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Mary Morrissey | DreamBuilder Webinar

May 01, 2024
Hi, I'm Mary Morrissey and I'm glad you're here. I think there is a reason why you are actually right where you are with me today, so during this session you will have the opportunity to hear things that led me. Many, many years to discover and a whole world of searching to discover and if you think about it, the Talmud has a great line that says that on every blade of grass there is an angel leaning and whispering Grow, grow, grow And that little blade of grass will press through the cement seeking the light that same life energy that causes a blade of grass to press through the cement seeking the light it seems the life energy is in you calling you pushing you encouraging you to grow, expand and truly express who you are we are in freer, broader ways and the life that encourages you to live fully has ideas that will really help us if we know how life works, so if you think about it, on our planet, which is fourteen fifteen billion years old, there are around sixty thousand. years of humans standing on the planet about six thousand years of recorded history only about three thousand years, which is a pretty good recorded history and just five hundred years ago people lived few lives because they believed that if they got too far away they would die. fall the edge of the earth and almost everyone believed that and that is why they have lived restricted lives based on an operating system that kept their lives small even though it was not really true, but if their logic told them if they sailed to the edge They would fall down immediately, you can see it, and after all, even if it were round and you reached the bottom, how could you stay at the bottom?
mary morrissey dreambuilder webinar
You would fall right off, so there was a breakthrough five hundred years ago and about a hundred. A little over a hundred years ago, the only way to have light after dark was to light a fire or have oil. For thousands of years that is the only way humans had light, meanwhile there was an invisible law that governed the ability to Now we have and take for granted putting light wherever we want, we had to learn to work in harmony with the law that always existed and when we did it, it freed us not only to have light where we wanted but, ultimately, to take advantage of that spotlight. that light creates a laser cut through the theft and so we can make big changes to even bring ourselves so precisely that we can perform very thorough and precise surgery with that same light, so what we now know and what is emerging and of funny way is that there are invisible laws that have always governed the visible side of our results and what we call results whether we call it success or failure the circumstances the situations the conditions in our lives are not chance they are not "luck" they are not random are as precise as when you go to a movie theater, what will be on that screen are the images that are transmitted through the projector and the light that moves through that film is projected on the walls which we call the screen and we sit and watch a movie and if we don't like the movie we don't try to go to the screen and change the images we go to the projection booth and put on new film what you are going to receive now here is forty years of research, forty years of study in a short period of time on how you can understand how to work with the invisible laws that govern success and failure so that you can choose what kind of life you want to live and once you start doing it.
mary morrissey dreambuilder webinar

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Get it, the funny thing is that the laws that govern success and failure as you begin to understand this, it's predictable, it's reliable, it's repeatable, electricity doesn't work any different in California than it does in Shanghai, it's the same law, so make sure you observe everything. the path to the end of this because I'm going to reveal some of the most important steps you can take to make your biggest dream, your biggest desire, a reality in your life and without it you just won't get the same results. What I know is that if building dreams were easy, almost everyone would have done it a long time ago.
mary morrissey dreambuilder webinar
I have been studying these principles for over forty years. And what I find is that as you move up the ladder of consciousness, you can take your ideas. and turn them into your realities much faster when you understand how it works and practice in the landscape of your own life, so my life wasn't always like this, but let me tell you, I am a best-selling author. I am the author of two best-selling books the greatness list building your field of dreams building your field of dreams was adapted into a p_b_s_ special I have been a speaker, teacher and coach for over thirty years I have built many dreams in my life I long to mark the difference i created a program with a group of my colleagues i ended up speaking at the united nations on three different occasions as co-chair of a season for nonviolence i longed to meet his holiness the dalai lama and i wanted to have a personal conversation with him.
mary morrissey dreambuilder webinar
That longing. He had no idea how to do what he wanted to do, which you probably won't know either. Your dreams will be much bigger than what you know how to do. That's why. It is a dream, but I will show you the technology that takes it from the land of the imagination and systematically, reliably, repeatedly, brings it into the landscape of what you call time in space, the land of your conditions, your circumstances and their situations, and so I had the opportunity to not only meet the Dalai Lama, have that conversation, but I was also invited to convene three different week-long meetings with him and world leaders in different parts of the world to discuss over a period of seven years on how to solve the problem. the world's biggest problems I longed to meet Nelson Mandela.
I wanted to ask him how he went from being sentenced to life in prison. He not only was freed before living his entire life there. In fact, he became president of the country that sentenced him to life in prison. How did he do it? you do that, how did you use your mind? Not only did I have the opportunity to meet with him and ask my question, but throughout my life I begin to see what this system that we are going to talk about today is like, what the dream building system is like, because I literally wrote the book on Dream Building in 1996 and over the years since I have learned a lot more about how to turn this into an easy, reliable, repeatable way of teaching it that becomes very simple and very easy to employ once you learn.
Understand it But all that success I just told you about, of course, is not the whole story. My life wasn't always like this. Along the way there is a lot to learn and a lot to grow. In my bio, one of my favorite lines at the end of the book. biography en Amid all my degrees in higher education, I have a master's degree in psychological counseling. I got an honorary doctorate of humane letters and all those honors and opportunities to work with people who are game changers for our entire world in the middle of all those honors. two favorite titles are the two black belts that I have obtained, one in success and one in failure and along the way both have been equally instructive, all the success and a couple of what seemed and were major failures were very, very instructive to me understand.
How it works and how it doesn't work There was a time in my life when I built a wonderful multi-million dollar business and lost it all. I lost not only the business. I lost my marriage at that time. I lost the house we lived in. I lost everything that seemed like the structure, the material structure of the life I had built. I went to the Oregon coast for ninety days and cried my eyes out for the first thirty forty-five days and then it started to dawn on me. You're still breathing, this is a dark chapter, not your entire book and when I realized that yes, a dark chapter, not your entire book, I started to realize that the same patterns I had learned to create successful patterns are still I knew them, only now I was informed by some things that I had not known before and the question was: would I take that learning and actually do something with it or would I sink into the pain of having lost and lost a lot and just decided to get up, start where was and start again?
Again, within two years he had built another multi-million dollar business. It didn't take me all those years and I started to realize that the principles I had known by replicating them, the success factor, happened much faster and easier because of what I knew now. So building a multimillion-dollar business in two years may not be your dream. Your dream could be more in the area of ​​health or relationships. However, what I'm about to share with you applies no matter what your dream is, so think about it. Wait a minute, if you wanted to learn how to build something wonderful and you've never actually built anything, you'd go to a master builder and say I want to learn how to build and the master builder might say, okay, let's teach you.
What is your dream? What do you really want to build? And you could say I want to build a skyscraper. And the builder might say Okay. I'll teach you how to build a skyscraper, but let's not exactly start there, let's start by learning Hammer. saw, drill, screwdriver Let me teach you how to use those tools because once you learn how to use them, we will start by building a box, then we will build a desk, then we will build a small house, a bigger house, an office building, a skyscraper and whatnot. am. What I'm going to show you is how the same tools that built business, relationships, health and anything else you want to build work according to the invisible laws that govern any outcome you come to terms with because you can succeed and you can fail in any. sphere of your life and I know that what you really want is the same thing that little blade of grass wants, you want to grow, expand and live your life fully even more.
I really believe that what you want is to want to live. a meaningful life you want to know that you are giving your time, your talent, your energy, it means something that makes a difference, that you are giving your gifts, that you are living in harmony with your own purpose, that you feel a sense that what you are doing with your time and your energy is important to you and to those you care deeply about, so this is a very valuable and dense


, the principles that I am about to give you now have absolutely not only transformed my life but They transformed the lives of thousands of people, tens of thousands of lives of people with whom I have had the privilege of working during these forty years.
Not only have they allowed me to make millions of dollars doing what I love to do. My purpose, but my friends and colleagues, some of the biggest names in the personal development industry, can tell you that you should use these principles to create great results and make millions of dollars too. They are ready? They are open? Let's take a deep look. breath Let's have a little fun with this, okay, let's just move our body. You know, maybe wiggle your toes a little bit, um... okay. The truth is that building dreams can be a lot of fun.
That's okay, I've designed our time together to have the maximum possible impact. in helping you realize your dream in just a short period of time. That's why I want to help you avoid years of trial and error that will actually waste your valuable time and resources so you can get right to the heart of your dreams and realize them. your life That you can truly live your purpose and live your passion to face each day with true confidence knowing that you are on the right path And that you have the tools you truly need to succeed I want to help you understand the art of receiving and allowing so that you can really allow the dream you were waiting for and not unknowingly block it from manifesting.
Often people who are actually unconsciously blocking their dreams from coming true are actually blaming the universe, blaming God, blaming other people. They blame their upbringing, they blame their circumstances or the economy and all the time they are not in harmony with the laws that govern the visible side of our results so what I am going to teach them is that their dream does not even depend on your circumstances or your history or your current What's in your bank account doesn't depend on that it depends on something completely different so ever you feel like that you imagine or dream a goal you would have an idea for it really Get inspired and maybe even motivated, but that motivation It just seems to evaporate over time and a feeling of your life being okay or stagnant comes back and the inspiration passes and you don't really make any progress on your vision and within a year you'll be done.
You still have the same story about your life And maybe you get frustrated because you know that when you're stuck you actually know better you think you know better you know you should take action But in reality you feel powerless to change the patterns of behavior, the patterns of thinking that really believe the results you got, maybe you have encountered some failure or setback and are starting to wonder if you are on the right path or if you even have what it takes to achieve the result you would love to have in your life than worry, am I enough?
How can I get over this? I'm always stuck. All those kinds of thoughtsThey are normal for most people. If you have any of those feelings, I want you to know something: you are not alone and I will show you how. Connecting with your real dream and then staying in action to allow it not to be realized, but to welcome it to actually allow it to become the visible forms of your life sounds pretty good, so in this


I'm going to cover. There's a lot of ground. and I want you to relax, don't worry if everything doesn't make sense right away.
There's a lot of new information and maybe even new language you'll hear, all designed to help. You understand on a deeper level how thoughts become things and actually how your dreams can come back to reality. I have been a student of this material for over forty years. I have been his teacher for over thirty years. So know that where you are now is a perfect place to start, that all you have to do is plant. the seeds of this teaching in your mind and gradually allow it to blossom through your attention and you will begin to see some completely new results in your life, you go down the path of life, you make a change of one degree in six months along the way that you are in a completely new place, so the first key and this is a fundamental skill to master life, the first key is to learn to pay attention to what you are paying attention to and why that matters so much for a moment if notice what you are noticing there is a really important power you have to move your note or move what you are noticing for a second notice the tips of your toes notice the feeling of your clothes touching each place on your body where your clothes are is touching your skin notice the soft caress of the air on your exposed skin notice your knees and your hips and your belly and your butt and your shoulders and your arms and your elbows and your forearms and your wrists and your palms and the tip and the toes from your fingers notice your body notice your chin and your right cheek and your left cheek and your nose and your forehead or the top of your head notice your body notice now for a moment notice what you are thinking note that note, without judging just notice what you've been thinking if you've been thinking this is great this is horrible don't just notice what you've been thinking And now for a moment notice what you've been feeling interested, bored happy sad encouraged what are you? you feel just noticing it without judging just noticing it until you can notice what you are noticing you don't have full access to the power to harness it and move it in a direction that is in harmony with the outcome you want to create. very important the first time I was introduced to this was in 1971 and I went to a lecture and the man who was giving the lecture said in the middle of his lecture now here is the truth every circumstance in your life is neutral you decide if it is good or bad and there is nothing good or bad on its own, you decide And I remember thinking, well, that's just not true, there are bad things in this world and I, young man, cross my arms, this is not true, there are bad things in this world.
Car accidents are bad, murders are bad. War is bad and he said, okay, the next time something happens that you think is bad, hit the internal pause button and wait three days and during those three days turn up the volume on your curiosity and just consider that there is no nothing. bad, except it's outside, the only bad thing is that it's outside your awareness of how to take whatever it is and use it as leverage for your greater good. So the next time something bad happens, hit your internal pause button, wait three days and you won't. give up your right to get angry about it, just don't get angry right away, wait three days and during those three days be very curious about how this circumstance, if you use it well, could be part of your greater good, just consider that, try it. so we left the conference two days later, my children's father comes home and there was a big layoff at the place where he worked.
I was getting my college degree at the time and he got fired and I immediately said, "Oh my God, this is horrible and I'm I started getting really angry about it and then I said that guy said nothing is bad unless we think it's bad, this just seems so bad and I said okay so he said he said wait three days and then if we can't find something good we can still get mad about it so let's do this it's Tuesday let's wait until Friday and if. by Friday we can't find something good in this, then we will panic and it was the first time I realized that I could actually program my own panic and what what happened is that in those three days he found a better job closer. from home, more money, fewer hours, he could ride his bike to work, which he loved to do, and I realized that it was the first time in my life that I didn't have to wait for a condition to actually change. can feel better, that can really come from a decision about how I'm going to feel versus letting the condition tell me how I should feel now, why does this matter?
Because until you have access to the part of You that can decide how you are going to relate to a condition. You have no control over that condition. The condition has dominion. About you, what you are going to learn here today are some simple strategies and if you choose, I will invite you. To spend twelve weeks with me let me guide you in time through a series of exercises, understanding and experiments in your life where we will take the dreams that are in your mind and in your heart and show them to you successfully. and successively, through a whole twelve-week series of experiments, how you can live a freer, fuller, more expansive life, most of us come into this world.
With what is called the complete model, we were simply creative, we were full of energy, when, like little children, we considered possible futures. I want to be a dancer I'm going to be an astronaut I'm going to be and we put on that imaginal future and we walk around with almost that imagination suit on us and then they send us to school and tell us to stop doing that stop doing that stop daydreaming stop think about let me, we are successively trained in how to repeat the knowledge base learned in this world And we were taught from the time we were young children that our five senses are how we receive information and it is true that our five senses are extremely important for navigating in the train called time in space, but almost none of us are taught that there is an invisible part of us, that we are actually spiritual beings having a human experience and that what is invisible to our five senses As we are connected to how the invisible side of our nature produces the visible side of our results, as we begin to understand this, we have access to a mind that is not limited to what humans have learned and, in fact, does not exist. an idea you can have, there is no dream you can create if you created it in the mind, the same mind you created in knows how to bring it to time, you may not know how yet, but the fact that you don't know how doesn't .
It doesn't mean that the mind in which you are dreaming it doesn't know how and I can show you how to take that dream, design it with enough clarity and harmony so that you can access the required information so systematically that it can be downloaded from the invisible. side of your nature on the visible side of your results. You know an analogy of that that is useful and what I love is that today it is much easier to teach this because we have these technological counterparts of how it works, so if you think about a computer what is on your desk is what you can notice is your conscious mind what you are paying attention to everything in your files is everything that has happened to you that computer comes ready to receive files but there is nothing on it yet it has a calendar but it doesn't contain anything it has contacts but it doesn't know anyone yet nobody and you download all that information to your computer.
And if that's all you know about your computer, you have very limited access to the power of the computer, as much as you can. What you do is you work in Word, you can work on your desktop, you can access files, but no one taught you how to access the Internet and then one day someone says, look, there's a whole other piece of power that's in your hands. , it's called the Internet Internet, what is that? And then you see this incredible mass knowledge of information that you can access and guess what you are also trained so that if you go to the Google box, the quality of the question that you ask determines the quality of the information that you get.
And if you ask a low-quality question in the Google box, you get low-quality information in response. I was in Oregon with my sister and she said let's go to the movies. We were in a little coastal town called Cannon Beach, there's no movie theater there and I told him. Well, there is a movie theater ten miles away in Seaside, so I went online and typed in Google Box movie theaters in Seaside. Do you know how many Seasides there are in the world? There are Seasides all over the world. I asked a low quality person. question, although I really know, I still asked a low quality question and got very bad results.
You have an invisible side of your nature that can traverse not only the Internet, the Internet as we know it, however vast, great and wonderful it may be. It is the veneer of the mind of the infinite that you think with the most important real estate that you own. It is the mind in which you think the thoughts that you think and until you realize the thoughts that you are choosing and investing in with your Attention, it is not possible to bring a dream into reality, so we are going to start here by giving you the most basic but most compelling life mastery tool there is, so notice what you are noticing, is it empowering, is it disempowering?
Would you love what you are thinking of coming? actually or not you would love for what you are thinking to come true, you want to put your attention on what you want to expand in life because the universe reads your intention depending on where you place your attention, it doesn't matter, you can say over and over again I want I want I want but my attention is on but I don't have but I don't have but I don't have and I'm emotionalizing that lack a lot although I imagine I say I want the love of my life I really want the love of my life and you actually mean it That your dream is have the love of your life but you go to the supermarket and here you are walking and you go this way I'm buying one here.
I'm buying one again hmmmm and what I'm thinking, getting excited and remembering that emotion is a magnetic field that commands every molecule in the universe to respond to you in a receptive and reflexive way. the vibration you're on, just like your TV, can't give you a different picture than the vibration your tuner is tuned to, so if you've been listening to a lot of C.N.N. Constantly negative news on your TV, you know how to change the tuner, but most of us are trained that to have a different life I need to change circumstances. Change the circumstances and then I can have a different life.
It's actually the other way around when you learn how. think from your dream how to work with the invisible side of your own nature, all those circumstances begin to change as clearly as if you had changed the channel on your television, now we can show you how this is done and very quickly, in fact, in an experiment After twelve weeks, you can start to see this for yourself and if it sounds like magic, guess what it feels like. Magical things start to happen, they feel like they come out of nowhere and have you ever asked yourself the question? the blue, where is that place?
The difference between magic and this is that once you really know how magic happens, the magic disappears, you will get a magician and when you really understand what the magician is doing, the real magic disappears, but in this world. when you really understand how it works is when the magic begins, so as you practice noticing what you are noticing, what will happen for you is that when you start dreaming a dream, you will be able to notice how your mind will start to think about why you can do it. Don't do it like the ideas will tell you oh we don't have the money or you don't have the experience or you don't have0and of course you don't have it and without some support it will be easy it will be easy let those conditions control you so that's what was happening in my life and when I began to study this and over time began to work with a mentor, he began to show me how what is called a paradigm or an operating system governs my ability to have the awareness to recognize the opportunities that are right where I am.
I'm that I couldn't even see them because I didn't have the awareness, not that the opportunities weren't there or the answers on how to bring into time what I loved wasn't available I didn't know how to tune in I was tuning into problems circumstances situations and I was letting those things I still didn't know how to get through that Internet of Infinity and allow ideas that could really give me a next step to take so that this system of government, this operating system is actually called a paradigm, it is the operating system by which we live our lives, so if we believe that money doesn't grow on trees and when the economy improves, I can't do it. and I could have been successful, but I had that education reallybad and if we believe that's true, it's true for us when Henry Ford said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right, it's not because the world is doing it." If so, it's because your belief structure only allows you to relate to yourself and opportunities in accordance with your belief structure, which is why we want to help you shift from whatever it is that produces the visible side of your results now. yourself to open yourself to the possibility that you can truly live the life you love, live that dream that is seeking to arise right now, it is actually not only good for you, it will actually be good for so much more than you can see, for what more blessings, many more benefits than you can see coming. in this Now you decide right now, just bring an idea to your mind of something that you would love to create, if it is something that you would love to create and it is not yet what you are creating, we will call it a dream, it is right now, it is in your imagination and we want to imagine you living the life you would love to live, not just see it as a distant possibility, put yourself in the scene, imagine yourself really living a life that you love, living and that your health is dynamic that the relationships you have you love having those relationships put into that image to anyone you want just imagine it right now and you are free in your imagination you are doing what you love to do with your time and talent you wake up in the morning, happy to be able to live the life you are living you have the time and the money , the freedom to go where you want and do what you want, have what you want to have, but even more importantly, give what you want.
Let's imagine that you live this life now, the moment we imagine this life, we awaken something within us called the voice of the status quo and that voice begins to tell us why we can't be, why we can't do, why we can't. I can't have that and interestingly at the level of fact it's true at the level of fact you don't have the money you don't have the experience you don't have the know-how and if you don't you have some support on how to navigate between the life you've known and the life you would love. Most people get stuck in the gap there's a huge gravitational pull towards the familiar so they start off excited, they start off full of energy and six weeks later they're living pretty much the same life they've lived and you talk to them the year they It comes and they tell you the same story and next year and next year and next year I've been working with individuals and people for a long time. time is what keeps us living the life we ​​have been living is as strong as a thermostat think about the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat with your thermometer you can take the temperature of the room but the thermometer is the one that simply takes the temperature it is the thermostat that sets the temperature governs the temperature in that room within a family member goes up a couple of degrees cold air comes in goes down a few degrees warm air comes in to keep that room at the thermostat's temperature setting your self-image is your thermostat, governs how much positive energy you allow into your life, how much success you allow yourself to have, and ultimately, how much love, how much money, how much health, how much life, and almost no one realizes the power of knowing this.
What we do in the dream builder program is a twelve week experiment to unlock the power that is already breathing in you to allow you to live a life that is much more harmonious with the life you love to live and that the most natural is not the most . The normal thing, but to tell the truth, the most natural thing is that numerous times a day what arises within you is this feeling: I love my life, I love my life and, ultimately, that is what dream building does for you. each of us, so let me tell you.
I'll tell you a short story about a client of mine named Lauren Lauren, an American woman who was a lawyer, uh... lived in Florida, and she woke up one day and said, I hate my life, so she thought moving to Washington D.C. and getting into politics might be what she would love to have done as she was very successful uh... as a senior lawyer and doing some research and that went on for a while and one day she woke up and thought she wasn't living the life that I would really love it and that I would love it and she thought I would love to live in Paris or at least live a few months in Paris she went to Paris and gave herself permission to live that life for a while and over time what Lauren decided she really What she wanted to do was have her own brand of champagne now that Lauren is moving up the ladder of awareness that she can really do what she wants and live the life she wants to live.
She doesn't decide to have your own champagne. label without having some strength within you about being a dream builder. By the time she decides she doesn't want to be, she wants to have her own champagne label in France, the whole champagne business is a very old industry and it's a very masculine industry and you can't even call it champagne except it's grown in the district called champagne, so Lauren had to go through a whole approval process to have a champagne label that would be modeled after Lauren and would be something wonderful and beautiful and very feminine, particularly for women, and she wanted to create this beautiful bottle and this great champagne that executive women would celebrate at parties that women would love to drink and in the way they would enjoy champagne and the whole story of Lauren finding a way to get the certificate that was required by all the men who were in the committee that made a decision, could this American woman, by the way, have her own champagne label?
It's an incredible story of building dreams and she got that certificate. But the story does not end there. because now you have a champagne certificate, now you can bottle champagne, now you can put your own label on it and so she does it and then Lauren freaked out. She said, "Oh my God, I have the label, but now how do I sell champagne?" a male-dominated industry that will take me seriously and that's when Lauren came looking for me, so when I talked to Lauren I said, 'How did you hear about me?' You are in Paris.
You know I'm in California. And she said: Well, I have. a friend who is one of your clients and I continued to see her life expand. I kept watching her create one thing after another that she wanted to create and in a quick period of time I was like, what are you doing, how are you doing this? and she said well, I found a mentor and I'm working with her. Then Lauren said, can you help me? I've had a lot of success, but I can't seem to bridge this gap and I'm scared. I have invested all this and now.
Now I'm afraid that you've had a lot of success in your life and that the next step, the gap between where you are and where you want to be, there will always be a gap between having had the life you have now and the life you have now. You would love to experience that life is on a different frequency than the life you have been living. It is very tempting to let the circumstances that are on this frequency dominate your navigation and instead of coming from the dream, you will continue to come from the circumstances. and continue to experience the same results that you have had and without support it is almost impossible to overcome that gap because those conditions are so loud and convincing and they seem so real and on the level of facts they are real, but there is more to you than there is more to it. you that the circumstances that you're seeing right now, so when I started working with Lauren, she had a dream that her champagne would be in the best champagne stores in the best champagne stores in Paris, that it would be served in the theaters in Paris where women would love and celebrate parties with this champagne, so we systematically began to first describe and then design her dream with her within the image.
Before I asked you to put yourself inside the image, see yourself living that life, so we started. and it's a very specific process by which you both design and then calibrate your dream as specifically as if you went to a master builder and said, I want my dream house and you can't tell that master builder to build me a house. that makes me happy. Happy that a builder, no matter how good he is, cannot build you a house that makes you happy unless you clearly describe the house you would love. Does it have two floors or one?
Is it on a mountain? Is it next to the river? What lights you up? What would you love and then describe that in visual terms it is calibrated by an architect in its calibrated form that we call a blueprint? So one of the things we teach you in dream building is how to take those ideas, leverage them, run them through a test. to make sure it is worthy of the life you are going to exchange for it. Because you are going to change your life for whatever you give your time and attention to and then systematically how to work from your dream and allow it to manifest its forms. in your life and that process.
I think it's one of the most fun things you can do with your time and talent and if you keep breathing for another ninety days, guess what you're going to have in life. The question is, is it going to be a design life or a default life because if you keep breathing you're going to have some kind of life, what would that be like? So Lauren said, "Okay, I want to do this, I want to do this, can you help me?" I said, yeah, I can help you. I can't do it without your participation and I can show you how it works.
I can't make it work your way, but I can show you how it works if you work with me in the way that the invisible side of your nature produces the visible side of your nature. your results and Lauren jumped in with both feet, so I'll just tell you that along the way Lauren called one day and said she was on a coaching call, it was a group coaching call and she was like, oh, there's just nothing good. opportunities there just aren't any good opportunities she said the only thing these people want me to do is just give them their champagne they just want me to give them champagne then they try it and no one buys and they just want want want And I said tell me what's going on and she said, well, this opportunity came up and it was a group of women executives and I thought they were actually going to let me come.
I was one of ten champagne labelers who could actually bring the champagne. I thought I was really going to be able to do it. Tell my story to the executive board and they would see the champagne and fall in love with champagne like I have and of course they would want to have it for their big international conference. And she said, but now I found out that just getting to be one of the ten, they just want me to leave them two bottles of champagne and I can't even talk to the CEO of the whole conference and they just want you to know and she said just It's not a good opportunity.
And I said okay, so we can deal with this in two ways. This is a bad opportunity. Either you just leave the two bottles of champagne or you don't do it all. She said I'm not even going to give you champagne. I'm not even going to do it. I'm going to do what I said or what if it's an opportunity that at this moment is kind of hidden, it's an opportunity that if you treat it as if it were a great opportunity, imagine what could happen, just for a moment let's consider that it could be a really great opportunity.
That doesn't seem like it so if it was a great opportunity what would you do and she said well it's not a great opportunity because and I said I heard that but what if it was a great opportunity and she said well and I said that, how could you, how could you deliver If you could only hand the champagne to the executive assistant, how could you tell your story so that when they opened the bottles of champagne, what could you do to make her start thinking straight? what could well basically in the basket that I carry it in I could put some scrolls with my story I could put a photo of me I could I could I could so so the moment she started to imagine this opportunity of the From my point of view, it is an opportunity that could really benefit not only her but also the people she was giving the champagne to.
I said if they never ask you for a bottle of champagne, Lauren, then what you know for sure is that you took advantage of this opportunity. with the respect that it is possibly a great opportunity and what I know for sure is that when you treat the opportunities that come your way with respect and you treat them well, what happens is that you get better opportunities because you are interacting with this life energy. It looks like the person, it looks like the project, it looks like the business, everything is connected in ways that we can't see with our five senses, so Lauren created this big basket and Lauren jumped in if you never buy a bottle of this champagne.
For my part, no matter what I did to the best of my ability with this opportunity, she woke up the day it was time to hand it over. Several things were happening and she said. I walked down the street and found myself whistling. I was having a lot of fun. I was going to the meeting and a couple of things happened on the way and when I got to the building I went up to the top floor where the CEO of this whole uh... group of European women executives had her office and I knew that she was I'm not going to be able to meet her. , but it was okay, I already bought it and I had the little scrolls and I had the basket and I had the two bottles of champagne as I was walking down the hall a woman came out of the bathroom and she was all dressed in her business suit and she said: are you going in? ?
AlreadyI'm walking towards her and she said: are you going to go to that office? and I said yes, I am. She says, “Oh, you must be one of the champagne makers or labellers.” what uh... let's try it and Lauren said well, are you so and so? and she said yes, it's me. And she says well, really and she said well, tell me about yourself and Lauren had to tell this woman the whole story of her that she invited. She takes her to her office, then she puts down the champagne and does everything she wanted to do.
Guess what? When those women not only fell in love with Lauren's champagne, they not only bought it for her big international executive women's conference, but also on the road. one of the men who owned a Lauren at first thought he owned a shop in Paris said: you know what I saw your bottle of champagne, it's amazing, you know, I would like to order and have and I would like to sell your champagne now, This was Lauren's biggest dream, her biggest dream, was that not only did she want it to be sold at an executive conference where these women would possibly have networks where they could tell other women about her champagne, but for him to say, "I would like share it". "I would like to sell it." your champagne in my store and she said well, great, you know how much you would like it and he said I would like fifteen and she said fifteen bottles and he said fifteen cases and she said you really want me to bring fifteen cases to your store.
She says no, I don’t want you to bring fifteen boxes to my store. I want fifteen cases for each of my stores in Paris and I'm going to build a showcase with your champagne. Now you can't make that happen, but you can do it. heWelcome, so what I know is that if this can work for Lauren, it can work for you too. I've seen this work with all kinds of different people, from levels of success to what seems like nothing. And if this material is at all convincing. For you, if you really want to make your dreams come true, the only way to achieve this is to deepen your understanding of these principles and start putting them into practice over time.
I know how important it is to practice to truly allow a completely different life to emerge. They happen because I know how important it is. I have designed a ninety day immersion program for you and it is called the dream builder. This ninety-day program was the evolution of many years of study. It focuses on understanding an application. It's a simple step by step = proven. -Formula of steps that you can start immediately. Basically, I'm going to hold your hand as you begin to build a new structure of understanding about who you are and how to bring what you love into time.
I promise you that your paradigms, the circumstances that surround you. are happening right now all the things are going to come up are going to start happening for you, that's why you can't build your dream. I know, but I will also show you exactly how to apply this technology so that you have access to that in you that is bigger than the things that keep you stuck and I would love to be your mentor. I would love to help you connect and stay connected to your highest possibility, just like I said, if you keep breathing another ninety. days you will have a life, maybe not exactly what life it will be, so let's see if this program is for you, are you a person who would love to live your purpose and discover your dream?
Do you want to live a fuller and more passionate life? more fun more free maybe you need help defining your dream you don't know what it is yet so you can start the path towards achieving it and living the life you dream of the life you would love are you feeling a little maybe? Cornered or restless because you know you were meant to do more or be more, but you're not even sure what that is or where to start. Do you long for more financial and personal freedom? Do you want to accelerate learning? curve you want to finally get to where you belong and live the life you love to live if you want to overcome fear, doubt, worry and anxiety if you are frustrated because you want to create constant forward momentum in your life, you know that you yourself have limiting thoughts and patterns like maybe feeling unworthy or unworthy are really what's holding you back; you want to overcome them once and for all, then you are in the right place and these ninety days can become perhaps the most decisive moment of your life.
You've been feeling a little frustrated because you've already tried a lot of programs and you're still not where you want to be. Maybe you've even read the personal development books. You have attended seminars. You have meditated, prayed, chanted or received training. I tried think tanks created a vision board, wrote down your goals, taped them to your bathroom mirror, kept them in your wallet, read them every day and yet you're not where you want to be and the horizon keeps getting farther away. . I know, but I have been. Doing this for a long time and I know how frustrating it can be.
Every acorn has within it the potential to become an oak, but not all acorns become oaks, not because the potential is not there, but because that is what is required for the acorn to become an oak. It is not present or sustained in time, you have everything you need within you. You have access to the very life that breathes you, so you have everything you need in potential. That's why I've designed this program to help you break through and provide you with not just the formula, but the right conditions over time to help your dream take root and become your new life, so here's what. that you will get with the dream builder program, the ninety day experiment in a new way to live your life each week.
For twelve consecutive weeks you will have access to an accelerated program that puts you in touch with your dream, helps you design that dream and how to make that dream welcome in your life. This is a self-directed program for you to decide. how much time you want to invest, you will log in to a private membership site, you will receive your personal username, your personal password and then you will come and receive each week's lesson, each week is different, each week I will help you. I will unlock new keys for you and help you connect with a new thought.
I will connect you to a new frequency of thought and choice that truly welcomes your sleep each week. Your program will include a professionally recorded audio lesson that is designed and recorded by me. Reveal the next step in the dream-building formula. A downloadable guide with powerful questions. Remember we're talking about the Internet and knowing the right question to ask in the Google Infinity Box. It took me years to learn the right questions to ask and how I was doing. asking him when he was asking a condition based question or a vision based question, both of which produce very different ideas from the mind of infinity, you want ideas that will give you a breakthrough, so you will have a downloadable guide with powerful questions that It will activate new thoughts, new ideas.
I'll give you a meditation to help you stay confident, centered and connected to your dream and lastly, as a bonus, I've also included a special teaching call if you want to go deeper into the material and this is where. The connection with a mentor comes up and I think this is one of the most important parts of this program. You will receive a live group coaching call with me twice a month. I don't want to just give you the program that I have developed and designed. I want to be there for you and with you because you will have questions and your paradigms will arise and things will seem to get in the way that I know, so let's do this together because I have traveled This road a lot of time with a lot of people and it might shorten this learning curve for you, so twice a month, Thursday night at six p.m._ Pacific, you and I are going to have a live call together it's a call of live group training now if you can't come live, all of this is downloadable and you can download it and listen to it in a time zone or a place that is convenient for you, but if you can come live and I There are people all over the world who get up at very strange hours to take that live coaching call because they want to get their questions answered.
They want to hear the questions that are going on in the minds and hearts of other dream builders because they know that as the answer comes to a person, all kinds of ideas begin to arise for each of us, so I will ask you to Submit your questions ahead of time, but I always reserve time on the call for live questions and what's great. The important thing is that I will also make room in that call for what I call live laser training, so there is a way that you raise your hand and say I want a live laser training where you can hear me train others on the call, but Al listening to the processes of others, you will actually receive tremendous value, so maybe on that call you will hear from someone named Susan from South Dakota who is struggling with the feeling of unworthiness and whether or not she really deserves her dream and you will hear me work with Susan.
Give her ideas and a process on how to overcome that paradigm that has kept her stuck for a long time. And you'll be able to put that semblance of learning that same lesson in your toolbox and use it when you need it. You probably can do it. thinking out loud, that applies to me too. I get emails all week from people saying thank you for talking to Susan from South Dakota, because guess what the truth is? The same principles apply to each and every one of us. So remember if you missed a call or can't make time one week or in another country, don't worry.
I record all these calls here. You will have access to these recordings on the private online member site twenty-four hours a day. Many of my clients, dream-building students, listen. More than once you listen multiple times to a call because you're listening and you notice your paradigm clicking and you get distracted, you'll actually start to think, oh, I have to remember to do this or that and you missed the whole next section, so while You listen to it and here is the truth, repetition is the key to learning and practice is the key to mastering, so online twenty-four hours a day you can listen to it online, you can download it and take it.
With you you can listen to it while driving or at the gym. We've made this as convenient as possible with you in mind. To help you get the information you need and the support to move forward so you have the life coaching call with me every other week and then something else, this is really powerful. You will have access twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. To my private Facebook group of dream builders, where you can meet and share ideas with other dream builders. Personally, I have spent tens of thousands of dollars. choosing to invest in hanging out with people who I believe thought and understood these principles at a higher level than I did.
Now that we didn't have this way to connect in those days, I've built you a private place to go and hang out. people who are applying these same principles there is a great mastermind available to you this resource is available 24/7 you can post a question this facebook community is full of an amazing group of people who understand and They live by these principles, they are breaking their boundaries their own paradigms they are breaking free from the life they have lived and opening themselves to the life they love and their stories will inspire and instruct you, so imagine a ninety day program every two weeks in which we meet and do live calls together where you have the support and structure to bring out that greatness in you and take it from potential to reality and imagine having a group of people who become your friends who you know from all over the world and who They are living a vision based on life verses. a life based on conditions There is a principle called the law of proximity, so if you think about the five people that you interact with the most statistically, if you average their income, that is practically the income that you are going to get, it is not that their income is contagious.
They're thinking that's contagious. It's not because you're not worth more. You couldn't create more dates with them because you tend to think like they think. So I'm not saying leave your friends aside. I promise you just the opposite. I'm saying be the friend. who studies this and whose life begins to change maybe not all your friends will but some of them are going to say I want what you're having what's going on with you what happened in my life I went I walked through that door in 1971 and my best friend, some Months later, he started noticing things about me and said, wow, what's going on.
That friend and I are still friends. We were best friends today. It was about six months or a year that she started saying. What's that? It's like you're so happy I'm watching one thing after another happen with you What is this? and I said let me tell you what I'm studying what I'm thinking about what I'm experimenting with what we have created you, a whole group of people who are studying, thinking and applying this so that you have access to all of this that we just talked about When you invest in yourself with the Dream Builder program, that's what the Dream Builder program includes.
Now I have a special bonushigh value for you with the aim of providing you with the most conducive environment for your dreams. I created a live event for my high-level clients called Dream Builder Live. It's a two-day in-person event with me and others like it. Dream builders with a heart-centered mindset, where we dive deeply for two days into these principles and I take you beyond your level of understanding. We spent two days building his dream. Now this event is $1495 per ticket and I'm going to give you an incredible bonus because like I said, I want to give you the most powerful environment possible.
I want to be with you and support you and honestly the most fun I have is helping people figure this out and then live the lives they love to live, but because this is a live event, we actually have a limited number of seats at the room, so the special bonus is limited to the number of seats we have on a first-come, first-served basis, so when you sign up for the Dream Builder program, I will explain how you can do this. that in a moment you will be emailed a link to reserve your complimentary seat at Dream Builder Live once all the seats for the event are sold out it will be sold out and the doors will be closed and this always happens so if Want to Attend I encourage you to register right away because these events sell out and sell out quickly each year.
Let's take him to the living room. Let's make your dreams come true. Let's make you live the life you would love to live. This ninety day program has helped thousands of people. People achieve their dreams and model themselves for success, but don't take my word for it. Hear some testimonies from other people like you who have been part of this ninety-day course to build dreams. Mary has changed my life completely. I've been involved with her work for less than a year and my life is completely different than when I started. I am moving forward and taking steps I have never taken before.
I am becoming involved and engaged in my life in a way that has never happened before and I am creating and living my dream. So the complete 180 degree change was fantastic. I've done a lot of different training programs, a lot of different personal development programs and I've never had a program like the one Mary puts together. It's amazing because it's one of those obvious things. You go, you do what they say and it works. Mary's effect on my life has been like having someone whispering in my ear saying: keep going, keep going. I'm making quantum leaps in my life.
I never imagined it was possible and it was because Mary awakened me to myself. I already had several businesses when I met Mary and I knew I wanted to go to the next level, but I didn't know how and I kept looking for a coach. I tried a lot of coaches that I paid money too but there was never a connection but when I met Mary what I loved about what she said when I first heard her speak was that there was a coded system that you could work with with your clients and I had clients that I really wanted to help with clients that I just wanted to spend time with and not waste money, I wanted a system that worked every time and I really felt that she had that system and the most important thing for me It was that it had a spiritual basis and I love that about the teachings and, although I knew some of them, there were many more that I didn't know and every time I come I expand and I am simply very grateful to her for everything she teaches.
It's incredible, this dream builder lives. This is the second one and it was amazing. Mary has impacted my life in incredible ways. I have been studying this material for many years. This is not my first rodeo. with this type of thinking technology And I couldn't help but notice that my results in my life do not match the number of years I have been studying this material and I don't think I'm necessarily a slow student, I just didn't have the tools, the structure of support that Mary provides in her programs and that led me to want to be part of her programs.
I started in January with Dream Builder Live for the first time. I signed up for Dream Builder Coaching and I also signed up for the elite program and have been working with Mary for the last 5 months with an elite mastermind group and raising the bar for myself. To really access and become aware of the places I've been holding myself back and that's why. I am beginning to understand why I even know that in the land of thought, knowledge and study I understood these principles and did not know how to apply them. So Mary's step-by-step process has been the support structure The scaffolding around me to help me continue to elevate My own thinking and my dreams about what I can do What I can have, become in the world The event in Dream Builder live was amazing, this is the second time I've been here And the teaching that comes from Mary keeps getting better and better and really the stream of consciousness that runs through her is one of the best on this planet .
And I really felt like there were so many big concrete steps to take that I'm really excited. to go home and implement in my life Mary has completely changed my life. I had never had a mentor until I met Mary. And as soon as I met her I knew there really was something special about her. And you look around at all the people that are in all of her programs across the country and the results that she has in her life that all the people that work with her closely have and you know that she just creates this really incredible structure. around people, scaffolding around people to help facilitate their lives in the directions they want to go.
I thought it was amazing, I thought it was completely in order with my higher purpose. And they called me to come here and Mary Morrissey said all the right things that she needed to hear. to take me to the next path of my journey. I feel like I'm taking my energy to a whole new level and the possibilities are immense. So I really feel like she gives us the tools to become who we were really meant to be: the builder of dreams. The live program is amazing and I've been to probably five or six of Mary's dream building courses and each one gets better and better.
Every time I learn new little nuggets that I can really bring into my life. It's an amazing program and always revitalizes my vision. and my dream and just taking it to the next level, so it's a next level and it's surprising and wonderful, so you might be wondering what exactly are you going to learn in this program, so here are some examples of what you'll discover. You learned that the one thing people who live happy, fulfilled lives have in common is probably not what you think. You will learn to discover, design and then refine your dream.
You learned the two parts of your mind and how you should use them to ask questions. that guide you to the answers necessary so you can make your true dream come true. You'll learn how honoring discontent and longing can actually bring you closer to your dreams. You will really learn how your dream speaks to you and why you should listen to it or not. never see your dreams become reality, you will learn the one thing you need to do to allow abundance to support you and I promise you this really works, you will learn the mindset you need to stay open to the universe.
The generosity of the universe is abundant, but when We are vibrating at the level of lack. We continue to reproduce the lack. We'll show you how to vibrate. How to open yourself to access the answers. Support. Through a structure that makes it welcome, you will learn where to really see and allow that abundance to show. in your life and I promise you that it is not in your salary it is not in your inheritance Or the friend who owes you money is not where your abundance is. You will also learn a five-step process to think beyond your circumstances and problems.
This is the secret to how you change your conditions through the vibration of your thought Well it's simple but it's not easy if you don't know how well I teach you a simple way to make your own life much easier, you will also learn to use your power of thought in -Service of your dream instead of the conditions you currently have. You will learn what to do when you feel like giving up. You will learn to distinguish between when to persist in a dream and when to be redirected to a new, higher dream. You will also learn to be vibrationally compatible with the dream you are dreaming, so that the world of circumstances, situations and opportunities begin to reflect the vibration you are in.
In reality, you will learn to welcome the dream you are dreaming. a thing that creates the magnetic field around you so you know what you are attracting and what you are not attracting, you will also learn the one feeling that you must live by if you really want to live in abundance and you will learn much more. So if you would love to have some kind of support to really help you design and live your dream, I want to make it available to you. What is the investment in the dream builder? My dream builder program is valued at nine hundred and ninety-seven dollars.
But for a limited time we will give you the opportunity to have the full ninety-day experience with almost a fifty percent discount, so the investment for the entire 90-day program is only four hundred and ninety-seven dollars. You will get all the weekly lessons. proven formula for building dreams the downloads the guide access to the online community live coaching calls with me every two weeks you get all this support for ninety days you can invest four hundred and ninety-seven in one go or we can spread it out in four simple payments of only one hundred and seventy and four dollars a month, but again, that part of the offer is only valid for a limited time, all you have to do is click the sign up button below on your screen.
Experiment of the day, we are going to show you how wonderful your life can be. I want you to succeed and have a meaningful impact on the world. What I really love to do and would love to do with you is walk with you step by step for ninety days. We will show you how to apply these things over time so that a new, more expansive way of life becomes your new way of life and your thermostat moves to a higher level where you can actually allow more positive energy to move. through the lens of his life. and that you will learn that you can really shape your life according to the dreams of your heart, so think about it this way: how much will it cost you not to sign up for the program in terms of the time you spend with discontent longing for something struggling with circumstances ?
Without knowing how to create the life you love, how much will it cost you not to sign up while you continue repeating patterns that you may fail, struggle with, struggle with, or be dissatisfied with? So how much would it be worth to you to actually live the life you love? live Have the health you've wanted to have the love you've wanted the business you've dreamed of the difference you've wanted to make freedom the freedom of time and money what that's worth When I met with my first mentor and I told him I wanted the kind of freedom that he had I wanted I knew I could see what the life he was living was like and I went I want to do that and he said I can show you how to do it but it's going to cost literally my body moved back and I said how much and he said wrong question how much it's costing you not to do it and I've been struggling for five years trying to build a business I wanted to build teaching what I wanted to teach I didn't know how to do it and he said, I can show you how it works, but I can't make it work your way.
It works in its own way. Now I can show you how it works. And he told me when he gave me the number that was going to be my investment number, there was no way for me to know how I could do it, but he helped me take the step that I could take and then he started teaching me how to model my thinking and my elections based on the result he wanted. Create instead from the problems I was facing at the time and my life changed radically, so right now you may have some specific questions in mind, how do I know?
Because I've been doing this for a long time and people send emails. leave me your questions So I'm going to take a moment. I'm going to answer the most frequently asked questions right here. Number one. When did the program start? The program begins the moment you register. When you sign up, you will receive immediate access. to the website and to your first lesson and you will be sent the call password for your call with me each week. The next lesson will be sent to you within the next ninety days. We created this so that you don't have to wait for your Dream that can actually start manifesting right now.
People often ask: Do you know? I am busy working full time with children or another training program. Well, I don't have time to do this. How long it takes? Interestingly, this is not a how-to program. It's more about learning how to use your most precious assets, your time, your mind, to achieve much more with much less effort. You're going to keep breathing anyway. You're going to keep creating results anyway. Let's free them. Let's give you a way to do your life that produces. freedom and the life you love to live. The most successful people have the sameamount of time you have, you have twenty-four hours in a day, so it's about learning to use that time the way you do.
Thinking about the way you're choosing the way you relate to this thing called your life, the truth is you're building your life anyway, you're taking your kids to school, you're folding laundry, you're doing whatever. whatever you are doing, but with the construction of dreams. You're going to change how often you do these things and your results are going to change because you're living by design instead of conditions instead of living from the default, this program actually takes about an hour a week and we've designed it. For the busy professional, those people who get the fastest results, they download that hour of training and repeat it while they do other things, but all the information is downloadable and online so you can access it whenever it suits you.
You can take it with you while traveling, Finally, what if the investment is not convenient first? It's interesting because a major transformation never comes at a time when it's comfortable or convenient, that's an indication that you're really on the right track now if you're going to miss a mortgage payment, don't sign up for this program, But what if this was the last time you had to ask where I'm going to get the money? Look at your bank account to determine what you can or cannot do. Doing that is a condition-based life and will never produce new results, so if you would love to do the ninety day experiment with your life with me as your guide, your mentor and your support person , I would love to do this too.
Let's get you going. I want to work with you. I have made this as easy as possible because my purpose is to help you build your dreams. Are you ready to finally start living the life of your dreams? Four hundred ninety-seven dollars is a limited special price if you If you come to my seminars or other places, you will not be able to get this program for four hundred ninety-seven dollars. That doesn't happen once you learn the technology and apply it, you'll start to see all kinds of things happen. in your life and that's the fun part.
And as you practice and improve, it actually becomes really easy over time, you begin to recognize that this is the most precious gift there is. You only get one life. The average lifespan is approximately seventy-seven years. twenty-eight thousand one hundred and five days you can live, that's if you live to be seventy-seven on the way and I've been doing this for a long time, we don't all have seventy-seven cycles around the sun, what you can't replace is a life that you love to live, not then, but now you can live those years and fight the confusion or you can live them fully when you look back and say this day was a day that changed the trajectory of my life because I invested in myself. my dream and in the life I haveI love to live the choice is yours so in short you will receive the complete ninety day dream building program where each week you will log into a private membership site where you will receive the lesson of the current week on building dreams including a weekly professionally recorded audio lesson. exercises from the guide, you will also receive live group training and Q&A sessions every two weeks on the phone with me, where you can get support and the answers to your most burning questions about the dream builder.
You will have access twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. private facebook group where you can meet and share ideas with your fellow dream builders. As an added bonus, you will receive a complimentary ticket valued at one thousand four hundred and ninety-five dollars to the dream builders live event and it is available on a first come, first serve basis and all you have to do now is say yes, click on the register button and let's get started. Let's register you right now. What I know is that you will feel so good about your life that you will have the pride of feeling The goodness of living a life that you call successful, you will be one of those people who walks into a room and lights it up.
Just by being there because you are so happy, you will be the person others want to be with. because you are living your dream You are going to be a big deal, all you need to do is say yes, click the sign up button and voila, you will have instant access to everything I have promised you. I hope to meet you. I want to see. You in Dream Builder live, I will see you on the phone before that, but I look forward to not only meeting you but also supporting you as you build your dream.

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