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Explaining the Magic Color Pie and What All Colors Are Good At

Jun 01, 2024


pie is one of the most well-known and loved mechanics in


, each of the five


s have their own mechanics and ideas that they represent and each has their own specific strengths and weaknesses, so today we will go over each of them. the five




they do, and some other interesting parts of the color pie philosophy, like things like ally versus enemy


, before we start, I want to quickly say that we'll cover where each effect belongs on the color pie because there's just a lot too many, it would take a long time to go through an exhaustive list, so we'll go over the biggest hits in this video to start, we'll start with the white.
explaining the magic color pie and what all colors are good at
The philosophy of white is associated with things like law, order, peace. Justice and Equality is a kind of


y two shoes of colors and generally has the most art, typical heroic characters of course, there are more than a


number of white villains in the story who turn these seemingly noble traits on their head by valuing the order and peace over the well-being of others


is careful not to turn any of its colors the good guy white can take his obsession with order or the collective too far and can justify some pretty horrendous things that this philosophy like philosophy and associated with other colors determines


type of effects white has access to, for example, white's association with equity gives them many symmetrical effects, such as board clearing and mass land destruction, although less are printed today effects of mass land destruction, white is a color that you generally don't just want to try. and play fair, but force your opponent to play fair too.
explaining the magic color pie and what all colors are good at

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explaining the magic color pie and what all colors are good at...

What kind of effects are exclusive to white? White gets a lot of life gains to represent his devotion to peace, as we said before, he gets a lot of board removals, but he also gets some pretty good individual results. Target removal also targets cards like path to exile and instant with the mana cost of a target that exiles any creature but gives its controller a basic land to replace it. There are also cards like banishing light which exiles any nonland permanent when it enters. the battlefield, but returns to the battlefield every time the banishing light leaves the battlefield, so target gets pretty strong creature removal.
explaining the magic color pie and what all colors are good at
What competitive players probably know best is the rule-setting effect. White has cards like the rule of law, which makes it so. that no player can cast more than one spell each turn and a caller that causes creatures to enter or leave the battlefield doesn't cause abilities to activate on all colors, they get some sort of rule-setting abilities from time to time. from time to time, but white is the most famous for this and you get them most often white is a color that allows you to search your library for small creatures, artifacts and enchantments or planeswalkers that search your library for cards, the community generally calls it tutoring , now mages don't print a ton of tutors and sometimes these tutor effects are replaced by looking at some of the best cards in your library and taking one of the cards you find there.
explaining the magic color pie and what all colors are good at
The last thing White really excels at is creature token spam, not only does White get the maximum and best creature token generation cards, he also gets a lot of cards that give all of his creatures a boost. of statistics. Two skills that synergize very well with each other. Now what effects they are very good at, but not the best at, white gets destruction from artifacts and enchantments, but green is just. So good at destroying those types of cards, white is also the only color besides black that gets creature reanimation, with white being one of the few colors that gets artifact reanimation along with red.
What kind of creatures do white stretches? You get a lot of well-established creatures and other creatures can have keyword abilities like lifelink, which means every time that creature deals damage, you gain that amount of life on the first hit, which means that creature deals combat damage. before the other creature double strikes, meaning the creature deals combat damage on the first hit and normal combat damage, allowing it to hit twice while flying, meaning it can't be blocked by creatures without fly and be alert, meaning the creature can attack without having to take advantage of the color white's strengths and weaknesses.
White is very good at swarming, the board has tons of good, efficient creatures and it pumps. As a result, his creatures increased. White aggressive decks have been ubiquitous and quite successful. White's combination of having good single target removal and being the best color for rage means it is a great color for control decks. The weakness of the color is that white is the worst color to draw cards with very few cards that directly allow them to draw cards and even then they have to work for it. This means that model white decks tend to be aggressive decks with very few midrange or control model white decks.
Next is the blue blue. It is the color of logic, science, knowledge, introspection and perfection, blue seeks to understand the world and realize its perfect vision. Blue's playing style is based on being intelligent and accumulated knowledge using a combination of strong tempo games and card advantage to win the game in a traditional perspective. The advantages of Blue's philosophy are his greater understanding of the world, but some fully aligned characters have twisted this devotion to logic into a callous worldview what effects are exclusive to blue blue is the best color for drawing cards getting the strongest unconditional draw effects in the game blue is also the only color that counteracts the magic, giving it a viable but restrictive answer for any type of car.
Additionally, they also have access to bounce spells and can bounce any type of permanent besides lands, giving them strong tempo plays against most. Decks, as an extension of bounce, can also send cards to the library, although this usually costs quite a bit of mana. Blue can be guardian, for example, and sorceries or artifacts. Blue generally interacts with artifacts more favorably than any other color with access. to tons of cards that, like you, have blue artifacts, they also get additional shit effects, they also have access to clone effects, they can copy almost all car types besides spear, they also have the ability to tap or untap permanents and Finally, they have the ability to steal permanents from their opponent now, what kind of effects is blue good at but not the best?
Blue shares flashing or permanently exiling it and returning it to the battlefield with white and both colors have gained the ability to take on some permanents more recently, that's what it's all about. Since blue gets a lot of unique effects, but also doesn't dip too much into other colors, part of the color pie, what kind of creatures does blue get? Blue gets the worst static creatures of any color, that doesn't mean its creatures are bad. they just get their value somewhere else besides their stats. Blue creatures have keywords like flying flash, which means you can cast the card at instant speed and sometimes vigilance, but not that often.
Actually, the fact that surveillance is a bigger part of the blue pie is something of a new development. In the color pie that designers have told us about recently, this is just a reminder of the fact that the color pie is evolving over time and it is not set in stone what the strengths and weaknesses of blue are, as a color Blue is very good at generating card advantage and has some strong effects like bounce and counterspells to control the game. Blue's color advantage and card selection make them really great for putting together combos despite these strengths.
Blue may have trouble responding to threats permanently, as counterspells are its only permanent responses. a card, they are weaker than average creatures, leaving them vulnerable to aggressive decks or large uncontrollable threats. Blue often needs to be supported by any other color for good removal. Being less than stellar threats means you often want to lean on every other color for good beaters. Additionally, while blue isn't the best contestant on board, he still can't easily take over a game with his card advantage in countermagic. Next, we have black. The philosophy of black is quite well described in the flavor text of dark and sure greatness at any cost black is all about individualism, self-realization and pragmatism black is the stereotypical color of the bad guy in magic, yet , there is nothing inherently wrong with black and magic, individualism and pragmatism are often great traits that someone can have, however, in a cool world, the individualist and the pragmatist can sometimes decide they are better off without worrying. for no one else.
Black magicians are extremely dedicated and tenacious when it comes to achieving their goals and will do almost anything to achieve those goals. The difference between a good black magician and an evil black magician. It is what they decide to focus their attention on what effects are exclusive to black. Black is the best color for destroying creatures in Planeswalkers. The white and red give a run for their money, but neither of them comes close to the level of efficiency and lack of conditions. Removal spells on top of that, black is the only color besides white to get hardcore rats, but you don't get that many.
Not only is black good at killing creatures, it's also just as good at bringing them back. Black is the only color. which gets a tutor for any card it wants, the last unique effect black gets is discarding something that no other color has access to at all. What black is good at, but not the best. Black gets some life gain effects, but not as many as white and usually in the form of life drain effects that deal damage or cause your opponent to lose life and give you life, black also removes some enchantments, but it is not as good as the white or green ones.
Black also gets a lot of generic draw, but requires you to lose. life, so it's a little worse than its blue counterpart, what kind of creatures does black get? Black gets creatures of medium aesthetics and even has large creatures with some type of disadvantage. Quite regularly, black counter keywords like deathtouch, meaning any amount of damage they deal to creatures. enough to kill it lifelink threat, meaning they can't be blocked except by two or more creatures that flash and occasionally fly away at haste, meaning the creature can attack or use touch abilities as soon as they enter the field of battle.
These last two are more associated with other colors. so black catches them infrequently what are the strengths and weaknesses of black as a color black is one of the most complete colors in magic it is very good at both developing threats and getting rid of them you can get a good amount of cards The advantage and the biggest problem with black is that most of his best cards have some sort of disadvantage. Black decks will often have to play a lot of cards that require them to lose life or cards that make them discard cards or something similar, plus black moto decks.
I don't have any way to beat artifacts resolved unless they're artifice creatures or something. Next we have red. Red is the color of freedom. I hate passion. Chaos red is fast, explosive and creative in the story. Red-aligned creatures usually resist quickly. Traditions or structures that have become obsolete or have outlived their usefulness, but their emotional side may lead them to act rashly. What effects are unique to red? Red's most famous and unique effect is burn damage, giving the color access to both creature removal and a way to finish. a game without having to go into combat, even in an aggressive deck, red is also the only color that gets extra combat steps.
Red is also the color that primarily destroys single-target land, although, as with destroying the spar line, this has been phased out and mages. It doesn't print much anymore, right, it's also the only color that gets ritual effect cards that temporarily increase your mana production. What red is good at, but not the best. Red is pretty good at destroying artifacts, but only as good as green. The white ones are red and the blue ones are also pretty good at copying spells, but neither is really better than the other. Red can also draw permanents,usually creatures, but only for one turn, while blue can draw them permanently and red is also the only color that takes extra turns besides blue, but always at a cost where you usually lose the game at the end of that turn.
What type of creatures get red? Red usually gets creatures that are a little smaller than white or green creatures about the same as black, but red. does a much better job than black at being an aggressive color because it loves to give its creatures haste as well as haste. Red creatures usually have abilities like menace, first strike, double strike, and sometimes trample, meaning you can deal excessive combat damage to your opponent when you attack. and fly fly is most associated with white and blue and while red and black understand this, they are much more likely to become a threat as a form of evasion, what are red's strengths and weaknesses?
Red is very good at dealing a lot of damage quickly. and when controlling the early game, his burn spells do a wonderful job of doing double duty by controlling the board or burning your opponent; However, red is the second worst color in the game for drawing cards, right behind white, so we can sometimes have a hard time getting behind. game if it has no other color to support it and last but not least we have green. The philosophy of green is about what you would expect. It is the color of nature. Green is about understanding the beauty of the natural world and accepting your place in it.
From a historical perspective, while green has a lot to teach in terms of humility, it is still undeniable that nature is not perfect, what effects are unique to green, green is all about creatures and cares about them more than Any other color, green has effects that allow you to draw cards based on your creatures regularly, either drawing cards based on the number of creatures you have or drawing cards based on the power of your creatures. Green also has the ability to repeat any card from your graveyard, while colors like black may only require a specific card.
Types is also the color that is best known for cheating with the cards in your hand to put them into play, with red being a close second. Green is also the best color for tutoring lands and creatures. Green is also by far the best on land ramps, being the only color that gets hardcore lands. Good but not the best, green and white are excellent for destroying artifacts and enchantments. It is also the second best color in the life game, although it does not have access to lifelink. You gain effects that allow you to gain life regularly.
Green is also the only color besides blue that can counteractivate or activate abilities. Green also has access to the occasional anthem, which is primarily a white effect. What kind of creatures does green have access to? Green has access to the largest and most efficient creatures. White is tied for the most efficient creatures, but while white expands and plays with many small creatures and its efficient creatures are generally clustered at the lower end of the mana curve, green creatures at the lower end of the mana curve. mana curve are less efficient but scale quickly as you go up.
Green usually gets creatures with keywords like reach, meaning the creature can block flying creatures like it has flight and trample and sometimes has access to deathtouch, haste, and vigilance. Green very rarely gets flying creatures, usually only on the few dragons he has access to, which is why does he have access to reits to help with that? What are the strengths and weaknesses of green? Green is great for playing big threats, getting a lot of mana and eventually drawing a lot of cards. However, Green's removal is severely lacking. The only creature removal you get is fighting. effects in which light creatures you control and a creature you don't control deal damage to each other equal to their power.
This, of course, requires you to have a creature outside. This means that the green ducks on the outside creatures have a hard time dealing with your opponent's board, this means that green is a great aggressive or midrange color, but a bad control color and not very good at interacting with your opponent outside of the combat step, plus green has a chronic lack of flying creatures which can make combat a headache for the color now are all five colors and their strengths and weaknesses. We only have two more things to review the allied and enemy colors. If you look at the color cake, you'll see that the colors are arranged in a circle or a pentagon, I guess.
The colors are always next to two other colors and in front of two other colors, the colors of those close to them are the colors of their allies and those in front are the colors of their enemies. This has some implications in the game, mainly mages imprinting hate for colors. enemy colors, but it's mostly a color thing real quick, let's go over all the color combinations and why your allies are enemies and we'll go over the community name for each color pair while we're at it, starting with the colors of the allies. Make white and blue called Azorean, white and blue agree to have a slow and thoughtful approach to the world.
White loves order and peace and blue loves knowledge and research. By combining them, you get a rigorous and scientific approach to the world. Together, white and blue make an amazing control pair. able to stop games with a combination of white's incredible removal and blue's counter spells and draw power. Next is the blue and black one called dimir. Blue and black are pragmatic colors. They decide what they want to do and focus solely on that goal in the game. Blue and black. It also makes a great control or midrange pair. Blue brings countermagic tempo plays and draws power, while black brings discard spells, creature removal, and efficient beaters.
The next pair is black and red called rakdos. Black loves individuality and tries to be your best self. so it goes very well with the reds' love of freedom and hatred of anything that would confine them. In terms of gameplay, black and red decks are typically midrange aggressive. Both black and red decks have a set of great threats and strong creature removal making them great for putting early pressure on your opponent, black really helps red a lot as red struggles to find the draw. cards, which black is pretty good at and black loves red's efficient burn spells to clean up early threats so he can save his tough creature removal for later.
The red and green are called porridge. Red's hatred of confines goes well with green's love of nature. It doesn't matter much to whatever rules society has established. Both colors are about doing what feels right, and usually for porridge decks that are crushing. Red and green decks are often aggressive combo decks. Early pressure from red with late beaters from green create a potent combination. The last allied color combination is green and white or mute. White's love of order can quite easily extend to natural order. Both colors emphasize seeing how you impact the world around you rather than focusing on When it comes to your gameplay, green and white are colors that excel at pumping out creatures and generally make for an excellent farming defeat deck. or mid-range.
White helps cover early game threats and offers better creature removal and green coasts in the late game with massive threats and superior Card Draw now let's go over all the enemy colors, let's start with white and red called boros. Red and white disagree on what is more important to the individual or society, big red loves chaos and white loves order, however they have their similarities, they are both colors. Driven by emotion and care for each other in the game, both white and red excel at aggressive strategies, neither really offering something that the other color largely lacks, they mostly just double down on so both colors are really good.
Next is red and blue or azent blue is ordered. and logical, while red is messy and driven by movement, this causes obvious conflict, however, both blue and red have a creative streak together. The blue and the red and the body prodigies are mad scientists who go wherever their ideas take them and never look back when it comes to the game, both the blue and the red. They are very good at spellcasting, their instants and sorceries tend to be some of their best cards, so blue-red decks tend to take advantage of this with tons of spellcaster synergies, regardless of whether they are an aggro combo or an aggro deck. control, the next is blue and green called simic blue is the color of the unnatural and green is the color of the natural, so they are in obvious conflict.
This conflict is resolved by applying the curiosity of blue to the natural world. As for the game, blue and green combine in a slightly strange way. The way blue's magic counterattack and card draw and green's big threats combined with the difficulty in responding to your opponent's threats means that most green and blue decks simply try to brush up on whatever's on. making your opponent, who cares what your opponent has if you have a bigger creature anyway? Combining blue's card draw with green's threats allows decks that were simply trying to get more value than their opponent can respond.
Next is the green and black one called golgari. Green loves nature in the natural order of the world, while black sees nature as an inconvenience, at best, black's habit. Bringing the dead back to life also gets on Green's nerves, as he believes they are supposed to stay dead; However, where both colors overlap is in his love for the graveyard and graveyard antics, Green sees death as a part of life and Black will never shy away from it. From any point of view of the game, most green black decks tend to synergize with the graveyard in some way, if they don't, black's removal discard and unconditional draw do a great job of supporting threats of the green ones and finally we have white and black called orzoff, white is idealistic and focused on the group, while black is pragmatic and egocentric, this pair of colors combines the pragmatic methods of black with the idealistic objectives of white.
Gameplay-wise, black and white decks are typically very strong midrange decks with a set of great threat removal spells and, thanks to black draw spells, to value. discover your opponent before we go, we should quickly mention that everything I have said so far is very generalized, there are always exceptions and there are decks that do not fit what I have said, this is to be expected as players can build their own decks however you want, these are just general guidelines for how things work and those are the basics of color pie. Is there anything you think we missed?
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