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Jun 01, 2024
Good morning, George and Miles are ready to brush. They come walking to the door every morning to make sure we brush and feed them. Miles is really good. George is adjusting a little more and getting more used to us and not being so cautious so that's what we're looking for trying to become friends now with George I always want to be friends we'll see what happens you're waiting for your chin to be scratched I think he likes it. like when you do it better he, the guys, have some kind of join me, he's asking you to do it today, okay, you weren't fast enough, you were doing it and then he went to you, go, so One of the things I find quite interesting, R, is that his horns are hot. blood flow passes through them, so they have the same temperature as your body.
i had to call in reinforcements for this one
I've never touched them in proper miles, it's like a hand warmer, yeah these kids are only a year old so they still have 2 years left, they're growing up so you might say wow! they have small horns, they are going to get bigger,


is just the beginning, their horns take about 3 years to reach full size and then they keep growing, after that they just grow at a slower rate, oh they keep growing, they keep going growing. Yes, just much slower than the place, yes, it will be interesting to see. At some point I should take out my digital thermometer and put it on and then your body in different places and see what happens if they all have the same temperature.
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If there are different temperatures and what the variations are, especially in the winter, it would be great to see that you should also get out your tape measure and measure how many longer horns are right for your hay, guys, now that you hear it's all party time. A beautiful morning is going to be a perfect day to bind our doors with sashiki. I filled up some propane tanks. I got some more Seiler so we can seal the doors after Shiki threw them away and picked up some more glue. I need that for


project, but I don't want to run out of glue, it would be a sad day on the farm, don't you think, Brutus?
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Yeah, you agree, huh, so we want to attach Shiki to the inside of the doors, but I'm not sure how. the plywood how is it going to work on the plywood so I'm going to do a little test spot with my gas torch to see if we can attach Shiki the plywood will work too so we just have to figure out which side I want to do it on first, okay, let's take that outside, okay, I think we can install the saw hoses outside. Try doing it on the saw hoses instead of having to do it on the ground.
i had to call in reinforcements for this one
It's very nice to have a little sun. I should have. We brought some meat. We could have put some meat in the smoker while we were bonding Shiki. What the hell do I know? Instead, it will be a coat rack. Alright. Stay here and I'll turn that way. Okay, wow. so you can definitely feel the heat coming out of that when you use the blowtorch, that's definitely our industrial air gun. I thought I had rubber gloves down here, okay, we just use a wooden Sailer, a clear one and the main reason why What you need to do is brush and rinse off all the soot anyway, you can't really see it because I'm using black gloves and many people do it with water and rinse it out of the hose quite a bit.
Sometimes we don't have a hose here and I find it quicker to put the sealant on top of the sealant to even out the tone and then when it dries it locks everything in place so it's Shiki Bond and it's waterproof through the Thompson . and so far it's worked really well, you can use your fire hose, it's like your glue, you just pour it, you just pour it and then we'll roll it up. Keep my turn, your turn. I feel like this even goes further when it's hot. take it out so pick it up a little bit and put it in the saw house stop it ready uhhuh sorry bam I like to leave a little bit of charcoal in here because it helps fill in the gaps and kind of smear it, it's hard to get it all. small cracks with the Shiki Bond if you try to get all the cracks you end up burning something else it seems like yes, your turn I'm busy you look very busy right I'm busy I'm busy we have the front and the back in the three doors of the shikan and sealed, we have We have to let them drive, but while we let them dry we are going to run to the compost pile and turn it over because that increases the temperature, it is actually two too hot, so we have to turn it and turn all the layers so that that way everything compost, so this pile has been here for two weeks, it stayed there for a week, then I turned it and this is the next week it's turned. and right now we're at 138°, so we're on the Hut side, we want to be like the active range, like 100 to 130, the tip of this is Hut, so let me set up here, we'll flip it over and then, once we're all set and ready, I'll put the thermometer back in and we'll see how it goes.
It rained a lot and we have a lot more rain in the forecast, so that's good, I'm not going to water it because we're going to get a lot of natural rain from the sky, okay, let's turn this excavator on, let's turn this pile over and I'm curious to see if we'll have any vapor coming off of it and what it looks like on the inside because Rod was definitely pretty warm okay let me zoom in that's a little bit of a reach for this thing okay let's try it's like the claw game oh I can.
I see the steam look at that steam I don't know if you can see that steam but she's already steaming oh yeah baby hello hello baby here okay I'm getting excited for all of that to turn into compost and then we can use that compost on the pastures so that this grass grows better, let's put the thermometer back. I know I really need a bigger one, but this is what we have, this is what we're using, look what the temperature is, so at 64 it's already going up to 100 or 90 I should say perfect, that should irritate very well and really should start to compost, so when I was putting the compost in there, the grass clumps were heavy on the heel and you can feel that the heel didn't like it and this time it was rocking back and forth a lot, it was very little. , so we've definitely had a good amount of decomposer going, it's not ready yet, but it's getting there.
Good morning, it's a beautiful morning. I had to




to help. Me with this project. I have my brother coming to give me a hand hanging these doors. I can't wait to see what they all look like hanging because these doors have warped a lot and I haven't. I really do not understand. I've seen a lot of comments from people saying it's because you're just sashiki Bond on one side of, well, our little 3 foot wide door. I shouldn't say little but our 3 foot wide door didn't lean at all so I don't know if it's CU of the width or what it is, someone said they are bending, they aren't bending because there is plenty of room for them to expand at the entrance, they are just leaning outwards, it's like the sun is hitting them for some reason.
I'm not sure it's interesting to find out. Let's fix these doors properly. I'm going to take the doors off and put the new ones on, but while I'm taking the hinges down, I'm going to paint the edge of this. On the sides, all the other trim is painted black except the rear door, and we'll do this so that at least we all look the same here. This backdoor might even be the worst. I can't believe how bad they are. tilted, it's a crazy place to grab, okay, that's good, yeah, the summer we were building, come on, oh, we got a drop in the door, this door down, okay, I think we're getting to the most high, right, yeah, that's the best we are, yeah, really, oh, you know what?
We could be at almost M oh we got too far here wait okay we gotta push okay so gimme I'm hitting again yeah gimme this this bottom gotta go up this could be the problem there . see well, how does that sound to you? I'm not hidden yet and now I'm perfect, great, so we'll close the latches after what you say, Brutus, I can finally get out now, are you on your side or don't you wait? I want to take a step. here we go, okay, so now we just have to choose the whole door, yeah, straight, okay, you're ready to check out these doors, you haven't seen them yet.
I mean, they look really good. I had to


for backup and ask my brother to give it to me. Let's lend a hand setting them up, they are quite heavy so I left for the day so I couldn't do it myself so I'm glad my brother came along, thanks Rich for giving us a hand, yeah they look great. I'll let you open one and see what you think of how they work compared to another style door oh wow nice and smooth oh what do you think brw is that they work well eh I love the inside let's see yeah it's very different.
I don't know, I think we have to make another door, maybe one day we will have to, so the way the new doors are built is much smoother, especially than this door, so we may have to replace this door someday, not soon, because I've had enough of building doors for a while, but they work well that way and I also want to see over time how those doors hold up because we made three of them that way, but they also They look very good from the inside. I love the look of sashiki bond plywood it has a very elegant look.
Come in the morning, ailia, ruminating, that's the door in the pig pen that looks so pretty, that's the one Gina just opened and then the one to the goat over there.

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