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30 Secrets I Never Knew About My DAD! *adopted?*

May 02, 2024
I think this is a video that every sun has ever wanted to make in their life. Dad on the bench and me with loaded questions. I'm


, so you really want to tell the truth here. Yeah, wait, wait, I have to know. If this is your skip, I'm


. No, what are you lying? You lied to me? Here's the thing when you lie, they kill you. Okay, we want to start with a nice, juicy one at the beginning. Do you like being my dad? Yeah. oh okay, that's good, that's good, that's sweet Do you think you're prettier than me?
30 secrets i never knew about my dad adopted
Oh yes, that's true. Do you think you have better hair than me? Is not true. That's how it is. Do you like my sense of style? Do you see what I am? I'm going to tell the truth so I'm not surprised, no, my God, that's true, do you think you're prettier than me? No, which kid do you think has the worst fashion sense? No, that's not a yes or no question, it's not like that. it matters, but if you say someone does, josh, it's true, oh my god, it's hard, this is hard, you don't have the privilege to speak, you're a prisoner, do you think I'm prettier than preston, they can't understand this, no, no.
30 secrets i never knew about my dad adopted

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30 secrets i never knew about my dad adopted...

You have to say yes or no, which one is the smartest apart from this video? Do you like being in my YouTube videos? Yes, that's true, so dad, do you watch my YouTube videos? Yes, that's true, that's true, he will come to me all the time because. You look at the new video you are watching, have you seen it? I listen to my dad, he is my biggest fan. What can we say? Okay, would you ever want to start a YouTube channel? There is not too much work. That's true. Do you watch my YouTube videos? Yes, wow.
30 secrets i never knew about my dad adopted
Would you subscribe to my channel keely below in the description? Did you think I was going to be a successful YouTuber when I started making videos? No, that's true, that's true. Are you serious? We literally had my mom in the other room and she couldn't. Bear to see, she thought this was not like Christ. David has done three tours in the desert. I'm pretty sure this is worse. I'll mention it, honey, and that's why we're putting on YouTube and that brings me to the next question. Am I your favorite son? No, oh, I know you said I wasn't the favorite child, but do you have a favorite child?
30 secrets i never knew about my dad adopted
Jacob, yeah, oh, she doesn't have a favorite. That's true. Well, okay, listen to YouTube. We all know it's not me. I only have a dollar she's your favorite girl Keeley because she's the only girl yes what if she were a girl would she be the favorite? That's true Keeley is your favorite girl Who is your favorite son I


this was coming Am I your favorite? no no who is it who is it let me free you? Okay, if it's not me, okay, I'm adopted. Okay, Josh is my favorite. He is the hair. It's true. What happened to everything you've told us all?
I love Josh. Do you think I'm the smartest kid? no oh that's actually true I'm hurt because he told me that so I'm the only one who actually has college experience and I was on the dean's list so what do you mean I went to college when I was 14 years? we had the same high school teacher she said he


turned in any of his work by the way that's the limit i passed josh he's the smartest we didn't even ask you he's in his own world i feel like that deserves a surprise i mean, I don't know wow, who do you think is the laziest child the craziest child the laziest child say the name of the laziest child you are it's true I don't know how I am lazy how I am why I am lazy are you getting surprised by that wow, do you ever wish you had different kids?
No, that's true, oh oh, that's the least, oh my gosh, I'm sure there are times when you'd ever wish you had more daughters besides me. Obviously not, because I have Haley and Libby. all my best friends, yes that's true, not because you mom told me I was supposed to be a girl, you look like one, one of your boys bothers you more than the others, yes, yes that's true Oh, that's so true, what are you looking at? I have the feeling that I know. Come on, which kid has the worst hair? Yeah, do you think Josh has the worst hair?
I already answered yes, I love Josh. Do you like Josh's hair? No, that's true. Okay, okay, well at least I have it. here oh my god mustn't it be fun to have here this is a little spicy it's spicy you gotta get ready are you ready get ready? Did I disappoint you when I dropped out of college twice? What kind of father would be happy? about his son abandoning a call and going back to school, do you care that he doesn't go to college? no parent secretly wants us all to have a title and none of us have one.
I like having more titles than you. Hey, I told you, I didn't think it was true? you're sorry yes yes quit Do you think I should have stayed in school? Not dad. I'm just going to lie. Did you like my wife when you first arrived? I met her Yes, that's true and she wanted to come back like a No, that would have been spicy. Do you like my boyfriend Scott? Yes, I like cool things. Did you like Bree more than my ex-girlfriends? Yes, I can't breathe. I can't breathe, I like her merchandising too, get out of here, this is my video, have you ever not liked Scott?
Don't you like any of my friends? No, do you like my girlfriend? Yeah, oh, that's true. I really want one of these juicy ones to come back. Since now mom walks more than when she talks on the phone, mom is like a guard dog. Do you know when my boyfriend Scott is going to propose to me? Yes no, that's true, no, really, no other brother joins the threads, I know it close, have you ever lied to me? No, no, I'm not reading right, have you ever caught me in a lie? Yes, yes, that's really it, have you ever snooped in our rooms every time we sneak out?
Yes, privacy, dad, I don't want to be attacked, do you think I am? a better singer than my brother Caleb here I'm interested in this not what you only paid for six years of my singing lessons that money is spent in vain huh it was the truth okay it's true I'm okay I'm so offended okay do you think that I'm a better musician than Keeley? You're bad, I mean, what a musician, better musician, thank you, yes, no, then he's a better singer, but I'm extreme, okay, you can't judge me, I told him the truth, how many times a month do you think you listen to my album ten Times a month?
I feel like it's a lot more actually, I haven't heard your album. Do you think I play too many video games? Not good, yeah, stop tapping. God, wow. Do you think I sleep too much? Not only does he answer true, please don't hurt yourself, dad, yes or no, no, right, oh, thank God, dad is like bullets sweating. Do you like my merch or Breeze Birch better? I love the Breeze merch that wasn't that one. I like yours better, that's true, I mean, what can we say? Do you think you're smarter than me? No, that's not true, yes, it is, are you freaking out?
That thing that thing doesn't work, how could you do this to me? It fell down now, sorry. Like I was discovering


I didn't want to know. Do you think I have a good work ethic? Yes it's correct. Do you think I'm more like you than Mom? Yes it's correct. very true, do you think I get along better with you than with mom? No, oh, that's true. Do you ever look at me and think you're a little weird? No, did you think you did a good job as a dad, yes that's true, he did a great job, did you ever regret punishing me when I was younger?
You hit me hard no, I should have done more Oh, what was my worst age to be a father of children? I'm 21 years old. Probably between nine and 14 years old. No, he only had to say one year, he picked five, I'm sorry, I'm an inconvenient kid, are you one of your spoiled kids, no money, oh, that's not true, oh, yeah, you're getting a big dab, are you? OK? go for a 10 real quick because that was a total lie dad, i love you so much this is not going to feel good oh my god oh my god man his hand wrinkled up he did what's bad that's bad what kid do you think is? spoiled the girl who is the most spoiled has red hair oh sorry sorry what's her name keeley we've literally been asking the secret for probably a decade between the siblings and we finally have a conclusive answer okay i already


, I wish I was a Woman, it doesn't matter, do you think I'm spoiled?
Yes, that's really true. It's true. It is really true. Was I ever super annoying as a kid to be a parent? Yes, he threw the washing powder all over the laundry room floor, what are you doing? I start. cleaning it and I go to where she is and I come back and I look and I find her and she's in the open ice box and she's drinking hey, he's going to look dad, what happens when you drop these eggs? Now Preston does that kind of thing. Okay, for fun, did you want more kids? No, is there a reason you and mom stopped having kids after I was born?
Yes, what is the reason? It is absolutely sufficient. Who loves me more? She has the camera.

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