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The Weirdest Create Feature?

Jul 01, 2024
Hey guys, it's PewDiePie here again and today I'm playing around with creating a mod that you've never heard of before and never seen on my channel. In fact, I learned something new that I had no idea existed. It's a command. It's part of normal core crafting and has something to do with ships. I don't know why this is something I've never heard of and if it works I think it will be weird, let's try it so I don't know if I have to be on the boat or off the boat, let's try to be on the boat and then I think it's like uh uh


passenger, what's okay, I don't have any rider vehicle, wait, oh, I have to have like an animal.
the weirdest create feature
I'm very confused, wait, let's get a girl here. This is supposed to make it so you can have gadgets on ships. I'm pretty sure I don't know how this works, but if we stop, please don't, oh, I


a passenger and then I'll have the chicken and the chicken will ride the boat. Well, the chicken will ride the boat that will be the next egg in 300 seconds. Okay, so this isn't a gimmick. He's just riding the boat. How is this supposed to work? How do we do a Standby Gadget, no, I think I get it, get rid of the chicken, oh wait, so I'm pretty sure carts of mine are entities, so if we look at a cart of mine and kill it, we'll get yeah, yeah, okay, that's how it works, boom. easy, easy, easy, not even difficult, not even difficult, so what we have to do is get a piece of rail to assemble cards, a lever, something to build and then Super Glue.
the weirdest create feature

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the weirdest create feature...

I guess I don't know. I've never seen anyone do this. I don't know how it works, but if we just build something here, glue it together, and then turn on the gadget, yeah, this is not a gadget, so if I push this mine cart, you'll see the blocks move with the mine cart. still very cool. I mean, I've been doing this for like 2 years, but still, this still breaks my brain, although you can do this and then we'll create a passenger, take the mine cart, and then wait. I really like this job wait can I push the boat?
the weirdest create feature
I don't think so. Can I drive the boat? I'm pretty sure this has been around since 1.8.2. I googled it and found some changes, look for a build update. in 1.18 and that's the only mention I could find of this command, yes we are moving the mine cart with the boat, it looks a bit strange, it's just me and a mine cart on a boat, this is cool , can we make a farm with this? like an algae farm, maybe, ooh, okay, so we want to plant algae down here, let's see what happens if we just do it second, oh, okay, and then we just use the T Speed ​​random game rule ​500 for a couple of seconds and we should see everything grow. the surface is very nice, look at that, that's cool, okay, let's reduce it back to three and now I have to make a mine cart that has harvesters that come down so we can use the boat on the surface and cut the K underneath.
the weirdest create feature
That sounds really weird so I'll make a pillar here and this is the level of the water surface, this is where the water is so the boat will be here and then we just need harvesters to go down under the water and harvest the KP, so let's get a rail, the cart assembler, the mine cart chassis, oo, the chains, all right, and then on this level we want to have some stairs like this and then here we place our mechanical harvesters. Very, very nice, look at this, I mean, imagine if I put this in a boat, I mean, this is going to look sick, we just need a big collection unit, oh yeah, barrels, barrels.
I can't forget about the good, we need storage here if we don't want the KP to fall everywhere. let's get some barrels and I'm pretty sure that's it, let's make sure everything is connected to the chassis, it's actually connected well. I guess all we have to do now is turn this on, get the create passenger command and the mine cart id. and we get a ship and paste the command inside it please work 3 2 1 come on oh oh so far so good I just hope this works it should work fine because this is just a mine cart Contraption that moves on its own without any rails I want say if it works on the rails it should work on a ship uh let's see if we get started oh yeah the combines are moving oh we're getting some grass to brown please work oh oh it's running late oh that's loud, ok, it worked but it didn't pick up all the algae, I guess maybe it only picked up the algae it touched, could that be it?
I think you only get the algae that are on this level and the algae on top just fall off, so mine the cart. Gadgets in Boats to Get Seaweed is not the most efficient way to get seaweed, but that's okay. The next thing I want to make is a boat house, just a house on a boat, the problem is that I won't be able to use anything in the house because it's going to be a contraption, but it could look cool and we also need to try if we can take it apart while It's in a boat.
There are many things in this command. Okay, let's make a good base. What would my base look like if it was on the water it probably has a porch very important to have a porch you can go, you know, to the water. I am an absolutely horrendous builder. I can't for the life of me make something that looks good. I don't have one, this looks like a starter motor from 2012. base I still remember when they added stars spinning this thing here, it didn't use to be a thing, I don't know how I missed the existence of this command, this is so cool, I'm about to put a house on a boat.
I wish what happened, oh my God, how it worked out. He shot me 50 blocks away. I have a houseboat, but we can't really drive it because you know the boat is below us, so I think to control this we have to leave. down here and oh, let's go back. I don't know if it's based on the direction I placed the card joiner from, so I think I placed the card joiner facing the back of the house and that's probably why it's flipped. This way now I can't really see anything, all I know is that I'm transporting a house on the seas, so if you come in now, oh, what?, Oh, if I jump off the ship, I'll end up inside the house, that it's something like this. tidy, so we can't use the work table and we can't use the bed, but we can open the chest and doors, do they work?
Oh, I thought Gates worked, which I mean, I guess in a way this could be useful because if you're going to go on an adventure across the seas on a ship. You can bring a lot of chests with you and I mean they added the ship with chest. I mean, this is just a chest, a tiny little chest that we can fit, you know, a thousand. chests in this contraption if you want, so what happens if I drive this on a rail? That doesn't make sense, but I want to try it. I think we can flood the rails now, yeah, it could just be K oh oh oh yeah, wait, the mine cart continues.
The rail is there, but the ship can still push it out of the way. What sticks to it if we pass by the road. Here you can see the mine cart. Yes, go straight to the tracks. Okay, as soon as I get in. order the mine cart should start moving okay then the boat is probably still in control because this thing is on the rails but it's not moving the mine cart can't do anything it just connects to the rail but nothing moves, okay, but this command is actually a little bigger than you think because create passenger allows you to create any passenger from any entity.
We place a mine cart on a mine cart. If we can do this, this is going to be so dumb. What's okay, just finished? inside the mine cart oh wait it's very fast and kind of impossible to control wait the controls are reversed this is very confusing to use and not at all what I thought would happen I thought we'd have a tower of mine carts here on horseback pig, that's exactly what I wanted to happen and then sheep, now you stay still, oh wait. Build up the speed, maybe look at this pig, look at how slow this pig is, and look at how fast this pig is, this is really not what I thought.
I would be doing today stacking animals on top of each other. I thought I was going to do create mode stuff, but no, we've made a Super Pig, let's see if it gets the speed or was it just from the horse, please move, no, it's the same. speed so we need the horse for speed which makes sense but the horse gets up so we can't stack the horses well. I mean, you know we could do this the easy way and summon a horse since it's been so long since he used it. commands no AI 1 B I'm pretty sure this is what you do, yeah, and it stands still and maybe we actually wanted to have a tag, tags, I don't remember how to do it, it's like this or something like that, horse, if you kill. in e tag horse that worked yeah okay it has the tag that means we can get everything that has to tag horse so if we just summon a group of horses like, I mean something that should be enough and then we get a slow slow Pig and then we create a horse passenger tag oh no oh the pig can't move because it doesn't have AI.
That's so dumb, okay yeah, animals without AI can't move, they just stay still and when I put it on the pig, that means the pig. loses what the pig loses its mobility I'm so sorry Pig, I know you're there and I know you can move your head, but you can't move your feet anymore, you'll be stuck here forever. that actually feels I feel a little bad uh yeah and uh bye well there you go there's more to create than meets the eye the passenger creation command is pretty clear kind of useless but very good I guess the only functional thing we did are these form seaweed here which is also pretty useless but cool, thanks for looking

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