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How would you feel about a Joseph Woll extension? | Jay on SC

Jul 03, 2024
The Florida Panthers did the most Florida thing you can do with the Stanley Cup, they took it to the beach, salt water and the Stanley Cup, a good combination, maybe not. Matthew Kachuck isn't worried about winning the cup and he wasn't the only one. Panther did it, eh, Sam Bennett took his turn, he didn't want to dip the cup, he didn't really have a choice, they just pushed him and after all that hitting, the shenanigans were over, the team goes to a local establishment and serves drinks to the fans below like they should because they just won the Stanley Cup and a guy that was in the building in South Florida for the game Monday night was this guy, Jamie Noodles McLenon, it's time for another good nude edition Nice, it just came out. a flight huh, he looks fresh too.
how would you feel about a joseph woll extension jay on sc
I can't believe it, Jamie, it's great to have you on the show, first of all, 24 hours later. Your thoughts on Game 7 and how you think the Panthers players


after partying for 24 hours. Please note that the particular establishment is literally about 20 feet from the hotel I was staying at so I was trying to sleep last night and could barely sleep because you could hear the screams and even when I woke up this morning and walked by over there. they were still happening there, so it was awesome, obviously, I have friends on both sides, being in the building it was cool to see South Florida get another Stanley Cup, now you know, it just slides in from Tampa, that's it. three cups in five years, I think, it's pretty impressive what the state of Florida is putting out.
how would you feel about a joseph woll extension jay on sc

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how would you feel about a joseph woll extension jay on sc...

We all thought Evington had the momentum, but Florida found a way to get back that juice they had in games one through three. where they were basically able to stifle McDavid and Company and not allow for many high-quality opportunities and your friend, uh, Serge bosski, who I was waiting for when I was interviewing him, uh um, was exceptional when he needed to be. It was a great moment. I thought it was a great seventh game. Unfortunately, the abon Oilers came up a little short. I felt bad for my family and friends who are big Oiler fans.
how would you feel about a joseph woll extension jay on sc
But ultimately, I think you know it could have been. toss a coin and that's what game seven is about and then I felt good for my friends, guys like Roberto Leango and Greg cam cam Campbell and Brian McCabe, guys that I played with and have been friends with for years, like I mentioned in both. sides eh, I had friends, I felt bad for one group and I felt really good for the other, but it was good for hockey, put it that way, there were a lot of people watching and I thought they got their money's worth last night, yeah, it's definitely good for hockey uh Sergey bov has never been more excited to be on a TV show than he was to be on our show yesterday there's no doubt about it Jamie we didn't get a chance to talk I mean they already left us in the rearview mirror last season. mirror now just finished on Monday we have to start looking forward because everyone is looking at the draft this weekend and then the free agent frenzy and our mutual friend Kevin weeks uh, floating the idea that the Toronto Maple Leafs may be on the verge of signing Joseph Wall to a contract.


worth three and a half to 4 million per season if that were to become a reality, how do you like the idea of ​​that number and for this player?
how would you feel about a joseph woll extension jay on sc
Well, I think that's the going rate on a bridge deal and that's what it


be. It's a bridge, now the Toronto Maple Leaves


like they have someone special in Joseph Wall, so they will likely give him the path to grow and continue to get games and experience. I


n't be surprised if they brought in Joseph Wall. He's a veteran guy to play with, but the biggest challenge for Joseph Wall hasn't been his play. It's staying healthy to play and you know if you can get over that buzz. I remembered him today because I asked some of my sweet goalkeeper friends saying do you know a lot of goenda problems and inconsistency, but then he stabilized and became number one or a good tandem?
I remembered that Sergey Boski, his friend from the beginning, had groin injuries and injury problems in Columbus and was able to grow into his body stabilized and won two rounds. He's a Stanley Cup winner now, so it would be a good path for Joseph Wall, but I like the contract. I think Brad Tree Living believes that he will move on and have every opportunity to be the number one goal offering for the Toronto Maple Leafs. I still believe they will bring in a veteran to play with him. I have no idea about that, but it's more about giving it a chance.
We'll call him a young goenda in Dallas with Ainger and we saw last night on the other end Steuart Skinner who was drafted and developed by the Edmonton Oilers and they gave him a path to play a lot of games over the last few years and get to the next level, and I want staying with gending because there was a blockbuster trade on the day of the seventh game, lenus Almar going to the Ottawa Senators Unis corpos Salo Mark Castlec a first round going the other way and Steve Stos the GM of the S on Ottawa radio on Tuesday Jamie that he would like to sign Allar to an


I don't think that's a surprise to anyone. They would love to lock him up. I'm just curious to know your opinion on the deal in general. Do you like what the Ottawa Senators did there and feel like Allmark will finally stabilize that position the way Corpus Salo couldn't last season. I love the deal, actually for both sides too because the Boston Bruins get a $3 million endorsement because the Ottawa Senators eat 25% of his salary. so Boston ends up leaving behind a player they pretty much had to because it seemed like I mentioned it with Joseph Wall, they clear the way for Jeremy Swan, but for the Ottawa Senators you have a vzna winner and a guy who can play probably 50 games maybe a little more Anton Forsberg is still gone, you have Matt Sogard as the promising goenda buiz that situation is a different look, it's no secret that the Ottawa Senators were not happy with the stability of their goal, tending to the last Since A year ago, I would say that I and I warn people that they are not this exchange, they have not finished, they start there because the goal offer is an important part, now they are going to look at their defensive field, now they are going to look. depth up front and veteran depth to help some of those young players, so I would say our friend Dave Pulin, you know Steve Stos, you know everyone else involved in the front office, Ryan Bonis, to me, they have a lot of work ahead. them to help shape this team and get to the next level, but the first piece was getting Allmark, a top-tier goal offering to stabilize that situation.
Now you look at the D, now you look at the forwards, but the Ottawa Senators seem to be open. on business and I love the move so far, you know, it looks like the Ducks are ready to let Lucas take the Reigns in Anaheim and that means John Gibson, boy, we've been talking about him potentially being on the move for good. Us, Jamie, and it looks like maybe Steve Eisman and the Detroit Red Wings might bite on that and might be interested in bringing in Gibson. Do you like that combination? Do you think now is the time for the Ducks to finally move on from Gibson? go and let him play for another team, well I mean you could argue that The Grass Is Always is maybe potentially greener on the other side, he doesn't know that and he's been stuck there and there have been times where I've seen him play and it just seems like he's reached the end of the line with Anaheim.
They have been a new tool in a reconstruction. Now the challenge is for him to make $6.4 million over the next four years, so Anaheim will have to chew a big chunk of that. Imagine making it attractive now if Detroit is willing to pay, you know, some form of that to get it, uh, you know, it's kind of a win-win for everyone. I still believe he is an ultra talented bidder, but I don't know if he is. He's played a lot of meaningful hockey recently and you know he's had some injury issues and inconsistency as well. I called the game in Ottawa where Anaheim was coming in and I think in a little over a calendar year he had left the net, either because he got pulled or left the net due to injury about 19 times, you know, again being exposed in Anaheim, where They are missing a lot of opportunities and a lot of shots, but he has also had some injuries that affected him, so if he can stay healthy. and maybe he'll have a change of scenery where he'll be reinvigorated, that's where maybe you'll get to see the best of John Gib Gibson, where we haven't seen that in years, it wasn't that long ago that he was in the All-Star Game and he was brilliant for Anaheim, but he's been very far from that in terms of his level of play, so he needs a changing scenario, we'll see if he can get it and if he does, maybe he'll get his game back on track. a couple of interesting signings on Tuesday Jamie Casey midat uh signs with Avalanche three years I love that signing for the great young player from ABS and then Dylan Dello four years 20 million with the Jets uh a great partner for Josh Mory what do you think of the deal ?
In some ways, to me, I feel like it was a necessary thing for Kevin Chev to do. He wants to add more to that decor, doesn't he? You know you can argue the term or you can argue the amount. Keep in mind every market is different, yes now if Dylan Dello was a perfect fit to play with Josh Mory and play in the top four Kevin Cheval was willing to pay, I always talk about that. I grew up in ebony. I know Winnipeg very well. You know, calling games in Ottawa, there are some markets where I'm almost saying you have to pay a little bit of that market tax if you want someone to commit to Winnipeg or some of these other cities I've talked about. markets aren't on paper the most attractive as far as where to live, the weather, all that kind of stuff, the tax situation, so maybe you have to add a little bit more to the contract, but Dello is comfortable with it, he he feels comfortable with it. the situation, they have a very good team, you like your teammate, you like where you play, so it's just about finding the right fit, the right term, the right amount of money and it seems like both sides are comfortable with that, so that's okay because it will be interesting to see what a right shooting defenseman gets on the open market here where there are so many teams right now that are dying for a right shooting defenseman who can play in their top four.
Well, Dello's Dylan has set the market and now the boys will go. Whether above or below that in free agency, Jamie also found out who will be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame this November. He just waits a second. I'm going to show everyone exactly who will be entering. It's the Hall of Fame class of 2024. and Magic Man Jamie I know you agree with this Pell datsuk, two time Cup winner, just an absolute lock from Stone Cold, what a hockey player, three selkies, four Bings ladies, 14 seasons, captain, two Olympic teams, a gold in 2018, joining the triple Gold Club, simply incredible. sheay Weber elected in his first year of Eligibility Captain number 30 in Montreal history The Canadians won gold in the 2010 and 2014 Olympic Games with Canada with 589 points in just over a thousand games, a demanding hitter as well and the Jr.
Superstar Jeremy has the most points of anyone who had not yet been included in the hall he will go to in November one of the 47 players in NHL history to score 500 goals had two 50g goal campaigns has been eligible. since 2014 it seemed like it was worth the wait congratulations you are an honored member of the class of 2024 no you are not are you laughing or crying or just don't believe us? No, I'm crying because I'm so happy I can't thank you enough. Sorry, I can. I don't speak well, you've never been speechless Jr, whether it's on the ice or off the ice, this is something new coming from you, you gotta love it, uh, Jeremy Ronic, super nice guy, it's great to see any surprise. for you Jamie Mclennen uh, of these three players who entered the Hockey Hall of Fame this November, you didn't mention m mag B at all.
I mean my criteria and it's very different from the Hall's criteria, I would say, but um , when i played against players, you when you surrounded them on the board and said you should be aware of that type of player, they were special, datsuk was special, you know everything he did was with a purpose, he was a very cerebral player, Uh, Shay Weber. I talk to players all the time and one of my good friends is Dome. I remember Drome saying that Shay was such a tough competitor and such a tough defenseman to play against one of the toughest ones that you didn't want to go down on the right side.
The biggest challenge when you played against Shea Weber, whether it was in Nashville or Montreal, is that his partner had all the traffic because if it was a two-on-two through the neutral zone, you knew they were going to go to the partner's side because they did it. I don't want to pay the price against Sha Weber and Jr. I mean, I think there have been arguments left and right about him. To me, he was a Hall of Famer. You can't let everyone in right away. I know there are criteria, but there are also numbers. He was aspecial player, he was difficult to play against, he was kind of a Swiss army knife, he was tough, he could score, he did everything, he was really Scrappy, he was a great leader, so I'm not surprised by these players, whoever they are, I'm very happy for him and all three of them are special in their own right and it will be amazing to see them walk into the Hall.
Another shout out also goes to Coy Campbell you know I played in Florida with Greg which is the AGM in Florida who won a Stanley Cup last night and you know CO has always been good to me and my family so it's really good .To see a guy like him, you know, walk into the room and be recognized for his work as a player, coach and manager and now, with the NHL, he's dedicated his entire life to the National Hockey League, so it's pretty impressive. . I'm sure it's an impressive group, Jamie, but I want to talk to you about next year's group because next year's group is pretty wild.
Take a look at this. Take a look at next year's eligibles. Chara Duncan Keith Joe Thoron Carrie Price Tuka getl, who's a slam. a wild roster of six players right there, you can easily argue for the six who's a dunk for you. I would say, for me, I would say the top four and those are in no particular order, right, but when Laay put them out there, I think he's going to be a Hall of Famer and I think Ryan Gap is going to be a Hall of Famer. of Fame, but if they only pick four, I'd say those four you listed would probably come in maybe a little bit ahead of them time and time again, I'm not biased or anything.
I would put them all six because they were all very special, but for me, Kerri Price is an absolute lock, uh Joe Thoron, the work of him and how good he was and how consistent. he was his whole career, you look at the players that, uh, you know Chara, absolutely like Chro, for me he was number one, that's a dunk, he was an absolute monster and a beast to play against, so I think who were in the top four and then. The other two, I think Ras and Getl will make it in, but if I have to, if I choose now, I choose the first four on that list.

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