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Breve Introducción al Diseño Paramétrico ATD2020 UCP. Arq. Jairo Chamorro. UDENAR

Mar 17, 2024
Then we start with the conference, a brief introduction to the


etric design of Pleasure, introducing Jairo Aire, an architect who graduated from the University of Valle, Master in Computational Design from the University of Cinema Australia, a full-time professor assigned to the Department of Architecture at the University of Nariño Pasto. in Colombia coordinator of the manufacturing laboratory typing at the university of nariño and of the degree work subject with the option of further study in


etric design, a scenario where the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of parametric design and parameterism applied to the development of production proposals are addressed. urban and architectural design as a teacher assigned to the architecture department at the university of nariño, he was in charge of designing and monitoring the construction of a large part of the university's new infrastructure, among his notable projects is the technological building, the teaching laboratories building and the university headquarters in the municipality of Tumaco so we welcome you iron of this love welcome to this space of pro says okay very good morning everyone it is really a pleasure to be here and I want to thank the department of industrial design for the entry and the Catholic university for this invitation they make to us, we love being in this setting because we already feel among friends thanks to the opportunity we had during the intersemester to work with the industrial design and architecture guys and we hope it improves I am convinced that this scenario is going to be of great importance for all of us and I am especially pleased that this space has been opened to talk about parametric design because if we do a general overview of what was happening in our academy, I especially think that Without wanting to be derogatory, we are falling a little short in the appropriation of this theme and these spaces are supremely relevant and necessary so that we can incorporate parametric design into what gives energy to our academic training.
breve introducci n al dise o param trico atd2020 ucp arq jairo chamorro udenar
Welcome everyone, welcome again, thank you all. especially to the students those who are information because I believe that this event can be a point of change perhaps of min and generated new concerns that enhance their creative capacity this so without further ado I am going to enter the conference I want to make a reservation the conference really, what I am going to explain today is parametric design, for me, tourism as such in that sense, to make a clarification of the para miter earthquake is a style, a period style, especially the field of architecture, parametric design is a little more let's say that it is let's say that it is the support of the earthquake parameter as a style and that is where I am going to concentrate so the conference would be a brief introduction to parametric design and in this conference as we mentioned in the introduction well I am going to try to explain how I see parametric design how to make an introduction to parametric design articulating many other concepts and especially its relationship with nature in a second please well parametric design let's see what parametric design is then second please what is parametric design If we go to the definition that gel in castell makes in the article for microseisms 2.0 in the 2016 edition of architectural design magazine, it is already a few years old, however that is not a very relevant definition, how Helen Castle defines parametric design, she tells us It says that parametric design is the design process that uses variable parameters or algorithms to generate object geometries, well, if we read this definition, without further explanation, without going into depth, I think we are a little confused and it is not very clear to us what we are talking about and We are going to gradually address all these concepts trying to find that clarity which is in the first instance well here we find two keywords the keyword which is the keywords are variable parameters and the word algorithms so we are going to start there to Start with this brief explanation of what parameters are, I am not going to be very technical but I will try to be as didactic as possible in this sense.
breve introducci n al dise o param trico atd2020 ucp arq jairo chamorro udenar

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breve introducci n al dise o param trico atd2020 ucp arq jairo chamorro udenar...

Parameters If we use synonyms to define what a parameter is, we could then say that a parameter is a piece of data. a factor a variable a reference a criterion an indicator they are all words that are perfectly known and that we constantly use in our work as designers and on the other hand we have algorithms so what is an algorithm because with us we hear the word something and we improve our thinking algorithmic because sometimes we imagine a person typing computer language on his keyboard programming very sophisticated things perhaps beyond our understanding as designers such as architects or as industrial or graphic gentlemen but the truth is that an algorithm is something very simple, an algorithm is not It is more than a logical sequence of steps to solve a problem so here on the right on this slide because today we have very clear an algorithm and an algorithm can be something as simple as a cooking recipe, for example, if I specifically follow the steps to prepare a food then I am basically following an algorithm and that algorithm works following or within some criteria and some parameters that we or some variables that we can consider parameters but let's say that it helps to complement the first conception or the first approach to the definition of parametric design that we see at this moment, however, I think that we continue to remain the same situations, to say well, if I am a designer, I am an architect or if I am an industrial designer, well, my function as a designer is to solve a problem and apply the methodological processes in the methodological processes that are algorithms and I work within some criteria within some variables more variable articles I work within two parameters to solve a problem then where is the novelty of parametric design because finally we are people who solve problems with algorithms within some parameters The big difference between parametric design and what I would call a mainstream design or a conventional design lies in two concepts that are very important: the first concept is the top town concept and the second concept is the up button concept the design that we carry out and that we have been developing since our forever, especially that because what we have learned from academic settings is typically known as a top town process and we are going to break down that idea, parametric design therefore, on the contrary, addresses a totally logical different and it is bottom up, that is, from the bottom up, as I am going to explain and how I am going to try to introduce that concept and that difference between the top down and the bottom up, basically resorting to a little friend that we all know and whom we love very much. and it turns out that this time it is the protagonist of our story because it is one of the perfect examples to explain how the button up processes work and put them against what usually happens with our work and not only in the area of ​​design but in many aspects of society in many aspects and even politics and economics, so the little bees this time that we have here are part of one of a group of organisms, which is what we are seeing in this next slide we find here bees ants and we find termites which is what is interesting about these insects states of these insects have something very interesting and very important and that is that these three groups or these three insects that are considered the are called in gregarious organisms the same Gregarious means that they live in a community that live together, yes, and their existence depends on that coexistence as a collective with the sole purpose of surviving, but beyond those gregarious organisms, the organisms that are on this screen at this moment are They characterize because they are the only organisms on the planet that are considered super organisms.
breve introducci n al dise o param trico atd2020 ucp arq jairo chamorro udenar
What is a super organism? A super organism is a group of individuals that work together to achieve an end. What is that end? It is only survival. So we have all realized. We have all realized. seen this type of things happening in nature we have all realized, for example, when there is a migration, for example of bees, ants and termites, when they already move from one place to another, when they move, for example, from a hive to which they want to abandon a new hive, the swarm moves through the air in a coordinated manner, generating this type of and it is this type of forms that we see at this moment on the screen and these organisms, as we can see in the images that are precisely at this moment, well, no.
breve introducci n al dise o param trico atd2020 ucp arq jairo chamorro udenar
I have you that generate supremely complex forms, supremely attributed is the word but yes it could be said that they are quite creative although in this case creativity does not exist as such in insects however something very interesting is that they move in a coordinated manner and not only do they move in a coordinated manner but they behave in a coordinated manner and are supremely resistant and resilient organisms given not only their number, their large number of individuals that make up the super organism but also because of the structure and organization and the form in the corners in which they are organized because they are capable of supporting the disappearance of many of their members and still continue forward and continue behaving as a single entity that moves continuously and I measure that is the great property of super organisms and here we can see then some very important behaviors that are precisely the swarms, that swarm behavior can be seen in different organisms, we super organisms, but it can also be found in some.
It can be evidenced, for example, in vehicular movements, for example, it can be found even in Pedestrian flows in large agglomerations of people, this type of swarm behavior can be identified and here a great question arises that will help us understand again then how the issue of work or design works top down bottom up and how this is applied also and related to other other important factors other more important aspects of our reality as I mentioned before such as control systems for example the economy so let's assume the following let's assume that we have the queen bee' one wonders well how is it that insects They manage to generate all this coordinated complexity and how do they somehow manage to get all individuals to reach a point in coordination?
Well, if I ask you, I ask that because some will say no, what happens is that, well, these organisms have a very well-defined social structure and, well, they have a queen bee' that is in charge of controlling and if that were the case then we would be facing a structure similar to the one we are seeing in this that is to say we would have a queen bee' and that old queen would be giving all her subjects let's say a series of orders and those and so on so that we would have a tree where the power is concentrated at the top of the pyramid that would be a total structure, that is, the orders are given from the top and reach down and the organizational processes are defined at the top and reach downwards but if that were so, well, man, we would be facing the most intelligent being on the planet, that is, this sheep would be the most intelligent being on the planet if it were not to dominate planets because it does not want to, why why why because imagine the capacity not only mental but of coordination capacity, the ability to organize that this individual would have so that he could achieve these forms with such a high number of members, then it is simply not the way in which nature works, nature works in a completely different way. different then this top-down process is simply not viable it is not viable in natural settings how these self-organizing processes really work that lead us to the emergence that they lead us to find these these organizations are so complex and they also change so quickly and they adapt so quickly here the word adaptation is supremely important because we are going to use the same example and understand how the swarm works then it turns out that ehrlich hunger there is no hierarchy if we are going to understand what the function of the queen bee is it is going to give us Keep in mind that the only function of the queen bee is to lay a and the function of the angles is to fertilize the queen and we have other bees with different functions, all of them programmed to do only what the queen bee was born to do by the egg.
The years are fertilized by the worker bees because they will do their job of collecting food and keeping the larvae alive and the eagles, the warrior bees, will be in charge of defending the hive and stop counting, that is to say, that is only what they know and what they know. Bees obviously communicate constantly through olfactory signals, but there is no hierarchical control system like what we find at this moment. What really exists in nature is a communications network. All of these individuals, any of these little bees, are then in constant communication. with her neighbor and each one is in chargeto do exactly what it wants, but what happens?
Not only is each bee in charge of fulfilling the function for which it was designed or for which it was programmed, but these bees have within their memory some parameters, some behavioral parameters, those behavioral parameters. They can be parameters like the following: if I am the bee and I move more than 50 centimeters from my friend, then I have to slow down to never be more than 50 centimeters away from the enemy, those are the type of parameters, if then for For example, if I am too close to my friend, my partner, then I have to accelerate so that in order to distance myself and always maintain my distance between a range, let's say between 10 and 50 centimeters, those small parameters, those small ranges, are what allow me to emerge within the group. collective behavior does not require organisms to be intelligent, organisms do not need to have great computational capacity, let's say the only thing that needs to be able to solve small tasks and respect certain parameters, certain criteria, when this happens, then self-organization emerges from that interaction, then each Our little blue arrows that we are seeing here on the screen at this moment are known as synergy.
Synergy is the relationships that are established between the different particles between individuals and we see 10 synergies and communications that are given in all divisions and among all the individuals are those that allow the appearance of phenomena that we know so in this table we try to summarize the ideas that outlined so far we can have then a community we can have some particles or units if those particles to units we We add some synergies between these particles and units because thanks to the phenomenon of emergence what is known as the hive mind, life mind, will emerge, so we can realize it and it is perfectly ayman, it is precisely the one in charge of generate these complex forms of swarms, that is, the particles and units plus the synergy between the particles, are what lead to self-organization processes without any type of control beyond the emergence and that self-organization is what generates these supremely complex forms in nature, this is a button process, that is, there is no central organism that is directing how things have to work, but rather the relationships between individuals allow the emergence of higher levels of order, which in this case are called se It is about self-organization and this is precisely what characterizes and differentiates parametric design from conventional design and we are going to delve a little into this topic, how nature works, so we already saw, for example, that there are behaviors and levels of self-organization and in this case those levels of self-organization, this one second please, these levels of self-organization because we have already seen how these levels of organization then allow the appearance of behaviors in social structures, however, that same logic, self-organization is what governs the formation of the forms of nature in all the scenarios and in all the scales so in this in this the graph we are seeing for example structures for which such and the fractal structures is a fractal basically it is a small shape a small unit that has the ability to grow in all dimensions upwards downward and always maintain the same geometric relationships to generate higher levels of complexity.
The cells of organisms interrelate in the same way autonomously without, let's say, a controller, a creator, but rather they interrelate in a coordinated and autonomous manner and generate new higher levels of self-organization in the same way that we saw it with the swarms and what we are seeing on the screen because they are the results precisely of those interactions that is the way in which nature works, that is, it does not exist as Such a designer exists as such, an individual who is determining how the forms have to be and if there were a designer, in this case, then the word designer does not fit as such, not within the conception that we conventionally have, since it is the designer, it should be evolution let's make a small summary then how it works or what the creation processes are like in nature and what the creation processes of the human being are like conventionally the creation processes of the human being are total processes and basically they are done by through design processes ok conventional design let's say on the other hand we have the creation of nature how nature works through button up processes that is, through the interrelation of the bases to generate higher levels of complexity as nature does then nature does it through bottom up processes and especially through the phenomenon of emergence and as I mentioned before, how does nature achieve this transformation and the appearance of forms, well, it does so through evolution, evolution that will always be subordinated. to two supremely important variables that are efficiency and that is to say, nature is lazy is supremely lazy and nature will always try to find the best possible answer to a problem using the minimum of resources and the minimum of energy and obtain the best results.
So in that it is always trying to find the balance between those two variables and as we have learned the same thing, the organisms that respond satisfactorily and that survive, those that effectively manage to achieve efficiency and performance, energy efficiency and perfect performance in the average conditions of the environment then again we come to this point and we ask ourselves how is it possible that nature generates more than 2,000 species of animals and counting then here a very interesting question arises and that is how it does it because there is such a variety of animals and The answer to that is partly given by Mr.
Charles Darwin in the year he died in 1882 and he makes it clear through his book The Origin of Species through Natural Selection and well we all know the theory. Charles Darwin's evolution is very easy, basically what he tells us is that the best adapted organism is the one that survives, and the force of evolution or the forces of the context are and in relation to evolution, they are what guarantee The existence or guarantee, let's say, the permanence of individuals on the planet is very simple and the scientific advances of recent decades have basically corroborated that what Charles Darwin told us was completely correct and yet here There is something that must be mentioned and that is that Charles Darwin never knew how evolution worked and he died without knowing how evolution worked and he always wondered how it works what is the mechanics behind evolution what are the physical forces that change the way in which species appear never the Utah and he could he made his attempts to enter to discover it but the truth is that science at the time was not advanced enough to be able to give an answer to that and so I always believe with that as in his head and he never knew how to answer, but what happens?
Fortunately, we find ourselves in a moment in which science has allowed us to access certain answers and to those answers that Charles Darwin was considering at the time for those answers because it is precisely the existing knowledge now about the molecules of dna deoxyribonucleic acid so we all know that dna is in quotes the the in the place where the plans of the different species that inhabit our planet are stored we could understand it that way however the most appropriate word for To understand DNA is to understand it as a code. It is a code that guides the way in which cells have to tell themselves that they have to behave to achieve those relationships between them and allow the emergence of much more complex ways.
How does evolution then work in DNA is basically what happens is that the base molecules that are adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine, they basically follow some rules, some parameters and these molecules generate genes and the genes in turn generate proteins and the proteins in turn generate organs and in turn The latter generate the bodies of organisms, that is, notice that again the formation process goes from the base to the most superior elements, let's say that making them towards the most complex is not the opposite but rather it is the relationship between the particles of the lowest level.
It generates the great complexity of the organism in that order of ideas. It is also a process, button a, that is, from the bottom up, so why does this happen? Because DNA has these properties. It has the properties of the ability to change. It has the ability to combine. The ademi changes. muta is combined and by changing, especially by mutating, it allows there to be an evolution. It turns out that in 2003 the human genome project was completed, so the human genome project was completed, which is what I was looking for, basically determining or understanding having a map of the genome. human and understand how we human beings are made up as we are organized and it turns out that after doing the study the following conclusion is reached and that is that the human being as such has 23 thousand genes, humans were supposed to be what scientists expected They had between 80,000 and 5,120,000 genes but surprise, it turns out that the human being only has 23,000 genes, this is exactly the number of genes that a chicken has, yes, and this is quite important and in some way it invites us to reflect because we makes us realize that it is not that we are the most important species on the planet due to our genetic load, it seems that we are more of a stroke of luck, that is, in genetic terms, in terms of genetic complexity, it turns out that we are at the level of a chicken, the chicken that gives us We face that frei chicken has exactly the same genes as us so maybe we have to look at whoever's chickens with a little more respect what has happened is that the way in which the genes are used have changed radically and that is where the big difference exists then the question arises but how is it possible because well if one evaluates, for example, what the genetic structure of a plant is like, for example corn, one will find that there are more than 250 thousand genes in a corn plant and xing xing however our corn plants dominate repubblica so here with a question and that is how is it possible then how do the genes work and how is it possible then that with the same gene package of the same 23 thousand genes I can have on the one hand a hen and on the other hand I have a human being that answer was sought by Charles Darwin at the time in the embryos and the embryos are also going to give us the answer to this question at this moment so on this slide you can see the embryos of different animals in different moments of their development and something that is very interesting and that is that you are going to notice is that in the first row all the embryos are practically the same, it does not matter if they are from this fish, turtle, chicken, pig, rabbit or a man in the genes the truth is that the embryos in the first row are literally identical and as the gestation period or the gestation processes progress, they transform until finally we find the third row where one can actually identify the animals by their shapes and so here there exists or we can infer a lesson and that is that embryos and this has been learned in recent years thanks to advances in genetic engineering, embryos use the same key set of genes to build their bodies, then beings They have a set, for example, that controls the development of the limbs, you that control the development of the skin, you that control the development of the eyes and those genes, that set of genes turns out that those gestures are like a kind of switches, so I can turn on and off. turn off sets of genes and depending on which genes I activate and when I activate them, I will obtain different organisms.
In conclusion, it is not the number of genes, it is not the number of genes you have, but how you use them that generates great diversity. in the animal kingdom and I have a genetic package that genetic package has the potential to be many things depending on how I use that genetic package so I am going to have different results and those different results are what we call phenotypes so here we have the definition of genotype the genotype of the genetic information that a particular organism has, that is, the genetic potential that the organism has and there exists an infinite number of possibilities that are unlimited.
The organism, let's say that in this case that genetic package reacts to different determinants contextual turning on and off genes and the result of those those genetic changes of those manifestations and what we see as the organism with its particular forms is what we know as phenotype so this is how nature really works the following reflection fits the following reflection: DNA is a code DNA is a code that could basically be summarized with a sequence of letters like what we have here and we have small beings in the great line of the genetic code of DNA because it is divided into six codes of those sets of codes are the genies and as I mentioned before some of those sets can be on and they can be paid and so on and it turns out that we can find the next one or we could do the next the next comment next bet hypothesis and that is that The genotype articulated with that possibility of turning genes on and off generates different phenotypes, that is, they all grab me in a great variety of ways.
In other words, I only need a genetic package, I only need a code. I can play with that code and I can have not only three types of beetles. Since what I have here at this moment I can have an unlimited number of beetles, I can test the type of beetle that I want and I do not need to create a new genetic code to generate all the beetles that may be needed, that is, the genotype is in itself the organism. and all the organisms that could exist, all that potential is there waiting to be manifested, what happens then we can, we have been coming for many years thanks to the digital revolution that we put we know the binary code the binary code basically that from the computer language the The language of computers is if we reduce it to its smallest structure, the basic thing is that it is nothing more than on and off, it is zeros and ones and it is then possible to reflect.
Men and nature can generate all that complexity of forms using a code generating interrelationships between the elements to achieve higher orders in a bottom up process without another that can do that simply by turning information packets on and off the question is man and since we now have the computational power, isn't it that we can also do it and Indeed, we can do it, that is, we are at a point where designers are able to generate the DNA of our projects and then generate processes of formation or appearance of the form that they are from the base that is a button to a button. top down that is to say emulate the forms the creation processes of nature designers have always sought inspiration in nature and well there are things like analogy which for me really is not the best resource there are work resources inspired by nature such as For example, the functional analysis of an organism to then apply it to the development of a product, but really what we are doing is basically, let's say that we stay in the epidermis because we are not replicating the process itself of generating the form of nature, which is allowing What computational streams allow today is that we can somehow replicate those processes that were previously supremely complex and that were supremely unknown, so what parametric design does is that it gives us the possibility of, through algorithms that They work with some variables, some criteria, some parameters, which then allows us to generate the genotype of the organisms of the architect, whether urban, architectural, as I have mentioned in this conference, but obviously also of any object that we are going to produce as designer and industrial designs and not Only in that area, that is, in all areas of design, could we work with parametric design, graphic design is industrial, fashion design perfectly, and in fact, this is how it works in many form generation processes that result from processes where we What we do is that we build the genotype of the object that we are going to design and that genotype of what allows us to solve great design challenges in urban design, especially because this is supremely powerful because the city is a very complex structure and we intend to that a single individual or a group of individuals, no matter how skilled they are, have the ability to define how to organize, for example, or the behavior of a social structure and the entire economic and functional structure of the city, because Well, it is quite ambitious, so perhaps a new approach is required and x and then what we have to do is propose some algorithmic structures that allow the forces to interact and allow the emergence of order, specifically in this case, as I have mentioned about cities, these are button processes. up then with parametric design we work with variable parameters algorithms that generate what I consider I would call the genotype of the urban architectural organism of the object for example and that in turn generates phenotypes versions manifestations then as I have often told my students and you They tell me and we are talking about parametric design and you talk to me about the building or the characteristics of the building we are no longer talking about the physical manifestation of the building when a student talks to me about what the building is, what the object he is designing is immediately my mind moves to the code it moves to what we are seeing here on the screen on the left this image that we are seeing here is a definition of grasshopper worked grasshopper works within the zero realms platform and grasshopper is a visual coding program that It then allows us to establish a network of relationships or interdependencies and these batteries, these small squares that we see on the screen, these batteries are, let's say, part of that code that controls the different forms of the organism in a large curve, you will know in lines that things like are controlled. the scales as the proportions that we talk about the relationships between the different subjects and there is a certain degree of control, we as designers say that we determine what the variables are, what the parameters are, what the bases are and we begin to pour our creativity into the code so that In order to be able to generate with that code a whole series of results, which is what we see on the right side of the positive path, then we, the designers, using parametric design, well let's say that we publish our creativity towards the conception of the genotype in this case and it is The genotype is in this case, for example, this is a degree project by some university students, because what the students did was propose a system of stands that could be articulated and adapted to different conditions of the context, so when we see these phenotypes at the same time, hand in the right hand because in practical terms in real terms those four manifestations that we see on the right because they are the same object they are the same genotype they have the same genetic potential and simply each one of those images because they are the same the same object the same organism of which we have taken four photographs at four different times but extra is exactly the same organism from its genetic point of view so it is for this reason that when we talk about parametric design we are no longer talking about options than what happens generally with the conventional design but we are talking about versions of the same organization where the parametric design has been applied because the first parametric sir really has approximately it started strong in the 2000s and we are more or less about 20 years 21 years Let's talk about the development of parametric design, I would say that it is a way of working that is relatively new, however, impressive advances have been achieved at an international level because we find large buildings developed with parametric design and it is parametric design that is found in The heart of projects like those made by Sahar and architects is that we cannot understand the architecture of that output without understanding parametric design and that is where much of the resistance to development projects lies. architectural members let's say that of the academic community and those projects are not understood only as a formal and aesthetic manifestation but it is not understood that those projects what there is are all the processes of approach to the generation of the radically opposite form to what is done conventionally and that are intrinsically subject or that are based on the intensive application of computational tools, then here we see manifestations of parametric design at different scales, for example, the right hand is an urban planning proposal in Taipei developed in 2009. and it is a proposal for urban development using the logic precisely of ants, what it is is an approach to urban design using the logic of swarms, so at the time what the designers have done is basically codify, generate a code that allows the emergence of these complexities through the interaction of elements for parametric design, for example in the field of urban design, we no longer talk about architectural space, architectural space is surpassed, we talk about the field and the field is a work area that is supremely full. of information and what we do is articulate that information through algorithmic thinking to generate the best interrelationships and the most satisfactory relationships through the computational use of computing, establish the best relationships that allow us to respond to the needs that in this case are social. or morphological of the city then characterizes some of the characteristics of parametric design is in continuous differentiation and obviously the issue of performance on the right we can see some applications of parametric design the first image because it corresponds to a topological optimization process so what is it What the illogical optimization does is take the object that we have generated in the first instance and through the application of algorithms what the algorithm does is identify where the greatest amount of material is needed where we can eliminate material to find the shape that is more efficient to respond to the needs with the minimum of material needed and there then emerges what we can see in the part on the slide we start with a cube and to end in a supremely organic figure then the forms of the earthquake parameter of the design parametric mostly not exclusively they usually have this type of appearance of morphological manifestation because because they result largely from topological optimization processes that will inevitably remind us of forms of nature especially at their cellular levels here we have parametric design applied to the motorcycle we have design parametric applied for example to a pavilion that has been developed by him and is desired by the university to study in 2012 and that precisely shows us that there are great efforts at an international level at this time to address parametric design to close this conference that It is obviously if it is simply an appetizer of this supremely exciting complexity that is parametric design and all the topics that are related to it, then I make a prediction and some recommendations what is my prediction my prediction is that parametric design is here to stay this There is no turning back and knowing the potential of parametric design, it is irresponsible to design without parametric design, that is, simply because the possibilities of parametric design impressively surpass the possibilities of creating options for solving design problems of conventional processes, so my prediction Parametric design is here to stay and eventually it is going to be mainstream, that is, it is going to be used.
In fact, it is already being used at all levels. What happens is that it has not been massively embraced. My recommendation is that we are in a scenario academic parametric design has to permeate the academy it has to permeate the academy from the first semesters of student training it has to permeate the curricula it has to be an integral part of the methodological stakes of all training scenarios in all areas of design it has that permeate the theory of design and it has to appear as I mentioned before from the first moment the student enters the university and understand the commitment that this implies and that there must also be a transformation of the professional profile so that in order to allow the incorporation into the curriculum of topics that until now in most academic scenarios have not been contemplated, such as programming, learning algorithmic language, that is, one of the most important skills that our students must have is precisely having the capacity of algorithmic thinking and I can tell you that everything has to be learned, but once you learn it, it depends on practice and you can be very successful today using these tools.
Well, nothing, that would be like the first introduction and again, I say goodbye, thanking the Catholic university to the department of industrial design and I hope that it is an open mouth because it has been and has not generated enough concern about these issues for us to continue investigating and exploring. Thank you very much, I would like to know if the participants have any questions, anything they want to tell you. to


something you want to know if juan I have I have a question and then I was left with two sentences logic of the swarms and algorithm thinking the question is what is the process how to say it of conversion well to convert all this all this information of the swarms For example, I'll stick with this term to take it to a mathematical area, which is not to say.I'm lying, how can you get all this information, because of the movements and the whole process of carrying them out, let them convert it into information, because as primarily numerical information, I don't know if that is well said, I don't know if I understand the question, please tell me yes.
You understand me to explain it well, I think I understand what you were going to do, I'm going to try how to approach it. The answer is the best possible. This would be question 1 asked, and if algorithmic thinking is, well, no, in reality, there are two sentences, and well, the relationship is such that it can be understand better the logic of the swarms the algorithmic thinking the algorithmic thinking I imagine that it will be the way in which all this information is converted into something numerical that later what I have been understanding more or less because with what I heard it is correct, that is, let's go to really start there when we talk about algorithmic thinking we are already saying that it refers to developing our capacity to promote structures that allow us to respond to design solutions but rather leave them as you decide, transforming the different variables that exist and the needs that exist In the factors, let's say that they exist and that they affect a project in variables that are articulated to generate responses, then what I am dealing with is what I mean with the topic of algorithmic thinking, that is, thinking not so much about the object itself. itself that is going to be developed and in the final result or in the final form of the project but rather to think about how through the articulation of different variables a satisfactory answer to a problem can emerge, that is, how the object emerges and we do not think directly in the object as designers, so let's say it's turning things around a little in that order, we have to let go of control a little because something that happens a lot with parametric design is that sometimes it actually happens all the time and the responses are unexpected.
That is to say, and so we cannot, in some cases, in most cases, we cannot foresee exactly what the result is going to be. Obviously, we have training as designers that allows us to select the best options, but let's say that in some way we let go of control and We let the algorithm do its work, certain forms emerge and we now turn to the algorithm and articulate and work with the algorithm to allow that algorithm to work within a range of possibilities and responses with the topic of swarms I have to mention. something when we talk about designing parametric design here he has talked for example about graphic coding with grasshopper but it is not the only way to do it and he talked for example about the logic of men but really these are let's say there are approaches to problem solving there are many methodologies and ways of approaching finding forms and solutions within a whole spectrum of parametric design techniques, so for example, I am going to give you a specific case, for example, the case of cellular automata, in the case of cellular automata, they are small and small. particles or small units that you generate in a structure within your could be a mesh and those cellular automata those small particles you give them certain rules of behavior there is a very interesting experiment called the game of life by jon conway and the I invite you to score and soak up the topic a little bit.
Jon Conway's game of life is an experiment that came out in the 70s. Jon Conway, what it does is that it has a grid and generates an endless number of little squares and Let's say that their squares can be on and off, each of those squares that can be have been paid and a cell and to each of those cells it gives some criteria some rules for example if one if my neighbor is on or more than two neighbors have gone turned on, I turned it off or if, for example, there is only one neighbor on, then and we are both on, then it is superficial for another cell to turn on, then the cellular automata start to play with that type of rules and if you are an animation of the game of the life of congo and what you are going to see is that, for example, a few lit cells are established within the grid and you start the system so that it begins to play with those norms with those rules and supremely complex forms begin to emerge and In fact, you begin to see behaviors similar to what you would find, for example, in super organisms, you begin to notice how what could be called small life forms that move on the monitor automatically appear on the screen, so I have dealt with the issue of swarms. brought here to the conference as an example, let's say that to illustrate the processes button up but not because it is an exclusive way of working with parametric design, it is one of the options, the project that I showed you a moment ago about urban design in Taipei, well It is used in the swarm logic to generate the shapes of the buildings.
However, there are many other alternatives and approaches, so for example, we can not only do the parametric design using the great shopper, we can work with programming languages ​​such as python. script we can work hand in hand with those programming languages ​​to generate their supremely complex things. I hope that I have answered your question and given a little more clarity, but let's see, I find it very interesting that I mentioned Payton, well, the programming language because This whole topic of programming and codes seems very interesting to me and, speaking of parametric design, I had not found a way to bring all this, like this whole topic, all this that you from this field of programming and digital automation to the design because this seems like a very very interesting and very complete solution, the truth is that it seems very interesting to me and something that occurred to me was like a term that would be like genetic programming because speaking of all this is what you said about the the proteins and everything is I don't know if it's over it's correct I would like to ask you if saying it like that would be good yes correct it seems to me that we could perfectly talk about programming the genetics of the organism I think we can achieve it it is perfectly clear yes I think the observation is correct comment, good morning, I have another question.
This type of parametric design can be used in all designs or only in some types of designs. Parametric design can be applied in all types of design processes and at all scales you no longer have restrictions. It really depends on your interest, even the approach and the way in which you approach the design process because it is very particular and that is where creation lies because a large part of the creativity of design tomorrow because you will have the opportunity to see some of the work. What we have said with the university degree work students and we have some urban design projects, design of urquía architectural artifacts and we are now trying to work on slightly more complex architectural projects if one does a panoramic view of how the projects were developed, well one realizes that each student had their own particularity, there is no single way to solve it, each student explored different alternatives to solve similar problems and the answers are found on all scales, so the hard parametric design can be applied to everyone, say what you say.
You apply it to fashion You apply it to industrial design To the design of interior spaces To the brother design The architectural design What is true is that the more complex the problem, the parametric design turns out to be much more efficient the more number of variables because well, in that sense, it exceeds the capacity that it could have because it must be recognized with humility. I think that it greatly exceeds the capacity that the designer has alone. I see parametric design as a tool that because it enhances and makes the capacity of solve problems of the designer, what happens is that the designer demands a change and move the focus both from the object of the form and to the algorithm.
You will understand the logic of creating the forms and that sense takes away a certain prominence that we we like it we don't like it as designers we like to feel at the center of decision making and in that sense well we have to say that we rethink our position in the role we have within the design activity


I already have another question two oral questions well the The first thing is that, let's say that I would like to go headlong into authentic design and I would like to learn a lot from that, then what would be the matrix of studies that I could put together or what are the main topics of interest that interest me?
I would be interested in studying to be able to work in this branch. The second one is a question and the truth is that I don't have much knowledge on the subject but it came to me that you talk about the game of life, right, a mesh where one can, I haven't seen it, I haven't used it. you get into it and well after 11 of some grids and that begins how to do things do things like the simulation of a universe I think I have heard once and what happens is that this mesh always ends in neutrality yes that always comes to a state of balance that exactly yes exactly then in parametric design I imagine that it will be the same as then how it is resolved because well there will come a time in which the design well yes this is how it develops itself there will come a time in which I reach this balance because at that moment the design would no longer serve any purpose because it would already be like zero.
I don't know if it is already resolved according to how I mentioned before, you can basically the idea is that you You create the algorithm so that it behaves the way you expect. At some moments that balance may be desirable. It may be desirable. It may be that you are working on an urban design problem where you have multiple variables. If you want to find, let's say, the answer closest to stability. So that order of ideas maybe you want with an algorithmic structure a process where we say that just as it happens with the game of life everything reaches a state where everything reaches a certain balance and all the variables are compensated then you can propose 411 that and it would be a satisfactory result or you could propose a scenario in which the algorithm whatever it does is generate a whole series of version options and eventually what you do is go 1 evaluate those versions and stay with the one that in that continue in that sense if you as a designer consider that it is the best version that responds to the design problem then I bring up the game of life here to illustrate how through computing processes can also be generated for the appearance of the form or situations in this case as you mention from equilibrium by simply assigning small rules to small to small units now, if for example you work is an algorithmic structure with grasshopper, basically what you are doing is creating an interrelation network of elements that generate or allow the emergence of the form, some of those forms are often unexpected, however you have the ability to control the parameters of those forms and eventually promote the appearance of many results, always in any case those results that are generated with the algorithm since they will have to be subject to an evaluation and you as a designer will have to select under the procedures that you consider relevant since the answer is the best response to the situation that has arisen, then the evaluation processes of that volcano is precisely about those those phenotypes that with respect to the second part of the question regarding the first part well what do I have to do to get headlong into the parametric design weight before before it continues and because there with the requested permission why don't you do it too the little wedge to the course that you give on parametric design the one that you no longer ready ready now I'll tell you right away so I'm going there this was what I need to get into parametric ambition I think we have to address both aspects the Theoretical aspect and the practical aspect we have to start with the basics, that is, starting, well, what we are doing and what was mentioned at this moment, well, we start with grasshopper, it cooperates in the within the zero ruins platform, so nothing, do many tutorials without denying the tool start working see how these complementary graphical programming logics work that work with python script for example that is something that we are owing to ourselves in the course we have to connect we have been working on this topic parametric design for barely two years or two and a half years, the children in it, however, we have had very satisfactory results and well, we got into this precisely because of a personal concern, we decided to get headlong into this because we are passionate about it, so I think that in the first instance we should start working with those tools that are not three-dimensional modeling tools are not cut tools and that would be the first thing so I would start with grasshopper because in some way that visual interface for us is very familiar and the logic of the dimensional institute that is very familiar to us that found there also in the design with grasshopper and various other tools not as they canbe a python script and start working with pages, I think that the development of some functions will be much more powerful, however, you will find many plugins in the middle that make your life easier and you can integrate them into your algorithms within zero realms to solve situations, for example, through parametric design, for example, make evaluations of the structural behavior of a building.
You can, through parametric design, make evaluations of the energy performance of a building and it is not necessary for you to program it. It is necessary that you modify what you generate the code that is already there what you allenses incorporate into your design within its algorithmic structure and can make the evaluations that we have done and hopefully in tomorrow's talk we can have some window towards that application and on the other hand this is the topic of parametric design and implies that it has to open from the theoretical and investigative point of view in the panorama and for example in the case of architecture we cannot talk about parametric design without talking about ism parameters and without introducing topics such as the theory of autopoiesis of architecture, for example from Patrick Schumacher, a vision that is held within the style of the seismic parameter of what contemporary society is, then necessarily because if we do it Within our course we talk a lot about economics of complex systems, chaos theory of fractals, they are all interrelated topics and as you investigate these topics you find those relationships key topics that have to be studied because the topic of emergence the theory of The emergence is supremely important and well, there are many experiments that one can use as case studies and many universities, although the greatest efforts are being concentrated on the Architectural Association in London at the ITEC at the university to study I think they are the most outstanding the architect the selection goes a little more more I think it is a little more theoretical and experimental in terms of the morphology of the form itself I was not wrong elite that is a little more technical in terms of construction and manufacturing So there are many, many resources there, many things are happening at an international level in this sense, there is a great movement in this sense, I think that the information is available there and it is simply a matter of taking the time to soak in it, thanks to them, very interesting, our thanks.
Perfect air, thank you very much. I think that tomorrow we will complement everything that is done at the Nariño University.

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