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Cease This Moment And Create The Life Of Your DREAMS | Les Brown

Apr 09, 2024
listen, it's


time and I want you to go within and I want you to take some notes on some things that I want to share with you and here is one of the things that I want you to realize and face. I didn't do what I'm doing now for 14 years because I didn't realize it was my time now, you might be saying, but how do you determine that the fact that you're here to do the most work and and what I did was disqualify me myself I stayed on the sidelines I was a spectator instead of actively engaging in


thing called






I want you to write this seize the


seize the moment Remember when Michael Jackson put off doing a national and international tour for years and then said he was going to give this last concert and he said this is it, don't forget that he said this one, what am I going to do this is it? that, I'm going to put all my stuff in it, don't some of you remember this, he said, this is, you didn't realize that


is so uncertain, you didn't realize that it's so unpredictable, you didn't realize that there are no guarantees here is a quote that I want you to think about if you postpone everything until you are sure you will never get anything done if you postpone everything until you are sure you will never get anything done and so I remember thinking: well, I don't have a college education , well, I can't compete with people with doctorates and master's degrees, I don't have any documents behind my name, listen to what you have and who you are, that's enough, actively participate in this. thing called life seize the moment I constantly say look live like a warrior and warriors are always in fight mode and this is you, this is what you have to do because this thing called life is a challenge, you have a fight for peace of mind, You have to fight to stay away from the refrigerator You have to fight to stay away from the negative toxic energy that drains people You have to fight to stay focused You have to fight to put all your efforts and energy into things that are productive and positive and with a purpose, no motivation is needed to procrastinate, no motivation is needed to procrastinate or think negatively, but motivation is needed to be optimistic despite having a perpetual view of yourself and your life in a spirit of optimism despite circumstances and adversities that is always knocking on the door or looking out the window um if you postpone everything so that everything works out oh when I have all my ducks in a row, what if it's not duck season? when I've got all my ducks in a row every time you know with Peter stop stealing you know one of those things my mother used to say Robin Peter to pay Paul Robin Peter to pay Paul How did you come up with that?
cease this moment and create the life of your dreams les brown
Listen if there's anything that we know now just with the coronavirus, do what you're going to do and do it now with a sense of urgency and here's something else that I want you to look at and that the things that I know, I'm 75 years old and so I know a couple of things and I remind them because I realize that for many of my classmates the only time I get calls from them is when someone dies. Guess what happens when someone who is in charge of the list of class meetings and activities for the people we graduate with, you know what happens when you get calls like that or you get a text message, you're thinking, am I the one? next?, you know, tell me, send me information about those who are alive. send me information about my classmates who are making a difference send me something about my classmates who graduated with me in 1963 from Booker T Washington High School in Miami Florida that is living your dream and taking your lives to the next level you are creating generational wealth that is happy and successful and and and and what good things they are doing in the world, the best job to be able to emulate it, so that I can feel encouraged by that, don't talk to me about people who are dying, I think I will adapt to it.
cease this moment and create the life of your dreams les brown

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cease this moment and create the life of your dreams les brown...

Later, another thing is this device. I don't really care, but I say let's balance the balance because we're all going to go, no one has figured out how to get out of life alive, no one, we're all going to get out of here. people dying today who never died before, you know what, oh behave, Tyrone, you know what, so here's something Shakespeare said put off, there are no delays in time, they have dangerous endings, there are no delays in time, They have dangerous endings, you think about that because I didn't think I could be who Now I'm thinking that the life I've been living wasn't available to me.
cease this moment and create the life of your dreams les brown
This is what I know if you focus on living, if you focus on actively participating in life every day, find some way to live. can have a greater impact where you can do more you can achieve more the possibilities are limitless as to what can open up for you and so I was hungry, how did you get started? because I was hungry I was hungry to buy a house for my mother I was hungry to do something that would give value to my life I was hungry to be my own boss I I I I I I I realized that the reason I first got angry when they fired me saying that I had too much mouth and I was just too optimistic and they wanted to control me, they want to put me in my place, well I'm not that kind of person that you could just disrespect me, no, no, no, this is the place, it's not a problem .
cease this moment and create the life of your dreams les brown
I was looking for a job when I found this one, no problem and then I realized that the things that happened, what seems to be happening to you, are really things that are happening to you because otherwise I would have felt uncomfortable working. for someone you wouldn't know this minor problem you see now, sometimes life has to step in and say you know what even the slow learner, let's step in here when you don't have enough courage to do what you've been sent to do. you are here to do to live the life that you have been chosen among 400 million sperm to live, then you do not have enough courage to do that, life moves you, you were chosen to do a greater job, that is why you are still breathing. that's why you're not taking a nap that's why you're here to be a blessing you were you were


d by the Creator to


what do you mean hungry people who are hungry are positive about what they want? those who are hungry are persistent they keep coming back again and again they know you will feel your way to success people who are hungry are willing to persevere when it seems like all the odds are against them they keep coming back when everyone has counted them as long as they have a pulse they keep coming back They keep holding on They don't give up They might bend but they won't break Are you hungry?
There's something in your life like You think about your life right now and I did this self-explanatory thing of telling myself Les Brown, come on, you can do this, you can do this, sometimes you have to talk to yourself, but the other thing is weird, why? What would make me angry? some dream that I had that I postponed that I didn't fulfill and at that moment I thought about I love to travel There are places I wanted to go things I wanted to see experiences that I wanted to have and I saw a guy who was talking and I said: Hello, I can make the room so silent as a cemetery between funerals.
He didn't get any response from the audience. I feel very sorry for him. I told him dad, this guy is boring. Fortunately, I was sitting next to him. To his brother-in-law, coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. I told him this guy is boring and he said to his brother-in-law, you should be this boring and make the kind of money he made. I told him well, how much money does he have? did he said five thousand dollars an hour I said oh I can do that I talked myself out of it Gary Cox said this when there is an argument between your mind and your heart follow your heart where your heart is there your treasure also follows your heart most We have a mind-driven life, you know, and what do you mean by this view?
And there's mine, you see the mind, that's where your imagination resides. See, when you have sight, you simply judge according to appearances, but the mind sees you, you look beyond. appearances and create a vision in your mind of things already achieved because all


happen twice first in the mind and then without the approval, so I want you to do it especially now with this coronavirus, especially now with all the other things and the drama that there is. It happens every day in the world nationally, globally and locally, especially now, but you might be breathing the wrong air sitting next to someone or walking and someone walks past you and you don't know what's going on with them.
I got into the elevator at Emory. from the University and they only allow people in the elevator and this guy had his mask on I had mine on and there was no one but him and me and then he took off his mask to sneeze let me tell you something up here it was a about to lose my mind with him I would say that I was looking at him you about to make me lose my mind up here here I know that if I could have jumped out of the elevator he would have gone there soon the look I gave him I gave you if you don't put that Nashville that navy


look you know my mom you say you know what you better not make me go back there no man mom please don't come back we would take out the King Kong one of the things I'm doing this beginning of the year and I want you to listen to me carefully you can't do it alone today there are so many things that are happening so many things that are changing and and and and as you look at where things are now let me tell you something that the news won't tell you well listen to me God and he he is in all this God is in this confusion here do you hear me he Isn't he in all these things? talking about that you shouldn't have breaking news God has been interrupted this whole mess going on here breaking news he's still on the throne breaking news all things work together for good for those who love God and for those who are called according to their purpose that is the breaking news there will be no commercial breaks just this information all things you said something no no no no all things come on are you really offering all things to collaborate for those who love God and for those who are called according to his purpose that is good news up here they don't know if it leads if it bleeds it leads to see if someone has to die it has to be an accident something ugly has to happen to be news but the really good thing The news is that all things work together for good for those who love God according to his purpose.
Well, what about my adverse circumstances right now? Trust me and find out what's going on with the fact that I'm about to get repossessed. to find out what's up with the fact that I'm facing eviction what's up with the fact that I've lost my job trust me trust him it's going to work this isn't the end it's just the beginning of a new chapter in your life is a new chapter and how you believe while you keep the faith keep the faith baby Adam Clayton Powell knew what he was talking about keep the faith oh we've been through some things before keep the faith baby oh no it's the in this place we're at It's easy to have faith when you have money you have health and things are going well, boy oh, it's so good you can easily say oh, just think positive and be enthusiastic and everything will work out, no no, no, you're going to get some guns In this thing called life that you have, you have to keep faith, this because this is cyclical, sometimes you are up, sometimes you are down, sometimes things go well, sometimes they don't go so well. and without guts there is no glory it takes guts to keep believing trust to stand firm stand within yourself and take guts to do it to come back again and again it takes guts to look at the things you put all your effort and all your money into and all your energy comes in and then life interrupts you and you lose everything except your life people say I lost everything I just want to touch the TVs and say no, no, no, no, you didn't lose everything, no no no no you don't have a life you are still here you are still breathing you still have a pulse and who you are behind your eyes is still here and that force that energy that presence behind your eyes can produce what you have lost 8 out of 10 millionaires have been bankrupt you are not just a loser It didn't happen the way you wanted it to happen your winner you were born when you came here winning so whatever you want to do do it now and yes I'm going through some things right now keep moving baby keep moving no no no no I'm down right now.
I know you can't afford to be depressed, keep moving, use your mind to be creative and search. a way out of the situation you are in, you will return to where you were and beyond, therefore, taking all the armor, yes, commit your works to the Lord and I thought they should be established and all your ways, acknowledge Him and Him will direct that path that you have been given Authority and dominion over everything on the face of the Earth those are not just words that were printed on a page those are words that will be actualized in your life and I am putting together Mastermind groups groups of greatness that people see to make the three most important things right now number one working on your mind so when you go to hungry to you will get some things you will hear called choosing your future which by hearing this message over and over again will change your life overnight there are people listening to me right now I want you to do itI had them all in my arms I never had children of my own I didn't know how I was going to do it but I knew with the help of God I will do it and ladies and gentlemen my mother had a dream of having children and raising us I didn't know how I was going to do it you are going It's going to be like this and some of you are already there Well, you don't know how you're going to make this happen, but you just feel it inside you somehow, some way, with God's help, I'm going to make it happen, repeat After me, please, no matter how bad it is or how bad it is. it gets I'm going to make it I'm going to make it Shake someone's hand on your right and left and say you've got the right thing thank you so yeah you might live your dream you need to associate with winners you worked your system you are relentless that you never give up it is you you have to take personal responsibility you have to make it your personal business to make this happen and you have to resolve within yourself that I can do this it is difficult but you have to say I am the one who can make this happen I'm the one who will be successful in this business as you work to help other people be successful that fuels your success but you know it's going to be hard but figure out what will make it worth it for you ladies and gentlemen if you want to make it happen their dream, people who run towards their


know that it is possible for them to live their life. dream that it is necessary that you be relentless that you have a plan of action that you be creative the people who are living that dream to find winners who join the people who are living their dreams of a town that knows what it is if it is what it is going to happening is up to them and they are working it out within themselves, it won't end until I win.
People who are running towards their dream know that they are going to have hard times, they keep running because they are saying within themselves: "I am me, no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I will do it. The people who They run after their dreams are the people who are hungry. Shake someone's head to your right and left and Say you have to be hungry and as you run towards your dream I want to dedicate this to you that I love very much. I want to thank Dexter and all of you. It's something I'm known for.
It's on our tapes called "Choose Your Future." That's simply this: if you want one thing enough to go out and fight for it, work day and night for it, give your time, your peace and your dream, if everything you dream and plan for is about it and life seems pointless and pointless without it and if you gladly sweat for it on the tuning fork and plan for it and lose all the terror of opposition for it and if You simply go after what you want with all your ability, you strengthen sagacity, faith, hope. and confidence and stern tenacity, if neither cold poverty, nor hunger, nor gold sickness, nor pain, nor body and brain can keep you from what you want, if the dog is in Grim, you lay siege to it and harass with the help of God, you will achieve it.
I would like to ask you if you have goals or not, but I want to ask you another question: how many of you know that if you had to live your life over again you could do more than what you have done so far raise your hand please now? That proves that what we do and what we achieve in life is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible for us, so I want you to think about some goals that you would like to achieve and I would like you to say divide them into three categories number one I want you to think about some personal goal that you would like to achieve and I would like you to think about some professional goal, some business goal that you would like to achieve and what you think about some social contribution some impact that you would like to have with your life it was Horace Man who said that we should be ashamed to die until we have made an important contribution to humanity.
I think we live in the best country in the world that gives us an opportunity to stop our pretense of making a statement with our lives and as you think about these goals, whatever they may be, I want you to dramatically increase those goals and I want to warn you that I don't want you to think How you are doing, the most important thing is to simply increase those goals dramatically. I have found that most people fail in life not because they aim too high and fail. Most people fail in life because they aim too low and Don't say anything foreign, so raise the bar and don't ask how you're doing, how you're going to do it.
I will never forget when I decided I wanted to become a motivational speaker. I saw the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peel and my heart said I can do that, but my mind asked me how and for over 14 years, for 14 years, I would go see Zig Ziggler and Dr. Norman Vincent Peel, Jim Rohn and to different speakers, and I would be in the audience and my heart would jump and say, you can do that, you can do that lesson, and then when I was leaving, I would go to the parking lot and my mind would say how are you going to do it and I spent many years trying.
To find out how I wasted 14 years. How many of you have ever procrastinated? Raise your hand please, yes, see, when you start thinking about your goals, the most important thing is to write this down, commit, see once you commit, how it will happen. The path will come once you commit, then you will find out and if you go in the wrong direction, all you have to do is turn around and go the other direction, you will find out. You want to start challenging. you want to push yourself because you really don't know what you can't do.
I never forget the first day I met Mr. Washington. I was born in a poor area of ​​Miami Florida called Liberty City. I was born in an abandoned building. in an apartment with a twin brother and when we were six weeks old we were adopted and when I was in fifth grade I was identified as EMR labeled mentally educable returned from fifth grade to fourth grade I failed again when I was in eighth grade I do not have any college education, But thanks to my mother and I, I feel like Abraham Lincoln, who said that everything I am and everything I ever hoped to be I owe to my mother.
I once saw a sign that said that. God took me out of the womb of my biological mother and placed me in the heart of my adoptive mother, so my first big goal was to buy my mother a house to take care of my mother and I did it, I took care of her until she passed away at 88 years old. ...but I'll never forget meeting Mr. Washington. He was in a class waiting for another student and he came in and said, young man, go to the meeting and solve this problem for us. I said, well, sir, I can't. do that you said why I said I am not one of you students he said look at me I said yes sir go to the board and solve the problem anyway I said sir I can't do what you are asking me to do he said why certainly because I am mentally teachable sir and as the students burst into laughter he came out from behind his desk and looked at me and said never say that again someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality and that was a turning point in my life on the one hand I was humiliated but on the other hand I was liberated because he looked at me with the eyes of Gerda who said look at a man as he is he only gets worse but look at him as if he were what he could be, then he becomes what he should be and then Mr.
Washington, you challenged me and I want to challenge you right now to raise your goals and I want you to shake the hand of someone to your right. and I left him, look him in the eyes and say stretch, yeah, look, I think you really have to work to figure your stuff out. I think we really have to start experimenting with life and I said you have something special. I don't say that just to be polite, you see. I don't think there are many people who come to seminars and workshops and see their program of this nature.
Why I think most people are simply satisfied with where they are. I am a reminder of a man who was walking down the street one day, he passed by his porch where there were some people on the porch talking, there was a dog whining and whining and he was curious why the dog was whining and whining and he came back. and he said, um, excuse me, ask the owner why the dog is from the morning. God said because he's lying on a nail, you say, well, why would he get off? It's just that it doesn't hurt enough for him to cum, it just hurts enough to moan and groan.
How many of you know people who should be here raise your hands please? How many of you know people? All they do is edge and grow well in the morning, adults. I'm not making enough money. I was born and grew up. I'm not happy with my job 87 percent of people go to jobs they hate and on top of that, as we know, we have the dubious distinction in this country that on Monday morning the heart attack rate increases by more than 35 percent. cent on Monday morning between six in the morning. 'watch and nine people go to jobs they hate with their hearts they said no I told you I didn't want to go and attack you some of you don't want to go to work next Monday so here's the thing so you want to find out what it is you experience with life and you discover what suits you you have something special you will have greatness within you you have the ability to do more than you can imagine look I believe that anyone through observation and practice can function at the level of Excellence, but when you seek your greatness , it's worth writing, you don't know what your limits are and you act like you don't have them, so I'm telling you that you have something special. have greatness within you and I want to make clear four things number one, everything I am going to tell you you already know if I share it, the message that I am going to express to you right now and share with you if so, it is not part of who you are anymore. you wouldn't be in the audience that's number one that's not that's very important it's already in you I'm just going to confirm and validate that which is part of you anyway the second thing is Everything I'm going to tell you you've heard before from people who in terms of degrees and university credentials I cannot compare to their common sense, but it is not a common practice.
The third thing is that I don't want you to agree with Me and I don't want you to believe me. I just want you to be open to some things right now. I want you to think beyond what is commonly allowed and I'll tell you what I'm doing. I want you to think. in your goals and I want to tell you what I am going to do now my goal is to overcome your mind, that is my whole challenge and there is nothing you can do about it. I'll do that. The task was to appear. My task is to go beyond your mind and into your heart once you think about the goals you want to achieve and I really want to challenge you to decide that you are going to make that happen. for you and I hope it's some goal that really resonates with who you are when I was a little kid my goal was just to buy food for our family my mom worked in Miami Beach she was a domestic worker and my goal was to really be able to go to the supermarket and buy food ourselves, the families knew that my mother had adopted seven children, so they said that maybe any food left over after eating could be taken home with the children, they were very kind. very very considerate people the mother my mother when I worked in Miami Beach the people were very kind I appreciated the generosity but when I was a child I said mom, one day when I am older I will be able to buy food for us my goal when I was a child to buy clothes for my brothers and sisters we used the children's used clothes that mom had when she went to Miami Beach and if the clothes were too small she would let them out and if they were too big mom could sew them and pick them up and I will never forget David Siderski, his father was very rich .
Mom worked for him, but David is my friend, so his father gave her two gifts for his birthday. He gave you a new boat, but he also gave you some motivational ribbons. Earl Nightingale, I'll never forget it, so David said, man, let me tell you something, when I die, you'll get everything. I want you to listen to these tapes. and when his father left the room, David threw those tapes in the trash can. I said to David, could I have those tapes? He said yes. I told. Man, your dad said if you listen to this, you can get one and do more than he's done. look you get everything anyway go ahead take them I thought I told my children I'm not going to leave them anything do you know if I had a room and I thought I was going to die I swallow it write this is not what your children are leaving for is what what you leave in them not what you leave in them what you leave in them no, not at all, I won't tell you something else happened, I never forget it Mom came home one day and said: Leslie David sent you a new pair of shoes that he bought her his father. to him I said oh mom, thank you very much, I can't wear David's shoes and why do you tell my friend that you know I wear a size nine and a half, he wears a size nine, she said, guys, shut up, sit down and put on those shoes.
I got some Vaseline and she went in there and my sister started rubbing the Vaseline on my feet and she told me to run some water in the bathtub and she won't go in there and put your feet in those shoes and they don't match. with the heel. He said mom, don't shut up, boy, don't crush your heel down and then he made me get in the bathtub. Mom, these shoes hurt, he said, get in there and walk in the water and I'm walking around the bathtub and then he tried to distract me. She knew what she was doing, how did you do it?
What did you do at school today? I did well, did you have any fights? No,Lady, do you know that you fought well with someone? I only hit three people today and then after a while she said how are you. I said, well, they hurt, do they hurt that much? They were before no man feel a little better keep walking keep walking and then after a while when the leather absorbed the water the leather started stretching to a perfect nine and a half do you think the Fortune 500 companies started to talk about doing? more with less my mother has been doing that for a long time, it's amazing what you can do, but who would have thought that someone looking at this child and these seven children would have thought and I look at you, I said, you have greatness within you.
I have the ability to do more than you can imagine. No one could have convinced me that I would be doing what I am doing now. You know, the easiest thing I do every year is join a sales organization and grow dramatically. their sales or go to a prison and allow prisoners to see themselves differently and teach them the methods and techniques to connect to the system or motivate young people to begin to see how they can have a vision of themselves and your future and adapt to that. The easiest thing I do is train a speaker to help them leverage their experience as a speaker and say, look, talking about the projection of who you are, not who you think you should be, and coming with power from a platform, that's what easier.
What I have done in my life, let me share with you the hardest thing I have done in my life, the hardest thing I have done in my life was believe that I can do what I am doing now, no one could have convinced me just given my circumstances I won million dollars every year no one could have convinced me if both of my parents had come here right now I wouldn't know neither of them no one could have convinced me to be labeled mentally educatable born an abandoned building an apartment in the poor Liberty City section of Miami Florida failing school twice with no college training never worked for a big corporation didn't know I can do what I'm doing now never forget Mike Williams my mentor one I think a lot of people feel in life because of the fact that they need a little bit of tutoring they need some training, repeat it to me please, you need it, you need some training, yes, look, see, look, you can't see the picture when you're in the frame.
I remember Mike saying less, you can make this bike, huh? Mike, man, wait a minute, Mike, how much less am I going to be able to charge Mike? Well, you could sign out for a thousand dollars an hour, Mike, I don't do that working for two weeks, come on. Mike Mike, man, I appreciate you believing in me, Mike, look, Mike, I worked for the Miami sanitation department. I've been a garbage collector, you know, you know, I've done door-to-door sales, that was cool, you know? I'm here as a disc jockey, that's good, Mike, but Mike, I don't think I can do that any less than you, but Mike, I don't have any credentials, I've never, never written any books, nothing, man.
I'm not rich, how can I teach someone to do something I've never done? But Les, why don't you test yourself? something i realize write this sometimes you will have to believe in someone's faith in you until your belief takes effect I respect Mike Williams listen to this young man he saw something in me that I didn't see in a strong analytical mind and I looked at him, I always respected his way of thinking and he looked at me and made me feel special and I said, "it's okay, Mike," and I kept holding on to what Mike told me.
I continued to cling to what Mr. Washington told me. I kept clinging to my mother saying you're special, Leslie, when they said you're mentally teachable. Mom didn't know what that meant, she only had a third grade education, so she said he'll be fine with your hot head. behind, he'll be fine, but she said, you're special, baby, you're special, and then they kept saying that over and over again faith comes from hearing, hearing, hearing, so this is what I want you to do, let's say it together like you think about your goals and your dreams let us stay together it is possible together please mean it thank you write that look look most people never achieve their goals because most people suffer from possibility blindness they look around they look around around you trying to think about the things you don't have Robert Roots, a young man who wrote a book about the principles of success in The Three Little Pigs, said that it's not what you don't have, it's what you think you need that prevents you from being successful. or be happy in Life is not what you don't have.
I always focused on what I didn't have. I don't have a college degree. I don't have credentials. I never worked for a major corporation. I focused on the negative and said negative. Things are the things you see when you are not focused on your goal. What do you come with? What is it that you have inside of you that you showed up to bring? Hey, you don't know this, but my dream is a long shot. A friend of mine, Dexter Yeager, said that when the dream is big enough, the odds don't matter. I remember a great man when he was reading Time magazine talking about some of the great minds of the last century that they didn't mention.
His name is Dr. Howard Thurman, one of the mentors of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and also an advisor to Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer and he said that the ideal situation for a man or woman to die is to have family members standing around from their bed praying with them as they come across, but imagine if you are on your deathbed and standing around your bed, the dreams that life gave you, the ideas that you never put into practice, the talents, the gifts, the abilities that you never used and there they are standing around your bed looking. towards you with big angry eyes saying that we came to you and only you could have given us life and now we must die with you forever and the question is if you died at this very moment, what will die with you, what dreams, what ideas, what talents, what leadership. potential what greatness you appeared to the brain that you allowed fear or procrastination to stop you maybe that's why Henry David Thoreau wrote the word oh God to reach the point of death only to realize that you have never lived only to realize I have never scratched the surface of your potential, repeat after me, please, with a feeling of power and conviction.
I refuse to die and stop living life. Yes. Shake hands with someone to your right and left and say Live your dream. Yes. I think we should all figure it out. I refuse to die. and stop living, don't worry about art, you'll survive one in 40 million sperm, you'll never have those odds again, you beat those odds, you can win anything, here's something else, stop most people, You know what failure is, let us stay. together I will fail my way to success yes, write that I will fail my way to success see eight in 10 millionaires have been financially bankrupt 85 percent of people allow their fear of failure to overcome their desire to succeed and I believe that the reason most people get this far in life and stop Maya Angelou said it best, she wrote a poem, she said most people get this far in life and then they park, they get off the mark. highway of life, especially when they take a few hits, especially when they have been rejected especially if they have an illness, especially if they lose something, they talk and I go further, they don't even turn on the emergency lights, it's not because they are broken, they don't want no one does it. stop and say hey look here i have some jump cables in my trunk you need a jump hey look here's a gas station up ahead about three or four miles i have a jack i can take you there and get some gas oh no i'm well I had a talk show once and the fastest and highest rated canceled talk show in the history of television, well at least I had one and I was excited to know when I got into television, years ago, television It was based on conflict and controversy, so I said: I want a solution-oriented talk show, the first concept of its kind, high ratings and the union said you're lucky, come on, let's do this other type of show, you can be a Jerry Springer, oh no, that's not why I came here no, I think we live in the best country in the world where we have to hold ourselves to certain standards.
I'm not going to come here and sell who I am. I'm not going to give in. I'm not going to lower my standards for you, no, that's not the reason I showed up and then they fired me, security, take it out. I said I can walk alone, but let me tell you what happened. I got hit and parked, it wasn't like that. I don't have the capacity to do more. My concept was good, but what happened when I got hit when they canceled the show? I canceled when they said the show was going to be pulled from television.
It will not work. I tell myself the less you can. I didn't have success on television and I parked, you know what I did. I returned to my comfort zone as a motivational speaker at least. I'm doing better than most people. That's nothing to compare yourself to the worst other people do and then do. feel better no I spoke up I didn't have my emergency lights on I didn't want to show up on the radar I would pump you know how long I parked I parked for 10 years do you hear me now unlike Regis Philbin when his shows were canceled he kept going He went on and got other shows I bet someone gave him a push someone said hey you need a ride I didn't even make that an option for me I got off the highway I went back to my conference area and parked the show fell off and I identified myself as a failure and yeah, something happened one day just flipping channels watching PBS and I saw Wayne Dyer, my friend Wayne Dyer, and well, I said, wait, we're.
We are both 60 years old Wayne is still doing it wow, the little furry one has the gray on him, he is still there. I said, hey, I have more things in me. I have another PBS special in me. I have other ideas, you know, Oprah. and I feel like they're doing my thing maybe I need to come back here and I came back and started calling PBS and different people I said Les what happened to you? I said well, I didn't know if anyone would be interested or not. on me because the show was canceled no no you had some good ideas and when they said yes we would love to do a show with you I told you what they said yes and when I got into the studio and the people who worked for 10 years ago They were still there I said guys, you know, you haven't said yet, we got it, you got it, I said, I think so, you know, and I did the show and it wasn't as good as it was 10 years ago. because I was off the road I had gone off the road of life I've been parked for so long it's taking me some time to get my strength back to find my power to get my confidence back but at least I'm back out there in the game determined to dry up empty so I tell you, you see, I only attract millionaires or millionaires in training, I will only make it so that in one minute you will have something special, you will have greatness within you and the only reason you are here is my task, you can feel me , some of you feel me here in Your Heart of heart and my goal is to get past your mind and into your heart, so you need to have the mindset that I can do this. start believing and strengthen that belief and feed that belief by listening to tapes going to seminars workshops challenging yourself stretching it was Osborne who said unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered you will never grow and as you begin to challenge yourself to yourself, you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now.
The other thing is that you start looking at yourself, at your dreams and start again experiencing and moving towards your greatness. one of the things that is very important, whatever goals and dreams you have, repeat after me, please make your move before you are ready. You are priced, preachers of a great motivator and coach, they said, make your move before you are ready. You are instructed in life to walk by faith and not by saying, Look, you really want to start working hard. You want to become a risk taker. You want to raise the bar for yourself.
Most people won't do it. You see that most people engage in low things. life living at risk living this God said if you are not willing to take risks you cannot grow and if you cannot grow you cannot become the best and if you cannot become the best you cannot be happy and if you cannot be happy then, What else is there? I like what Helen Keller said, life is short and unpredictable, eat dessert first, so you want to start taking some risks, you want to start challenging yourself and make it okay to feel and learn from your failures, don't do it. you do. let the fear of failure and the allure the allure of playing it safe in life attract you you can't get out of life alive you have to die to get out of here foreigner

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