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Father & Son PLAY BATTLESHIP SHOTS! / Trick Shot Game!

May 29, 2021
It was at that moment that I knew I had made a mistake, you hit one on yours, no, I ordered a hang glider and you sent me a fake spider, I don't know, okay, I have to go, I'll talk to you later, that's what. what a


time to shoot and I want a twinkie I don't have a twinkie but I want one it's bad luck buddy just bad luck I haven't had a twinkie in so many years have you ever had a twinkie yeah oh well youtube what's up guys? we are turbo toy time yeah we are my name is andy and this is my son ride done my hands are doing things today you have my sunglasses okay you can wear them for a second but he we do toy videos and he's right today is


time of


, okay, this is the most ingenious idea you have ever come across, do you know what it is?
father son play battleship shots trick shot game
Yeah, it's a battleship with ping pong


s, yeah, I guess I'll see you later, I'll see you later, Bill and Ted, uh, yeah, so what we're going to do is We're gonna take this


to that table, we're gonna figure out how


and then we will go head to head and we will


and play, who do you think will win? Obviously, I actually tied it the last time we played it. I'm pretty sure they accessorized you today, aren't you okay? Are you ready to do this? I have my safety head on, that's a stocking, it's not a hat, take this and I'll grab you guys, let's start this video. work here's the front of the box it says battleship


s bounce suck and win yeah that's how to play but you see the picture like that's how we're going to play basically we're going to be like we can see through that's it what I'm saying, I wonder if it's like, oh, you can see through, but I wonder if you know where your ships are and you just have to take the


, yeah, because that would be fun, yeah, that would be a lot more fun. than normal, I guess because you would have to guess and you don't know, it's hard, you would have to guess, but you wouldn't be able to make the shot to guess, you know what I'm saying.
father son play battleship shots trick shot game

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father son play battleship shots trick shot game...

We'll see, we'll see how you play. Oh, the back of the box has some real kids playing with it. What's it called? Ryden, um, catches, catches and hurts, and yeah, catches you, catches you later, his name is, catches you later and then that fills up. pet and his name is bill and ted, yeah, it's like and his middle name and ted is last name, yeah, oh my gosh, I just realized what you're doing, I'll see you later billington, that's cute, that's very cute, okay, so, yeah, we. Let's just open this up and see if we think we know how to play.
father son play battleship shots trick shot game
We are donating this. The good thing about this is that it comes in briefcases. Okay, it's a small briefcase. You can pack it very well whenever you want. You're done playing with it and that's convenient as a parent, you say, yeah, clean and it packs up easily, you know, that's good, um, okay, so kid you want everything to be dirty because you want things to get dirty when you're child when your room is all messy. What you do is you look down and then you find what you need oh they're everywhere okay wow I called red what am I doing now I call red how do I undo this?
father son play battleship shots trick shot game
I don't think he is. Sometime I'd like to undo them I feel like they're breaking Here's a bouncing ball Why didn't the corner go down the hill with the nickel? I don't know, it wasn't a dime because it made more sense, oh. I hadn't, oh, I understand that currency makes more sense. I've been sitting here playing with this and I stopped at this a million times and then I finally read the instructions, it was like stopping and I was like this. he doesn't get up and then he gets up all the way now okay these are little feet we gotta catch my baby okay okay this screen comes up I gotta catch all these balls right here this is going to be amazing yeah , okay, so here's our like. our battlefield okay, so there is a new and unique way to play this first, let's place our battleships, okay, you can, sorry, yes, you absolutely can choose where yours will go, three of them, okay, and then your life raft.
It's right there, you can move it if you want, okay, I'm going to put mine right in the middle here, this is what my ships look like and this is what yours look like, yeah, okay, so we'll take turns and you just have to bounce from here towards my battleships. Okay, if you bounce one of these successfully, you'll be able to make a shot with the red one. If you land the red ball on the life raft, you will win immediately. How do you do it? get the red ball when you put an orange ball in a battleship, okay, and then you have a chance to do this, if you land it here, you immediately win, but if you don't, if it lands here, it will be treated as an orange ball and If the red ball comes back to your side or doesn't make it and lands on your side, then count on it, it hurts, okay, then if no one gets the red bull in life, eh, whoever sinks all the ships anymore The life raft wins first, so you're ready to play.
I'm just seeing if I can get through this. Look, you got it. Basically, every time you shoot the battleship, you have a chance to shoot the red ball. the life raft if it is available if it is full you can't do it you get it and the first to get all the boats or sink the red ball in the life raft wins are you ready? You still think you're going to win, yeah okay, you go first, okay, my turn, geez, oh, where's that red ball? I can try to go for his life and I can win right here, oh my gosh, okay, great, your turn, oh, okay, my turn, you didn't get a triple.
Damn, oh my God, that doesn't count, yeah, yeah, I mean, our hands don't touch it, okay, whatever, okay, but we have to play that way all the time. Okay, if it bounces all over the table and goes, count, okay, red ball, try to get in, ready, it's hard to do this, oh, that took a while to get into the ocean, come on, that's the ocean's friend, This is going to be a long


, oh yeah, oh my god, yeah, where is it? red ball, okay, here to win, not to win, we can't cover it, no, that's nothing, okay, oh, it bounced off me, oh, you've got it in you, you have to shoot the red ball, it's right here . oh look you threw it too far okay I'll go I don't know you almost got in my life raft yeah I got it in the life raft buddy you're not dead well now I can't win instantly because I can't get in the red ball there now, okay, it's my turn, friend Ryden, the layout of the battleships is a perfect copy of it.
I tried to do it that way. It was at that moment that I knew he had made a mistake. You hit one on yours, so I have three more to win and you have five more. Five could still be anyone's game. Yes, oh, see, no. I have three more, dad. You have four more. You have to get my life, but if you could win it right now, you'll only get the. life raft, he doesn't, no, gee, you're catching up, buddy, red ball red, time right here, that's the only place you should put your red ball, red life raft, okay, my turn to me, oh yeah, you just need two more, buddy. yeah, you're doing great, yeah, two on two, let's go on two, oh, that's close, oh gosh, this is so hard, you're telling me one more, oh my god, that was close, yeah, buddy, it's one by one, you also have a better chance than me, wow.
Cause yours is mine is closer to this so you can bounce further, oh that was so close, I told you you won, buddy, that's not like you didn't, come on, you know, good game, it was intense, It was so long, it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, yeah, that was from Hasbro Gaming and it was easily one of my favorite games we've ever done at Gerber Toy Time. Oh my gosh, yes, very good job, you beat me, it was like a long game. It was a lot harder and longer than I thought it was going to be, yes, but I cut it so you didn't have to see the whole thing.
I hope you enjoyed watching it, although Ryden, since Christmas happened to you, and If it had already happened to you, but it's about to happen to us, we can keep this one in our own games, yes, and as I support donations in this channel I'll get another one and donate it yeah so thank you all for watching. I love you so much, good job winning. What is the most important thing to lose? Although you get up and try again. Yes, it is very important to lose because that is what you can use to motivate yourself to get up and try to improve. learn from your mistakes and losses, those are essential in life and that is what you should do, that is what I am going to do because I lost, but thank you all very much, we had fun doing this, if you want to see more videos, what do?
They hit the subscribe button right below okay while we're filming this. The new Star Wars movie comes out tonight, so we're going to go see it. Guys, have a great time. See you soon. Happy new year.

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