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The Ascent Of The Sent // Marked (Part 6)

Apr 07, 2024
Okay, today I have one. I have one as you know. Sometimes you get up to give a pre


ation. Are you going to talk or are you going to dance? Are you going to do whatever? And you know it before you start. This is how I feel. today I'm ready because we've been in this series that we've titled


, everyone says I'm


and we've been talking about life in David's leadership and this is what I want everyone to know I don't care how you got here today that you are marked by God you are marked by purpose you are marked by impact you are marked by more your marks than by more of what you have been experiencing to someone simply say your faith needs to be expanded say I am marked for more you are marked for more than that you've been experiencing and so, as we've been watching this, we've been channeling through the life of David, who started in a pasture and one day will end up as the king of Israel in a palace, but there is a process, everyone said process , there is a process to the palace and I know in our Instagram generation we want a fast guy. of society we hate processes, many of us don't do good things because we don't like the process, let's be honest, how many of us hate processes and if you deliver that there is a process, everyone is like some of you.
the ascent of the sent marked part 6
Everyone doesn't like the process of making the bed, but they exercise every day, so they like one process, but they don't like another process. Well, see, some of you don't like the process of brushing your teeth. Disgusting, but they like it. The process of washing your car is like that, I don't want anyone to feel like you are on a different level than everyone else because we all have processes that we hate, but if you are ever going to reach the full potential of what God has called you to do . Are you going to have to accept the process?
the ascent of the sent marked part 6

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the ascent of the sent marked part 6...

Well, this is what we're going through in David's life and I started looking at David's life and how things were happening and how he was privately approved and then he was anointed before he positioned himself and then he became the answer to the problems and then there is something unique that occurred to me while reading his story in 1st and 2nd Samuel. David never networked for his next David never strived to get a foot in the door David never strived to get the hook like you've never seen David like I know I'm the king of Israel so who Do I need to be friends with him?
the ascent of the sent marked part 6
What website do I need to establish the next king of Israel? How many followers do I need to have now so that when the time comes I can take advantage of that moment in the VIP? You never see David doing any of that and that's because I found out that whatever David did always got


. because either sent David never had to do anything that was outside of what he was supposed to do because God always sent for him or someone in leadership over him always sent him to where he was supposed to be next and that's why today I want I'm talking about being sent.
the ascent of the sent marked part 6
I want to help some people because this is probably one of the most difficult things for people who know that they are marked by God as great, I know it, I know that something great is in me, I see these visions. like it's hard for us to wait on God or go when He says go and that's why most of us live our lives paralyzed in a position that we were never supposed to stay in but that was supposed to prepare us for something or sustain us until it happens. . It was the right time and that's why today the title of the message is the ascending of those sent, the assent of the sitting donkey, it means ascending to the ascending of the people who are seated by God and when I look at this, David was always doing the latter. what God told him and spending time in God's presence and a lot of times we joke in these places where it's like I don't know what's next, you don't have to do the last thing he told you and spend time with him. well pastor Mike I'm looking for my next I'm really believing God I'm doing it he didn't say anything it's still the same thing he told you three years ago and I know you want new instruction but he's waiting for the old obedience hey I know I know What do you want, I know you want to go online while I'm ready to get married, God, I'll just look at myself, my summer body walk, I'm ready and he said, but it's you. attitude, your attitudes are wrong and that's why I need you to do the last thing I told you to do and spend time in my presence and when David did this, he learned this dance that I called back and forth, it was like he knew it.
You've all been to a wedding, it was like the wobble, you know, the point where you make a boom and then you throw it back like that, kind of like Sally, the wobble, but but but, but it's like everyone's wobbly with me. As I wobble with me, some of you know everyone says wow, yeah, okay, some of you have to stop, but what I've learned is that that's the easy dance move because all it is is back and forth. I turn around and look at this. David kept doing this back and forth movement in his life like he was okay with going from the palace back to the pasture, he was okay with God, you can use me on stage but you can use me when no one is looking, he did. learned.
He learned to go from the public to the private as if he were going to kill the guitar in front of everyone, but I will still worship you and no one is watching, he learned, he learned the dance of the back and forth, he went from projecting what God had placed. in him to do something really simple protecting the sheep that were given to him and until you perfect the coming and going of God using you to defeat a man in your enterprise and then return home and serve your wife until God perfects you to be the best mom in the world, but then you curl up and you kneel and you're a daughter before she was born until you develop the back and forth and you get this thing where you're always trying to dictate your next move and God says, just I want You to stay in this back and forth until I sin for you and I want to be able to use you at a high level and then allow you to return to a low level until I send you to the next place and this is what happened.
David look at him first Samuel 17 chapter 15 is a but David went to look back and the Bible is so congruent so David came and went where did he go and did he come? He was serving in the palace as one of the key tormentors. of the king of Israel playing the guitar because everyone had evil spirits, so he served in the palace, but he came and went and he came back with the shepherd, he put the scriptures on the screen again, why did he go back and forth to help so much ? The reason God will use you in a big setting and then call you to something smaller that only he sees is because he wants you to help him and David was helping his family.
He said he did this to help his father with the. which he was humble about which didn't matter which he probably could have paid someone else to do it, but he said no, no, this is what they called me for because I've been sitting here, everyone said I've been sitting here and I want you to follow with me David's journey, they sent him to join the


y that started without him, he even went there and then they said that since the last son we did not invite and that no one ate until he got here and then right after being anointed , the king of Israel guesses where they sent him back to the shepherd, but it was for a reason, it was for preparation and many of us don't like to go back, he says, well.
God, I was at this company place in Gaza, but I'm going to send you back places to see if you'll still do the same things you used to do before you got that promotion if you still love those kids. Which I've asked you to love because they need someone right now and I don't need someone who's ready for the palace right now. I need someone who is in preparation mode to stay in the place where I have them and then he was sent to serve in the palace and torment what he was tormenting he saw his leader and then he was sent back to his father's house and then look at this, they sent him to bring his brothers a grilled cheese sandwich now after all the wonderful things God did in his life why would they send him to become Buber eats for his father and bring a bag lunch to his brothers and the captain this was a test in the same way that God has many of you in a test right now that looks under where you have come to like, well God I am 48 years old there is no way I should serve under this young millennial oh I hear these conversations, well I've owned three houses, there's no way, so I'm moving into this a


He said: I am trying to free you from your debts, but you will not take a season of moderation to produce a life of freedom. You would rather keep up with the Joneses, who no one knows who they are, and then obey me and maybe have a meal that some of your friends talk about you, but they introduced it today and I'm trying to bless you so that one day, when you actually don't come to nothing, you may be a blessing to them, but you are, but you won't be. take this season back and forth and what happens is I discovered the secret I discovered the secret to being shipped to break this down the secret to being shipped is submission now no one likes this world but I want everyone to say no no one likes this word but I want to give you a new revelation is submission like you have to be submissive to the mission if you are going to be able to be sent where God calls you to go to places where no one like you has ever been.
In order to be the voice of reason God says I am going to need you to learn submission, that means you will have to go down, everyone has heard of a submarine, you don't see submarines on the surface of the water, where are the submarines? see they go down when you see you don't even see a submarine coming there are some things that God is going to ask you to do and they shouldn't see you coming because that means you're going to have to go down that means you're going to have to let me make it really practical your feelings are subordinate to the mission well, I don't feel like it but I'm going to do it because my feelings are sub minute well, I feel uncomfortable, okay, you can Be uncomfortable and B sub minute because your comfort is subordinate to the mission.
They don't listen to me in this place today. I'm trying to tell someone right now their opinions. I have done this before. Your opinions don't matter. you are submitted to the mission until you learn submission until you learn to look at someone you disagree with and then carry it out with complete joy and faith as if the idea occurred to you, look at some of us, we do it , but then we're going to talk bad about it the whole time we do it or we do it and then we can't wait to get home because we'll tell him I can't stand my manager because every time I die and God says you just lose it like you had done the action but you disqualified it because you opened your mouth ah, I mean your business today and that's fine, but if you are going to be one of those that God can say that I can send them, you have to subscribe to me and let me give you another advice this is gratuitous submission sucks like you've never heard thank you Lord that I have been able to be subdued and everything even our Savior that's why I love Jesus is because he had to be submitted to the cross and and and they didn't do it, they didn't delete this part where he didn't want to do it.
Look at it here in Luke 22 verse 42 that says father, this sucks if you are willing because you are a great powerful God, if there is another way, please take this cup of suffering away from me. I am submitted to the mission. I'm hurt right now, but there is a mission and I have to submit to it, so I still want your will to be done, not mine. sure it will be done, not my opinion, your opinion, not my feelings, if you want to be one of the ones who said you have to go subminute, I know this is good and I know some of you are a bit of a tight butt, right ?
Now because this is something that you don't want anyone to talk to you about, as there are a lot of people here that if someone starts talking to you, even implying that you're not cooperating or that you're not in unity or not, you just start. defending them what you talk about I will do everything you ask me with attitude I am always on time what you want to be and what I am saying is that I am giving you the opportunity I am trying to give you a secret because God really does not want to have to humiliate you, he does not He does it and that is why he tells us in his word what to do if we do not submit, Peter 5:6 is worth first, so help yourself, please humble yourself, that means. you're going to have to shut up you're going to have to shut up not now how humble everyone says I have a humble self if you don't humble yourself with the scriptures up there I want If you listen to me, it's telling you humble yourself because I don't want to do it and humble yourself under the great power of God.
You know I have a plan for you. You know I'm not just here putting you on the spot. I'm trying to build something for you, so humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and what you really want is to ascend, but I send you first if you're going to ascend, so if you humble yourself at the right time, he will raise you up. in honor I'm just trying to encourage someone if you're marked you're going to move up but you have to be sent and you can't sit down if you're not sent that's why when I ask a lot of people I serve for this weekend I just don't know next week who's showing up and who I'm just your cheerleader and then there's a group of people I'm your pastor and it's okay if you, whatever group you're in, it's okay.
You're okay, I like this, okay, keep coming, but until you submit to a spiritual leader and when you're just doing what you want to do, you can't, you can't claim theOf you should sit down, but the rest of you should stay where you are and wait to be sent forward because you know that was Saul's problem when he was supposed to wait for Samuel to offer this burnt sacrifice and you can go check. it came out in 1 Samuel 13, but I was supposed to wait for it seven days, I mean, it arrived right at 12:01 and I was like where in the world is Samuel?
He didn't come right when he said and the day wasn't over yet because God made some promises to them and the day wasn't over yet but they're feeling so frustrated and anxious that they're about to make a dumb decision because you feel like they're supposed to. It should be ahead and he said wait for me now that's all said it doesn't matter God is not going to show up Sam you are not going to do what he said he was going to do verse 9 he said that he demanded bring me the burnt offering and the peace offering and Saul sacrificed the holocaust himself and again I ask you what are you doing yourself that God is saying not only wait for me I will sin for you oh I will send you people I'll make it happen but you have to wait for me that's why I'm encouraging everyone right now.
Proverbs 16:9 says we play the way we want to live, but only God makes us capable of living it. What I'm saying is. It is better that you wait on God because all this meeting to know all the details I am going to tell you why he did not give you all the details because he wants a relationship of dependency God does not want you to do anything without him and I know that nature human is to be able to do everything with our God, everyone knows that was Eve's problem, she thought she could know what God knew and he left out one thing so that we would have to be codependent on each other and many people here have been trying you just need to use God when you need him and you've been trying to get him out of your life that means if I have enough money if my relationships are this and my kids are this and God says why don't you do this with me? and that's why it doesn't show you everything, that's why some of you are still like why am I? in Tulsa I came here 15 years ago and I can't leave he said because the next step I'll send you for or they will send you and that's why we have to know the latter when that ended that verse says we plan the path we want to live but only God makes us everyone say Abel he is the only one who can make us able to live it so the last thing I want to tell you if you are in that valley of decision about to move and you need to stay or you have been paralyzed you need to move God is reliable he is reliable you can trust him You can trust that he's not playing with you You can trust that he will sing for you when it's time You can trust that he will send you when the time comes So what do you have to do?
Do the last thing He told you to do and spend time in God's presence. David Gold's take the grilled cheese sandwiches, go to Goliath and we'll talk about all that next week. I want to miss next week, it's going to be unpleasant, but I want you to see how David didn't even choose himself to go fight Goliath. He literally asked the question in 1 Samuel 2:17 and said: What if we beat this fool? Everyone, yeah, it's like listening, you have one of King's daughters, you get paid and you never have to pay taxes again. Now I would hit him and it was like he was real, so you ask someone else and he says what to do, what to do. we get it if we take out this uncircumcised Philistine and look what it says in 1 Samuel 17 verse 31, it says that what David said was heard and reported to Saul, he never went up to Saul and said, hey, I'm your boy, I I will kill just in the right place at the right time and what he was saying was heard and reported to Saul and look what he says and the king sent for him.
I'm trying to tell you that you don't have to make a way for yourself when the way maker is on your side Oh, someone needs to get excited because you don't have to make a way for yourself when Jehovah Jireh the way maker is on your side father, may every person today have the conviction of not trying to ascend without you. God allow it. we too will get sick and sit no matter where we are in our lives today father I don't ask who needs this because we all need it and I thank you because we are marked ah we will not lose the plan you have for us. because we know that our next opportunity is wrapped in obedience, let this word settle in our hearts, Father God, and come out in practical application with normal obedience this week we thank you Father for doing a work in us because we will achieve the purpose because we are marked in the Name of Jesus, come on, someone give God a clap to praise if you know that you are marked by God, come on.

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