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Dave Chappelle Most Savage Jokes on Women

May 28, 2024
A couple of years ago I was in Ohio at a mall, an old white lady, this is true, she was following me around the mall, which sounds paranoid, but I'm sure she was following me too, a mean lady. Have you ever seen a woman with lines on her face? She tells you that even if she smiled, it looks like her facial muscles would hurt. I knew she was following me because I was in places that had nothing to do with her. I was looking around like what is this? the old thing and GameStop and blocking with my foot all the places I like to go every time I see her she just looks at me and eventually I forgot about her so after shopping I go to the back of the Park and I parked all the way in the back and as soon as I open my car door I hear a voice say David Chappelle like that, I didn't even have to look, I knew it was her, I looked back and sure enough, there. she was that face, to be honest, she probably wasn't even that old, she's probably around my age, but she was a white woman, this looked terrible, she kept me calm, I was friendly, I said hello to the lady and she didn't respond nothing.
dave chappelle most savage jokes on women
She said: I see your comedy. I said uhoh and then she says it's true. She sounds to me like you hate


. I said well, you know what lady, it is art and you are free to interpret this art however you want. but I can tell you as the creator of this art that I don't think she feels that way to me and she said well, I think so and I said shut up, shut up before I kill you and put you in the trunk, it's nobody. I'm just kidding around here I didn't say I felt that way but that's not what I said I was smarter than that you know what I said and this is exactly what I said I said miss before I finish that statement, let me ask you a question.
dave chappelle most savage jokes on women

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Where did you see me? Did you buy a ticket for a concert? “I doubt it or maybe you watched one of my specials on Netflix or I followed you to your car and took my ACT,” she said. what I said keep it in the comments section it's real life Tata and then I left you can see it has this ever happened to you that's how confusing it is this is the practical application of what I'm talking about as a guy will be out of this Happy guys, you'll be outside a club, okay, kicking with your boys and a girl walks by and man, she looks good, she looks good, not good in that classic way, I mean, you know, I'm talking good. like she has half her butt hanging out of her skirt, her tits are all squished out of the top of her turtleneck and you with your friends, you with your friends, you have a couple of drinks and you see a girl So, you could try it. talking to that this might not go well I don't know what you're saying damn look at them too bad the girl gets mad at oh uhuh oh wait a minute wait a minute just because I'm dressed this way doesn't make me a Which It's true, gentlemen, that's true, just because you dress a certain way doesn't mean you are a certain way, never forget that, but ladies, you have to understand that's confusing, that's how I, Dave Chappelle, the comedian. walking down the streets in a police uniform someone could run me over oh thank god officer help us come on they're here help us I'm like man oh just because I'm dressed like this doesn't make me a police officer police.
dave chappelle most savage jokes on women
You get what I'm saying, it's like, okay ma'am, okay, you're not but you're wearing a uniform. I will tell you that right now, another time, about six years ago, there was a lesbian woman who was trying to sell a story. about me to TMZ thank God TMZ was able to see through the shame of that story this woman claimed I hit her in a nightclub because she was a lesbian that's crazy. I didn't even know you were a woman, thank God TMZ didn't I don't believe it because I beat him up. I'm not going to lie, it was his fault.
dave chappelle most savage jokes on women
I had no choice. I went into the club mind on my own business and a woman came up to me and said, "Oh my God, Dave Chappelle." and I was just being reciprocal nice, hey lady, how are you? blah blah blah, but I haven't said anything to her and all of a sudden this lesbian comes between us, hey, that's my girl, I said, my man, back off like that, she. She said I'm not backing down, that's my girl I said brother, you're going to have to give me three feet like that she said stop calling me man I'm a woman I said what and then I looked deep into this black cheekbones I said, oh my God, you're a woman, this It's too much for me to even understand, but I tell you what, I immediately opened my fist and softened my stance so she would know she's not in danger.
I even changed the tone of my voice. I said softly, sweetly like a pimp might say. I'm here. about to slap you I shouldn't have done it oh, I wish I hadn't said she dropped that foot back Boop, she was in perfect left-handed stance, her shoulders were at the right angle, her head movement was good, I said oh No, these boxes are real, he threw me a wild hook and I saw it coming yesterday, so I slid it like this. I had no choice. I had to go to work. I let that hit go, you should have seen me go.
I tenderized those tits like chicken cutlets. I screamed the toxic masculinity of that. Sorry ladies. I just have a headache too. You all are killing me right now. It is really difficult. to see what's going on, you know ladies, I said it in my last special. I got into a lot of trouble for this. I told them they were right, but the way they are doing it is not going to work, but I am biased. Louis C K said it, he was a very good friend of mine before he died in that terrible masturbation accident and it was his room, you read the story that he was masturbating in his own room, that's when you guessed the masterbate and then he said Hi everyone, I'm take my dick out no one ran to the door or anything everyone just hung out like i wonder if this guy is serious and he came on his own stomach that's what the threat is has any woman ever seen a guy like that? she just came face down, this is the least threatening thing the earth has ever seen.
All you see is shame on their faces and dripping like pancake butter. He didn't do anything that you can call the police about. I dare to try to call the police. about him, hello police, yes I'm on the other line with comedian Louis CK and I think he's masturbating while I'm on the phone, you know what the police in Atlanta are going to say, well what are they talking about Caitlyn ? Jenna, who I met, met a wonderful person, Caitlyn Jenner, she was voted Woman of the Year in her first year as a woman, isn't that something that beats everyone in Detroit?
She's better than all of you, she didn't even have a period, isn't that something? She would piss me off like she was a woman. I would be angry if she were me. If I was at the BET Awards sitting there, they're like the winner of the year, Eminem, my man, the only thing that's annoying in our society. What bothers me the


is that men and


don't get along anymore, that's really what bothers me. Men and women just don't get along. I hear women say this all the time. I know many of you sisters are like that.
Chivalry is dead, don't you feel that way? As if men are no longer gentlemen. That's right, chivalry is dead and women killed it. There is a fundamental difference in the way we are going to see things that we are not. let's see hey in this topic we are simply not our test in life they are different the test of a woman in life is material the test of a man in life is a woman now by test I mean that those are the things we desire That men have nice cars not because they like nice cars because they know that women like nice cars, that's how it happens because men are hunters and the car is the bait and the woman comes and says "nice Porsche, got you, that's what the ISS is like, that's true, come on, now go." to a woman's house her house is comfortable because women love a comfortable environment so that men have a comfortable environment let me tell you something if a man could a woman in a cardboard box he wouldn't buy a house but that's still not where They killed chivalry. murdered by the hunger movement all those magazines that drove women crazy because women got too much advice about men from other women and they didn't know what they were talking about, it's true.
I see this in magazines that I don't read. them, but I've been looking at the cover, I look at them, they're at the grocery store, guys, he looks at one of those magazines like, what is this? and they say a cover, 100 ways to please your man with some lady, get out of here, come on. There is no way that the list has four things: just suck his cock, play with his balls and then make him a sandwich and don't talk so much and it will never happen. Thank you very much for being here. Before we start tonight, I just wanted to.
To read a short statement I prepared, I denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms and I stand with my friends in the Jewish community and Kanye is the way to buy some time. I have to tell you, I've probably been doing this for 35 years. It's now and early in my career I learned that there are two words in the English language that you should never say together in sequence and those words are and Juice. I've never heard anyone do good after saying H got into some trouble. before, normally, when he, when he's in trouble, I stop, I stop immediately, but this time I thought, you know what, let me see what's going to happen first, let me see, I just want to see where this is all going, I can't even remember how. it started vaguely I remember it started with a tweet weird tweet it was like um I'm a little sleepy I'm going to give myself a little rest but when I wake up I'm going to die With 3 in the juice and then he just went to bed I was awake the whole night worried about what it's going to do to the Jews I grew up around Jews I have a lot of Jewish friends so I'm not scared of your culture I know a little about it just from hanging around like me, let's go out to school tomorrow, it'll be like no We could go out sh na tomorrow, I'll be like what's shaana na.
I had so many questions why some of your people dress like Run. DMC Kanye woke up from that nap and went straight to work a year ago. He had seen it on a podcast called Drink Champs, well, great show, uh, and it was an incredible appearance. Nora and them were there, the rappers I love and everyone. They had their gold chains and stuff on and Kanye said only millionaires wear chains they said what he said I'm a billionaire billionaires don't wear their money on their bodies I put the chain on and I was like oh snap that's right it was a good one The appearance was fun and funny, but when he woke up he was drinking Champs again, this time he was on one.
He was angry about something. He said. I can say anti-Semitic things and Adidas can't criticize me. Now what Adidas Dro? That immediately ironically. Adidas was founded by Nazis and they were offended. I guess the student had surpassed the teacher. Its a big problem. He broke the rules of show business. This is a rule. You already know the rules of perception. If they are black, then it is a gang if they are. Italian is an m but if they are Jewish it is a coincidence and you should never talk about it Kane got into so much trouble Kyrie got into trouble Kyrie Kyrie Irving posted a link to a movie he had seen on Amazon with no title in the post or anything about that, but apparently this movie had some I don't know anti-Semitic tropes or something, it was such a weird title like Hebro to Negro or something and the NBA told me you should apologize and he took a while to apologize and then The List The lawsuits for get back in their favor they got longer and longer and this is where you know I draw the line.
I know that the Jewish people have gone through terrible things all over the world, but you can't blame it on black people. Americans, you just can't, you don't know what I mean, thanks to the one person who said fair punishment should post a link to the shinless list and all of you write your own titles. Kyrie Irving's black butt was nowhere near the Holocaust in In fact, he's not even sure it existed. I saw a pun on the news and a shout out about Kanye. She said mental health is no excuse for that kind of language.
Yes it is. You can kill someone if you are mentally ill. Listen. Okay, I don't think Kanye is. crazy at all I think it's possibly not right I've been to Hollywood I don't want you to be mad at me I'm just telling you I've been to Hollywood this was just what I saw it's a lot of juice I like it a lot but that didn't mean anything. You know what I mean? There are a lot of black people in Ferguson Missouri. That means we run the place. I could see if you had any kind of problem.
You know what I mean? You could go out. Hollywood and you could start connecting some kind of lines and maybe you could adopt the illusion that Jews run show business; It's not crazy to think about it, but it's crazy to say it out loud in a climate like this, now that the midterm elections are over. and it's crazy weather and I have to tell you, uh, I feel like in this midterm all of humanity depends on it and it's an ominous sign. I think the


ominous sign of the midterms would be Hershel Walker, who I don't want to speak ill of. because he's black, but I have to admit that he's remarkably stupid even when he's not talking, with his mouth open a little, like he's the kind ofjust before you reach Bad's Puff Daddy door.
Boy Records jumped in front of the door and it was like puppy boy got that and then all the celebrities just ran away because all the celebrities saw themselves IMing me and they started beating that kid up and I know Chris is backstage and it seems like no one helped me. Everyone hates Chris, look, it was much more intense than what you guys could have read. I don't know what they read, but the boy, while we were hitting him, reached into his waistband and pulled out a .22 caliber pistol that was Mayhem, everyone started screaming, oh God.
God, oh my God, he has a gun, he has a gun and then I got scared, I was in the back, but I was scared because I knew everyone that was with me was armed, yeah, if they had shot and killed this kid on the stage of the Hollywood Bowl like he paid you to do Travis, but Travis GED went up. Travis took the gun out of the kids hand and then he held it like that and tried to put the bullet in the chamber and he couldn't so he pulled the trigger and it wasn't a gun, a knife blade came out of the front.
I guess that this guy was going to stab me a little bit, so the next night, even though I didn't have a show, I said I had to get back on stage and I wouldn't do the show and someone in the audience yelled at Dave, what? happened with the attack and I didn't know there was a journalist in the room, all I said was that he had a knife that was identified as a gun. I got six more weeks of bad press for that joke. I didn't even do anything with this. That's not right, that wasn't right and then the New York Post went to jail and interviewed my attacker like he was some kind of hero and I read that the interview turned out that the whole attack was my fault, yes, I provoked it, I did not mean. "I had made


about homeless people, turns out this young man was homeless and I mean, there's no way I could have known, but I will say, um, for a homeless guy, this had amazing seats, oh, and they said that I triggered it because because I had made lbgt Q


and it turns out this fall was a bee, that was the headline on the article that said Dave Chappelle's alleged attacker is bisexual I said a Lish attacker definitely attacked me.
I'll show the tape that he's supposed to be bisexual. I'm going to need to see him suck someone's dick before I believe the rest of this article. I read that shit in the paper. I was like bisexual. you know, it's not funny though because because after all that man that went on, I went to the hotel room, I was alone and I opened the door and my wife was there alone, she was sobbing like sobbing, I said, oh my God, what What's wrong with you? They attacked you too and she's crying? She said, she said, "My God, David, she said if you had died tonight, me and the kids wouldn't have anything, so I knew it was serious, so I sat on the bed next to her and reached into my pocket.
I took out some keys that she had never seen before what those keys are and gently placed them in her hands I said honey those are the keys to my safe deposit box. worry. You and the kids have everything you need in that box. I already took care of it and she was looking at the keys and I could see her mind realizing what we were really talking about and then she started crying more. strong and to be honest, It made me cry a little too and we hugged each other very tightly. You know this look in the box while I'm alive and well who does that? and then she got mad at me, she said, damn David I opened that box I said you did it she said yes I did and there was nothing there I didn't say anything oh she didn't say anything except your stupid joke book I said well honey see if you tell those jokes exactly as they are writings you and the kid should be fine they are really good jokes she is like good jokes what is this come join me my water grave no you have to roll your throat join me I said I'm in the wrong business it should be The president is in the wrong business.
I see the only reason I want to be president is because I'm black, that makes it too hot for me. I mean, you know. I mean, I think he could be a black president one day, but he doesn't want to be the first. I mean, second or third, he's fine, but he'd better be careful with the first one. I'm going to tell you that it's too hot right now. I mean, he would be the first black president. I don't think anyone would hurt me. I'm sure someone wants to hurt me but I don't think they'll touch me because uh because my vice president will be Mexican for sure you know what I'm saying you can shoot me if you want but you're only going to open the Border up so you better leave me and Vice President Santiago to our own devices, right?
Santiago look, look, Ellon can stay, don't worry, don't worry, I have no jokes about Elon, all I'll say about Elon. It's thank God he's Cuban because if he was Haitian you would never have heard of his ass if Elon if Elon González was Elon lumbo de ha ready to push that little rubber tube back into the water sorry it went down completely fine the only thing in In our society, what bothers me the most is the way men and women don't get along anymore, that's really what bothers me. Men and women just don't get along.
I hear women say this all the time. I know a lot. Of you sisters, be like chivalry is dead, right? Don't you feel that way? As if men were no longer gentlemen. That's right, chivalry is dead and women killed it. There is a fundamental difference in the way we are going to see it. things that we are not going to see hey in this topic we are simply not our test life is different the test of a woman in life is material the test of a man in life is a woman now by test I mean that those are the things that I want men to have good cars not because they like good cars because they know that women like good cars that's how it happens because men are hunters and the car is the bait and the woman comes and says oo nice Porsche got you that's how it's true come now you go to a woman's house, her house is comfortable as women love comfortable environments so that men have a comfortable environment let me tell you something, if a man could have a woman in a cardboard box, I wouldn't buy a house, but that's not yet where chivalry killed me chivalry killed me the feminist movement in those magazines that drove women crazy because women got too much advice about men from other women and they didn't know about What were they talking about, it's true.
I see this in magazines. I don't read them, but I'm looking at the cover. I look at them, they're at the grocery store, guys, he's looking at one of those magazines like, what is this? and they say a cover, 100 ways to please your man, by a lady, get out here, come. There's no way that list is four things: just suck his dick, play with his balls and then make him a sandwich and don't talk much and it'll never happen and then the magazines screw over the women that the magazines start screwing over. your self-esteem every page you turn you start to feel fatter and uglier and you feel like your clothes aren't good enough and magazines make you forget how beautiful you are and that's what happens now look what happens and then you forget what beautiful you are are and we all suffer if it was a stock it would be plummeting right now because you flooded the market with it you're giving it away too easy I'm just being honest I'm just talking it would be Plum we'd be watching the news. today, sinking it again in gold it has risen 10 points, you can see it, has this ever happened to you, that's how confusing it is, this is the practical application of what I'm talking about, as if this happened to a boy. a lot of guys, you guys will be outside a club, okay, kicking with your guys and a girl walks by and man, she looks good, she looks good, not good in that classic way, I mean, you know, I'm talking good like had half his ass. hanging up her skirt, her tits are all squished out of the top of her turtleneck and you with your friends, you with your friends, you have a couple of drinks and you see a girl like this, you could try talking to her about this way.
It might not turn out well I don't know what you're saying damn look at those tits girl get the man oh uhuh oh wait a minute wait a minute just because I'm dressed this way doesn't make me a which is true gentlemen that is It's true that just because they dress a certain way it's bad, they are a certain way, never forget that, but ladies, you have to understand that's confusing, right now, it would be like me, Dave Chappelle, the comedian walking down the streets dressed in police. uniform someone could run me over oh thank god officer help us come on they're here help us I'm oh just because I'm dressed this way doesn't make me a police officer you understand what I'm saying it's like okay lady okay okay no You are a but you wear a horse uniform.
I will tell you that at this moment small misunderstandings can occur and in men we misunderstand women a lot, you know, we always undermine their feelings, you can't do it. That tonight you can't because you see the feelings, you see that they applaud. Feelings are very important for women. everyone is important to. I'm just learning this. It's all based on how they feel. You can listen when they tell stories. Have you ever told a man? tell a story it's just facts who what when where why were we Bob and I were that Safeway then that said this then I hit that and then I ran away that's the story that's story time get out of here couple in my pocket and a bottle of no matter where the wind blows New York City or because women tell stories all these feelings and well, first you have to understand that I was on my period And I just talked to my mother, so I felt like damn, there's too many feelings, what happened, do it, but they have to talk about them, they have to talk about them, that's how they always understand me.
I've been sitting there watching TV relaxing and my old lady came up to me. David, we need to talk, I don't say it out loud, that's how I feel inside because I know that every time we need to talk, we have to talk about something I need to do, we never have to talk about anything she needs. do she leaves me defenseless I have to do what I have to do David we have to talk nah don't do that to me David this is serious stop talking with that voice now look I have to do this look I'm complaining but I'm happy I'm with someone I don't want to being I don't want to be single I don't like that sometimes you go to singles clubs and you see too much I was on tour in a club and I saw a uh, I saw something they call a thong contest, yeah, I saw a scandalous thong contest, yeah, it's something scandalous, okay, I couldn't forget that man because a DJ, you know, he was dancing with a girl, DJ said everyone who wants to be in the tenth please inform the DJ boo excuse me, they played that song Let me see something that the girls were passing by some of them pulled their pants down some of them pulled up these skirts they all just shook their butts someone didn't even have underwear on I was just shaking their butts I mean I was really upset but I couldn't turn around but No, please, for the squeamish, just cover your ears, one of the girls you get so involved with, there's no cops around, right, but she's actually me?
I'm sorry to tell you this, she spreads her buttocks, she spreads her buttocks in the middle of a nightclub full of people, right, I was upset because I was like 10 meters away from her. I thought, oh my God, that's who she is. that your birth canal oh it gets worse well God Almighty it's that it's a baby I know it's disgusting it's disgusting because it was a baby it was the same baby from the project he's like I snuggled up in a club I have that weed if you I need to just pat it in the butt and I'll be out Transgenders are gangsters I used to do business with a transgender in Hollywood man everyone would be afraid of her in the boardroom she walks in there newly minted woman high heels purse don't tell us anything just walk around a conference table looking mean and she walked to the head of the conference table look at us all reaching for one person take out your old dick and throw it on the table let's talk business gentlemen and sit next to the bees sitting alone in the back seat looking out the window, those are the teas, everyone in the car respects the teas, but everyone also resents the teas, it's not the teas' fault, but everyone in the car just feels like they are making the trip for you.
Longer, anything he says gets on everyone's nerves and then he doesn't even say anything bad, they should be in the back talking to themselves. I'm horny, shut up, shut up, it's okay, just roll down the window, I don't know. What did you just say? I was hot. Can you stop at the next exit? I need to use the bathroom. There's no bathroom for you for four states. Niggaer, let's just shut the fuck up so we can get where we're going. My wife's friend. St told me that my wife has a lot of gay friends St St is her leader, she has a lot of gay friends and I don't like them, not because they areHomosexuals, I'm only judging them on the merits of their character.
They're just not nice guys, they're rude guests, they're sitting on my couch laughing with my wife eating my mom's macaroni and I walk in, they act like the part is over, hey Stuart, what's going on? This guy talks to me like a cat. He would talk if a cat could talk to me, he must always have some kind of gay political argument. The latest was about a petition in federal court to remove the words husband and wife from the law. I said well, why would you want those words? Get rid of the law, he said, because it discriminates against same-sex couples.
I said, please spare me the semantics, just trust me, take your chips and get out of the casino that is about to shit. Go out, talk about it among yourselves and whatever. one of you was gayer, that's the wife. I remember I was in this bar once. This was that kind of bar. I was there once. I stood up and turned to everyone in the bar. I greeted everyone. I was going to buy everyone drinks at the bar and I was like H and the bartender knew he was drunk so he pulled me aside M Chappelle are you sure about that?
That's going to be $16, guess, guess who was at the bar, I thought I was seeing things. I looked across the room and saw the trans in the photo. I said what is a trans person doing in a place like this. This is very dangerous behavior. And she was with two big, muscular gay black guys. She didn't know them. Friends, but I know you were gay if you had a dick in your mouth you wouldn't look any more gay than just sitting there. They had a gay face from the 80s, do you know what that is? Remember back in the 80s when gay people seemed shocked all the time.
Once Stuart educates me on this move, you know what I mean, I didn't even know it, he told me it's called l b GT Q. I was like: what does the Q do? That even makes sense. Q turns out Q is like vows, so sometimes it's for gay guys who don't really know they're gay. you know what I mean like prison who likes well I'm not gay I'm just sucking these cocks to pass the time no gee I'm cute and now we get to the heart of the crisis what is a woman what is that? Nowadays, is there such a thing as a woman, a man or anything?
H seems to be a question nowadays, listen, women get mad at me, gay people get mad at me, lesbians get mad at me, but I'm telling you right now. It's true these transgenders want me dead I've gone too far I've said too much and I have to tell you I'm very worried about it I'm not even kidding Every time I go on stage I'm scared I'll be looking at the crowd looking for Knuckles and Adams apples to see where they're coming from threats could come. A black came up to me on the street the other day and said, "Careful, Dave, they chased you.
I said what One V or many sees and if I To be brutally honest, the only reason I ever got mad at the transgender community is because I was in a club in Los Angeles and I was dancing to one of these for six songs in a row. I had no idea and then the lights came on and I saw the knuckles I said oh no and everyone was laughing at me Hello world, I said. why didn't you say anything and then I heard that sultry voice I didn't say anything Delle because I was having a wonderful time and I wasn't sure how I would feel about it I said you knew how I would feel and she said I'm going home I don't want any problems yours I said home There are only two songs left I mean, we might as well finish T Night and I ended up having breakfast together Everybody's mad about something recently Some gay bloggers attacked me online and it hurt my feelings I don't have a problem with gay people, but I hate that bloggers don't say it because this person was gay.
He was acting like he was online. like mischaracterizing my jokes, trying to single me out when really it's like I'm your ally. I'm not trying to stop homosexuals. The best thing I did was say things and try to get gays to beat me up. Seriously, it was like Dave Chappelle's jokes. I don't know how he actually talks. Raising the voice. David Chappelle's jokes were against the masculinity of all gay men. What does that mean? I didn't say anything that would allude to gay men aren't men, I know you actually meant what could be more manly than another guy in the ass, that's the most gangster thing I've ever heard in my life, I told you, I'm not made for that, I'm a, I said I have a superhero idea because I really go, yeah, he's a um, he's a gay superhero, he was really what's his name, uh, oh, his name, his name, the same hero, boots new, it's about a gay Sue Chef in San Francisco, he gets bitten by a radioactive rat. in his Shi when he takes out the trash and is blessed with gay type powers Beyond his Wildest Dreams Super Sonic and starts saving everyone in San Francisco but at first he only saves the gays then he saves everyone and the whole city just falls . in love with them the only problem is that no one remembers him when he saves them well I don't understand why they wouldn't remember him I said because dumb he's gay he keeps changing his clothes people come thanks for saving Mis what's your name anyway he's like, oh , same hero, new boots and emotions, you think I hate gays and what you're really seeing is I'm jealous of gays, oh I'm jealous, I'm not the only black person who feels this way, us black people , we.
Look at the gay community, come on, damn, look how well that movement is doing, look how well you're doing and we've been stuck in this situation for hundreds of years, how are you making that kind of progress? I can't help it. but I feel like if the slaves had baby oil and shorts, we could have been free 100 years earlier, you know what I mean, if Martin Luther King was like I want everyone up, the floaties, their bodies okay and shiny, the only reason I've ever gotten mad at the transgender community because I was in a club in Los Angeles and danced to one of these for six songs straight.
I had no idea and then the lights came on and I saw his knuckleball. I said oh no and everyone laughed. I H World Stop I said why didn't you say anything and then I heard that sultry voice. I didn't say anything because I was having a wonderful time and I wasn't sure how you would feel about it. I said you knew it. how would I feel and she said I'm going home I don't want any problems from you I said home there's only two songs left I mean we might as well call it a night and we ended up having breakfast together we all grew up.
It doesn't make me gay, I just put my tits in, his tits are as real as any tit there at 2:00 in the morning. I was just borrowing some friction from a screaming stranger, they canceled people who are more powerful than me, they canceled. JK Rowling OMG JK Rawling wrote all the Harry Potter books alone, she sold so many books that the Bible cares about her and she got canceled because she said in an interview and this is not exactly what she said, but she did indeed say that the genre was a In fact, and then the trans community got angry when they started calling it Turf.
I didn't even know what that was, but I know trans people make up words to win arguments, so I looked it up Turf is an acronym that means Trans Exclusive. radical feminists this is a real thing this is a group of women who hate transgender people they don't hate transgender women but they look at trans women the same way us black people would look at blackface it offends them like oh this is me is making an impression. I walked into the club minding my own business and a woman came up to me and said, "Oh my God, da Chappelle," and I was just being reciprocal nice, hey lady, how are you, blah, blah, blah, but I didn't care.
I talked about nothing and everything a sudden lesbian fell between us hey that's my girl I said I my man back off like that she said I'm not going back all that's my girl I said brother you're going to have to give me three feet like that she said stop calling I'm a man I'm a woman I said what and then I looked deep into this black's cheekbones I said oh my God, you're a woman, this is too much for me to even understand, but I tell you what I opened my fist. immediately and softened my posture so she knew she was not in danger I even changed the tone of my voice I said softly sweetly like a pimp would say I'm about to slap you hello

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