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The Forgotten Vanoss Crew Members

Apr 14, 2024
Vanoss Crew, a very popular gaming group that has millions of subscribers and views. Now when we think about who's in the group, we can all name these guys Vanoss H2O Delirious Wildcat. What if I told you that there are other


in the group? New subscriber


. You won't have a clue who I'm talking about or maybe OG subscribers will remember. Join me as I tell you who the Forgotten Vanoss team members started with. So close to the toast. So close to the toast. He created his channel on June 16, 2011. The reason Toast first created his channel was to upload beatboxing videos and after uploading a few dozen Toast started uploading gaming videos in 2012, a new era of content started to become popular on YouTube and that type of content was Black Ops 2 trolling and The reason why there was so much trolling in Black Ops 2 was because it was the most social Call of Duty game due to the forced in-game chat, so that Toast decided to troll and beatbox in Black Ops 2 to get reactions from other players and then go first.
the forgotten vanoss crew members
Well how are you? After uploading these videos to his channel, one day he started collaborating and making Vanoss Crew videos. However, toast did not appear in many Vanoss Crew videos, instead toast was limited to making solo gaming trolling and beatboxing videos. From time to time, Toast would play with them in games like GTA, but it was mostly limited to Beatboxing content, as that was his passion. The content the host uploads to his channel now are mostly reaction videos to Beatboxing content and to be honest, it's hard to say that Toast's channel died. Knowing a channel that has 1 million subscribers and only gets a couple thousand video views obviously means it's better, however in my opinion Toaster's channel was never a huge success, it only had nine videos out of a thousand and I got more than 1 million views.
the forgotten vanoss crew members

More Interesting Facts About,

the forgotten vanoss crew members...

It seems like the host doesn't really care about the views and only uploads them to the channel because he personally likes making videos, so why did he stop playing with Vanoss Crew? Well actually toast made a video explaining why he stopped playing with them and to sum it up toast. He basically explains that he wasn't as close to the group and more neutral with everyone and the second reason was because he was just uploading content to his channel that was different from the others. What happened was that over time some people became interested. other things, some people were doing other things outside of YouTube and they started to stray and then me personally it was like I had my own channel, something unique that didn't revolve around games and fun moments, but it revolved around games and beatboxing, but mainly beatboxing, that was the only thing that attracted people to my channel initially and with them they were all making these funny moments, montage type videos, so whoever substituted one person to like them all and it was over.
the forgotten vanoss crew members
What happens is that their group became tighter and obviously when that happens it's very difficult to get in and this is like me in high school. I was always a neutral person in high school. He was friends with everyone, so yeah, that was pretty close to the toast now. I don't think anyone watching this knows who Velocity is, but if you're a fan of the OG Vanoss Crew, you might remember who Velocity is. I just showed you his GTA 5 character now, like he's not that close to toast speed. In fact, in many Vanoss Crew videos he stopped appearing in them at the end of 2014.
the forgotten vanoss crew members
The videos where the speed can be found are in the Old Black Ops 2 zombie videos, but mainly in GTA 5 and in almost all videos about the speed shown in him he never really uttered a word, I don't know exactly why that was, but he was there in the background, the only time I can record speed saying something in a Vanoss Crew video was in a Vanoss Crew video. GTA 5, okay, I shine my light. We'll walk over there and fall right in, okay, and then we'll swim and fall and swim at the same time and we'll notice that right below us is a big pipe, okay?
We'll swim to that pipe and once we reach it we'll fall again, but this time we'll fall straight up, flying straight up, that was the most confusing set of instructions I've ever heard in my entire life. so confused now that I've lost, he had a YouTube channel where he uploaded gaming videos, however even on them he barely spoke, in fact I don't think Velocity ever wanted to be on YouTube just judging his content if you watch any of His videos have very simplistic editing, they have no thumbnails and in the videos he made with the Vanoss Crew he barely said anything, maybe when the speed was playing with them and he saw how everyone was growing he decided to try YouTube himself, but I guess that It just didn't work.
The funny thing is that the last videos I lost and uploaded were videos against a YouTuber named tjv who was involved in covering the drama between Ohm Wrecker and Vanoss Crew and I believe Velocity made these videos to defend Louis Caliber that he was arguing. with tjv about the accusations that were made against Louis so yeah that was the speed this heart attack was another YouTuber who used to play with Vanoss Crew, he had created a channel on May 13, 2011 and uploaded videos trolling people in Black Ops 2. I like being so close to toasting, however, instead of Beatboxing in Black Ops 2, she was taunting players for getting killed by a girl. explode and she began appearing in Vanoss videos, such as stealth tactics, a series of videos where the Vanoss Crew played Black Ops 2, but instead of fighting the enemy team, they hid from them whenever they could. look well, badass badass's right leg goes under his right arm now it was just that guy crawling from behind, cuter, you're looking at me, however, after black ops 2 became last year's card and they appeared the ghosts of Call of Duty, remember that Miss Heart Attack piece decided to keep making control videos where Vanoss Crew decided to move on to different games like Gary's modern GTA, so that's the reason why he doesn't play with the group, in fact, I don't think she ever considered it. be on the team and instead just wanted to collaborate with them on Black Ops 2.
So he continued uploading gaming videos, however, his channel started to decrease in number and I think the reason is because he still uploaded trolling videos of Black Ops 2. until 2017, when the game had been out and dead for five years, then disappeared from YouTube for five years, but returned several months ago to announce that it is streaming on Twitch; however, their numbers aren't as big as they were several years ago, so yeah, that was Miss Heart Attack, now it's weird to include the silent droid on this list because the silent droid has recently played with the Vanoss Crew, well, no. recently like five months ago, but I decided to include it on this list because the silent droid has barely appeared in any videos with them.
In recent years, a Silentroid created his channel in August 2012 and, since he was so close to toasting Miss's heart attack, he began uploading Black Ops 2 trolling videos, however, Black Ops 2 was not the that people remember from Silentroid. for her GTA 5 videos where she played a Mexican character who made very gay comments and acted very suspicious when playing with the team Hey guys, guess where we're going tonight, where are we going, uh, where are we going? Yeah, Carlos, man, that's your date. that's the guy you met on cockatoos last weekend, so I saw that an Adroid would continue to upload GTA 5 videos and appear in Vanoss Crews videos until 2016, when he started getting really inactive on his channel.
Now I don't know why this was the case but he suddenly started having a very inconsistent upload schedule, maybe he just didn't care about YouTube anymore and his inconsistency on his channel led to him barely appearing in any videos and that was until 2021 where the silent droid had uploaded a video to his channel called my channel is dead where he explained why he had stopped uploading it. I'm making this video to let everyone know that my channel passed away, it's dead, there is no mass, it's my attacker's fault, we don't even know. come back to life if it was in Dragon Ball Z it's super dead yes, but it's my fault I only uploaded like three videos a year the bad thing is there is a reason but I feel like that should be its own video I'm not sure when at some point when I feel it I'm ready to share, but I will say that one of the reasons has to do with the fact that I doubt myself a lot every time I have an idea for a video or want to record something that sounds good.
I keep thinking and thinking, "That's how good this is." Even entertaining or fun, in the end I think no, this is crazy, so I just stop and keep thinking about what else I can do, something that is fun, but in the end it will have the same results, so it's all like no . I don't think it's funny and that's what I mean, it'll make you guys say oh right they're funny no I feel like I'm not that entertaining that's why I live so much on my posts after this video started. upload videos to the channel again until September 2021 where he disappeared again until now he has not uploaded videos in over a year and I don't want to say that this is the last time we will see Droid because it is a recurring thing that Droid does it, yes that was a silent droid for your racing cat creator channel on May 22, 2012 and again, for the fourth time, like almost everyone on this list, he started his career by uploading Black Ops 2 videos, but for me and probably everyone others.
I remember him from being in


gaming's GTA 5 videos and also like everyone else I mentioned, Racing Cats was only in some of the cruiser videos, he wasn't an active member, you would see a lot if we look at Racing Cat's past. From the content we can see that he was not very active on his YouTube channel and made videos with very simplistic editing. Racing Cats would continue to upload to their channel until 2016 where they disappeared for four years until their return in 2020. Racing Cats is now back. on YouTube and he is actually recording and making videos with the team again, however the last time he uploaded them was six months ago, maybe the reason he left is because his videos don't view very well, honestly no I know.
Since he never made a statement as to why he was gone, those were the Forgotten members who used to play with the Vanoss Crew. Now I'm very aware that there were a few more members that I didn't include in this video, like Mexicutioner and Mrs. May and the reason I didn't include them is because they all have the same story: they started out playing Black Ops 2 with a bunch of videos for the team and then they stopped being active on their channels or went on to do their own thing on YouTube, so yeah, I hope you enjoyed this video and as always, I'll see you in a bit of a foreign language.

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