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Prince Harry won’t be invited to his brother’s coronation | The Royals with Roya and Kate

May 28, 2024
If we had another


in the next few years, would Harry be there? I don't think William would invite him and I don't think Harry would come. So, okay, let's look at the day of days, the Day of Judgment, the day that all of us last week were going to, won't you? they will not. that brilliant piece wasn't there beforehand Kevin Meer wrote in the Times saying you know there's bound to be some way to get two people in the same city in the same room at the same time well, it was interesting because over the weekend, looking going forward, some of our colleagues wrote big front-page stories saying that Harry and King would be fine, I never thought they'd see them and then there was some background music coming from the palace on Saturday that, um, off the record, that meeting in It hadn't actually been scheduled and Harry's request hadn't come yet to see his father because it's not like normal families where you answer the phone. and I say: I'm in the city, can I go to CER?
prince harry won t be invited to his brother s coronation the royals with roya and kate
Things have to be scheduled in the very busy King's Di and there was all this speculation and then Harry landed on Tuesday and then very shortly after landing we got this statement from his spokesperson. person I am going to read to Kate, unfortunately it will not be possible due to Her Majesty's full schedule to meet the Duke, of course she understands her father's daily commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon. Analyze that Kate who was throwing shade, as I think they say in California, over the palace, you know, I think that statement was so loaded, first of all, the fact that there was a statement in the first place that said she wanted to meet the king, but he's obviously too busy he has other things to do um and they were other priorities, wasn't that line?
prince harry won t be invited to his brother s coronation the royals with roya and kate

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prince harry won t be invited to his brother s coronation the royals with roya and kate...

I just thought uh and I'm not one of them, that's what Harry was saying. I'm not one of those other priorities and just everything, everything they do when they release something officially. I remember talking to people and saying, this guide to Harry's group? you know he came from Sussex Camp. Is this guide happy for this to go on record? and they said yes, attribute it to a spokesperson, so it was very much that they wanted to put it on the record, um and then it meant that the palace was on the defensive once again, how many times have we seen that with the relationship between Harry and the King? but then people in the palace said, well, it's not entirely clear whether an official request has come in like you said, so you know.
prince harry won t be invited to his brother s coronation the royals with roya and kate
Memories may vary again, yes I think God, it's so sad, isn't it like you were both in town? because, you know, a whole day and you couldn't find a way to meet and you know the end of that statement, hope to see it soon, is kind of hanging, right? But he has no idea if he will see it. He soon, of course, Harry came in February for that 24-hour Dash to see his father after he said he had cancer and there was a way, you know, a way was found in Very Complete Diaries for that to happen and even that was brief, but Harry was apparently glad of it, we know it was less than 45 minutes because we saw Harry come in and then the king came out about 45 minutes later, so the meeting was, you know, in that short time and it's correct to say that of Of course, the Rawal family has different, you know they operate differently, the king's diary, he has just returned to public engagements, he is very, you know, busy, he is booked every minute, it is accounted for, it is like a military regime, but you know, if he wanted to buy time. he's the king 10 minutes with his son yeah I looked at the court circular this morning to see what the king had been doing yesterday and it looked like it was published in the Times like it was published in the Times court circular um it looked like he was busy from the afternoon onwards he was receiving people at buck and palace, several miniature people and then obviously he had the party in the palace garden, then he had his weekly audience with rishy sunak, but i didn't see anything in the circular of the court in in the morning, but then he doesn't put his doctor's appointments there, not that he wants you to know that's true, that's so it goes on every week too, but having said that, you never know what half an hour a cup is of tea. minutes it's a shame it couldn't be found.
prince harry won t be invited to his brother s coronation the royals with roya and kate
I just thought about it and thought, you know how, so technically we just turned a year since the


which was this week mhm, Harry in that year saw his father once for half an hour, yeah, and no matter how you look at it, That's incredibly sad and I wonder if you know that the last meeting we talked about in February was only half an hour, but very shortly after that he gave an interview to an American network. and he talked about that meeting with his father um he didn't go into details but he talked about the way he did talk, he hinted at a kind of reunifying effect, isn't it true that cancer and various illnesses can have within a family without specifying your own own, but? but he said: you know, I'm going back to the UK.
I would like to see them more. I hope I get to see my dad more and that just hasn't happened, no, but the last time. He met his stepmother. K was in the room throughout the meeting and you know, I think there is a lot of reputation in the palace. This will end up on Netflix. In the upcoming Netflix show, when he did the autobiography of it, he hinted that there was a lot more. material that you know maybe for another, you know the second volume or something, so I think there is still that fear that anything that can be said in private can become public, but the P, you know the pr when I look at it from the outside .
I think most people will think it's pretty sheepish that the king couldn't spend 15 minutes to see his son. He was actually here for something that is generally perceived as brilliant, the 10-year milestone of the Invictus games, something that people unanimously support. I think it's a It's good to support the wounded men and women, well, all the headlines from yesterday and today were two miles apart, but never further apart, you know, Rift Rift Rift Rift and then right after we had the um, Harry's spokesperson saying, you know, oh, we wanted to meet. the king, but unfortunately it is not available.
We received a note from the palace about Monday's engagement. It will take place on Monday during which William will hand over the king to the Prince of Well, Colonel William. C of the Air Force, which of course is Harry's Old Regiment, of course, he was not in the running for that because he no longer carries out official duties, but I thought it was time to announce that great joint engagement with the King and William I. I don't think that moment is coincidental. You know, they published it that day. Well, didn't someone at the palace say a couple of years ago when the queen posed with Justin Truder in front of him in a blue and yellow dress?
Dress in front of blue and yellow flowers when the conflict broke out in Ukraine, nothing happens unless it's for a real reason, um, yeah, so we're looking forward to Monday, you know, we just had a son, notzi, his father , and then on Monday. We're going to have very powerful images of Charles handing over Colonel SE of the army air core with William flying a helicopter because of course he was a helicopter pilot, but you know that co-pilot Gunner, the Apache helicopter pilot, was Harry, mhm , so. yes, all very sad, I think very sad, so the Duke was greeted with cheers when he arrived alone at the Cathedral because Megan and her children had stayed away, um, but he looked good and cheerful, he looked calm and there were excellent readings from actors and Servants alike and the Dean of St Paul's, the Most Reverent Andrew Tret PID, tribute to Harry's decade of profound and transformative work carried out by the Mitas Gains Foundation and, of course, he may not have had to his real family there, but he did have it there. he had El Spencer there, his uncle, he had Jane's mates there, his aunt, his cousin George Madale, so the Spencer family was outside, there's a lot of warmth between them when he greeted them and he was also very happy to have their support there , Yeah.
Yes, but that also brings in the Diana element, right? Think carefully, it's the new reality that we've become accustomed to over the last few years, you know, when we were before our time, Kate, before we were in this groove in the wild west of the 80s and 90s, the family I was very disunited. terms of you know, the war with Wales is all the divorces in the family Raw Charles and Diana Andrew and Fergie um you know, the Princess Royal and her first husband um there was a lot of discord there and it damaged the


l family I think it was recognized that those years were very damaging to the


l family and now we have a completely different kind of discord and lack of unity and I think every time you look at the polls, the members of the royal families, the members of the royal families.
The members of the royal family here are relatively popular, yet you know that it is the King of Wales, but when you look at what people are asked questions about you, you know if you would like the royal family to get together and, in fact, the people outside some Pauls yesterday do it. and I think the audience thinks it's very, very sad at the same time, Discord and a dysfunctional family, I think it humanizes them a little bit because we can all relate to that, right? Absolutely, I think every family has elements of, you know, Discord and To be honest, I don't know any family that doesn't and I think that humanizes them and I think that's what the king's reign represents, which is something different. from Queen Elizabeth II, who kept everything in sync, you know?
By steering the ship in the right direction, no one would step out of line. Prince Philli was there and tried to keep everyone in line and then this is more of a sort of human Monarch who has his flaws and gets frustrated with the pens when they don't work. um you know he's in his second marriage much more happily married now to Camila than he is to Diana of course um but yeah I think these things happen in families and we're seeing how it plays out and I think it's interesting. to see how they react and how they see it, I guess for Charles one of the things that interests me a lot about this whole family.
The dynamic is when you talk to courtiers and friends who try to beat the drum for Charles the word they often use the c word, don't worry it's not the bad c word it's his summoning power and they talk about Charles being a great summoner and it brings people together, but so far he's not able to do that with his family, ultimately, I know. Harry has done things that have upset the family, you know, the Oprah interview, the Netflix documentary, the claims and the leftovers about the family, but you have to recognize that that's how he felt and I think as it happens Time will be more and more problematic for Charles, having this family so disunited with him, not being seen as the greatest man, the king, the monarch, the father extending the hand of love to his son and, of course, the only ones. workers who were missing from the garden party celebration, all the winners of Thanksgiving Day.
Prince and Princess of Wales William have been conducting inquiries in Windsor this week and Catherine is not undertaking public duties due to her health, but now William is also out of the house and at this very moment Kate, as we record this, William is starting a two-year relationship. day visit to Cornwall and the silly islands, son Cornall, so he's just arrived in Cornwall and he's going to something very important and very close to his heart. Today you will see for the first time the plans for a £3 million social housing project being built on its Cornish land in Nan Sedon, which is a suburb of the town of Nuki on the Cornish coast, and is building and funding a £3 million social housing development to tackle homelessness, so these are apartments and houses, 24 of them due to start. which will be built this year, will be ready next autumn 2025 and will be available to people who are at risk of becoming homeless or experiencing homelessness in Cornwall.
It's a joint project with the uh Royal foundation and the duy um with St Petrox, which is a homeless Char that William is working with and it's very close to his heart and it's something that he talked about a lot when I interviewed him last June and during that interview I asked him and I said, well, you know. We're about to launch something, a big homeless initiative, which is Homewoods, their big project to end homelessness in the UK, but a lot of houses have access to quite a few palaces and castles. How about we put some homes on our land? seat and I said there are no plans for affordable housing so it's your idea to claim credit for not doing it and he and there was a sort of and and he went to know and I said like this and he went to social housing and the press secretary went He shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat and "I'm like a big social housing" on your property holder and now he's been shamed into doing it to be fair, a lot of people said, well you're going to put your money where your mouth is a good point. because you know it's enough because there are a lot of problems that we know about downtown with people having second homes there and then local people just can't get on the ladder at all.
Well, homelessness has increased a lot in recent years and gotten a lot Coexactly for that reason, people are being excluded from the real estate market because the season went there, the owners just took their homes off the private market and put them up for some kind of vacation, so I think he's part of that too I guess. Because he now holds the right of Cornwall as Prince of Wales, his huge and rich organization brings him tons of money every year. Is he doing enough? Although I mean, it's all very good for some kind of phrase and to say that you're going to end homelessness in five years, which seems like a pretty ambitious task and to have about 24 new houses, but you wonder how you could do it. further.
I think it's a good start. I think it's good to put it. his money where his mouth is and I think the point of the Nance Len project is that William is very interested in trying to encourage other landowners to do the same to build a lot more social housing on their land and they are interesting people. A person close to the


talked about that, you know, fashion and the Church of England have these vast SES of privately owned land that you know they don't release to build social housing, so I think I think he'll do more. there are plans for other projects on owned land um, but you know, I remember when I was admitting him last year, he knew he said, you know, I know people will say that you're a


, that you live in big houses, that you come for a There's a lot of criticism of trying to address homelessness, but for him I think he feels like it's much better to try to do something where he can, um, than to just do nothing at all and homelessness is something that for him he doesn't.
It's something you're passionate about. since he was very young since Diana took him to all those shelters, the Center Point passage, um, he slept through the night, yeah, and the big problem is also that he's quite partial to going out and selling it, yeah, It's a good start. I think it's a good start. I think that's also true of Adel Cottage when they moved to Windsor. I remember doing the story about Windsor and they were very, very Cy in confirming that story for me, but I had it very good. authority that they were moving and published the story that they were moving to Windsor and it really struck a chord and I think obviously because it's bad PR, you know, we've spent a lot of money as taxpayers on Kensington Palace, um, of course.
They also have a major, their private gift from the queen, who is in the arena, but there is a there, you know, Williams, who is very aware that, as you say, he is not in a very strong position to preach about these things . particularly and then when he became Prince of Wales, there were many instructions that he was not going to acquire another house in Wales because the king had a house in Wales that we cannot pronounce. I didn't even try to pronounce it, it's that long, yeah, um, but that's because the king also spent a week in Wales every year, something William hasn't done since he's been Prince.
Well, other things have happened, but still, yes, but he said he was going. to some kind of Air BnB because there were all the big air headlines like in air to the throne Airbnb yeah I see what you've done there yeah I'm lost in the moments when I should be in the sun you should be a subtitle writer in the sun, that's what you should be, so it's been an interesting mix week, you've had Harry Out On Maneuvers doing his Invictus thing, William doing his investigations on the same day, but then focusing on the homeless, which is his big big thing this weekend and then the king the third the third player I mean I feel bad for Charles, we describe him as the third player in this saga, it's like he's the bronze medalist, but actually you know that he should be the best dog, he should be the best dog, I think he certainly thinks he is and most people think he is, but we describe him as the third player in this three-way Viking saga of Harry William and Charles the King King Charles, so it's fair to say it and all the documents.
They even say it, so it must be true, it's fair to say that King Charles didn't hold back at the palace garden party and greeted well-wishers, he was shaking hands and smiling, looking very elegant in his gray tails, those gray skirts that he's probably been wearing since he was 25, he was just mending them, he looked in his element, so, bike riding skills, he looked in his element, didn't he look in his element, despite still receiving cancer treatment every week, you have said that you have been like a caged person? Leon these last few weeks, I mean, the script here says I'm supposed to do it and if Steve Titherington, our editor, thinks I'm going to Ru like a lion, he's not going to get anything anyway, he's a busy old bee, right?
It is not like this? A very busy summer schedule, yes, it's starting to work, right? the discussion about d-day and how he's going to be involved in that and I think you know they've announced those new sponsorships so he's taken on 300 new charities even though you know he's 75 years old and he's had cancer or he's still getting treatment. for cancer um, there's a lot, right? I thought the interesting thing about all the Moon music that came out of the palace earlier this month and last month was that she's not going to do a full summer show, she won't be. a full summer schedule, and yet when you look at what you know he's going to do over the next few weeks, it's an incredibly packed summer schedule, that's a lot for any 75-year-old, let alone someone undergoing cancer treatment. , it's one commitment after another.
After the engagement, it's almost every day a big stage moment that parades with the color on D-Day, possibly in France, probably in France, with William G. Day. They told me that they are going to ask him almost every day, You know, it's a lot and I chose. Last week, Williams' people and some of Williams' friends said that he is quite worried about his father's schedule and that he actually knows that he loves work and is a worker, but he is worried that he can balance his recovery and the queen too because the queen probably said it best last time. week when he said: I'm trying to convince him, yeah, good luck with that, trying to stop him.
I know, um, but I guess that's where you see Charles, he has pieces of his mother in him, right? Because the queen knows everyone. In recent years everyone says: oh, do you think she will abdicate? It's not really her vibe, it's not how she carries herself. You know she's a job for life and so is Charles and he just got the top job so he's not going to do it. More or less giving up, I think he was usually frustrated with stopping St King, yeah well the fact that he had to stop at all and even when Camila went on vacation for a week and he was supposed to taking a week-long break, she mischievously filled her calendar with all kinds of diaries with all kinds of commitments that week, when initially it had always been a week-long break anyway so that he could take a break while she was away, managed to sneak in some Governors General, do you think there are any?
The important thing in the fact that he started it, then stopped pressing pause and now comes back incredibly busy despite what the palace says because he is aware that he does not want to be the king who started his reign and then disappeared for a time. There's something about building up his Legacy leg pretty quickly now, yeah, I think so. I think it's also a sign that he really feels good about doing it. I think he's actually doing a lot better, yeah, um, so I think that's it, but yeah, Legacy is a You know he's always been kind of a King in a hurry, right?
Because he always wanted to try to leave his mark as Monarch despite coming to the throne so late in life after a lifetime. You know, like the apparent air, yes, that's right. I mean, you and I spent quite a bit of time in thousands of words last week analyzing the first year since the coronation. So how do we think the Carolan era is shaping up? I mean, it's been unexpected the first year, what do you think are the key things and highlights of what we're seeing Carlos produce. I think we are already seeing a big change in the monarchy.
You know, we hear all about the slimmed-down kind of monarchy and he's made no secret of wanting that for years. and now here he is and some by design, some by default, that happened to him, but this type of modernization already exists. I think the fact that they published the photo of Charles and Camilla in the gardens of Buckingham Palace is also being softened. to commemorate that first anniversary was very soft, you know, he was looking lovingly at the queen who replaced him, she was sent to the stage, wasn't she? Yes, it was and I think that was one of the things they did. that, by the way, to juxtapose the formality of last year's anniversary, last year's coronation and the coronation, of course, even that wasn't, you know, the splendor of yesteryear, there were no tiaras, there wasn't much glitter, you know , obviously, it was a huge, you know, momentous celebration of pomp and pageantry, but it wasn't what it was in 1953, even the invitation was a kind of Green King, right?
It was very natural his love for the environment, um, so it's a softening, I think, and I think that's what you know how long he's going to be Monarch and obviously he's not going to be anywhere close to what his mother was, um, he's shaping the monarchy for years to come and I think it's crucial. Even though it will be a shorter version, I think it will have a lasting impact in that sense: make it softer, make it more modern, transform it less formal, yeah, what do you think? Well, I think that's right and I thought about those photos of him last week.
Sitting in a chemo chair, you know, talking to another patient in a chemo chair was very powerful, let alone something you would do. I don't remember ever seeing photos like that of the Queen. Yes, he visited the late Queen in hospital, but you know, she was. It's so practical literally and metaphorically. I think what's interesting is this kind of volume that, um, I learned from, you know, when we all wrote our articles about a year into the king's reign last year, um. I talked to someone who really likes the king, a friend of the Kings who said, "You know there's not enough, we're not going to go enough." Rhythm, he has to be careful not to become a King in charge and that phrase was picked up. and it's used in broadcasts and, my goodness, you know everyone around Charles, the courtiers.
I think Ed the word insisted. You knew he had irritated him. Robert Harman's book spans several chapters. He's not an acting king, but I actually think there's something to be said. he oversaw a smooth transition and kept things pretty stable and I think people probably expected more change more quickly because he was a pretty radical Prince of Wales, but now he has a different role and you know when we say what the carolan means. It seems like I'm still struggling a bit to understand or get a sense of what his broad Manifesto is, but maybe that's okay, maybe, maybe, like someone said last week, Chang is hiding in the plains and is still chasing things like the environment. look at his speech at police 28, he's launching food waste projects, those are things that he was very interested in as Prince of Wales and that he has carried over into his reign, you know, maybe that's the change we're seeing, it's just We're seeing. in a different way as king So Kate, we've had the three this week we've had the king, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Sussex, the trio, the triangular father and two sons, where do you think in terms of family dynamics? you think they're all right now, well I thought there was a really telling point this week because no one was talking about Will William will meet Harry while he's here, it was all about will the king meet Harry while he's there during his visit and from a journalistic perspective that's quite interesting because last time the story was William saying he had no plans to meet him, but now the rift is so deep and so widely accepted that that's not even a story anymore, no one assumes that William and Harry will be known and I think that's very sad, but it's also that the story has moved on, the narrative has moved on and that is now ingrained in people's minds, they don't talk, there is no turning back, we have been marking the coronation of um, the king.
A year later, it always makes me think that God forbid we would have another coronation soon and long live the king as you know his health and my own sanity, but if we had another coronation in the next few years, would it be Harry? Or I don't think William would invite him and I don't think Harry would come and that's an extraordinary thing, isn't it? I think Harry is still part of the family as long as his father is still alive, I think when we move on to King William, I think it's a very different picture, obviously he's still part of the family and you know his birthright and all that kind of stuff. of things, but in terms of invitations to colored troops, any type of official coronation, I think it will be very difficult. for William to invite him to that, I just don't think it's going to happen, so the first of many talks between us, Cade, the monarchy and the jurors, and we will enjoy it along with them, this is the Royals with royya and Kate, our podcastFlagship Royal. wait isn't that the only one? one is the only one that matters and if you especially liked it, tell us what you would like to know about the Royals and how we report on them.
Bye bye. From me, Kate Mancy and Royan Nika, from the Times, it's the Sunday Times. Actually two for the price of two very good value for money I would say

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