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New RULE at UK BEST BEACH could SPOIL your visit - We were shocked

May 16, 2024
Visitor receives different impressions, but everyone will agree with Lord Leighton, who was a famous Victorian. painter who described it as perfectly unique, a charming image, the


cove in the Kingdom, so even if we go back to Victorian times it has been revered, he goes on to say that before that in 1760 Bishop Little John declared Cyance to be the


landscape that sporting nature has ever produced. In 1846, Prince Albert


ed this place while he and Queen Victoria of Victor were touring Cornwall. He came with a light entourage and


ed this cove, in fact, one of the rocks around here are named after him.
new rule at uk best beach could spoil your visit   we were shocked
Now coming to an interesting point, the Victorious Ians love to give guided tours, they didn't come to sunbathe and soak in the water like we do today, they came to explore, they went into all the caves and huts and each one became a kind of single room, one was called the living room, another the kitchen, we have lost that these days and we only have a few names left, one is Asparagus Island, where there are no asparagus and there is Sugar Loaf Island, which stands out like they used to. Do it in the old days, where they used to make cones for sugar, that's why it was called Sugarloaf Island, which is why this book even tells you where to go for the caves, turn right the first time. kitchen, but no sanded kitchen floor came close to this whiteness, so again it refers to that kind of pure white sand that we can't see here tonight.
new rule at uk best beach could spoil your visit   we were shocked

More Interesting Facts About,

new rule at uk best beach could spoil your visit we were shocked...

Hopefully, if you come here in July and August, it will be here for you and you


even find the kitchen and then you had the names of the Rocks, Bishop's Rock, the outline of his face is easily discernible. Well, we're going to have to look for that at the top of Bishop's Rocks, you'll notice a large cavity called The Devil's Mouth. the only dangerous place by chance what's in the bag Food Food supplies I can't zip it now anyway we have another little book here and it has 12 walks around the HST and the lizard area and it's from 1948 I think it's probably really small, right?
new rule at uk best beach could spoil your visit   we were shocked
Yes, I can't find the date now. um, yes, 1948, okay, okay, do they talk about Kuts? Of course they do, everyone talks about Kats and it's really interesting what they say about Kuts. Kinan is a really beautiful cove. resistant and natural since man is capable of leaving anything behind, the rock has bright colors and is made up almost entirely of serpentine and during low tide you can explore the caves. It's good to know that much of this is owned by the National Trust and therefore can't be


ed there. There's a bit of debate about that, isn't it that earlier we saw the cordoned off area that now doesn't allow you that beautiful Instagram view?
new rule at uk best beach could spoil your visit   we were shocked
So is that ruining


view or is it making sure this area doesn't get ruined by people? a debate so that that rock out there is called The Lion Rock I was just telling everyone so that that rock out there is called The Lion rock yes, of course, I have, I have two, what is my line? I have two potential jokes here and you're ruining both. What's my line? Okay, well, let's get on with the lion theme. Yes of course. What is my line? What is


line? What did you do before? You growled, didn't you?
Yes, yes, of course, and then I say, yes, it is. the main event, so that's the first one, that's not very good, no, no, but then if you say something like go see, say how do you know it's m Rock WR in the book and you say, well, maybe not be true, so rock. There, Sarah, that one over there called The Lion rock, well that might not be true, no, it is, so I read it in an old book, right? Yes, what old book I read it in an old book, hang up, you say, you know, you say maybe not. be true, it may not be true, how do you know?
Yes, that rock over there is called The Lion Rock. Yes, how do you know? I read it in a book. Well, that may not be true. They weren't lying to me. Yo, wow, I hope you're proud, thanks, maybe I should be locked up behind bars, that raw, yeah, on the foot, local boy, take care of your foot, go, my foot hurts from slipping, that pain, let's go answer some questions using our local knowledge. Go on, so the brief was to make a no-nonsense guide on how to come to K Cove and answer the questions that every tourist wants answered and it just devolved into, again, we can't do it.
I have the questions in our there's a nice bench there, let's go and be sensible, okay, did you have fun? But I'm right, we can answer some questions. Yes, which is the first? So let's take a look at some of the questions that seem pretty. Frequently about Conance Cove and they appear on Google, which people type in quite frequently. The first is the history of chance. Well, we have covered some of that that has already been talked about a lot. Anyway, we've talked about the history of tourism. Which is interesting. For me it's the fact that things have changed because in Victorian times they went down and around all the caves and climbed all over the rocks and now we just come down here and just sunbathe and try to come home with a Sun build like a sand mold basically, isn't it?
Yeah, so we've covered that random handicap access. Do you want to start with this one? Yeah, so I checked the National Trust website before I went down and they basically say that. The handicap access is through that viewing area they've built in near the parking lot, which is that VI that allows you to at least take a really nice photo of Finance Cove, yeah, um, however, their website said neither low tide or high tide. The tide route is really accessible for people with mobility. Scooters or wheelchairs. I think if you have mobility issues you


take the low tide route, the high tide route, it's gentler and you could probably do it, and I think the same with you.
We have small children, I think it would be fine, but you might have a hard time with pushing. Yes, it is pick up the push checkpoint. We don't have any experience with a wheelchair and looking at access, but we've had kids and obviously. We had a stroller in the past, didn't we? We would never have brought a stroller here unless you were incredibly strong and prepared to carry it again. It's a challenge, yes it would be, what's there for the kids? At K's Cove, is it suitable for children? I think it is suitable for children, but they need to be supervised.
It is not a


with lifeguards so you need to be very careful and keep your eyes on your child, especially if you are quite young, old or maybe a little too adventurous, yes it is a very nice sandy


during low tide and on a day like today where it's very low, um no, you know you could go paddle or swim a little bit, but we've seen that before and the waves are rocking here so you can see that there are children in the sea at that point and they are supervised by dad um it's pretty good and it will blow your mind there are a lot of signs saying that there are strong currents around here and so many that they can almost become white noise and at the risk of me becoming white noise, for a reason we know that as locals this beach can sometimes make you lose your mind yes and that leads Let's move on to the next question, one of the questions was: can you swim in kco?
Well yes you can, but it's like anything you have to be a bit sensible about, isn't it knowing when not to go? Every day is different and just because the idiot next to you is in the water, it doesn't mean he is safe, do your own risk assessment? I would say yes, yes, and there is no life preserver in this boot, no, be careful, yes, and the last FAQ is dogs in Conance Cove. Yes, so you can take your dog to Conance Cove 10 months of the year, right now there are only two months you can do that, which is July and August, and we are recording this in 2024, but we recommend you check the website or have a look at the National Trust website before entering so as not to be disappointed and I would check the National Trust website for their


They may have different


s than the County Council. I'm not really sure who regulates dog access. on this beach yeah, and I think there was one last question about what kind of amenities are there on the beach, well there's a lovely cafe here. I've filmed the menus, maybe we can put that on, it's always busy in the summer, it's busy. Yes there is a lovely outdoor area too, it's a lovely place to sit and watch the world go by and it's great if you walk the South West Coast Path. It's a great stop because you have all the food and drink you could want. and you have an l, right? there is an l here and there is an l behind in the parking lot yes I filmed an l but well done there we go it really needs to be wet but the special thing about this beach is the serpentine it is a beautiful beautiful rock that is polished and reveals all the veins.
One of the reasons it's called Serpentine, I think, is because the veins look like snakes as they snake through the rock. Queen Victoria loved it. She had a fireplace made of these things. I know, yeah, in the White House, it was, what's Osborne's name? Osborne House. I'll wet it for you. God bless you. I traveled over all these rocks hor. W stone for you. There we go, that just shows our viewers. the beautiful red in that stone and sometimes it turns green oh look at those veins, you can see the veins can't be right, you'll have to move before we do, yeah, can you hold that?
There's something I need Yeah, sure, come here, where's it going, that'll do here, where's it going? perfect, perfect balance. Stone ready, no, no, he won't give up, we could show up all night while the IT doesn't come in, it's not going to work. it's not going to happen no how did you do that no that's not going to work concentration no it's not going to come now that's ridiculous that's not going to work that's not going to work you're not going to lose everything now So, we've come to Kat's Beach. A summary from a local guide, so we're seeing if it's worth visiting and I think so, I think it's just because of its beauty and its uniqueness, it's a really special place and I prefer to come.
A little out of season, you tend to have a place more to yourself, which we have tonight. If you come in the summer, when a lot of people come, we know that there are a lot of people. There is no real solution for that. You're just going to have to live with it to a certain extent, right? And people come in the summer to sit on the beach, the beach, no, yes, the National Trust website says to come before 11: because that's when they expect the carart to arrive. be crowded in July and August, yes, and I think, as you say, you want to get there early, you want to and you also have to accept that if you are here in the summer and there is high tide, you can have a very good little beach and it is PE, you should also Thinking about it, yeah, it may not be a beach day, so what's up with that Instagram thing?
You know, that perfect spot to take that photo that might have changed recently due to preservation. erosion prevention the little rope they've put up to stop you from actually getting that beautiful perfect Mediterranean style photo oh okay, I don't know if we'll be able to take the photo, maybe we'll have to be inventive, kind. Going back to that summary of that book from the 1940s, you said it was in the hands of a National Trust and will never be


ed, so on the one hand, they're obviously trying to conserve that area, aren't they? On top of that you know they have all this money coming from the parking to feed the machine, yes there are always people coming in the summer, it is absolutely plentiful in the main summer months and all this football can be used, ​​​​Ultimately, it's going to cause damage around here, isn't it?
You're used to remote management, aren't you? So it's a bit of a Catch 22, so good luck with the National Trust on that shop, yes, but if you go out of season a bit and throw it right with the weather, you could have this place to yourself and get the most beautiful day and the most beautiful photos, so enjoy your visit. You know we're professionals, that's why we've made some of these videos. You know it's worth visiting. We've been to St Michael's Mountain, we've been to L end, we've been to Tin tadel, we and we've given it a cwt score out of five, oh we haven't done that here so what would you give us? of five conance cve tonight five August 2nd okay, I'm going tonight five and I'm going in the middle of summer I would probably go yes, I would go two too I think so, yes, I prefer to come at a different time I think we just like the place for ourselves alone, right?
And we can do it because we live here and we know that you can't always achieve that and we humbly say have a great time when you come and treasure. It is a perfect place to enjoy a day. I can't split five and wait, so what are those three in a moment? Oh, I don't know, put it under um uh Carol vman I think I think it's a three and a. half, right? I just worked it there yeah seven divided by 10 two so wait seven wait are you getting me conf oh yeah divided by two five is seven divided by two is three and a half so cwt The score is three and a half , yeah, okay, yeah, it's not confusing at all, right?

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