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$5 Hidden Toys R Us Items!

Apr 18, 2024
Wow, what's up on YouTube? So today I went to Toys R Us and bought everything that was five dollars or less, so today I'm going to review Toys R Us products that are five dollars or less. Let's do this first. Let's start with this million things, it's just a bubble maker, you know it's summer, you have to get those bubbles feeling cool, so what better way to feel cool and use this bubble flower maker, something spooky , here we go, so it's very simple I guess. you just put things, you put bubbles there and then you just create bubbles, that's very simple, it should be, here we go, so I guess you put bubbles here, I'll put every bubble here, there you go, everyone needs a bubble maker in your life. because it's very very clean, wait, is any battery okay?
5 hidden toys r us items
I think it needs batteries for a second. Okay, let's do this again. Let's put this here and then you turn it on and then you press this ladybug. I think so, yeah, do you feel the bubbles? in the air, do you feel football in the summer? Can you tell I love the fall because it's peeing all these bubbles? Yes, this is the first article, my God, it was five dollars that was not us. I can see why it's like I want to. to be bubbles, but it's not, you can pause it and then go on, come on bubbles, maybe it needs more bubbles, well that's probably wise $5 because it's not even doing the bubble stuff, okay, move on to the next product from Toys R Us, stop, what if even? stop okay now while we're on the topic of bubbles the next item is called delicious bubble cans they're basically bubbles you can eat that sounds crazy so let's open it up and see what this is all about and here's how you see it when it's there. here, oh, thank you, come to the little packages, okay, oh, wait, we have to do this.
5 hidden toys r us items

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5 hidden toys r us items...

Such brilliant packages yet for blowing bubbles using any object, oh how good we have this literal flower bubble blower, real quick. I'm going to cut right here and then just pour it into the flower bunnies. Can I really eat this? Wow, this is crazy. I didn't know if you can eat bubbles. Alright, oh, there you go, and then we have this one more there. Go, well, let's see. turn this baby on and let's find out we can eat the bubbles here we go it's broken I think it broke what's okay come on bubbles come on Perrineau hello oh why is it leaking oh oh dear oh it's okay hello it's okay, it's not dinner, you know what?
5 hidden toys r us items
I'll just use my finger. I guess this thing doesn't cooperate with a bubble, so I'll use my pinky finger. There you have it, it's not doing anything. That was only 2 dollars, but I can understand why it was two dollars, I think. you need the real equipment if you don't have a bubble blower just make one so I have your cup with a hole with another hole in there let's see if it works Oh actually that's a bubble okay let's see if it's really edible here Come on, I'm not sure about that, it actually tastes good, it's pretty good, it tastes really good, actually, that's great, put some more bubbles in here, go, okay, some more bubbles in here, that was good.
5 hidden toys r us items
I still think it could be. Much better, so let's move on to the next Toys R Us article. Next we have Sweet Shaper, which makes custom shapes using candies, specifically starbursts, so let's open it up and see what this baby is all about. Whoo, here we go. organic fruit juice aka bootleg fake starbursts so hard in the box very hard makes it very hard for parents and children and all that so hard to lift these are the words oh there we go let's see what happens to us so I I guess very quickly, we just put it together.
It comes like this. I assume this is the cutter or guillotine to create the strange shapes. Oh, and these are just little templates of the shapes you want. We have a spider, some flowers, a unicorn. Let's start with the unicorn, real quick, let's grab your fruit chews. Wow, this even looks like a starburst, there you go. I guess you put it here, you put it here and then you close it like this and now it uses this and I need to go up and down. Am I Howard? Hello, what's good? As I was reading the instructions, this is how you do it, you take your Fruit Chews, which one is this one.
I choose this one and then you put it here and from here it will form a cylinder. you want to just flatten it into a cylinder ah, alright, there you go, just take the little knife that it comes with and just cut the edges over here, uh-huh, and once you cut the edges, you should be left. with a cylinder once you have that cylinder with that cylinder right here where this hole is it should go down like this now grab your templates where is that unicorn here is that unicorn? I'll put the unicorn right here, close it using this cover like this and now just push the lever and it shouldn't work here we go, ugh, now just take it out, open it and you should have a unicorn.
Wow, you can hold it. It has like a little handle on the back seat because it was a cylinder, but look at that, it's so cute. Wow, Starburns tastes better, so your star bar is not this. Okay, let's try this next. We have a robot, so let's try the next robot real quick. Easy. I'll put the cylinder and here. more and then just take it off and you should have a robot. Wow, look at that, go on, oh, this is so cool, so cool. Next we have V, you have all the leaflets very quickly, this should be very quick and very simple, just put the UFO here and then pull it and then they will both die.
I guess you just put this thing here and then you just pull the rope and then I'll go fly, okay, here we go again, let's try that one more time and flex. That was so sick. I'm going a lot lately, so here we go, oh, it's like a roulette wheel equipped with a flight. Okay, here we go. I'll do it again. This is going to be a little more aggressive, so I hope you're ready. we're flying towards the roulette Wow Wow I'm so surprised at how smoothly it stays in the air it's like a helicopter you just relax this is so cool what the hell okay let's try it again three two one that's cool okay let's go down I want see how high I think the last one is okay so now we're down as you can see the ceilings are a lot higher and yeah let's see how this goes here we go three. two one flies fine, that sucks.
I pulled it so hard I broke the link. Alright, let me make the most of it. Thank you for your purpose, sir. fly or send the spinner, okay, move on to the next, okay, you can find this one exclusively in Japan, it's called otamatone, you can change the volume of the octave hollow chain, it looks like a really original figure, to be honest, look at that, just blow on it. How do you do this? Hey, wait, how can you hold on for a second? Hi, this doesn't work. Hello hello. I need the oil to work. uh-oh, there's a power button.
Okay, let's do it. Wait, no way. Wow, and you can change. the octaves - that's why it's called Tama tone because I have no idea why that was the low end, let's turn it up two octaves higher, it'll be a little higher, look, you objected here, it's not weird, okay, let's try it with the medium. octaves now Wow this is cool and then he makes a face: we can make a music video here we go this is called 15 second songs without Roy wasabi here we go thank you thank you okay yeah this is actually very funny .
I would love to try this. Cut the camera. I'm going to play with us for about 18 minutes. Thank you all. Next we have this thing, the bug slingshot. Probably not as cool as the automaton about private high school. but it's just you just move it and that's it. I'll hit the bear probably yeah I'll put this cup here okay this is called bug target practice for you and go no you have to use one eye when you use the slingshot I have no idea I'll use one eye maybe even though it's not here it's the worst slingshot okay this is it i'm doing it right this was fine with the next one this could be a little cooler we have the silly string shooter obviously you can use a silly string alone as a long one shh just add a little more fun to your life, take this gun, put the silly string here and now, if you can shoot it, here we go. stick it in, make sure it's set up like this and now we say goodbye, sir. bear, goodbye mr. bear Wow, we have all the aim in the world, oh boy, that's not good, well, I don't mean we have to clean the lens cut for a second, let me see if I can make my signature on the wall with this gun, go there. see, that's my signature, here we go, feel free to plagiarize, don't do that, that's not my signature, that's Barack Obama's signature, don't do that, you'll get in trouble with the government.
Alright, next we have brother's magic capsules. put it in the water and then things will grow here we go, we start with this guy here we go, let's see the transformation, maybe you have to stick it down there, oh, you have to drop it in warm water, okay? for a second let me heat this water right here let's go warm water let's see if it doesn't stain and fall off it's not doing anything come on boy do something hello this one is doing something it's taking time it's doing something come on, do your thing, well, Adam, Are you?, I want to know, oh, I see, it's a stingray, ah, what happens if I eat it right?, do anything right.
I'm just kidding, don't eat it, it's a joke, don't do that. I will have sea animals living in your stomach and you will have diarrhea, you don't want that at all kids, Matt, I'm sorry, it got bigger, this is great, it just takes so long, why just grow up? Come on, it's okay. Whatever they understand, it's probably a dolphin, a shark, a stingray, a jellyfish. I don't even know. I guess that's all. Thank you all for watching today's video. If you want more videos like this, let me know in the comments. next stay juicy and also stay juicy okay bye bye stagers.

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