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The Cathedral | Critical Role | Campaign 2, Episode 86

May 12, 2020
with the sword and you take it out. LAURA: She feels like a brazier. I don't know what a brazier normally feels like. I'm sorry I screwed up your... TRAVIS: Start removing the ash. LAURA: Well, our hands are going to hurt, but... ASHLEY: I'll start checking and pulling. MATT: Well, it's still... even when he put out the flame, it's still a little hot. I will say that in the process of doing so, you take two points of fire damage. But you empty the brazier, all the ashes. MARISHA: Could you use the end of my bo staff to...
the cathedral critical role campaign 2 episode 86
TALIESIN: I'm going to start emptying the others too. Here I have a small shovel. I'll use my little shovel. LIAM: We're just desecrating this place. MATT: While you're going to empty the others, go down to the bottom of this, and at the bottom, there's a lever about that long, about two inches long. (panting) TALIESIN: In any of the others? MATT: No, just that one. MARISHA: (singing) That's fucking teamwork. Ka-chink. TRAVIS: That was it? MATT: It's not moving. MARISA: What? What do you mean it doesn't move? MATT: It's solid. LAURA: Is the lever solid? MATT: It's not moving.
the cathedral critical role campaign 2 episode 86

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the cathedral critical role campaign 2 episode 86...

MARISHA: Is it like a lever or a lever? MATT: It looks like a little metal switch that had some sort of rotating bit on it, but it's locked in place. LIAM: Maybe it has some kind of... MARISHA: Key. LIAM: -- cane or key of some device to turn it. He does it by shouting. He rips the wings off his back. They scatter across the ground, spin, and splash the stone with their dark blood. He falls to his knees... (gasping) ASHLEY: And then I'll take out Skin Gorger. Right through the chest. MATT: (gasping) The blade goes in. (Wheezing) You pull out the blade and he falls to the ground. (coughing) "Angel of Irons, why have you abandoned me?
the cathedral critical role campaign 2 episode 86
I did everything you asked of me." All the light in the room goes dark. The royal pillar and the obelisk seem to flicker. And the shadows become long and deep. This low vibration takes the floor. TRAVIS: It's in a circle. MATT: And do you listen to... (speaking Abyssal) Do any of you speak Abyssal? ASHLEY: I speak abyssal. LAURA: Shit! MATT: You hear: "You failed," "and for that you will be punished." And he says: "No, no!" The blood coming out of his chest begins to blacken. ASHLEY: I look at his face and say. : Did you hear that?
the cathedral critical role campaign 2 episode 86
MATT: The blood starts gushing more and more, like a waterfall, and his body starts to melt, and his face... ALL: (groans) MATT: His whole body turns black and oily. mud that begins to spill onto the ground and expand, everyone steps back a little as they watch it boil and stir (slurping) LAURA: Oh, step back, step back! MATT: Tendrils are starting to come out of him! Everyone step back into the chamber a bit and watch as Obann the Punished emerges from the black ink mess. A mass of black, blue, dark tentacles, teeth, and eyes, now cursed with a. punished form of Chained Oblivion SAM: Oh! (screaming) Oh!
That's super gross! LIAM: Did it just get worse? MATT: And shit just got worse?! That's where we'll continue next week. ALL: (screaming) TALIESIN: Oh-h-h no. SAM: He has tongues! He has eyes hanging from tendrils. TRAVIS: I had that once in Japan. SAM: (groans) (laughs) TALIESIN: I don't like any of this. MARISHA: It's like The Laughing Hand but worse. ASHLEY: Yes. SAM: Oh God! MARISHA: Oh my God! LAURA: It's the little mini-Oblivion. (laughs) MARISHA: What are we supposed to do? MATT: So we'll continue from there next week. SAM: Oh boy! LAURA: Maybe the Inevitable Ending will help us.
MATT: So. ASHLEY: Yes, because he's free now. TRAVIS: Maybe. MATT: We're actually taking a break next week. Thanksgiving. So yes. So we will return the first week of December and resume this crazy chaos. LIAM: For a very Christmassy


. MATT: Yes. TALIESIN: It's a Thanksgiving turkey we can play with. (laughs) MATT: Sort of, yeah. When you think about it. LAURA: Oh my God! MATT: Alright, guys. SAM: Oh man! TALIESIN: Shit. TRAVIS: I have to get out of here. MARISHA: Yes, right? We are all intervened. LAURA: We are totally taken advantage of. SAM: Maybe he's friendly now?
ASHLEY: You are bugged. TRAVIS: Yeah, it comes close and it's like (slurp). SAM: Something taken advantage of. TALIESIN: I'm on the verge of tapping. TRAVIS: Matt, those maps were fucking amazing! TALIESIN: Wow! Went ahead! TRAVIS: That was so amazing. SAM: And Ashley is back! (applause) MARISHA: And you killed your captor! ASHLEY: (screaming) TRAVIS: That was fucking incredible. MATT: Yes. Obann is gone. This is... LAURA: This is something else. MATT: This is... yeah. You saw how life left his eyes. This is a sliver of what was left of him being twisted and left as a final "fuck you" from Tharizdun.
TRAVIS: Wow. MATT: And we'll get to that in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, guys, those of us in the US, have a Happy Thanksgiving. The rest of you, we love you anyway. But yes, I love you very much, and it's already Thursday? Good night. (applause)

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