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There's a Golf Imposter in Minecraft...

May 14, 2024
writing it, my ball jumps with joy. Where I went? Wait. Where are you? Hey oh we want to win take off your blouse okay sorry you have a nice blouse though yeah yeah right he doesn't line up at all man he turned and looked at me in Minecraft. Because? he's making that look at that playerturn oh no, he's shut up sorry, why are we both gasping? It's




gas bet you can't park from here to that block if he can't I can't, he won't let me, I won we have egg on your face, right, oh, he's the dog, yeah, 'cause that was possible from that angle, okay, sure, no, what are we looking at that Sunday the 38th?
there s a golf imposter in minecraft
You all are on hill 47. you have 50 people, that's 47. get out of my way, okay, I'm going to start putting it together I promise, yeah, I'm sure you're a bit of a dough, how do you do this, this is really difficult, this one is impossible, I want to do a little more than half, a little more than half. Sit down buddy, now I know this, are you okay? A little more than half of the shit. I got lost and wait, weird, upload that again, so stupid, how do you do this? I'm not talking about how you did it, okay, yeah, see you around. do it then okay, so I'll do more than half I guess like this brother, okay, this is going to be impossible.
there s a golf imposter in minecraft

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there s a golf imposter in minecraft...

I'm going to wedgie full force, okay, full force, Reggie, let's see, let's not see any shit in my mouth, I have to get my ball back. up there, so it's fun, Max, yeah, that works. I think so. I think you need to be back here so you can speed it up. Yes, like that. Okay, now I'm going to do a little more than half. Look just to the right, a little bit halfway. of that bro okay we made some adjustments uh don't look at jack oh I really didn't just play a vlog oh good hit the ball sorry by the way okay oh my gosh weird ? why did you turn them into three YG idiots?
there s a golf imposter in minecraft
I've been through enough suffering stamps oh my god I'm sorry I didn't cheat enough if you wanted to make it hard because he's the


and he wants us to get points okay no that was just stupid that's the kind of block you put. bottom right I'm going to eat my lemon meringue pie and stoned oh weird okay okay I know who it is that was miserable 60 63 54. 92. I was born to go oh my god wait I'm losing my two now hmm, It's a little weird Hi Brent, welcome Brynn, okay let's see, it's Sunday Andy, okay, here we go, here we go.
there s a golf imposter in minecraft
I've been planning my entire life for this moment. Okay, not bad, not bad, no. I see the vision. I see the vision. It's just not a good view. at least the division interesting schedules um really cool Sound when you move your stupid ball get in there why are you back here? We're on the boat yeah, don't you know that's such a bad angle? Shut up, interesting, so you're literally still getting started. don't say interesting to anything that really isn't my fault stop staring at me oh my god it's okay I'm okay now do I have permission to go through this kind of block here?
It's literally your game, impostor boy, okay, all of us. I figured it out if you can't figure it out, look, ah, okay, okay, okay, okay, here we go, yeah, so if any of us mess up, don't wait, okay, it was okay. I took out the putter. Okay, okay, not too fast. I stole from you all you saw that okay let me let me show you how dad does it how much strength did they use I'm not helping you um and with full force it was definitely not with full force it was actually direct watch out it's not like I'm freaking out, you're driving your little one crazy so now I'm catching up no I'm just mad there you have it guys we're almost done prepare your final verdicts oh it's out who I'm voting for.
I know who I'm voting for and it's not me, you'll choose me and the rest of us will choose you son, why that only grows the game, it's not really me. I was just so wrong, uh, what, what, oh. It was almost got there, no, no, yeah, it hit the side, oh, we gotta finish this song. If I go this way, wait, wait, I'll make a putter right there, look at this, look at this, ready, set, set, as hard as it was. It's actually broken, okay, it's not bad enough. I'm going to copy exactly what you did, yeah I do my own, my own way, look at me, look at me what you know what you did, no I don't know, because I actually tried to aim, so don't do it. even try it, we already know it's so clean, no, there's a ball in the way, are you kidding me?
I wouldn't make it so obvious, that would be stupid, oh, it's my turn, yeah, nice, okay, so if I want to hit it there, I have to scroll. down there, okay, here we go, all in one, guaranteed, all in one, are you ready for this, are you ready for this, I know math, what you do is you send it completely right here, I sent it completely, I literally did completely clear. Down, okay, wait, I gotta find the hole, okay, there you tried to accuse me before it even hit, oh yeah, okay, look at this, look at this, get this out, ready, set, set, set, set, there's that in no, no, this here, oh, this is so close, so your side wedgie plus there's no time I said I was what huh, ha, ha, ha, okay, okay, definitely, definitely, definitely It's done, we did the same thing 64 81 77 We don't look very good right now, wait this is a holy place, how do you get there? oh, it has to go up and then up to the lighthouse on the fly, oh my god, cool, okay, I don't get it, no, oh, I don't get it.
I don't get it, I'm getting off this wall, right guys? Can I get permission to get off this wall and give you permission because no matter what I do, you guys eat me, but can it be that and then I swing you? guys can go is that was weird that was weird that's a little weird that's not he's not you don't even have a direct shot look that's good yeah I'm fine ok uh my turn was successful Phil there are no rules but you should have thought that This is your fault, I mean this is lined up because it's not him, wait how do I undo it? how do I undo it?
I'm doing it the cool way because I'm not an


and I'm trying to cheat. Okay, okay, look and go, yeah, that was great, that was fun, mine was better wait, how terrible, cute, beautiful, what a terrible angle, man, okay, look at me, look at me, look at me, uh, I quit, what did you do? Why is Pitbull player two online? He skipped shift, why did he know I quit? It clicked so fast God it broke it doesn't matter what the score was before it happened I don't even know uh not much he was in second place I think 72 yeah he was in second this is the last one let me see what you see , if we go, just press, go up from there to the end, so you send this with the driver, obviously, because that's the most obvious thing. but I'm not going to do that, I'm going to do it with uh this one, shout at me, just go here, wait, so you have to get it right, you didn't make it to the corner, no, oh, you made it to the corner, oh, yeah, yeah, okay , here we go. ready ready ah milk drinker hey okay I put it up there nice how much power does this blue thing have I don't know uh 11. okay turn it up hey that didn't have much power no, here we go oh you gotta be kidding me make that Biffle bro hey, and in three we send it and then that person will be removed, okay, I wrote my answer.
I got mine, three, two, a penny, oh oh, you guys are so dumb, wait, you're so dumb. If it ends in a tie, does that go to the imposter as an advantage to the imposter? No, no, the two people we voted for have to do it rock, paper, scissors rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors, okay, write it down. okay ready write it in three two one enter nine degrees Rock Paper Scissors Shoot okay okay yes and guess what I lost it you should have known I was lazy enough to do this no way different types of different things I knew it 100 I almost won but no you did it

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