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I Survived 100 Days as an EGG in Minecraft

Apr 06, 2024
egg party and beat the game. Now we just have to go. enter the eggy party game and kill two players with the bowling bomb in eggy party, so let's enter a game where we can use the bowling bomb and then kill two times with it, okay, here we go, come on, come on, now we just need to get two kills with the bowling bomb and we will be good to go so we just have to wait for some items to appear and we need to make sure we have the bomb right here we go watch out for those explosives on the ground.
i survived 100 days as an egg in minecraft
Watch out for that fish, okay, here we go, hurry up, hurry up, okay, we hit it, we got the bowling bomb, we got it, we got it, boom, I think I missed it, I'm totally fine with that, okay, we'll get another one , let's get the grenade, let's try it. the grenade I lost again okay we can get another grenade oh wait no I see another bowling ball I see another bowling ball over here come on there we go we got the bowling ball come on oh we got it , yeah, okay, we just need to get one more, we just need to get one more, one more with the bowling ball and we'll be fine, here we go, here's a bowling ball.
i survived 100 days as an egg in minecraft

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i survived 100 days as an egg in minecraft...

I've got the bowling ball, come on, oh, there's a bunch, there's a bunch, yeah, we just got a bunch of them, okay, the mission is complete, we did it, yeah, okay, now let's finish the round, let's finish the round, there's only one guy left if we eliminate him, we win with the bowling ball, no, come on, take him with the bowling ball, yeah, and we win with the bowling ball. The mission completed well, so now that we have officially finished unlocking the bowling ball, let's try it first, let's just click on bowling ball button here to unlock it and now in our inventory you will see that we have a bowling ball, if only I throw this bowling ball you will see that it destroys everything in its path and also damages mobs like these donkeys. anyway, yeah, that's the bowling ball skill, it's screwed up and it's even more screwed up than the actual eggy party game, which by the way, I know I've already talked a lot about eggy party in this video, but It's because I really love the eggy party game. and I wouldn't really be promoting a game for you if I didn't like it.
i survived 100 days as an egg in minecraft
In fact, what you guys don't know is that we get offers to show tons of games on this channel and I deny 99% of them. Because I just don't enjoy the game, but since when I played Eggy Party I loved it so much, I literally built an entire mod around this video that should tell you how fun this game is and that you should really come and play it. I also want more friends to play, so please come download the game, but anyway, now that I'm done selling you guys, it's time to unlock our next skill, which is unlocking the spring platform.
i survived 100 days as an egg in minecraft
Now, this is also an actual Eggy item. party and it's actually really broken in eggy party when you step on this item it sends you flying across the world and it does the exact same thing in Minecraft so let's go ahead and try to unlock this spring platform anyway to unlock everything we need . What you need to do is clear the Melody Dancing Special UGC level, which is a custom map that another player actually created. I'll actually have to build a custom eggy party map later, but for now we'll just play the custom one. wants us to do it, then the second request only requires you to place a colored candle on top of a piece of cake and since to get the candle I would have to go to an ancient city that could kill me, let's go ahead and clear the dance.
Melody ugc level because I'm not going to lie it sounds fun ok so this is the level of Melody ugc dancing as you can see this level is crazy there are musical notes moving everywhere there are items like grenades and stuff like that everywhere. The map is crazy so okay, let's get to the end, we have a finisher right there, okay, this is where it starts to get complicated. Now you'll see that we have all these jump pads that we have to go around, so I'll just go. to go down this road I can't believe I just fell okay let's go up again because I suck so bad moving here let's go up here perfect okay now we'll grab this this is the slingshot so we can oh god .
Oh my god, these little platforms spinning everywhere oh my god, they're going to send me backwards oh my god, I'm so bad at this level, this is really hard, oh, never mind, look at me, go, okay, now Let's stay the course, here we go. we're almost done, we're actually doing pretty well, we're jumping forward now we should get over all these moving musical notes Here we go, we're over this waveform, yeah, okay, now we just have to skip this and we'll be done. this level is a jump pad this is a jump pad this is a jump pad and boom we're done Mission Complete okay that custom map was really super fun but now that it's done there's just one more thing we have to do and en Place a colored candle on top of a cake, so we will have to find an ancient city, so let's go here to our waterfall and jump down and now let's find an agent city where we can get a candle.
It's nice and easy so finding ancient cities isn't difficult at all it just takes a little time so I went looking for one and it took me a couple of


searching but of course I found one on the 25th we have to watch These cave spiders here, oh, they see me, wait, okay? This is going to be an ancient city. So, oh, it's an ancient city. I can see it, actually, it's down here. I found the ancient city, so let's jump over to it, okay? I see one. There are a bunch of candles behind me, just go grab them without getting caught by any of these sound detectors.
Now we just take this candle here. Okay, now we have four candles, so all I have to do now is make a cake with three milks and two sugars. one egg and three wheat, but before I go make that cake, I want to explore this ancient city for a second and see what items we can get to get it here cool, oh, we have the silent armor ornament, we have protection four, three gaiters of unbreakable diamonds. and two divine apples and a quick preview, this was amazing, okay, now let's get out of this ancient city and make a cake because to finish this mission we have to put that candle on a piece of cake, now I have The two eggs we need in the base so all we really need is a little bit of wheat a little bit of milk and a little bit of sugar so let's jump in the water now let's go ahead and have tres leches and let's have some cane sugar okay , now we just have to go search. some wheat we just need to head to a village, okay the village is right on top of this hill, there it is, now we just need to grab some bales of hay and wheat, yeah there's some there now let's go ahead and grab those hay bales now. we have the wheat that we need now we're just going to turn all of our sugar cane into sugar and then we can go ahead and make ourselves a cake now let's go ahead and make some blue dye and let's put this candle in blue and then I just have to put this cake on the floor and throw a blue candle on top which we are now going to light, so it's a birthday cake and the mission is now complete, so now we can unlock the spring platform that does this, woohoo and now I'm up to here, we just place another spring platform and there we go boom and now we go down from there without taking any damage and now there is literally only one more level 2 ability to unlock in this little egg and that is to give it more HP because at this moment it still we have five hearts of health and if we turn into this little duck we get 10 hearts of health and there is no fall damage which is really important and interestingly enough to unlock this we have to do a There are a lot of things in Minecraft this time and this first one actually requires you to go back to that Village and fill a composter three times.
Now there are a million different blocks that can go into a composter, so I'm going to grab quite a few. everything I have can and then we'll go back to the Village, okay, here's the first composter and I grabbed a bunch of seaweed because I know this is the easiest thing to fill the composters and boom, like this, we have now I filled a composter to Max, so now let's go to the other farm that's right here and do the exact same thing and there we go, now I filled the Max and if we do it again, wait, can I do it the same way? one three times, but what happens if I break it and move it to a different place?
Will it count? Then it would work. It really worked. I just had to move it to a different place and now we only have to tame three different cats, but we don't have anything to tame cats, in fact, to get cats we are going to need to go fishing, so let's go back to the base and make a rod of fishing which is literally just two ropes like this and three sticks like that, and now, uh. Let's start fishing until we get enough fish to tame those cats. Well, now we just have to tame the three cats that are in this town.
Here it is, boom. Oh, first try, he's my friend now. We have to find the other cat we saw before. it could be up here maybe right next to me I have it yes it's two cats Tam let's see if there's another cat because it's two cats okay I don't see any wait wait wait oh wait no that's it from before, wait, no, this was different. Untamed, it's the same design, but come here Cat, come on, yeah, we got it, yeah, and now we've tamed three different cats, which means we can now turn into the duck egg look.
I'm a giant duck egg, but I also get this super cute duck hat. on my head bouncing with me this is awesome so now not only do I get this cool duck hat which by the way is based on a real eggy that you can get at the eggy party but I also get 10 HP hearts , so we will be able to survive a little more easily. Well, now that the level 2 updates are officially finished, we are at level number three. Our next level three upgrades the grenade. It's a grenade. I'm sure you know what it does, so let's go.
Go and unlock this giant grenade which, by the way, is also an Eggy group item. Okay, to unlock this grenade we will have to save ourselves from Death with a spider web and we have to clear the UGC map of Eggy Island. how we played that music map before except now it's a new map so honestly let's start with that because these ugc maps are honestly super fun okay this is the Eggy Island ugc level uh let's see what we can do, we only have 3 minutes to complete. this map complete so let's see what we can do here so far very good we just have to cross this oh they are cracking wait oh oh uh oh this is so confusing actually wait what oh okay now let's jump on the flowers I just fell into the water okay , try again here we go there we go oh that's not what I meant to do okay here we go jump jump jump okay here we go why am I struggling with this this should be the easy part the flowers aren't They're not even that hard okay here Come on, we jump, we jump and we jump, there we go, okay, we did that and I fell again, okay, I'm going to be quick with this, ready, I'm just going to cross, cross, cross, cross, okay, we.
I made it now we walked through this cloud and I fell again okay, I can do this I can do this I can't do this okay, here we go we made it we didn't make it okay why is this so hard? okay, let's jump over the heart come on, I can't see oh yeah, okay, wait, let's go straight here oh, I might have found the secret trick at home oh, right in the middle, right in the middle and put some boxes, we are ready to continue, the mission is completed ok?, now we passed that ugc level, the mission is complete and now we just have to save ourselves from Death with a web, but I need a web to do that and, to make a web , we need to silk touch a pickaxe, so I need a diamond pickaxe so go ahead and grab these two diamonds here now, let's go ahead and make that diamond pickaxe, but now we just need to make some obsidian with these buckets of water, so let's go ahead and put the water right here and grab.
That obsidian, there we go, that's four obsidian, so let's grab two more diamonds and now all we need is a book, so let's kill this cow here to get some leather and then we just have to grab this sugar cane from here, let's take our sugar cane. and we turn it into a pile of paper, then we take our paper and we surround it with a leather and that in the corner to make a book and we take that book and we put it on top, we surround it with a pile of obsidian and two diamonds and then we get a table lovely and now we just need a silk touch so let's leave this right here let's grab our lapis lazuli from all of our chests real quick oh so the diamond that's there we can do the three level enchantments because it's not completely maxed out. lovely table, but I don't actually know if we can give this thing a silk touch, which means we're actually going toI found. there he is he's on the ground he has no idea I'm right behind him oh no no no no no please please please please please please no and there we go, he's dead and now our base is safe again I think who are I'm realizing in the chat how strong we are.
Wait, you just broke everything again. Wait, are they going to leave? They have done? Yes, it's over, there's nothing more we can do. Well, wait, wait, wait. I don't want anyone to end this sad video. Do you know how this is? Let's all take a breath, leave Minecraft and instead all go play an egg party together. Yes, it sounds like a bad idea. Okay, let's do this and if you want to join Maggie's party, be sure to scan. the QR code you see on the screen right now or click the link in the description below to download the game.
I'm sure you could tell that I love eggy party and I would love to play some of this game with you guys, see you around. in the game soon

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