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John 14 | Get Ready | Pastor Jack Hibbs

Apr 27, 2024
and I got a little jingle that said either we're going to go to the Rapture or we're going to go to the breakup like Believer before, if I drop dead before I hit this floor, don't run up on stage and say, Lord, bring them back, Jesus, bring them back. , heal them. cure it, don't do that, just say wow. Paul said it is so true and so real that the apostle Paul said it is necessary for me to continue here in the ministry. Paul said it's good, but he said it would be so much better if I could go and be with the Lord it sounds radical it's radical but the Christian life is radical radical we know where we're going he has us here for a reason and that is to advance the kingdom of God That means wherever you live, whatever you do.
john 14 get ready pastor jack hibbs
You must promote the gospel through acts of love and kindness. Any concern for others. Do you have an enemy? Is there someone who just hates you? Let's be honest. Is there someone you hate and you know you shouldn't? Jesus is saying. Look at it, you have your heart is not right towards them, that is the person God is telling you, I want you to bless them and you say no, and he says: I want you to bless them, you know their birthday is coming up, they can. I can't stand you, you can't stand them, but I'm not talking to them, I'm talking to you, send them a card and just say: I hope you have a great year.
john 14 get ready pastor jack hibbs

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john 14 get ready pastor jack hibbs...

I can't do that, you should do it because that's how it will be. free yourself and when Jesus said it's like you're heaping coals of fire on someone's head acts of kindness that's an act of kindness coals of fire on their head that's a good thing there's no time to talk about it now it's just a good thing it's like someone brings, you know, the door, Dash, the food comes to your house, it's a blessing, bless them because, because then they'll start thinking about your God, okay, be careful with the bubbles, when we protect ourselves, no come on. take someone else to heaven with us when that's what we commit to do, okay, so even though we know where we're going, we know our retirement program is great, it's with Jesus, but look what happens when he takes us.
john 14 get ready pastor jack hibbs
It says we shouldn't let our hearts be troubled I want you to keep some things in mind and this is when Jesus said I'm going to pick you up and take you to where I am. Does anyone know what that's called? Thank you Can you say it louder? Rapture Rapture Now Why is the word Rapture no longer mentioned in churches? Did you know that the Rapture doctrine is under attack like never before? You hear the things people say that


s don't even talk about. and it is in the Bible you say: I have never read the word in the Bible.
john 14 get ready pastor jack hibbs
Do you speak and read in Latin? If you do, it's in the Bible in Latin. The word rapture comes from Latin. We use it because that's the popular word in English it's two words Com compound caught if you're Greek listen Greek is funny Greek sounds like it's Italian Greek is harpazo oh I'd like to have harpazo with extra sauce doesn't harpazo sound great if you're a Greek what does it mean to be violent removed violently from the earth removed in the blink of an eye that sounds familiar and 1 Corinthians chapter 15 The Bible says there is going to be an event write it down please there will be an event when people are living their lives and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, they go from life to eternal life without death, they change instantly in a flash, where is that First Corinthians 15?
Mark that in your thinking. Don't believe it, just write it down, it won't hurt you, write it down and notice that Jesus is the one who introduces the doctrine of the Rapture. I'm leaving. Don't let you be troubled. I'm leaving and I'm going to prepare a place for you. Can I encourage you if you've never seen The Wrath before? Has anyone heard of him? Go to Amazon Prime and watch The Wrath beforehand. It is a Galilean wedding, exclusively Galilean, the bride, the groom went to her father's house, prepared another house on top of the father's house and when the father thought or thinks that the house is sufficiently dignified, tells his son that now you can go find your girlfriend all the time from the moment.
The son began to build on top of his father's house in Israel. She is engaged and most of the time during that entire year, they barely see each other. It is the father who says go get her. Do you remember when Jesus says that no one knows when I will arrive? It's not me, not the angels, just my father. That is an illusion of a Galilean wedding when Jesus was on Earth. Technically listen, we believe that now Jesus doesn't know when he will return to get you because it is the father who will. say perfect son plus he's a great carpenter, go look for her and he AR look at John 14, does it say anything about John 14 that landed on Earth?
Is there anything about John 14 about the second coming? No, the first coming was Jesus to Jerusalem to Israel. Amen, right, you got it, by the way, the second coming is the same. Jesus comes to Jerusalem and Israel. You are with me? In both cases, he will be healed as a King. Isn't it interesting that Israel is in the news now? Why is it in the news? Because there is an entire religion that believes that Israel should not exist. Well, God says it has to exist. Israel has a lot of war ahead according to the Bible, but Israel is not going anywhere.
Did you know why? Because in the second coming Satan also knows the Bible and the second coming, when Christ Jesus returns, he wants to ruin it. Satan wants to ruin it because you know that he is the father of all lies. What happens to liars when they lie? They are a perpetual or habitual liar. It is one of the characteristics of Satan. When a person tells a lie after having told it for a certain amount of time. A lie carries with it a judgment. It is as if you al


know those. Things I used to hate.
These things. I remember those little music boxes with a clown inside. I used to have nightmares about that thing and that clown comes out and scares me. Listen. Satan knows the word of God and tells a lie. he says it enough to start believing what he's been saying that's what happens to us when we tell lies long enough for us to actually believe it's reality it's a curse it's actually a curse so Satan is a liar and I think that Satan believes he is going to somehow destroy Israel in Jerusalem so that Jesus cannot return. Did you know that the Ottoman Empire buried Gentile bodies in front of the Eastern Gate in the year 110 because they had read the Bible in the Book of Ezekiel and said that a Jew cannot return to Jesus?
He can't come back now we put Gentile bodies in front of the door he has to go through it's incredible listen in John 14 he's not coming to earth he says I'm going to go prepare a place for you you al


pointed it out Where is it? I'll come and take you to myself. Where I am? Can I say where I've been working on this? I'll take you there. Does everyone have that? Did you listen? I said this is the second time I've done this I told everyone I said it last night and I just said it again what a wonderful thing to say because listen, the Bible teaches that you and I are to be waiting for Jesus moment by moment. day by day regarding the second coming, there is no challenge in the Scriptures to be waiting for his appearance.
You want to know why the second coming has at least 200 Bible verses that must be fulfilled before Christ returns to Jerusalem at the second coming and this is what It's funny this, guys, there are those who your friends will tell you. I do not believe in the Rapture that was invented by some man. No, it is not invented by Jesus Christ himself. Hey, how about this? Do you want to turn around? Do you have your Bibles or? Am I doing all this alone? Go to First Thessalonians. First Thessalonians and chapter 4. See if there is a correlation.
See if you understand this. When those people knock on your door, they are your friends. My Church does not teach that Jesus could return today. or at any time I should insert at this moment second Peter 2 warns us are all listening 2 Peter 2:2 says that in the last days scoffers will come mocking saying where is the promise of his coming everything has remained the same Jesus warned in one of his parables beware of those who say my lord delays his return that attitude that is in the world you you and I know people like that I will fix my life with God when something happens something they are betting they have better odds in Las Vegas than living a life like that and yet , God listen according to the Bible, he will return for those who are seeking him, who are waiting for him, and I firmly believe that a true believer will live and seek.
His return I think goes with the teaching of the word of God so Jesus starts it he is the one who started it you take your friends to John 14 and then you take them to 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 13 but I don't want it to be Paul who speaks, but I I don't want you to be ignorant the word ignorant is I don't want you to be left without teaching or information how many churches are uninformed about what we are going to hear about those who have fallen asleep let me explain to you that believers adopted something beautiful in the first century church when you die you look as if you were sleeping the reference is to the physical body they would refer to, they would say um to those who sleep or have fallen asleep, their soul and their spirit are with the Lord, you bury their body and that body remains in the ground until the resurrection, all of you follow me.
It's actually too quiet here for me right now. You know what I'm talking about, okay. Grandpa dies. You put it on the ground, but Grandpa doesn't. there you know how you have grandpa's memorial service he is not there he is gone but his body is there the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 we are Body Soul and Spirit we are a trichotomy what God is perfect we are imperfect Body Soul and Spirit father holy son holy spirit this is what Paul says to these beautiful believers who were mourning the loss of their loved ones he tells them not to grieve like the others who have no hope because if we believe that Jesus died and rose again God will also bring with him those who sleep in Jesus my mom is up there my dad my sister is up there for this we tell you through the word of the Lord that it is wonderful that we Paul says we he includes himself not them not those not in the future Paul says that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will in no way get ahead of those who are asleep translation there will be a day that we do not know when it will be when the saints are alive Paul throws himself there that when Christ those who have died before us are coming something is going to happen we are alive but they are corpses what is going to happen it says in verse 16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with the Shout with the voice of the Archangel in the trumpet of God notice that is John 14 see 1 2 and 3 three and the dead in Christ will rise first their bodies will come out of the earth resurrected bodies that is what that is the hope of the believer we are Christians if you are Jewish you believe in Christian Resurrection you believe in the Resurrection Jesus was not reincarnated Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead and if you died today and went to heaven today we were doing your service and we are here somewhere in gravity and we are putting you on the ground and suddenly we hear a trumpet sound.
Your coffee lid opens, you go up first and we follow behind you trying to catch up. The Bible says that you are going to get up first, but look at how this. It happens and listen how many of you have loved ones in heaven, you know you have loved ones in heaven, yes, and don't you think that even your little yorkshire terriers in heaven are also not your hunting dog in heaven, no, in California, it's like an overwhelming scream yes everyone's dog in California is born again I guess it's very cute yes my dog ​​goes so listen to this so that the Lord Himself ascends from heaven with the Scream with the voice of the Archangel the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ who rose first and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up that is the word rapture in Latin in the Latin language if you have a Latin bible that says Rapture right there if it is a Greek bible it is harpoon right there english snatched together with who who is they who are they who appeared well the pop tarts well so we're having your service we put you on the ground imagine that day and they're there go grandpa, it's going to happen one day you said no No know about it in the sense that it already happened no, I mean this hasn't happened, it happened once before, remember when Jesus Christ read Matthew 27 carefully, it's radical, Jesus is crucified, he yells at Telly, it's over and then Say goodbye to your spirit, it's called.
Easter true Jesus dies on the cross, what does the Bible say? The Bible says that there was a great earthquake at that time and it says that many of the tombs of those who believed they were buried, the people came out of the tombs and walked towards Jerusalem and it happened, it also says after his resurrection. Can you imagine Mike was that Uncle Bob who just walked by? I thought we buried him two weeks ago. Can you imagine he says they went to town? Oh, that had to scare people. That's absolutely incredible, but. look this is the best part you will be caught up together with them see Church on the ground in the clouds why John 14 John 14 because Jesus is going to leave the place where he is he is going to come pick us up and take us back to where he is because he has prepared us a place and what it says is to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord, therefore, comfort each other with these words, don't fight about this, listen, this is not good news, you will see , wait aminute, are you telling me that if I die, if I'm a Christian and I die, I immediately wake up the next moment in the presence of the Lord? yes, and when he returns, here it says that my body is going to arise from the earth, yes, it will be glorified like his.
What about those who are living at the time of the Rapture and there in 1 Thessalonians 15 it says? in the blink of an eye and they've changed, I hope that happens today, in fact, I hope it happens in like 9 minutes and 25 seconds because I'll be done then and what a great way to end a church service on the right track. Upstairs, I'm going to go see and I told you there will be this incredible instant transformation that is not a legend or an idea from a movie or book series, it is Scripture. Jesus said: Building a place for you, has been building for 2000 years.
God made everything. in six days you imagine 2,000 years I have to confess that I am I had a I see things it's so strange I had like a steam lock when it came to thinking about heaven in my life because I'm partly crazy it's that I see everything in Technicolor I really see I see things in cartoons I probably need a doctor or an evaluation but people always say how do you remember my name? It's because I see cartoons over and over in people's heads when someone starts talking, my mind just goes to this. thing and I associate their name with that thing and then five years later I meet them and I say, hey Bob, how are you?
How do you know my name? Because I saw you as a big clown 5 years ago in my head, no you don't. I don't tell you that part but I see things that are very colorful to me when the sky is blue it's so blue when it's so green outside it's so green right now California is perfect we left there were 80 Dees those mountains are covered in snow Min feet of snow and the hills explode velvety green with purple and yellow and all these flowers we are having a super bloom it is for this moment it was not for people it would be just perfect, correct or political but it is simply wonderful in my life for some reason I always saw the sky flats white White walls wearing white robes white ceiling and very, very quiet and it's like I'm glad you're here, what are you doing here?
It's like, and I don't know where I got that from, but it's wrong. and I read Randy Alorn's book. If you ever want to read a book on Theology of Heaven, don't read anyone's books on Heaven because this guy, me, me, this thing I forgot, read Randy Alcorn's book Heaven, it's a theology. en Systematic Theology of Heaven you will be so blessed where God has taken us when Jesus says I am preparing a place The Apostle Paul announced that it is so beautiful that he couldn't even articulate it and he wasn't going to talk about it in this world when he glimpsed it, there it is where will you go if you are trusting in Christ.
I hope so because he reads this chapter 19 of Revelation for reasons of time. He will paraphrase it, but will you write this? Verses down we are talking about John 14 verses 1 2 and 3 we are talking about 1 Corinthians 15 50-57 and we are talking about 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 to 18 and then we will finish with this in the Book of Revelation chapter 4 John is receiving the Revelation From Jesus, everyone received that Book of Revelation. The next thing John says is that he heard a trumpet speaking to him. John, he hears a trumpet speaking to him and what the trumpet says. Does anyone know what he says?
Yeah, it appears interesting, he said what's the problem with that just that the church never appears again since that time it's found in the Bible it's no longer mentioned from John 14 uh Revelation 4 onwards I can't find it, it's gone is it? did you know your friends then? who say well we're going to go through the tribulation, you better buy a lot of food, you better put on a helmet because the Antichrist is coming, listen, they might want to go through all that, but the Bible doesn't teach that, oh, the tribulation. The period is approaching, but it cannot come until God begins to reveal Himself to the nation of Israel.
Ezekiel 3837 and 36 says: Did you know this? How long is the Tribulation period? Every year. Seven years. Does anyone remember what year they knew Jesus had? die in a certain year according to Daniel The Book of Daniel tells us that Jesus had the Messiah had to come in the year 483 of Daniel's prophecy. Did you know that God said that it is Israel because you have not kept your Sabbaths have you stolen from me? to let the land rest, that's why you owe me 490 years, I'm going to take it away from you because you didn't give it to me and gives an outline in Daniel chapter 9: 24-27 about when the Messiah would arrive and the pause that would take place and in the year 483 it was the same year that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead and ascended again to heaven.
It's been 2,000 years of a predominantly Gentile era where the gospel has been going out, but God said. 490 you owe me the seven years is about Israel the church is not mentioned anywhere and this is where I hit the microphone the moment you say I don't agree with you


because isn't the church mentioned in the other end of the Bible in Revelation? good observation is Revelation 19 where someone was found remember she is in heaven and she is amazing the bible says the church is in heaven and the bible says she has fine linen clean and well she is not wearing robes this should scare them Old Testament Saints The Bible says that in heaven they wear white robes, the tribulation saints, that is, those believers who died during the seven-year tribulation period, which John says are more than he could count.
By the way, does everyone know how evangelization goes? to start with 4 144,000 Jews, not Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, right, they are virgin Jewish men who speak Hebrew. 144,000 of them, 12,000 from each tribe, begin to evangelize the world and are anointed. Can you imagine having 144,000 liberated apostles like Paul? maybe with the internet too people are coming to the Lord John said I couldn't even list them all this is what's great next thing John is in heaven and he's telling you what's going on up there and then in Revelation chapter 19, that's the next verse you write this this is your task I don't see anyone writing anything but you should anyway I did my part the doors listen he sees he sees the door open and in front of him is Jesus on a white horse and with he is the armies of heaven Old Old Testament Saints wear white robes Tribulation Saints Old Testament Saints white robes the church is never given a robe if you've been waiting for a robe you don't get a robe it says the church receives fine linen clean and shiny it's a wedding dress but she's a girl because she's on a horse we're on a horse she says we're following it now please don't hate me but I'm not a horse person we have we have horses In our city I don't make horses, I hate animals that are smarter than me, for one thing, but apparently I'm going to have a transformation.
I'm going to like a horse enough to sit on it and the Bible says in Revelation. 19 and 20 you need to read it that we will return at the second coming with Christ the church asks you my question is how did she get there? How did she get there? You see there are people today trying to steal your joy because Paul says in Titus 2:13 that we should be waiting for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Does that excite you and listen? I want to encourage you, don't answer out loud, are you a born? - again a believer and if you are, you know you are because the holy spirit within you witnesses with your spirit, you are my son, if you are not sure then try doing something stupid and he will warn you if you don't.
You don't hear anything, you need Jesus, people say I never heard the Lord speak to me. Really try to have a bad thought for a minute. Does not like? Sorry, Jack. I can see we don't do that anymore. because he lives within you, but the unbeliever says, well, I don't see anything wrong with that, no, there is a lot of evil in that church, be strong, wait for his coming, the Bible says in 1 John that everyone who has this . hope will purify themselves just as Christ is pure that doesn't mean we are sinless but we would be if we could be right we can't right now we are dragging this corpse that's why we have to die for the believer in In fact, the apostle Peter used words when it's time to die it's to weigh anchor, let go of the anchor, think about this body right now it ties us to this earth, if you could get your way, look, I'm a grandfather, if I could convince myself that my grandchildren would be well and my daughters would be fine and my wife would be fine my wife is fine if she knew that and the doctor came to see me tomorrow and told me you have five minutes to live, I would say what a merciful god you are, I'm honestly telling you the truth, If the thought of death scares you, it's the Holy Spirit who says you're not ready, remember?
How many of you here are doctors, nurses or scientists, raise your hand? I'm not going to call you, just raise your hand. Okay, there's something we know. I worked in a research laboratory for 13 years in bioengineering. There is one thing. No one told them that we know the mask we went and bought. at Walmart right Penny the mask we were wearing I don't know if you were wearing masks we didn't wear masks in California we did everything we could to annoy the governor we even went to the beach you know what we did we sang out loud he said you can sing but you can't sing out loud high this is the deal did you know that no one at the CDC enters a laboratory with viruses wearing a mask, they wear a pressurized space suit, don't you want?
I know why viruses go through the mask. There aren't any here, but there are still people in California who wear a mask. Did you know? Do you know what that means? You're supposed to evangelize them. Why don't I say that because? You're terrified, what are you? What are you afraid of? Look, you still know people, right? I mean, I imagine Tennessee has a person that you would see and they go like that, they run away from you like you're the virus, listen, our hearts should go. Tell them they are afraid of getting sick. Why are you afraid of getting sick?
Everyone gets sick because I don't want to die. I have a deal for you. I hope you are trusting in Jesus. We need to exercise his presence more. our life than ever before our friends are terrified by the news we have the answer on this Earth and on our ships we need to talk we need to talk be attractive be affectionate be kind but tell your friends the truth and listen Blame me, you can say this lunatic came from California said that this in the church is not that strange, look what, see if they take the bait, he said that a lot of people are afraid of dying and then listen to the answer and see what happens, but come on. let us pray right now together father, we bow our heads before you and Lord, we ask you right now in your precious name Jesus that in this meeting today right now here if your holy spirit is speaking to anyone and telling them it is you.
You are not safe, you are not safe, you do not have the peace, joy and confidence of being one of my little lambs. You're not sure if you know my voice. I have good news for you right now, friend, while I stop my prayer if you are. hearing or feeling or feeling a little pinch where that's a little adjustment where, wow, I think I might fall into that category, well, first of all, glory to God, he's really speaking to you right now and he wants you to do it. something about it some of you may be just saying: I'm glad this is over.
I can't wait to go bowling. You don't care, you don't care at all about heaven, you don't care about Jesus, and even if you went to heaven you would be discouraged because you don't want to be there well, one of the birthmarks of a child of God is that we can't wait to see the Who loves us the most if he thinks today you have sinned so much that God cannot forgive you stop getting your hopes up your sin is not bigger than his blood you are a very bad person good for you Jesus said that person who repents of his sin and believes in me that person is Forgiven so much that that is the person who loves me the most, whose name is God the Redeemer, my friend, he redeems and may you put your trust in him in the name of Jesus, amen

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