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The secret to getting better sleep tonight | James Leinhardt | TEDxManchester

Jun 16, 2024
we have three things in common everyone here we all have a spine we all


and when we were like 5 years old and we were playing as children the grandmother used to shout the posture and we all sat up straight and that fear of the grandmother shouting that word even to the leading influential doctors in the world who are sitting in the front row hunched over right now, where is Dr. C? We've seen it even though it's amazing, so why do we do it? Yes, everyone in the room has been hunched over Liam backstage. making the sound all day it's been literally like this making your sound because it's a comfortable posture it's the eternal fight against gravity and sitting like this even though grandma is watching she's very disappointed in some of you this is very difficult where is this oh yeah , take me back?
the secret to getting better sleep tonight james leinhardt tedxmanchester
Here, this is the good point, what maybe grandma missed was that if posture is the eternal fight against gravity, then we should really consider our


, it's cool and comfortable, and the beauty and difference between sitting and sleep or stand and sleep, we remember. wearing a book on your head and doing this very well is that you are already asleep, that is the best when you feel uncomfortable in these positions and this is really my go-to for watching TV at the time when you feel uncomfortable, you move because you are awake, the difference with sleep is significant.
the secret to getting better sleep tonight james leinhardt tedxmanchester

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the secret to getting better sleep tonight james leinhardt tedxmanchester...

I'm going to share it and prove it to you. Now, at some point in your lives, you will have sat in the back of a car and walked away like that, or you will have come to a Ted and listened. Someone like me talks and does that and in 10 minutes you wake up and feel like your neck is going to burn, why didn't you wake up then? Is this something completely different because you're asleep, so I think it's really important? Address the average human being because we spend a lot of time on facts. I met a younger young man last night, he is so amazing.
the secret to getting better sleep tonight james leinhardt tedxmanchester
And the younger one was telling me about some research he found on using Whole Foods to reduce the chances of Alzheimer's. years and a half of your life the lady that showed up earlier that I'm definitely not going to mess with or mess with her that guy was very big um but you exercise on average for a year and a half of your life in In fact, If you add all these things together, it's the same amount of time you sleep now. James' first or second talk, which was phenomenal. I really know that if I fail this Mission, I know where I will go to look for work.
the secret to getting better sleep tonight james leinhardt tedxmanchester
By law, we can sue James if he doesn't provide us with an ergonomic workstation and an annual check of our L work surface, but none of you have spent time in your ergonomic chair because you've all been doing this, this gentleman. This is not your average human being and this is a guy I met near Al Trafford, on the right side of Manchester, and he is a gentleman father who was for you. He is so angry with me that he has gone crazy. Okay, this is a gentleman. who enters the hospital now he had dementia but he had a gastrointestinal problem he enters the hospital he was bedridden for two weeks in the hospital and those two weeks turn into seven years that position in which you see him there is fixed, this is a form of body fixes, fixes, so think about his personal care when you can't separate his legs think about him trying to swallow his internal organs his digestive system his comfort his pain who cares about that he can't talk he can't move he can't sit can't He doesn't shower and spends 23 to 24 hours a day in bed and with very, very simple postural management equipment, we bring the bed to him and see what happens 3 months later and that's not rocket science, it's actually very simple if you always do this.
You never do this and that feels really tight and horrible and I've talked about the benefits for someone like that gentleman, but the benefits for you are that it may well increase your energy levels. I met a lady at the Ted Dinner last night who said she slept very well and then told me she felt exhausted every time she woke up, that can decrease the tension in her shoulders, neck, if you wake up with really horrible tension headaches or shoulders burning, it could have something to do with your sleeping posture, this happens to most men, women, you will be very grateful for this if you want to go back to your room and want to stop snoring.
The posture for sleeping well can be that and the best thing is that it is the most. The simplest of the equations is that you need to consider the position in which you are going to sleep and some of you say: well, I don't stay in one position and of course not, we don't want you to, you've moved a thousand times. in all four I have to figure this out in four minutes and something so the position you're going to sleep in is the software and that's what you guys are going to tackle


so we're legitimately going to find a tangent way to improve your quality. of sleep


the second part is the hardware we will worry about next time if you are someone who suffers from sleep problems, which by the way is in Manchester, we are the worst city for sleeping in England, congratulations because everyone deserves a round of applause. because we are all still smiling, that is the best part of Westminster in December, the university discussed our lack of sleep, so in this room 74% of you sleep less than 7 hours, 6, I think one in two has less than six in Manchester. right now it's definitely not enough and every day we read a newspaper and we read an article that says if you don't have your 7 and a half hours your nose will fall off, you'll get dementia, you'll die prematurely and miserably, great, so Anyone who Having trouble sleeping tonight is definitely not looking forward to it, but there's nothing telling us how to improve it, so we see all these articles, all these phenomenal scientists at Ted online telling us what's going on with sleep and why it's happening. need. and what if we don't get it then this fight between quantity and quality who cares about quantity no one in the room will get anything so let's start focusing on something we tangibly can because we can't concentrate on that.
I saw James Linw today. to Ted and said, get eight hours and that's what I'm going to do because you might hate your partner, you might hate your boss, you might hate your kids, you might have a bill that doesn't work. You expected, there are a million reasons why you won. I'm not sleeping tonight, sleeping is definitely not going to help last night I got about an hour of sleep thanks to Herb um and we all know the importance of sleep, in fact you could argue that sleep is the basis of all good well-being because you wake up tired you're not doing anything for your well-being we know that it recovers us we know that it stores us it heals us but you really still don't get the hours no matter what I tell you how many wonderful nuggets of information That says that if you have eight hours tonight, the world will be a fabulous place and United will win 60 anyway.
Getting back to this, what we know to be true comes from conceptual evidence based on 1987. I think that's what was talked about. about the relationship between a neutral resting spine and the speed of recovery recovery when you've had a spinal injury now, if you look at this board, it's pretty depressing. 1.78 billion people have some type of chronic pain. 60% of those with chronic pain suffer from depression. imagine you wake up with chronic pain, you're going to be in an absolutely stinking mood and you definitely won't be able to sleep because everything hurts, then you can't sleep and everything hurts and you're in a bad mood and this is a cycle we're all in and I can't just tell you to get your hours that aren't good enough, so when you leave tonight don't worry, you'll have to go and buy a bed that costs 10 grand and blows you away. to the moon and Spins and any lavender spray or a smart watch that doesn't really tell you that you slept well because if you drink a bottle of whiskey tonight you will sleep well according to your Smartwatch The best thing about the sleeping position is that it will cost you absolutely nothing nothing tonight and I'll show you how to do it since you know we're working with groups of complex neurological patients, but when we realized that those people don't have a voice and no one really cares about the people in the beds who don't have a voice, We went to meet a bunch of athletes and right before Tokyo, this is one of those athletes.
I met KY Marchant, who is an Olympic champion with a bronze medal and unfortunately crashed in Tokyo, but she came. for me because she was in the vrum Down the Road 7 hours a day and she was complaining of pain in her right stiff right knee YES J uh hip I think she said and her shoulders were hurting but she said it was all due to the bike because of course course If you're a cyclist, you need to spend your days like this to get aerodynamic ISM, which you can't do much for your back or neck. I guess it had absolutely nothing to do with his bike if you look at that position, which I'm going to show you sorry in the front row, the moment you put one leg over the other, you get into what we call a provocative posture, so research by a very smart guy named Doug Cary from Australia talks about the fact that if you go to sleep in a provocative position, you're more likely to wake up with increased pain symptoms, but let's not even go with that. references or worry about silly clinical words that none of us, including myself, really understand when you put one leg over the other.
These hips are now diagonally next to my knee when I fell asleep and this feels comfortable by the way. My shoulder will drop forward and I am now planting FL, so if you look at the picture you will see that Katie had pain in her right knee. because I was squeezing him on the bed a stiff sikh was heard because he was twisted like a pretzel and I think you can see what happened to his neck and all he had to do was remember that if he had worked with James they would have given him an ergonomic chair and if you had just placed a pillow between your right knees or ankles and wanted to fill that space, it would have looked exactly like that picture, so this isn't really an experiment because a pain failed, what position are you going to sleep in? because I suspect that you sleep in a provocative position, the provocative position, by the way, is one in which both knees touch the bed, so if you are a tackler and it is the only way to go to sleep because it is comfortable, do not forget that all pregnant women who went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant and was a tackler the doctor said it's time to move to your left side and everyone did so not only are there two positions I would recommend and I recommend this based on our experience in healthcare because these are the two positions we put our patients in for two to four hours at a time.
There is a significant difference between our two patients. Here, as you can see, one has support and we maintain. good body shape and they have preserved someone's body, the internal organs are functioning, the lung capacity is nice and beautiful and it is just horrible to see. These guys can't talk, so you guys have moved probably 100 times in the 12 minutes I've talked. These people are put in for two to four hours and they can't tell them they're uncomfortable and none of us have any idea how to do this. None of you in the room have any idea how to sleep properly so we call you the soldier and the dreamer very simple just remember grandma she is yelling at you right now standing nice standing shoulders straight hips knees and ankles and sitting posture I think we have been there lovely oh yeah that's


actually anyway these positions are the only two you can control anything you can control when you go to sleep what happens next is anyone's guess and I'm not here to maintain a singular position , in fact, if you sat like this during my entire talk, something that some of you have done and haven't You still have to understand that this is really difficult, actually, this is W, yeah, right there, so maybe there's a way to reverse this cycle because if you have chronic pain or if you are struggling with insomnia, then you will definitely be struggling with your mental health. health, so if tomorrow you wake up with less pain just because you placed a pillow between your knees and ankles and you didn't look like a twisted pretzel, you might wake up with less pain and if you wake up with less pain, you will be in a


mood and If you're in a better mood, who knows, you might even sleep a little better in this room, or you're taking care of someone you love, like Cely, of the lady who's been taking pictures, who will be leaving straight after this. to see her mother, she hasn't seen her in two days or dad over there Dad, how many times have you been to the GP this week with grandma five?
There you go because at some point in your life you are going to be taking care of someone that you love or like my wife, you will be taking care of someone like me for her entire life, but the point is that this will affect all of us, it's not about when we are older because if dad has slept badly at night, he will be in a bad mood when he goes to see his grandmother. I would like to dedicate this talk in memory of my uncle who fell asleep with Co and never woke up and although we know that sleeping posture can save lives, in reality today we are more worried about you. going and saving your thorns thank you very much

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