on the apple of their cheek and then in their caption or in their voiceover they'll say, you know , look how much more lifted this side looks with my blush up here. I'm one of those people who most of the time prefer their blush to look a little lower, right on the apples of their cheeks, now again, that could simply be because it's been so ingrained in my brain over the years. from years of putting on makeup, but I really feel like Blush should look like you're blushing and we don't blush all the way up here.
Yes, it's okay to take blush and blend it up and out to give your face a lifted look, but Bobby always taught us to focus the blush on the area. apples of cheeks I know it sounds old school and just old fashioned, it seems like in the age of social media one person says hey, do your blush this way or your bronzer this way or your highlights this way and then everyone They rush to do it that way. whether it suits them or not, obviously, if you think your face looks better overall with the blush very high and not on the apples of your cheeks, that's fine, that goes back to what I just said, there are no rules, but for most people they blush. where you would naturally blush will be the most flattering.
The way Bobby Brown taught us people who worked for his brand and represented his brand was to have your client smile and apply that blush to their cheeks and then stroke them. and towards the temples, so it looks like you just came back from skiing, you came in from the cold and you have that slightly blushing look on your face, in fact, Bobby finally came out with a blush called Slopes because she wanted it that way. to mimic the way your cheeks would look after coming off the ski slopes and then the final technique I want to share with you today is also from Bobby Brown and it's something I did before I even started working for Bobby Brown and the People always thought it was very strange and once I attended Bobby Brown's training and heard directly from her mouth that that's the way she often applies lip liner, I felt extremely validated and I'll be honest with you throughout. the years I've walked away from.
Well, a lot of these techniques, but this one specifically, so the way Bobby taught us how to apply lip liner was to apply it after the lipstick was on, that way the lipstick and liner would fade together, you wouldn't go with this darker lip liner. ring around your mouth, so as you can see here, I already have a lipstick on and now I'm taking my lipstick and I slide it over the top and you can see how it really glides on, it doesn't skip, it doesn't catch, it's kind of as well as go. about the smoothness of that lipstick and also makes it easier to fill over the lipstick so it looks more even, so it's not harsh.
This method is actually the easiest way to make lip liner look more natural, so if you're someone who has avoided lip liner simply because you don't like the look of it, don't want to take the extra step, or find that pencils that you've been using just skip or throw away for whatever reason, maybe don't. I'm currently using a lip liner. I highly suggest you at least try this method, so I'm looking at my list here and making sure I've covered everything and I think I did. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave. Those for me in the comments, if you enjoyed this video.
I really appreciate you giving it the thumbs up if you're not already subscribed to my channel. I hope you consider doing so. Post new videos at least twice a week. Also find me on Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook. My username is the same everywhere. It's Risa Doz makeup. Thank you all so much for watching. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to spend some time with me here and I look forward to seeing you. you in my next video

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