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Jun 03, 2024
This is the Total Wipeout, one of the most difficult obstacles on the planet and today I will run at speed to overcome the course in the shortest time possible. Because I am here? Earlier this year I was competing with the ba and only one man managed to win. In 19 seconds I am back in


annihilation to not only beat niik but also beat the time of any other YouTuber who has been here before. There are six different courses to beat them all, getting harder as you go to get the fastest time possible. I started with some training before doing my final run and then started Wipeout Hill.
extreme total wipeout challenge
Okay, we're on Wipeout Hill course number one. Here is the YouTuber for this course. I have to be Nik on top with 5 seconds. discover the best technique come, I'm going to go for the Tom every day I'm a little nervous I'm a little nervous okay 7 seconds after the rhythm yes 3 2 one I forgot how cold it was H 4.5 seconds yes I We already needed time I want try one more technique Okay, let's do one more, one more, yeah, I hope this works. I want to try Aquaman three, two, one, what a great start to the training. Everything was going well. until I started getting a little cocky I would have failed oh that was a terrible idea with 4.5 seconds on the clock the best way to attack and take out Hill is to just pretend you're Tom every day and swoop in to Force number two, uh, this one here. we have personal problems after what happened last time he destroyed me last time it wasn't nice what's a good technique here okay let's try it I have a technique I'm going to do it really real quick and I'm just trying to bomb it 3 2 1 feeling super confident now look at me go away there's nothing in the world that can stop me right now that's not working not again you know what I'm back I'll never do it give up okay take two I can do this okay look this It's a new technique, let's follow it, yes, no, no, that's not going to work.
extreme total wipeout challenge

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extreme total wipeout challenge...

Start the stopwatch again, here we go, here we go, here we go. here we go here we go it's okay I was very scared there it was something difficult let's go again we didn't give up on the channel take this as a lesson everyone don't give up on your dreams I gave up Dreams are not real. This was too difficult. I'm going to have to pray I can make it in the last race later. The next run is the hoop and this has a three star rating, but I'm going to make it look like. like zero Stars 3 2 1 come on, oh my god, oh my god, no, no, no, no, it's okay, that's how it works, so we have to go back to thinking about the one that didn't work.
extreme total wipeout challenge
I have another idea here I go again but this time doing exactly what the course is called Hoop Run, what a great idea, I bet you know your partner. I ended up getting it and finished pretty quickly, of course, who wrote this script is that 22. Hey, my God, that's scary next. Upstairs we have the gallows, this used to be a five star course until it's fine, we know that sidens love to break their backs off camera, but this time they captured it in 4K and because of this it has become easier, the rating has been reduced to two. stars, which for me is actually better.
extreme total wipeout challenge
I'm going to have to try it, it will run and I'll go down three, two, one, come on, you've ruined all the fun of this course, this is too easy. I've done this with my eyes closed, here we go, yeah, speed, baby, how long was that 10.8 seconds, 10 seconds? Oh, that's too easy, they need to upgrade this machine. This was clearly the easiest one so far. I don't know how Ethan broke his back during this. I don't even have to worry about this on my final run, it's time for course number five and so far it looks like something straight out of a soul movie.
I think this might be the hardest one, how do I do this? Oh no. Not like that, I actually started off pretty well, but things went downhill pretty quickly, no, oh, how was the time that 1 minute 16, oh no, no, no, no, this was probably the worst performance since those fragments and Kenny earlier this year ended? being the one that took the longest, I can't make this mistake in the final race, last but not least, the most famous, the most difficult and the only six star obstacle course in


. Eliminate big red walls. No YouTuber has completed this obstacle.
It's time for it to change. I also purchased a total elimination expert to teach me exactly how to beat the big red bulls. I want to go with a slow technique bouncing each one and reach the end. It's simple, come on. on this first one I can't screw up the first one that's one we don't like on the first one that's such a big jump oh my god okay here we go now second jum this is so simple oh no I'm going to go to fail no, AJ wants to complete the big red balls, he has to put his feet further on the big red balls to be able to make the jump from the first ball to the second, this is difficult, oh well, here we go just a little. a little more forward with the feet, yes, and now I aim for the third ball and the side, yes, here you go, yes, well done, this is how to do it with the help of the expert, this became very easy, I will be the first, no.
Not so close, oh my God, oh my God, not so close. I tried again and kept falling after the third ball, but I will be back very soon because my training is already complete and before I do my final race, make sure to subscribe. I'm posting videos every Friday and we're closing in on 2 million subscribers, so subscribe today. I spent the entire day on total WIP dropping and retrieving cups to make sure I perfected each course. There is no more time for mistakes or second attempts. one shot on each run in the total without being able to get the fastest time on YouTube this is my last race oh here you go I'm nervous I'm nervous 3 2 1 totally come out f 6.2 seconds less than 7 seconds Come on, I started off pretty good, but currently Niko He's 1 second ahead of me, so let's see if I can catch him on the sweeper.
I was quite nervous because I couldn't do this course of my training, but I was locked in because I only had one chance to do this please. I started off great and forgot why I found this obstacle so difficult, but this time I made it look easy. After this, my confidence shot through the roof and I destroyed the rest of the course. Oh how fast, 28 seconds, yeah unfortunately I wasn't the fastest YouTuber to do this. Niik was really gaining time against me here, so for the hoop race I really have to get something special out of this helmet and that's exactly what I started doing.
Most YouTubers fell into these pitfalls by adding many times to their reboot, but I was dry and out of the war. Like 24.7 24 seconds Yeah, I'll take that listen. I'm Sonic. I'm enjoying this too much. I'm tired. I'm tired, this was the best field to crush all my rivals. I gained a lot of time with them, but this will all be in vain if I don't complete the Big Red Bulls later, but for now it's time for the field, ah, here we are. Come on, let's go for it man, let's go for it, this is the easiest course I've ever done in my training, but this time it felt a little different.
I almost fell, but luckily I trained my forearm every night before going to bed, so I had the strength to get up what was that moment 22 I'll take it I'll take it that was a little slow I could have done it faster I almost fell it hurt my arm a lot time as Niik was closing in on me again I entered the side sweeper, okay let's go as fast as this, it wasn't enough to put me on top of leader B, which meant if I wanted to win I had no choice but to complete the Big Red Bulls, it's time for the final obstacle and I've been training all day and I haven't fallen into the water once in this race, but everything can be wasted here, no creator has ever come close, so to stop To guarantee my victory I have to be the first YouTuber in history. to complete the Big Red Bulls, oh my gosh, here we go, let's see if we can do this.
I started off pretty well, as the first ball has never bothered me, okay, here we go, no, oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on, I don't like this, I don't like this, this is as far as I got last time, every attempt after this was a failure, but this time I'll change that, come on, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god mine, oh one. the guys one the one more and then I got it come on please I can't believe I made it this far all I had to do was this last ball and I will be the first YouTuber to complete the Big Red Bulls oh my god oh Oh my god one more oh no way no way oh one more one more yeah yeah oh my god yeah yeah you don't know how much this means to me yeah I got a round of applause guys everyone bring it hey that's what we love See, I really want to cry, how can I get down?
I threw up in the water the entire time and that's how I completed the Total Wipeout course without falling into the water once I was the first YouTuber to complete the big red bulls. and this is one of the hardest things I've ever done and trained for and if you're wondering who had the fastest time here are the final standings sidman bait squad tommy on it you all got smoked I've set the fastest time for the total annihilates, so if you want to come back and beat me, go ahead, but for now hold this L, shut up and bye-bye.

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