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$100 Argentina Street Food Challenge!! They RUINED Pizza!!

Jun 08, 2024
In this video we have come all the way to Buenos Aires in Argentina to see if we can spend $100 on Argentinian



, but before that, let's back up for a second. Good Iris, it's a huge city, there are more than 15 million people here, that's almost fathomless. The place was colonized by the Spanish but strongly influenced by French architecture. It's nice, but what about Argentinian


? Argentine cuisine is a vibrant and diverse mix of cultural influences primarily shaped by European and indigenous traditions. So today we will explore food and see if we can spend $100, let's go to our first location now to start the day, we will eat a breakfast staple originating from Paraguay known as Cheapo, perfect for a cheapskate like me, when you open it, It has a certain type of density.
100 argentina street food challenge they ruined pizza
Made with tapioca flour infused with paresan. You would never guess it comes from starch. It's very doughy. Maybe eat it with a glass of milk. Is incredible. In fact, I like it a lot. If you have 25 cents to spare, get the premium version with an extra goop. cheese in the center it has cheese it's cheap it's delicious now this is going to take us to $100 no but we have to start somewhere and this is a great place to start well friends just a few steps from Orica we have come this far The market is called Marked by sanmo in general terms, here you will find a lot of different food stalls and restaurants that you can go to to try new Argentinian classics, that is what we are about to do now that we arrive at our first restaurant within this market It is called yo, you have this method, this technique of cooking with this tool here, this implementation is called parish parish, it is essentially a grill with beautiful intensely hot charcoal, this is all part of the nature of Argentina barbecue at the moment, We are starting with a cheese dish called provola this cheese looks thick and delicious it even has a skin on the outside this is essentially an Argentinian provolone today we are going to have two versions and this is ours here we have roasted tomato, onion, garlic and olive oil olive. and then here we just have some beautiful caramelized onions.
100 argentina street food challenge they ruined pizza

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100 argentina street food challenge they ruined pizza...

He hits them with some onion and then that thick cheese in two layers, which is crazy. Next, the Melt, you're going to do a little bit of cast iron with each one. that's going to get nice and melty on top of the stove here this is poet roast it's an essential for any Argentinian barbecue party it's a variation of provalone made specifically for roasting and bacon then open the oven take both cast iron ovens and put that in from a real oven, so


're going to stay there for about 9 minutes and then we're going to check it out.
100 argentina street food challenge they ruined pizza
We have a knot in our heads. I think it might be finished. Oh, you can see the cheese is bubbling. He took both. Remove the lids, quickly turn to the counter, this is oregano and then some salao, it looks a little like the photo of hit it with some parsley, wrap the handles so you don't burn your hands and whatnot, my friends ,


finished. I can't wait to try this. I'm going to start with this one because I suppose the tomato one might be a little more delicious. This is what the chef says. This is one of the mildest types of provolone you can get that has been matured. on a slab of wood for 6 months, that's how I ripened too, it took more than 6 months OMG, oh my Lord, oh my love, wow, you can taste the sweet caramelized onions and then a mixture of the moisture from the onions and the cheese oil. binding the cheese together is a wonderful combination of gooey in the center and then a little hard and chewy on the edge here the edge is that, but what about this one here?
100 argentina street food challenge they ruined pizza
Of course, the same beautiful melted cheese, let's just try the tomato, huh oh? yeah, it tastes like a very sweet roasted tomato sauce and then I taste a little bit of garlic in olive oil. It tastes like a deluxe version of spaghetti. Can I just say thank goodness the chef doesn't know what I'm saying right now? Because he's behind me planting, no, he's filming right now. We have a little tomato, a lot of cheese, a little garlic. Wow, that feels good. Tasty sweet tomato, chewy cheese. I could go right now. I can consider this to be Argentina and I will be satisfied.
It's as indulgent as it gets, but you have one more meal here that's meat-based, let's go back to the kitchen and try that next right now, the owner is here proudly showing me his, even though it's a homemade baby. , without conservation, no. extra flavor you're never taking the toizo and you're putting it on top of the grill homemade baby oh it's homemade so now after about 6 minutes you're going to cut the sausage in half creating more surface area for it to cook even more oh hit it with a little weight now cooked from the top and from the bottom this porky sausage is a beloved staple in Spanish and Latin American food.
It's rich in flavor and a crucial ingredient in a ton of dishes, from barbecue and empanadas to stews and hearty sandwiches—check those out. grill marks that go on a dog bun this is the local Argentinian sauce and then this looks like chimmy cherry sauce right here oh my gosh look at that, that's Sabor, hit it with a little salt, close the lid, hit it with toothpaste. that on this beautiful plate and it's ready for digestion Chef this looks beautiful this sausage was made in a warehouse there's no place here homemade baby homemade baby that's right homemade baby we have our second round right here $10 for this baby M oh OMG so much flavor so baby you can feel the sausage skin snap and inside it's just a juicy explosion of Porky that's unreal the chimmy C drives him crazy.
Tasty, salty, the sauce makes it a little cool. It's a wonderful combination. This is our first location on the market, but. we have a lot more to see inside this place we have arrived at our second location right behind me empanadas in a place known as El horo I'm going to go see how they make it first and then try it start again here they have a filling station, for so they have a wrapper and then they have different types of fillings. There are so many different types that you can get and you might be wondering well, after they fry them or after they bake them, how do they tell one from the other well let me show you here's a guide it's like hieroglyphics but in the form of food they wrap it in a different way depending on what the filling is, so if it is beef it has a different design than if it is potato or if it is horse meat.
I was told they don't make HSE meat, you know who made Santiago, it doesn't say one place is better than the other based on that, but a little bit, let's get into the making process, this is a barrage of meat, you can see it here. beautiful seasoning for meat, there is also a little egg in there and this is the most impressive part, the crimping that continues on the edge here she is a master crimper, a master, after the dough is filled and formed, it goes to the kitchen behind me, here we are. You are here, this is the oven, have you ever seen such an impressive 100 year old oven in your life?
Oh, this tray is coming out, oh man, this oven just opened. Another tray comes out. I mean, look at these beauties. I wonder what's there chicken. Oh, they just called me chicken. I'm going to jump out of the kitchen right now. I'm going to order a couple of these for myself and give it a try. Now you can see it by the shape. They are two different shapes, we have this one that you already saw, this is a car and then we also have a surprise with a strange body part. I'll tell you soon, but first the caret feels super hot like If you were in a riot, this would be a weapon, you'd just throw it at lords.
I wouldn't do that M. First of all, I like that it's baked, it has a nice thin wrapper on the outside. I mean, this is an Argentine dumpling, essentially, you would. look at all the beautiful Carnet inside, delicious seasoning, it's rich, there's fat on the side, the owner brought me this very spicy sauce right here or someone told me I should sniff it, oh come on, I don't think you guys are spicy. food here no offense but once you've eaten a whole plate full of chillies in Thailand with Mar Wing I'm crying I'm choking the word spicy has a whole new meaning oh yeah it's pretty spicy I feel like I'm was warming up. from the inside it's interesting because it's also very fresh, so it almost cuts through that fat, but then it adds another layer of intensity, so it's a classic, but here we have something called, let me tell you the translation of this on the menu, says meat. pot belly stew I think they mean the actual stomach of the cow oh that's definitely tripe wow H confusing I feel like it's at the bottom of the menu for a reason it's potent it's robust it's intense but not too gy but man it's got a lot of flavor too It's strangely soft, the stomach generally chewy, usually almost halari-like, it's become a bit rubbery, but overall I like it, especially if you wash it down with a bit of chutney.
The total for everything you see here is around $6, not very expensive, not very cheap, somewhere in between. Area because we are in a large market, but it is a somewhat touristy place. If we were on the outskirts of town and went to a fla, we'd probably get a discount. Well, friends, we have come to our third and final location in At least in this market behind me there is a restaurant called Milan Gia that they have something really interesting that they are serving us. You see, when it comes to European food influences here in Argentina, they are especially influenced by Germans and Italians. serving something that looks a lot like a sausage schnitzel and the best part is that it's made from something called buttock.
They told me that it translates as crushed cheek, let's try the food the food right now I'm in the kitchen with Manuel, yes. Nice to meet you, that's the dish, this has already been smashed, breaded and seasoned, from here he's going to put it in the oil and that baby will fry it when you order this dish, there are so many different ingredients you can put in it. today i went with the hos one hos those oos now we are checking that schnitzel oh starting to float to the top from here it has hand cut potatoes that are going to be fried twice many times it happens here the eggs go from the frying pan right here to the caldera I've never seen eggs cooked this way our plate is here he hits it with some lettuce he's going to come back to check the chitel he's going to take it to the pretty plate from here two Sunny's eggs go on top of that pounded beef cheek, then fries, okay, hits it with a flag and a tomato and that's complete.
I love it. You have a little flag container here. It has Germany. I think I saw North Korea somewhere. so far Argentina is a confusing place people speak Spanish the buildings look French and the food looks German What is happening here? M well seasoned super spicy slightly chewy little crunchy on the outside definitely a heavy meal from here I want to bite into it with some of this egg. make it overall, it's nice on the palate but it's a little dry and I wish it was topped with some kind of sauce, some kind of food lubricant to go with it all, now the eggs make it feel good for breakfast although they are the 300 p.m.
I'm not completely satisfied, I'm going for the second round here they also serve a snitel on a bun with cheese and bacon, but the chitel that caught my attention is this one, come check this one out, this one is also pounded and so cheap, but it's the Neapolitan. Edition with even more exciting toppings there's tomato sauce there's mozzarella there's tomato there's oregano all those delicious Pizza Hut flavors now this is what I was talking about you needed something moist yes that's what I was missing all the time lots of tomato and cheese melted even the oregano has a little flavor, it's a good base instead of a


dough, we've destroyed the beef, this is payback, this is much better than what I just ate, this is the way to go follow if you come here okay now we're leaving this market because I'm sad that this wiener schnitzel isn't weener so I'm going to go somewhere where I can find sausages and I'm not talking about the red light district well friends we've left the market and that is why this big dog is where they serve good hot dogs.
There is something in South America that these people are passionate about hot dogs. I'm a little surprised by that, in fact in Santiago they had hot dogs covered with avocado mayonnaise, some even had Sauer crot on top, so now We are in Buenos Aris and we are going to experience their version of the hot dog, what do they put on top ? Let's go in and find out, so I'm looking at the menu here for almost every version of the dog. it seems to be named after a country we are in Argentina we are going to Argentina that has poet and crosa sauce hello friends, I am in the kitchen right now with Nicholas and he is showing me the bread box, this is like a delicious hot dog bun with cheese. dip the knife in the hot dog water and use the knife to open the bun look at this hot dog water I just want to drink it it has electrolytes a dog goes inside the bun add grated provolone cheese now I know what you're thinking what a bunch of dry grated cheese on top of a dog no, we have a torch baby, he's taking a torch for both of us wow it smells like burning hair then right herewe have some really colorful kosa sauce, I bet the kids love this stuff M mixed emotions there's so much going on here it's a weird combination between this cheese and this really fresh kind of sauce that's put on top the bread it's so soft it's almost moist the dog inside is a pretty standard hot dog it is 100% pork with lamb intestine this is not called a hot dog here it is called Poncho and what I love is that each country has its own version this is what the Mexican looks like and so on It's what it looks like the Americano has cheddar cheese and bacon it's spicy how accurate that is overall I like it I think it's fantastic now after trying this here is the big question on everyone's mind there is a lot of discord between Argentina and Chile now I have eaten a hot dog in each of their countries which is the supreme king I don't want to get beat up or anything like that, but I must say that Santiago had a superiority, so this is a hot dog review, but we have one meal left , a meal you may not expect from this part of the world.
Speaking of


, well friends, we have reached our final location because after this I definitely can't eat anymore behind me, a restaurant known as grin is really good, very legendary and quite big, it's like five different Italian restaurants in one in the middle. Until the early 1900's there was a large influx of Italians who came here and brought their recipes with them, the only thing they had to adapt the recipe to the local palette right now let's go in, see the kitchen and see one of their classic Argentine pizzas and You're not ready for this, okay, come with me, technically we're at the restaurant, but we're not going to eat here because we're heading to the kitchen, come with me now as we go down this long, dark fear. hallway and I promise there is something at the end here we are right through this window you can see the dome making and there is a giant fire oven inside let's go see it this oven looks amazing right here you can see inside all the fire Burn our pizza is going to start right here, here we have my man Juan, we are in the dome manufacturing section.
Look at this giant, big, beautiful piece of dough, piece by piece, just know the right size and then they end up here. step one violently squishes the dough with your fingertips right here we have our pre-oiled cast iron pans being filled with the dough and man this guy knows how to flippy flop his floop oh my gosh guys we basically have a whole barrel of mozzarella cheese. get a bunch and oh my gosh several pounds of mozzarella cheese and put it on top of the pizza this is dangerous then we get some ham my mouth says yes but my heart says no give it some pepper and then he has another piece. of dough right here, guess where that goes on top, let's hide the embarrassing amount of cheese that's on this pizza, clever, oh god, what's going on, that's all covered in onions, everything that's happening right now too It's unexpected and unnecessary, guys.
I just went through a whirlwind of pizza making that was really intense, boom, you throw it back and see you later right now, you're adjusting the temperature inside the oven, you're taking out a load of this charcoal, discarding it to the side and so here this is our pizza oh he flipped it what's down in the comments let me know please is there anything Italian in what's happening right now oh he puts it back in the oven and we wait more, he will take it out once more. The cutting station over here boom, give it a very hot spin.
I've never seen a pizza like this, they gave it a B cut, they put it here and it's ready to bring to the table. Okay, folks, I told you this was the last meal of the day, do you understand why I'm going all the way to pizza? But first, something that's not pizza, something I'm going to eat with the pizza, it's called Fine Nut, this right here is a combination of chickpea flour oil salt and water oh yeah, it's taking a beautiful journey here to the oven . Wow, you're sticking it really deep in there after cooking it.
The final product looks like this. It will be cut piece by piece. Oh, it looks like he's cutting tiles. for a roof or something, normally you're supposed to eat this on top of pizza, we'll do that later, but I want to see what it tastes like, fluffy, soft, warm, it tastes like almost nothing. I'm not sure why people combine these maybe you will understand why soon from here there is nothing to do but try it, oh my goodness, a legendary Polish cheese right there, oh my goodness, how heavy it is pure melted cheese , I like the crust, it is very thin, almost a small cookie. something bitter here I think it's a ham this is wild they took pizza and they reinterpreted it and then they misinterpreted it and then they reinterpreted it again and then they did it backwards and then forwards again and then you have this right here ask, do I like it?
Yes, from here we are going to add this. This is a very traditional step to eating pizza. Here they add it on top and then take a bite. It doesn't give it more flavor. it has some structure and stability like the US dollar, this pizza costs a little over $12 and this is, I mean, it's not even worth counting, at the end of the day it's very affordable, it's very classic, it's very Argentinian. I enjoy trying it and would I try it? Again, absolutely from here, I'm going to come out and tell you if we went over $100 today and what food was my absolute favorite today.
I set out to spend $100 on


food here at Buess Aris. Did I reach my goal? Did I achieve my goal? I conquered my dream No no I didn't, I said I spent only IM means 6655 today we tried a wide variety of Argentinian food, this place is wild when it comes to cooking, my favorite today would definitely be that pan with the provolone baked inside maybe it was because it was early in the day and I was hungry maybe because it tasted delicious anyway before we left. I want to say a huge thank you to locy for making this video possible.
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