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The Bridge between Europe and China | The New Silk Road | ENDEVR Documentary

May 30, 2024
The Chinese dream of selling this car throughout Europe Electric cars Electric cars e 460 e 4 460 means that you can drive 460 kilometers on a single recharge. This model is not only an electronic and economical car, but most importantly, it is a third cheaper than its European competitors cost around 30 30 uh, US dollars, these cars, but we can get some support from the government, which means we can lower the price. Sha Fang is the managing director of one of China's largest automobile companies, xang gang, of which he is not ashamed. His future goals, our vision is to build the leading automotive company in the world, so this is our goal and also our future being the leader.
the bridge between europe and china the new silk road endevr documentary
Yes you're right. Bye bye. The company already has three factories in Chongqing. It employs 4,000 people. It is ultra-modern fully automated and capable of producing a car every 53 seconds to meet its goal of flooding the international market with these new products China has a plan for the new Silk Road over the next 40 years the Chinese will build railways Maritime lines and highways heading to Europe, Asia and Africa, they will also establish railway stations, ports and industrial zones along the way. The goal is to redesign the political and economic maps of the world so that they work in your favor.
the bridge between europe and china the new silk road endevr documentary

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the bridge between europe and china the new silk road endevr documentary...

It was Chinese President Xiin Ping himself who first came up with this plan. The time he mentioned was on September 7, 2013 during a speech he gave at Estan University in Kazakhstan to forge closer economic ties, deepen cooperation and expand development space in the EUR region, we should adopt an innovative approach and jointly building an economic belt along the Silk Road will be a major undertaking that will benefit the people of all countries along the Route with an investment of one trillion dollars. The new Silk Road is the most expensive development plan in the history of humanity. China will export its capital, its technology, its dreams of prosperity and, above all, its people and its unique customs, honey, we are about to embark on a trip to three of the key countries along the new Silk Road , First St Jouti, in the Horn of Africa, where the Chinese have replaced the French as the main economic power. second stop Ethiopia where factories are popping up like mushrooms expelling farmers from their lands and finally Guada and Pakistan we have managed to access one of the areas closest to the Western media no, no, no, here China's great project has been you encountered the armed resistance China you came here without our consent an investigation into China's new project to mine the world it all begins in Chongqing on the banks of the yangi kyang river you have probably never heard of it but it is in the very heart of China one of the largest cities in the world with 30 million inhabitants, more than double those who lived in France in the 1940s the city had only 1.5 million inhabitants who lived in small wooden houses on stilts the river was the unique that connected them to the rest of the country today Chongqing Proud to be the starting point of the new Sil Road chushi fan is a member of the Chinese Communist Party Office responsible for Chongqing's railway networks every morning on the way to work passes by the 0 kilometer Monument the pride of the city this is the place where the first freight train left for Europe in March 2014 originally a small provincial railway station in the last 5 years Chongqing has become the largest railway center from southwest China shushi f is the son of a railway worker and a railway worker as a party member his job is to be aware of everything that happens at the station the powerful locomotive will not go very far today the railway line is not yet Completely electrified Every day three trains leave Chongqing for Europe like this 40 carriages full of clothes, mobile phones and chemicals The journey lasts 15 days 60 drivers take turns along the 10,000 km long railway line The train passes through high into Tibet and crosses to the Ching Chang region before traveling through five countries Kazakhstan, Russia, Bellarus and Poland, the journey ends in Dubor, Germany, from there the goods will be sent throughout Europe with its new railway.
the bridge between europe and china the new silk road endevr documentary
The city of Chongqing increasingly attracts large companies, such as Hulet Packet or Foxcon. Apple's main subcontractor is one third. of the world's computers and millions of printers and cars leave these factories every year. The city also attracts small high-tech entrepreneurs. Electronics and computer companies occupy every floor of this building, like the company of Ying Chu, 56 years old. , this engineer is one of China's Bluetooth experts before founding his company he worked at Microsoft in California for 12 years jinu currently employs about 30 people, including a dozen engineers the company manufactures electronic chips for connected products but above all It is a place for innovation Ginchu has already patented 60 inventions, the latest being a geolocated anti-aggression mechanism disguised as a jeweled bracelet. uh, these four ladies too because there's something inside and he can disconnect me from the sensor.
the bridge between europe and china the new silk road endevr documentary
If you have an emergency, simply with this, the CH guest three times will automatically pull the phone to call the people you previously reset indicate that you have something emergency, the products are sold to supermarket chains and video game manufacturers, as well as individuals on Amazon today, ginchu received an order for Bluetooth sensors and must export them to Germany through the new Silk Road thanks to the railway line the delivery of goods is 12 times cheaper than going by plane and twice as fast as going by ship now we have a new window open for us maybe so we can compete in terms of time C we can now compare with Shanghai as a result of the successes of this company, the city of Jinu continues to grow and receives 200,000 new inhabitants every year.
This is R time, a little more Russian than normal time, so with his young wife, the company director leaves work early to return home and take care of his children, they live in a luxury residence on the floor 25 of this building we are back the couple has two children ages 11 and 9 and a full-time babysitter the television is on in the living room but there are no cartoons Jinu's eldest son is in the middle of watching a video of a math class in English C2 to CK and then we want to know the SL the Der the young man is full of ambition when I was young my dream you were always young I was a child I when I was young child, my dream is to be an astronaut, but right now I want be a software engineer, yes, a software engineer like my father, he has more possibilities, so you should be better before he took risks on the new Silk Road, ginchu had a different life, his career is extraordinary for him son of a provincial teacher, thanks to a scholarship, he was able to study engineering in Shanghai and then in the United States.
He also had several high-level jobs in Silicon Valley. Francisco, I have a car, I have a house and uh I guess it's working very well, my parents think I'm crazy, On the other hand, I think it's good because at that time, in the United States, heaven here is close to hell, today the businessman's life has completely changed and he can afford to dine in the best restaurants. Tonight Chongqing orders a typical regional dish, a type of very spicy fondue in which diners dip shrimp fritters, vegetables or even beef tripe. Ginchu is well aware of how much the city has changed and is on its way to becoming one of the world's new economic centers.
You feel like there's a dynamic here, I don't know why, because we've been so poor for so long, so people think okay, it's time to change, especially when when you get rich it's no longer a crime, that's okay. , people are a little crazy. Today Chongqing is home to nearly 100 billionaires at the city's railway station. It's almost midnight. We meet Zeus Shean, the railway worker, who will show us around. He wants to show us how the station works at full capacity since the trains. to Europe they joined the local traffic throughout the night this old locomotive transports the cars through a labyrinth of train tracks taking them to the dock where they will be loaded the operation is scheduled until the moment when a vote of cranes and gantries is carried out by All night, these containers head to Poland with thousands of computer screens inside.
The men have two minutes to place each container to keep up. Our Communist Party tour guide is very proud of his trains, but so far the railway is not running. The Chinese were so ambitious that they put the cart before the horse, half the carriages returned from Europe empty and for now Beijing absorbs the deficit, but the Chinese authorities do not care how long it takes to achieve the goal of the new Silk Road . especially for China to extend its influence throughout the world currently the priority route passes through jibouti a former French colony strategically located next to the Red Sea a gateway to conquer Africa jibou is one of the smallest small African states a poor country a almost deserted with the exception of the capital, the Chinese began to invest in the port with their money, the Djibouti and the authorities were offered eight state-of-the-art tugboats like this one.
Captain Humat was on the Hound that day. The captain knows his clients well. This cargo ship flies the Panamanian flag but comes from China, like most ships that dock in Djibouti. It is 180 M long and 33 M wide. It is not easy to Maneuver 3 hours later the huge freighter arrived safely at the Chinese port as it is called in Djibouti Hassan will take charge of the ship he is the leader of the team Hassan has a dozen stevedores under his command all Jiutians do not look Chinese even though here everything comes from China the cranes that unload the cargo and the goods these drugs the building The materials and these tanks too, even some of the staff were trained in China, so it was China that lent Djibouti the money to build this port of deep water 2 years ago, 580 million dollars to convert it into a profitable facility.
They must move quickly. Hassan has goals to achieve. and it is not always easy. When things get complicated, the young team leader does not hesitate to get his hands dirty if he does not meet his objectives, he runs the risk of losing his bonus but he does not mind the Chinese, but All this. comes with a prize Djibouti is now linked to China who owns 70% of its debt in lands that the Chinese are starting to build they have even installed a military Baye the first Chinese military Baye ab


at its inauguration two years ago they rolled out the carpet red for the Djibouti and the president with this base China has positioned itself next to these great world powers the Americans, the Italians, the Japanese and the French The military base in France houses 1,500 soldiers since the 19th century they have understood how important it is today today this small territory.
All that remains of the French colonial footprint one of the first railway stations in Africa built in 1917 now abandoned replaced in 2017 by the new Chinese train system the project cost almost $4.4 billion to be repaid to China in 15 years the railway connects Jibou with Addis Ababa in Ethiopia transports both goods and passengers a vital artery for this great country that has no maritime access Every 2 days at dawn a crowd gathers in front of the station for the 8 a.m. train. m. Most of the passengers are merchants, they arrive loaded with goods at the station. The manager tries to maintain order with the help of a policeman, since the merchant has to leave his oil bottles, but finally manages to pass with the rest of his luggage.
Abdul Ramman, the station manager is frustrated because he will be held accountable for this, unlike the Port where the jiutians are in charge at the station, the Chinese run the show here, the real boss is this man in the striped shirt , but they don't seem to want to talk, I think it's the captain of the and then it's the one from Sorry, the railway line will be under Chinese control until 2024, but they don't seem willing to share this or show Jiutian taking orders from the Chinese in the offices. Instead, they call it working in partnership, working together, very together, he is my boss, he is my. boss, really go on, there seems to be some uneasiness between the Chinese and the Jiutians on the tracks, you can hear a pin drop when trying to load the goods, the Jiutian takes on these more strenuous tasks under a scorching sun that the Chinese tend to occupy . positions of greater responsibility, better paid Abdul Razak and the striped shirt and his friend Muhammad have been railway workers for just over a year.
It is difficult for them to accept this hierarchy. The two friends have been assigned the thankless task of connecting the In the carriages they take us to the engine cabin, away from others, where no one can hear us except the drivers who don't speakFrench. Hey, the men are particularly frustrated that they won a contest to be trained in China and be in charge of this operation themselves. Hoping to get a promotion, ABD Razak even learned Mandarin incredibly well, but when he returned from China, his dreams were quashed. Year when the Jiban have at least another 5 years left before they can run the railway themselves.
This railway line is a crucial part of China's plans. For the new silt highway, at the end of the line, 750 kilometers away, is Ethiopia, a country with 110 million inhabitants, one of the highest growth rates in all of Africa. In the capital, Addis Ababa, buildings are springing up like mushrooms. China has already built a ring


. and the Tram now the attention is focused on relocating its industry. 50 km south of the capital is a Monumental Park, workshops as far as the eye can see and streets that bear the names of Chinese cities or provinces. It is the main Chinese economic zone in Ethiopia.
Chief Mr. Ja is a pioneer of Africa, it has been 21 years since he first set foot in Ethiopia. He was one of the first to sense the potential of the country. You know, in China, now many companies are looking for another place to invest because in China now the cost. It is increase labor wage and power increases but here in Ethiopia labor cost is low. Mr. Xiao regularly visits the SMEs he manages. He in particular manufactures genes and exports them to Europe, where they are sold at a moderate price. The average salary of an Ethiopian worker is $56 per month. 10 times less than the average Chinese worker at this price, the company director has had to invest in training his workforce when they employ these local people, that time they don't know how to operate, now the training is fine, yes. uh, similar to the Chinese, the efficiency yes, I think it is good, yes, because in a short time they give training, yes, like in Djibouti, everything is imported from China, sewing machines, methods and supervisors, she addresses the workers in Chinese English gibberish and I'm a local language, this not. well the workshops are open 6 days a week at 600 p.m. everyone goes home fine, almost all the Chinese supervisors stay at the factory.
Leean is 35 years old every night she has dinner with her colleagues. With her salary they can afford housing in the city but they prefer to live on the premises. Lean earns $2,800. a month is a lot of money but she sleeps in a very basic room the D tree is only 20 square meters shared with two other colleagues they live like university students but they all have their own children lean they left behind her husband and three children in China, I , baby, I miss my sister, baby and me, bigger baby, one day, one day, look thin, she has only 15 days of vacation a year to go back to China and see her family, for the young girl and her friends, It doesn't seem like a sacrifice every night.
End the day by watching a movie to improve your English and always take for granted a BRI and then FL, okay, okay, the next day we met with Mr. Jiao, the director of the industrial park. He regularly receives visits from Chinese businessmen here, but today he will host some. Unusual Visitors High school teachers have come from Hong Kong to explore future opportunities for their students with these new visitors. Mr. Ja placed the patriotic card. It seems that the future generation of Ax Pats is being prepared and China is already anticipating the next one. step, the school teachers' trip has been entirely subsidized by a lobby like an NGO run by a politician close to the XI Shin ping, okay, young children need future development, professional career planning, so as a principle we should know what is their future development of care because Hong Kong is just a small island, yes it is overdeveloped so they need more.
Mr. Xiao is constantly expanding his business space. He has managed to persuade the Ethiopian authorities to give him more land for his industrial zone. The Chinese company, most of them have profits. here and also Ethiopian garments collect taxes they have job opportunities it is also a benefit so I think that site that side is our second phase we are waiting for the land on the other side of this fence Mr. Affected by this operation, farmers in the area like Maru had their land expropriated to make room for the industrial zone. Soon all these fields will be covered with factories.
Maru received 20 cents in compensation per square meter. He lost $6,700 for his three hectares. ran out quickly because he lost his livelihood at 58 years old this is all he has left this small house and some animals that have nowhere to go to graze now he has to go out and buy food to feed them Also, before the farmer and his wife had seven children, they always made sure they received a good education, but despite her degree, the youngest has only been able to find a job in a factory, an unstable and poorly paid job, as it seems that nothing will . stop the steamroller of the Silk Road in Africa and around the world not even in Risia territory in Pakistan China plans to invest 62 billion dollars in the next 15 years our investigation takes us to Gua in the province of Balochistan in the southern Pakistan a small fishing port this rustic pier will soon give way to a new industrial port capable of receiving large cargo ships.
The Chinese want to make it one of the key stopping points along the Silk Road. The overall project is to connect Kashka and western China to Guad in the Arabian Sea with a network. of roads and railways the goal of bringing China closer to oil wells and offering a shortcut for transporting goods around the US-controlled Strait of Mala the ultimate goal of opening new routes to Africa and Europe we are the only Western reporters With permission to film in Guad we arrive at the only hotel in the city, a five-star hotel on top of a cliff with a stunning view of the port.
The establishment is highly protected by the military and intelligence services. We soon realize the helicopters. of the army that fly over the city and the numerous checkpoints that protect access to the port. The city organizes its big annual fair, the Guad Expo, in this large building next to the port, but despite prior permission we are not allowed to enter, we sneak in with an official. The port director, Nazia Kashani, agrees to take us in her car. Come on, he's very eager to promote her port, even if it means going against the intelligence services that have denied us access. his secretary has been warned about us.
The entrance to the port is guarded by 15 soldiers, when they saw our camera they stopped the president from the car wow hello where does the danger come from in gu what is the main point of security danger in guad mhm no, there is no danger it is just a protection okay, Ok, thanks to the director we managed to pass the checkpoints. What he didn't tell us is that there is indeed danger in Guad. Chinese projects have been highly controversial and are regularly the target of terrorist attacks. Two years ago, three men armed with Kalashnikovs attacked the Chinese consulate in Karachi, the country's economic capital.
They blew up the guard post, killing four people before being shot by the police. The province of Balochistan, where Guad is located, is also the scene of a separatist rebellion that kills hundreds of people every year. In their videos spread online, the separatists directly threatened China. China you came here without our consent you supported our enemies you helped the Pakistani army to clean our villages Balochistan will be a graveyard for your expansionist motives President Xi Jinping will still have time to abandon Balochistan at the Guada Expo however it seems that China's time is far away to finish In fact, Pakistan has created a special force of 15,000 men to protect Chinese projects outside the building.
Portraits of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chinese President Xiin Ping hang side by side inside. There are Chinese companies and entrepreneurs everywhere, there is even a Chinese company. throwing halal meat and Shakur, this is all meat, eh, yes, Chinese meat, Chinese meat, okay, so you see a market in China of Chinese meat in Pakistan, eh, yes, the locals are a little confused in the center of conferences, officials celebrate the good and strong relationship between the two. countries the Pakistani national anthem was played during the ceremony but when it comes to the full functioning of the port a Chinese company is in charge its big boss is also Chinese despite being dressed in traditional Pakistani clothes J bong I miss you we will have a great time cooperation and with his leadership, we two brothers worked strongly together and gave them a very good result of their long Wise Choice New Pakistan China scholarship.
Thanks, the man has built a career in Africa and the Middle East. He knows exactly how to deal with the locals. dignitaries, I am very grateful for the arrival of the investors, for the arrival of the senior government official and also for many friends from China, so I am very excited that you always feel happy when you meet all the friends, everyone seems happy today , including you, in fact. These important works in China had demonic ambitions that worry even those who live far away in the west. Jang B zong gives us a few minutes of his time away from others.
He ignores the criticism. You're trying to figure out why the Chinese want to do it. develop a GU The Chinese must have some interest in it, that is their imagination, the only purpose of the Chinese company coming here to help develop gu is for the development of gu, the development of bistan and the development of Pakistan of course , if this place is a Well developed, any part of the world, including China, including France, will also benefit from such good development benefits for everyone in Guada. It seems likely that gathering to speak freely with locals is not an easy task.
We must avoid the intelligence services and we are not allowed to leave. the hotel without military escort we found a more discreet way to go to the city center balochistan is the poorest province of pakistan most people here live on less than 2 dollars a day in guad most families make a living fishing like Ronnie, he lives with his five brothers and sisters and their families in total 36 people live in this house for now at least they have not seen any benefit from the guada projects his life is as difficult as it has always been today the house does not It has no water or electricity in fact in general.
Living conditions have deteriorated since the port was built. Fishermen are finding it increasingly difficult to find fish. Ghani fears that he and his family will be expelled from his home, but we don't have the opportunity to talk about it properly. have been discovered the Pakistani intelligence services do not come to the door face to face with the agents the fisherman says he has no idea what we are doing there we insist on accompanying him to his boat the street is full of soldiers and intelligence officials apparently not They don't like being on camera, they want to make sure we don't tarnish the image of Gu's development.
The beach where boat G is anchored is itself the subject of disagreement between fishermen and authorities. The plan is to get rid of her. to make way for a new highway leading to the port, the construction site has already begun to slowly erode the coastline following the Aici strike. The authorities recently agreed to keep one end of the beach intact, but in the face of China's grand ambitions, this may be nothing more than a suspended sentence. The fishermen could one day be replaced by these cranes. 15 days after we film the attacks on Guad. They intensify right on the road the Beluch rebels attack a bus killing 14 Istani soldiers and on May 11 the rebels stormed the Grand Hotel in Guad killing five people As far as Guad is concerned the Chinese have not yet won the battle of the new Silk Road but they have set the wheels in motion according to Beijing authorities, China's great project should be completed in 2049, the centenary of the birth of the People's Republic of China

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