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2 Ingredients Condiments that Anyone Can Make...

Jun 30, 2024
A condiment is a spicy sauce or preparation that is added to foods after cooking to impart a specific flavor to enhance the flavor or complement the dish. Now, this definition of seasoning on Wikipedia is a little all over the place right here it says exactly The definition of seasoning varies, which I totally agree with. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what a coniman is. You take something like ketchup, which is definitely a sauce, but is widely considered a condiment, or soy sauce, which has sauce in the title, but most people would


it. Consider soy sauce as a condiment, but for this video we need some parameters and for me I think a condiment is something that is simple, just a few


, but it doesn't just have to be added to the food after cooking as it says here.
2 ingredients condiments that anyone can make
I can definitely also add a seasoning during the cooking process to enhance the flavor, so in today's video I'm going to show you five different seasonings that are very simple, just two


each that you can


completely from scratch and when we have these simple seasonings but really tasty they are available and ready to use, you know what that means. I think the only definition that everyone can agree on is that a condiment will improve the taste of your food. Can you make mustard with two ingredients? And the answer is yes. you can definitely do it through the power of magic or fermentation.
2 ingredients condiments that anyone can make

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2 ingredients condiments that anyone can make...

In this case, when you ferment mustard seeds, they have been fermenting for two weeks, you unlock a whole different dimension of flavors through lactofermentation, so by doing that we don't have to add all of them. these extra ingredients now, if you're new to fermentation, this is probably the easiest fermentation project you can do. Get a glass jar. I'm filling it with a cup of black mustard seeds, a cup of yellow mustard seeds, I guess that's two. ingredients but you understand that you can use one color if you want, then I will add two cups of water and a tablespoon of salt and the most important ingredient is some type of liquid that will lower the ph of the liquid to create the correct color. environment for the fermentation of the mustard seeds, so for me I used some plain kombucha that I had fermented and that has a very low ph which will start the lacto fermentation process, but you could use some sauerkraut juice, you could just use some vinegar that you have in your pantry and that will work fine now that's it just put the lid on it you don't have to screw it on and set it on your counter for at least a week and just stir it every day or two. and you will see that after a few days there will be some bubbles here and there and that is a good sign that the fermentation is active, so once the mustard seeds are fermented like this, you can store them in the refrigerator and just throw them in whatever be. recipes, you want a sauce, a dressing, they're ready, but I'm going to go one step further and process them in some ground mustard, so I'm using a mortar and pestle for this, but you can definitely use a blender like that. or a food processor would work too, I don't know, maybe you could even juice it, let me try to juice it, see what I care, drain them, don't throw away this precious fermented mustard liquid, right there, start grinding now, guaranteed, this is.
2 ingredients condiments that anyone can make
The best mustard you've ever tasted is just mustard on steroids, it's heightened and I'll show you a recipe later. I'll show you recipes for all of these seasonings, but I actually need another seasoning that will come a little later to complete that. recipe, so stay tuned, this next seasoning is a flavoring oil which is one of those things that when you only have one round, you will find uses for it and it will improve the flavor of your food, which is the whole point of seasonings now that they exist. You can prepare endless aromatic oils. If you're eating a lot of Asian foods, you might want some kind of chili, ginger, or scallion oil, but in my case, I've been making a lot of pizza lately, a lot of pizza this summer, so I'm going to make an herb oil, specifically. an oregano oil, which I can drizzle on top of pizzas and other dishes, pasta dishes, you will see it later, don't worry, there are many ways to make a aromatic oil, in this case I am I do it the easiest way, like this which fills your jar with the amount of aromatic oil you want.
2 ingredients condiments that anyone can make
I'm just filling this little jar. Olive oil is the oil I want because I'm making a lot of Italian and Mediterranean food. Next, throw that into the pot over medium heat and then I've got some beautiful oregano here. You can use any herb you want, but since it's two ingredients, I'll keep it very simple. Add a few sprigs of that now if you want. If you want an even better oil, add some dried chili peppers or some chili flakes. In my opinion, chili herb oil is always better, but I continue with the limitations of the two ingredients for the video.
Now a thermometer will really help you with something. This way, it's not required, but I'll check the temperature and when it gets to around 200 degrees, I'll reduce it to a simmer and hold that temperature for about five minutes, so let's check this out, so yeah. Even the temperature we want to be around 200 degrees, but you can go up a little more. I just want to be careful with these herbs. You can see there is a nice little bubble of simmering oil. Now I'm going to turn on the heating. medium to low heat and just keep this bubble for the next five minutes to really infuse those aromatics into the oil, voila, that's your aromatic oil, beautiful, you can leave it out, just make sure it's out of the sun. a cooler place so it doesn't spoil and the beautiful thing is that because we heat those herbs, they're a little bit sterilized in there so they can stay in this oil and continue to infuse it, it'll get better over time and luckily.
For me, it's lunch time and I'm going to do something special. I had this leftover dough from yesterday that's leaking out of this pan, so I'm thinking about throwing it in here and making some kind of focaccia pizza creation with a little bit of the good stuff on top, so I greased this pan and put my dough in it and I let it sit for about half an hour to let it rise a little in the pan and spread it over my tomatsky By the way, if you want your furkacha pizza nice and crispy, make sure you have enough oil and hit it with the mulch.
I have my oven on high right now, I'll throw it in for about 15 minutes, golden oil ready. just to drizzle like it needs more oil, but yeah, basil, herb double action, a little bit of salt, come on, it's a pizza party, look, this is very simple to make, but it's the kind of thing you'd see in a high-end pizzeria. that takes pizza from really good to just extraordinary it's like what's that flavor what's that extra good thing it can be a flavoring oil now if you've ever made homemade hummus you know you have to use a good bit of tahini and I'm sure that you only used store bought, but if you want to make life-changing hummus, make your own tahini and it's actually very simple to make and we can also use it for some other really delicious things.
Tahini is super simple. you just need a lot of sesame seeds. I got this big old bag on Amazon. I'll link it below and put my pot in the pan. My skillet over medium heat. one cup two cups three cups four cups just let these toasts sit for a few minutes check this so it doesn't burn and that's it it's been about five minutes it might be a little hard to tell but you can see they are shiny the seeds of sesame seeds have changed from a bright white to a paler color with some brown seeds, we don't want to toast them, we just want the juices to flow and if you smell it now it smells like tahini, but we have to process them to get the actual paste.
I'm using a high speed blender for this. You can also use a food processor. I'm going to throw my toasted sesame seeds right there. I'm going to start this at low speed and see how it starts to form. paste here, that's what you're looking for, so this is as far as you can go without adding oil. I'm going to add a tablespoon at a time and this will help make it really nice and creamy. Okay, let's try it again. four cups of seeds I used four tablespoons of oil now are you kidding me? We made tahini, that's going to be the best fresh tahini you've ever had and this is a great trick, look how I still have a ton of tahini left.
Well in Middle Eastern cuisine there is something called tahini sauce which is taking tahini and making an amazing creamy all purpose sauce so instead of cleaning this up let's just turn it into a sauce probably if I had to guess a little less of a cup of tahini, so what I'm going to do is take a few cloves of garlic, crush them, add them to the mixture, juice, a whole lemon, add some cumin seeds, which is optional, but they add a depth of really nice flavor. and then a little bit of water to thin it out and finally salt and pepper to season and you have a beautiful dressing or a sauce that you can afford to drizzle on some falafel or anything really good.
Now, if you do this, you'll be setting yourself up for some amazing hummus, of course, one of the best uses for tahini, but if you have something like this in your pantry, then you might be set up for the best hummus of your life, which is just a stone's throw away. about to happen in this food processor here, but first of course we need chickpeas and if you want to make the best hummus you can't use the canned stuff you have to use the dried stuff so I soaked two cups of dried chickpeas in water during the night and got this. then I threw them in the pressure cooker for about 20 minutes until they were nice, soft chickpeas.
Most people underestimate how much tahini you need for a good hummus, but we're going to use about half of this, maybe a cup, a clove of garlic. I'm squeezing a lemon and finally salt. Now you really want to leave this for a while until it's creamy and smooth. Traditional hummus doesn't have oil in the hummus, it has oil on top of the hummus, so this is perfect. use it for that oregano oil, all I have is this pizza with sauce, take control, that's what Thomas guarantees you of your life or your money back. I'll give you your money back.
That's even possible. Don't use canned stuff if you want hummus like. The next condiment I'm going to make is mayonnaise and many people not only don't know how to make mayonnaise, but they don't even know what mayonnaise is and it's very simple, it's just two ingredients in the base. you have an egg and you have a little bit of oil, but you don't have to use an egg if you don't have an egg on hand or you're vegan and you have a little bit of chickpea liquid or aqua faba which of course we have from In the last recipe you can make vegan mayonnaise, so I'm going to pour in about three tablespoons of that.
It's about an egg, maybe a little more than an egg. Fun fact: my brother actually dipped brisket once which was a long story, first video I've ever made but make sure you understand safety or when you're cleaning it this thing turns off because these things scare me, I just I'm going to take a little bit of salt, which is the ingredient we're not counting, and we're going to start blending this with the immersion blender until it's nice and foamy. I am using avocado oil. Here use whatever oil you want and I'll drizzle it in slowly. It's starting to thicken, so now you can add oil a little more aggressively and watch. in that 100 vegan mayonnaise nice and creamy with that light chickpea flavor that I actually like to take advantage of a disposable item with that aquafaba that would have gone straight to sleep here's the consistency that we're working with really solid, really solid and it's a little bit green food coloring just because I'm using avocado oil, which is slightly green now, once you start building up a little collection of seasonings, we have the herb oil, we have the mayonnaise, we have the mustard, so the maximum flavor is super.
It's easy to achieve, so just grab some shredded cabbage and carrots. Look at this spoonful of mustard. A tablespoon of mayonnaise. A splash of oregano oil. Oops. I have the feeling that it cannot be compared to something so delicate and so delicious. Now, the final seasoning. I'm not going to say this one is super easy, but I wanted to present it as a great option, definitely a flavor enhancer, so this came straight out of my refrigerator, we have some miso paste and you can see it right in this package, fermented rice with koji and soy beans.
Now this takes at least three months, probably for a sweet food, so maybe six months to ferment is not that realistic for a lot of people, but there is something that takes much faster, which is a cashew miso, it only takes a week. and it's incredibly delicious. Here's the trick, you need some of this right here. baggie this isn't drugs, it's actually koji, the main ingredient that ferments your miso. I grew this koji myself. There will be another video on that very soon and of course most of you won't be growing your own koji, but if you go to a Japanese store near you, there's a good chance they'll have something that looks this right here, which is already prepared koji and all you have to do is mix it with some cashews and you will have one of the most flavor enhancing


that you may have in your refrigerator, the first step we need to do is Soak our cashews, so I'm going to take two cups of cashews and cover them with water to soak them overnight so they get fully hydrated.
I can see these cashews are completely soaked and hydrated, that's very important so the koji can actually break them down much easier. Now pour them into a food processor and to make it even easier for the koji to break down the cashews, we'll just give them a pulse. split them up, you don't want a puree or cashew butter, you just want a rough pulse, so we'll throw it in here, our koji smells so good you can see it's a little green right there, which is actually due to new spores starting to get inoculated. Typically your koji is this white and I'll just add about a cup of fresh koji, so if you were making miso paste it would be the exact same process except the cashews would be replaced with soy beans about a tablespoon and add half salt, I'll pour a little bit of that cashew liquid in there just to make it work, then I'll put it in the jar, pack it up now, you'll just put a lid on and let it sit. at room temperature for about a week and every day just take the lid off and give it a little stir to make sure no bad guys form in there and the amazing thing about cashews and other nuts compared to soy in just a week you are set for this, this is what you will get, koji fermentation right there, right now, obviously, you can't taste this, so you won't know what's happening inside here, but I'll do my best to explain it scientifically.
Koji uses enzymes to break down these complex starches in the cashews and starts to unlock different sugars and most importantly amino acids, which is why something like miso paste tastes so heavy on umami, it's all that amino acid, so it really You could call this a cashew amino acid. sticks and now once it's done fermenting you throw it in your refrigerator and it's good for months and I can't even begin to tell you how many things I add this to a simple stir fry sauce you add a spoonful of this explosion of flavor. but what I'm going to use it for now is something I've never tried before.
I know miso cookies are a big thing right now, so why not replace the miso with this cashew miso and also put in some tahini and see what? happens, oh boy, dry ingredients, cookie dough chilled in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, let's see what we have here. I always fail with cookies, but these are good. I think this big batch of Cashew Miso Tahini Cookies is a great way to end this video, I swear. I'm terrible at making cookies, I think because I'm bad at following recipes, but these ones, I mean, I still modified them a little bit.
I think I was lucky. It tastes like a perfect cookie and then somehow that perfect cookie just got a little better. So what did we learn today? Seasonings, do it yourself, are simple, they enhance the flavor of the food since I'm just taking out the seasonings. The tahini disappeared and that's it, thanks everyone for watching. I'm grateful to be able to do it. Cook all day and prepare delicious food and have fun in the kitchen and share it with you, so I hope you got inspired and make some seasonings. Be sure to tag me in life by mike g oops on instagram if you make some


and I'll see you in the next video

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