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George Conway trolls Trump with billboard near Mar-a-Lago

May 26, 2024
In the Republican primary campaign, Nikki Haley became a kind of avatar of the Republicans who were never Trump for the millions of people who are still registered as Republicans or used to be and still identify on some level as such, but who They are fundamentally disgusted by what the party has done. turned around and it seemed clear that Haley would end up where almost all professional Republican politicians end up, which ultimately is just turning around and yesterday made it official. I'll vote for the guy I told you was unstable and unhinged. I will vote because Trump has said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech.
george conway trolls trump with billboard near mar a lago
Trump would be smart if he reached out to the millions of people who voted for me and continued to support me. He would be smart. It's a good advice. I'm glad you're here. Giving him advice, one of the last people who had represented any kind of internal party resistance to Maga's vision of the Monstrous Authority of Aran and Donald Trump is now endorsing him, so George Conway was once a Republican, he is a lawyer and opposing writer from the Atlantic and he joins me now I think the odds of this moment happening were close to 100%, yes, but I guess it's definite if there were any questions about the Republican Party, what it is and what it means in this moment, it's a cult.
george conway trolls trump with billboard near mar a lago

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george conway trolls trump with billboard near mar a lago...

I mean, that's the only way to describe it and everyone has it. I mean, it basically consists of two groups of people, mostly some people who have basically lost it completely. You know the people we see in the House of Representatives and then there are people. that they're basically afraid to say that so many people have lost it, including you know, I mean, that's basically what just happened here with Nikki Haley and the person who's really lost it the most is Donald Trump, I mean, he , you know, the crazy one and everyone is getting crazier than him and as Micky Haley pointed out when she was telling the truth for a couple of weeks in the spring, I mean he's mentally unstable and it's getting worse and we can see it every day in the courthouse, uh, we can see him when he's standing there complaining about the temperature, when, when, when the thermometers in the courtroom say 74 75 degrees, he says it's too cold, you know, he, he, you know the lies about the elections or talking about his friend H Hann. sizing up Hannibal elector, I mean this guy, he's, he, he's crazy about Cocoa Puffs and he's getting like Nikki Haley rightly pointed out, he's getting worse, you put this sign outside, uh, is he near deral or mara


george conway trolls trump with billboard near mar a lago
It is close to Mara


. There are a couple of exits south of where you are, if for example you were in Maral Lago and you wanted to play golf at the Dalal Resort, you continue onto I95, drive south and, like one or two, it's on the right. You'll see this sign either on the way there or back, or both, and I thought you knew that. For fun I decided it's a good place to put the sign. He had been making some hats, uh, that's what he says, uh. That's like the Maga hats, except the blue and the white, and some bubble stickers and, um, a guy named Claude Taylor who runs this pack called the Mag Dog Pack, he's been putting up a bumper, not bumpers, but, um ,




s and you.
george conway trolls trump with billboard near mar a lago
I know he texted me. I think maybe yesterday or the day before yesterday we had some text message exchanges. Say: Hey, I'd like to, how much would it cost to put one of these up? We thought about putting it up. I thought about Putting him in the H Holland tunnel or the Lincoln tunnel, but it turns out he's staying, he's not going to Bedminster this summer, some reporters told me because he knows the campaign will be run from an office, uh, close to uh. The West Palm Beach airport, so this was the perfect place and I hope you see it and, you know, I hope it amuses you as much as it does me.
I think you'll notice, you said yesterday when you talk about this, this division between people. They've lost it and people are afraid to talk about what you said yesterday about the outcome of Haley's endorsement and the Alo flag. Many people have Lo. The rights have lost their minds. Many people on the right are afraid. say it and I think one of the things that's a little chilling about Alo's news is that he's in category one instead of category two, right, I mean, this is your circle, George, these are your people, man. You spent your entire career surrounded by these people.
You keep insulting me like that. I'm going to go, but um, but that's true. I mean, it's a sociological historical fact. I can not explain it. I mean, I think. I think there's been a steady deterioration in the kind of psychological health of a lot of people on the right. I mean, why would you put? I mean, no, why would you? Talk about why we talk about this. This is the What I find is why you would do this. I find it as fascinating as I can imagine. You imagine? Imagine George. You imagine yourself well 10 years ago and you're talking to a promising 45-year-old and 42-year-old. -old as the Federalist Society very brilliant Secretary of the Supreme Court district court judge of great pedigree and they say: I'm going to fly this flag over my house as obviously your advice would be: if you're crazy, don't do that, why would you do it? do that you're a federal judge don't do it you can't do it but don't do it either why would you do that right?
No, it is completely. I just can't understand it. I mean, I don't know. What to think about this other than it's just a horrible, uh, horrible judgment. I mean, if it's a joke, it's a horrible judgment. If it means anything, it's even worse. I can't, I can't understand it. Well, fortunately, the trial has nothing to do with it. job he has for the rest of his Natural Life George Conway Thank you very much and

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