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Top 20 Greatest Fictional Languages

Apr 25, 2024
This video was brought to you by Exploding Minions, a new card game from Exploding Kittens, get it now at Welcome to watchmojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20



​​for this list. The best



​​in the media made from books, movies or games. What fictional language would you learn? Let us know in the comments number 20. Nadsat, a clockwork orange. Anthony Burgess' classic 1962 novel depicts a dystopian world where teenage gang violence runs rampant. a unique argo called natsat a type of slang used by drugs you globby bottle of cheap, stinky oil nadsat incorporates elements of Russian and German Cockney among various other influences Burgess' goal was to create a group-specific language that could be timeless as that slang transforms naturally As cultures change, the real horror poured from Durango 95 shows a nice, warm feeling of vibration throughout your brave words.
top 20 greatest fictional languages
Stanley Kubrick's adaptation introduces natsat phrases into the character's dialogue, although it is not as prominent as in the book. This slang helps emphasize anti-social behavior by creating a wall between sociopathic teenagers and everyone else oh, the old molecule blinks first when I'm outside 19. pack tongue the harry potter franchise yes, harry the snake can understand you thanks to A few precious wizards and witches in the Harry Potter universe are endowed with tongues, an ability that allows them to communicate with the snakes in the books. The tongues generally take the form of a hiss, as most people do not.
top 20 greatest fictional languages

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top 20 greatest fictional languages...

You can understand it and probably won't even notice it. The films opted for a more cinematic and striking approach, giving the language a unique and identifiable sound, as this ability is associated with characters such as Voldemort and the magical community is not free from prejudice. The language on the package tends to attract a negative reaction. Number 18 Cybertronian languages. The Transformers franchise, whether comics, cartoons, games or live action. Action movie Transformers usually stay in English even when they are on Cybertron and no humans are found. We must reach them if we hope to survive Optimus. This is our home.
top 20 greatest fictional languages
We have to fight for him throughout the history of the franchise. Flashes of different languages ​​have been provided. which have been used by the transformers mainly in the form of glyphs and background data, are covered with inscriptions, too bad none of us read the old autobot transformers movie 2007 gave sound to this language with the decepticons communicating with each other in what which is presumably a form of cybertronian to the human ear the live action cybertronian is indecipherable a mix of futuristic sounding noises that are almost impossible for a non-transformer to replicate verbally number 17 atlante atlantis the lost empire the 2001 disney epic, often forgotten, it combines science fiction and fantasy, but there is also an element of history there a scenic peak we are at the peak for Atlantis the lost empire an Atlantean language was created one that could be spoken and also written that is because it was written in a dialect that no longer exists oh it's useless no, not just difficult, I spent my entire life studying dead languages ​​as a root dialect that Atlantean incorporates common aspects of many different languages, which goes some way to explaining why the natives of Atlantis They can speak French and English.
top 20 greatest fictional languages
The diary goes back to ancient dialects, Atlantis, the lost empire, revolves around the preservation of a shrinking culture and that enters the language that only the Atlanteans and Milo can speak. Pineapple. The Watership Down franchise. Richard Adams' complex Watership Down follows anthropomorphic rabbits seeking to survive after the destruction of their home. the animals have a well-developed culture a language was created to bring to life the unique experiences and perspectives of the rabbits flith made all the animals and birds and at first she made them all the same now among the animals was ella ferreira the prince of rabidos Lapine it comes down mostly to a handful of chosen words, many of which sound eerily natural despite being made up like Watership Down.
It's a heartbreaking story that warps its cartoonish surroundings into something that feels real, who knows what kind of allele dominates. Now Lapine plays an important role. crucial part in bringing the rabbits to life, establishing them as a defined society with history, norms and beliefs number fifteen, urban language, the Blade Runner franchise, Blade Runner imagines a future driven by megacorporations and Ridley Scott's film has served as a species model for many subsequent cyberpunks. The settings in this alternate universe of Los Angeles have become a fusion of cultures, most of which are just superficial imitations of what they used to be an amalgam, as the street language combines Japanese, French, Hungarian, German, Spanish and Chinese when preparing for his hook role in the original sword.
Racer Edward James almost used his experience in different languages ​​to create City Talk, his new dish. Retired number 14. Gould. The Stargate franchise was showcased in the 1994 film before expanding further in the subsequent series. Gold is the language spoken by Well the Gold, a parasite. race with a disgusting history of destroying worlds that do not submit to nocteal gail, renounce apophis as a false god and join us in our liberation from this world and I will forgive you until now this language reflects the history and nature of gold as It is believed to be based on the mother tongue of the Unes, the first race to fall victim to Charmel parasites as far as humanity is concerned.
This language inspired the ancient Egyptians and is also spoken by the Jaffa, who are humans enslaved by gold. you challenge me very well number 13 newspeak 1984. language is powerful and in the wrong hands dangerous george orwell's 1984 presents one of the most sinister examples of a fictional language, since Newspeak is designed entirely to shape and limit the freedom of the people of Oceania in the book Ingsoc the English socialist party is still in the process of perfecting Newspeak, but its impact can already be seen double and good. Once Newspeak is complete, you will have a lexicon with a small selection of simple words that leave no room for interpretation or critical analysis.
It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of basically Newspeak words. It is a form of mind control and is double effective plus a good three year plan number 12. Game of Thrones Valerian who serves as a sort of substitute for the Roman Empire in the universe of A Song of Ice and Fire The influence of the Valyrian dominion may still be being felt hundreds of years after its collapse, while it is mentioned in books. HBO's Game of Thrones adaptation created a functional High Valyrian language by introducing it in season 3. High Valyrian does not have much use in modern-day Essos or Westeros and is generally only spoken. by scholars and some noble diners similar to latin high valyrian influenced future languages ​​and dialects that are collectively known as low valyrian the divine language the fifth element known as the divine language manda chiwen is spoken by lilu throughout the fifth element developed by luke bisson and consisting of a few hundred words, the director and mila yovovich were the only two people who could speak the language at the beginning, what is he saying?
I don't know, I activated the phonic detector at the end of filming, Bissau and Jovovich became quite fluent, even being able to write. letters in the language In the universe, the divine language is associated with the Manda Chiwen race and is said to have been spoken before time existed, but war is coming. The stone is no longer safe in the earth. It may sound like Lilu is speaking gibberish, but every word means something. number 10, the sims franchise often creates a fictional language to increase immersion, but sometimes it can serve a different purpose, as the sims franchise simulates life, so the sims must be able to speak in the games, however, since the developers can only record a finite amount of voice lines things would eventually become repetitive as in response to this simlish a gibberish dialect was created so that the sims wouldn't be endlessly spitting out the same lines in english. hey you know if you didn't I'm a foreign link dating back to until 1996 the simcopter has become a staple of the sim brand oh bright flyme ulam in search of fire said in prehistoric times in search of fire follow The Ulem tribe's attempt to protect and then reclaim their flame Anthony Burgess of a Clockwork Orange fame was brought to create a language for the tribe that would go beyond the cartoonish growls typically associated with cavemen.
Ulam speak mostly short phrases accompanied by physical gestures, allowing the language to appear strained and primitive. The ulam do not use speech as their main source of communication. and the language differs depending on the tribe despite seeming quite simple ulem is a complex language number eight minionese the despicable me franchise the minions driven by gru antics have surpassed the despicable me movies and their cute language is one of the reasons why it usually takes phrases from real languages ​​like english, spanish or even chinese and adds some unique touches to give them a marketable edge lisa milipo pomodoro la comquit the result is a language that flows well because it doesn't sound too foreign to the ear and usually It makes sense within the context.
From one scene, the minions are adorable, easily amused creatures and their language resembles that of a small child just learning to express themselves. The Elder Scrolls franchise, in this case the language is literally power, introduced in 2011's Skyrim. Dovazule is the language of dragons when dragons became less prominent. Dovahzul. Its relevance has diminished, although some people can still speak it. The most interesting feature of dragon language is that learning certain three-word phrases unlocks powers called shouts, of which there are over 20 in Skyrim. It is even possible to learn to speak the given language. you won't be able to unleash your own furo da unless you're a dragon hey that's rules number six black speech the lord of the rings franchise tolkien practically wrote the book on creating fictional languages ​​and more than a few showed up In Middle Earth, although not the most commonly heard or fully developed language in the Lord of the Rings universe, Black Speech sealed its legacy through the inscription on a ring, the language being that of Mordor. black speech contrasts well with the other languages ​​created by tolkien, including elvish. and the dwarven language of causeull, although pure black speech is mainly limited to two lines, some orcish dialects are partially derived from it.
Peter jackson's films adopted an interpretation of black speech that sought to incorporate tolkien's initial vision for language number five dothraki game of thrones. Like the other fictional languages ​​on HBO's Game of Thrones, Dothraki was developed by David J. Peterson, who expanded on glimpses provided by George R. Martin in the books. During the show's run, the language grew to contain thousands of words. Dothraki words like khaleesi have become ingrained in pop culture and the series does a great job of showing Daenerys' gradual adoption of the language, considering that began as a few loose phrases, the fact that Game of Thrones transformed Dothraki into a functional language. is nothing less than an impressive number four iwakis the star wars franchise return of the jedi marked the debut of the ewok tribal bears who proved to be cute and controversial in equal measure instead of creating a language from scratch star wars looked to real life When creating Ewokies specifically the East Asian Halmik was one of the biggest influences on the Iwakis, as actors would repeat phrases from the language to create a dialect that sounded strange, at least to Western ears, as such there are only a handful of official iwaki phrases, although the vocabulary increases significantly.
If you take the expanded universe into account and let's not get us started on the complexities of huti's number three navi avatar for the avatar james cameron wanted to create a language for the navi people, a venture that was accepted by american professor paul fromer the language fictional had to hit the sweet spot of sounding completely foreign but also being relatively easy to learn and pronounce for both the human characters in the universe and the actors with over 2000 words. Navi has a well-established syntax and rules that make it one of the most complete fictional languages ​​in movies with more avatar movies in the works, the navi language has continued to grow with each passing year expanding along withthe number two Klingon franchise, the star trek franchise, how many fictional languages ​​can boast multiple dictionaries, an opera, and even an institute dedicated to them the official language of Klingon made its debut in 1979 Star Trek the movie the same movie that also expanded the vulcan house of alert south coast klingon was developed into a structured language for 1984 the search for spock by mark oakrand designed to be Difficult to speak Klingon sounds emphatically strange and uniquely combines aspects of human languages ​​among fictional languages.
Klingon is one of the most commonly learned and serves as a testament to the enduring popularity and influence of Star Trek. Before we continue make sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to receive notifications about our latest videos, you have the option to receive notifications for occasional videos or for all of them, if you are on your phone make sure to go into your settings and turn on notifications number one, elven, the lord of the rings franchise, tolkien. the fascination with languages ​​served as the backbone of Middle-earth and Elvish was the author's masterpiece in this area, as elves are a diverse race.
Elvish refers to multiple languages, with Quenya and Cindarin being the most complete. Developed Quenya is associated with the high elven language used by the Sundar ah amen and so far the legendary courtesy of the elves, sweet words that all we can understand. Tolkien used Elvish to explore how language develops over time and this project began long before The Lord of the Rings or even The Hobbit were published. Peter Jackson's films adapted Tolkien's dialects, further cementing Elvish as languages. iconic fictitious this video was brought to you by exploding minions a new exploding kittens card game get it now at

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