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Adley & Niko WiNTER NEiGHBORHOOD! Baby gingerbread is Alive, neighbor won't wakeup play pretend town

Apr 03, 2024


, yeah, boss, okay, number one, set up everything you knocked down, oh, whoops, I think I did it, okay? I'll set them up, oh, what are these, oh, these look like peacocks, oh, I like it, hey, I like that song, can I buy this one, this one you can eat, oh, that's a peacock, this one It's the alarm clock, yes, okay, yes, you can buy it. put it in your house leave me alone this is my favorite song I've ever heard okay now it's over okay um that's one one ninety one that's a lot of money tomorrow I need to go get more ice and here's your change oh because I worked here, yeah, here's more money and training for you, okay, okay, this is all your money, okay, okay, and then I can buy this and pay you back.
adley niko winter neighborhood baby gingerbread is alive neighbor won t wakeup play pretend town
Oh, sorry, yeah, okay, thanks. you, that was a good day at work, bye, gifts, my other


, some money,


, here's some money, my hat is a little too much big, oh, hi, mm, that's part of join me, um, I was listening to that by the way. I was going to say I have two windows, okay, the first window was here, oh, okay, cool, and it's right here, oh, I liked your windows and I was able to pass things to you through them, hey neighbor, sorry , neighbor, it looks like you need a little more decoration, oh, I would.
adley niko winter neighborhood baby gingerbread is alive neighbor won t wakeup play pretend town

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adley niko winter neighborhood baby gingerbread is alive neighbor won t wakeup play pretend town...

I love more decorations, this is for my house, yes, and this is


, so it's your friend. Hello, neighbor, do you want to be friends? I like friends, oh okay, I'll keep it as a toy. A little creepy, okay. I like friends to


with. with no, I'm good, no, no, I'm afraid of


men, well, then you don't want me, okay, no one pressed that button, which I really don't want. Hey guys, I love your tablet JoJo, you do. He's fine, he's a




you might have to press the button hello good night bye oh my god and someone it's a morning it's morning wait it's morning I better go out ah bad boy bad sofa oh there's no snow this smells soft what happened here I think this is out oh No, I gave him the peacock and I gave you the watch, let's see, I'll change, get out of here, what's going on?
adley niko winter neighborhood baby gingerbread is alive neighbor won t wakeup play pretend town
I'm a turkey, what is she doing in my house? Oh that's where you're going please keep an eye on your gingerbread boy wait wait you have a task to do first what you have to do I forgot to do that let me get ready real quick I don't even have my hat on where is it My yes, Frosty, come on, it's time to go grab our rock, okay? I'll clean the whole store, it'll look great when you get back, okay, take a walk, okay, bye boss, trust me, don't float, remember 'cause you know I did something, oh, it's really okay, it sounds like I have bosses masculine. you want to break up soon I think I have some big Frosty I think I have some Mel in my mailbox, okay, take them out and then you can finish your work, okay, I'm almost done, wait, let me finish my work.
adley niko winter neighborhood baby gingerbread is alive neighbor won t wakeup play pretend town
First, because that would be the most responsible thing to do more, come on, Frosty, Frosty, that can't be done. I set up all the trees and tents looking good. I need to go home and check my mailbox. Magic Neighbor, oh yeah, what's Magic Watch every time he stays? there for a long time and then I give him a special gift. He loves it when I do this. It's called the loot. What is loot? What is loot? Hi, you're about to go out, yeah, I never want a pebble and those look crazy, oh, I'll go get them.
I need to check my mailbox. Hello, Mr. Bloom, please return to your store. Hey, it's okay. I think I have it. I don't like that surprise. Take that gingerbread away from me. Close the doors. There is a gingerbread man on the circuit. I just got attacked I'll save you boss I got it um Hi, what's going on here? Hello, welcome to come. Oh, Hello, would you like to live here? Yes, we were looking for a house, a place to stay. Is there any house available? Yes, I'm sure I have one available but first let me introduce you to everyone oh this will be your neighbor Nico oh hello Nico I'm your other athlete neighbor hello this is the mayor oh hello mare nice to meet you hello you're a new person here, yes, I'm, here it's where I work and sell decor yeah we have to get ready for the holidays oh my first oh so what house is available let me check on my laptop okay let's see I need a tracker can I locate one let's see.
If I just use this one wow, okay, this will be your house, let me see what it says, it says it's for sale, ice for sale, that chocolate looks delicious, would you like some ice with it? Yes, she loves chocolate. The iced chocolate is delicious. Close. Close your eyes and sit down oh okay oh no we need to wash your hands boss what are you doing? Yeah, okay, the house menu says this house is great for kids, has plenty of napkins, and is great for cuddling. Oh, okay, yes, I think so. I think we took it um here you go neighbor no this happens all the time oh okay thanks I think I'm going to go to the house now oh yeah let's clean up come on honey oh wow that's a pretty good bathroom she Wash your hands the gingerbread man came into my house well, he left, hello, let's see if they want to buy it. whoa, this is Navy, by the way, she's my


, oh, you're so cute, I think she likes it, hi, my name.
Jay, oh yeah, so this is what I'm sewing and he's just a decoration, if you press this he'll come to life, although look, yeah, we don't have any friends here yet, let's


he's a horse, wow, do you want me to? let's be friends? would you like to buy it, sure, okay, so this is the off button and this is the on button, okay, let's turn them off for now, I really need to buy a Christmas tree, we will do anything with us if we get the doll of snow, oh, I think I also want the snowman and then what tree would you like oh Navy oh she's going into her house, okay no no no no no no no no no no we're 12 years old what color tree should we buy Nick which one we have tall trees right, we have silver, we have green, I think we like this blue one, we'll take this one, okay, if you like the best one of all, the tall one, I think we'll take the blue flavors, okay, I bought a dog, I love it, okay.
There you go, oh, are you a new neighbor here, yeah, oh, hey guys, that's a dollar please,


, hey, here's a dog, Santa, Santa, please, wow, okay, yeah you live here with me just give me one cause you give me two okay let's go home with your little son like a sticker she would love a sticker would you like a sticker just one cow yeah nice to meet you do you like cows wow oh , that's a nice sticker that's not our house Navy, it's over here hey, hey, that's a Christmas party? Would you like to come?
Yes, when is it? It's just that it's lonely and it's tomorrow at my house. Okay, oh perfect, that sounds great, oh my gosh, are you out again? Sorry, you left your computer at my house. Maybe look, I found a dog. I wonder whose dog this is oh wait oh my god oh my god does anyone see my dog? It's getting late. I don't know where my dog ​​is. Has anyone seen my dog? Yes, oh, you found it, yes, there is a dog, thank you, oh, you did. I'm worried sir, what's his name? His name is Koopa, hello Hoopa, it's like good night neighbors, good night, I forgot to tell you that it's 11 p.m. right now. m., it's 11 p.m. m., whoa, it's a light party, yeah, okay, okay, let's go to bed. um human no you guys are there my dog ​​surrendered and I don't know what's going on excuse me can you help my dog ​​turned into a human what's that noise that's my dog ​​he turned into a human last night ? are you sure yes no no he's not listening come here do you want a treat come here let me scratch your back come here this will turn him back into a dog can you let me scratch your back come on Koopa come on Koopa come on wait is that our neighbor


, I think yes, I just met her, so I don't know, are you adly?, yes, hey, neighbor, is this our neighbor, is this, my dog ​​as a human, I can't tell, oh, uh, neighbor, is that you, yeah, okay, oh me.
I'm so sorry, I thought you were my dog, does anyone know where my dog ​​is? The North Pole, boss, can I go get ice and look for my dog? Maybe it was with the reindeer. Okay, I'm gonna go get some ice for the


and get my dog, yeah, we got one more Bowl coupon coming up, buddy, oh no, Amber, your house, what, oh, okay, okay, do you want to fix it?, sure, um and my name is Amber is


, oh, sorry, strangely, strangely, Happy Abby. I remember guys, I have some ice Angela, I have ice for your party oh yeah, hello boss, do you want some ice? okay, okay, oh hi Navy, are you friends with Nico?
You like him too, okay, what about together? You're disgusting, oh what's going on? We're having a fight on the ice, Navy, what are you doing? We are new friends. This is rare. I guess I'll try it. Well, I think we should probably start clearing this ice so we don't step on it, but, yeah, okay. here you go, okay, I found ice cream at the North Pole, sir, your son, here, he put ice cubes on my back, that's not my son, that's my neighbor, oh, so sorry, you guys were just sharing ice cubes. I thought they were related.
They're not related oh you want some ice cream it's from the North Pole yes it's from the North Pole the party is ready if you want to go home it's ready ok oh you have a carrot note this is how I dress for the holidays oh these are the ones old times, so we dress up like this friend, do I need one of those too? Okay, my turn, oh neighbors, I'm having a party there. Can we bring our ice cream? We'll bring ice cream to the party. out loud what's okay one more bite there's no ice cream outside the party get a nice bite oh that's a really good bite okay are you ready for the don't touch me? um, what was your name again?
Nico, that's Nico, he's my neighbor, hello, this is where the party is supposed to dress up, oh, I'm dressing up as Frosty the carrot-nosed snowman, what's the


party like, so let's go to record a great winter photo, okay, okay, wait, I need my Frosty nose. taking a photo with all the neighbors photo of the neighbors come on sorry oh the neighbors are invited okay okay what are we doing for this ah my nose is in your hair give me my nose back oh careful oh okay let's do it right like this one two three yes, ASAP, oh we got it.
I have an ice cube. Okay, do we get the image? Yeah, okay, best party ever, not best party ever, but we still need that in the video, the video, what video you were filming. I was filming all of this. walkthrough oh what hello hello Welcome to our neighborhood so all we have to do is say thank you for watching bye bye okay thanks for watching bye bye we do it right yeah we did it yeah let's


together friends , apartments, let's go, oh no.

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